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数字海底地形分割算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据不同海底地形特征,提出了基于多波束测量数据进行海底地形分割的"三态值模型"法,其步骤包括:将地形数据滤波和网格化;利用"3×3"差分算子计算各节点的梯度;利用最大梯度追踪算法检测正负地形与平缓地形的分界线;利用"三态值"算法识别正、负和平缓地形。应用该方法对胶州湾实验海区多波束实测数据处理结果表明,该方法切实可行,能够对数字海底地形准确地进行快速分割。  相似文献   
In this study the effects of the different rough porous beds in an open inclined channel are studied experimentally for impermeable and permeable porous bed.For the simulation of porous bed two different types of permeable bed with the same thickness(s' = 3 cm) and the same porosity ε=0.70 are used:(a) porous filters and(b) gravel bed.Laboratory experiments were used for the calculation of turbulent velocity profiles.Measurements of velocity were taken for inclined channel for three different slopes(S=-0.002,S=-0.004 and S=-0.006) and for five different flow depths(h=5 cm,7 cm,9 cm,11 cm and 13 cm).The total discharge Q varies from 0.78 to 1.31 1/s.The measurements were obtained using a two-dimensional(2D) Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV).The total discharge was estimated using a calibrated venture apparatus.Results showed that the presence of rough porous bed in inclined open channels influence significantly the turbulent characteristics of the flow in comparison with impermeable open channels with the same slopes.  相似文献   
LBS (location-based service) is a remarkable outcome of the development from GIS to geospatial information service. Faced by the requirements of geospatial information from the masses and the opportunity provided by the next generation Internet and Web 2.0, a new model of geospatial information service based on DMI (digital measurable image) is presented. First, the concept of LBS and the opportunities of Web 2.0 are introduced, then the characteristic of DMI is discussed. Taking the Image City·Wuhan as an ...  相似文献   
提出了融合多光谱影像、全色影像、DEM等多元遥感信息的断裂特征增强方法,建立了以地形和水体的空间特征变化为基础的断裂解译标志,解译并发现桂西北巴马-马山断裂带和右江断裂带之间存在一条北西向展布、长约40km的新的右江次级活动断裂,结合野外地震地质调查进行了验证。多元遥感信息融合处理中,将KL变换、HIS变换、乘积变换、比值变换、小波变换等融合方法进行了全面比较,对融合后影像进行主分量分析,确定了乘积变换融合的影像增强方法和解译底图,显著突出了活动断裂特征。  相似文献   
高分一号遥感影像地质灾害信息提取方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山区地质灾害发生频繁,受灾范围大,危害严重。提取地质灾害信息、估算受灾情况,对救灾工作极为重要。传统的遥感人工解译方法速度慢、效率低;计算机自动解译速度快但解译精度受影像质量影响大,大范围地区很难建立起普适性的解译模型。本文利用洮南市西部高分一号遥感数据,结合DEM生成三维影像,建立解译标志,解译基础地质信息,分析地质灾害成因;根据研究区泥石流地质灾害的主要影像特征,提取影像的分类属性,基于面向对象的分类方法,建立信息提取模型,快速提取出地质灾害敏感区域;再进行人机交互,精确提取出地质灾害的类型和范围,通过野外验证,该方法十分可靠,为大范围地质灾害信息快速提取和灾后救援提供科学依据。  相似文献   
An iterative algorithm to calculate mutual correlation using hierarchical key points and the search space mark principle is proposed. An effective algorithm is designed to improve the matching speed. By hierarchical key point algorithm and mutual correlation coefficients of the matching images, the important points can be iteratively calculated in the images hierarchically, and the correlation coefficient can be obtained with satisfactory precision. Massive spots in the parameter space which are impossible to match can be removed by the search space mark principle. Two approximate continuities in the correlation image matching process, the image gray level distribution continuity and the correlation coefficient value in the parameter space continuity, are considered in the method. The experiments show that the new algorithm can greatly enhance matching speed and achieve accurate matching results.  相似文献   
为解决无人机高光谱影像图幅较小的问题,通过计算高光谱影像各个波段的峰值信噪比筛选特征波段,基于SIFT(scale-invariantfeaturetransform)算法对筛选出的特征波段提取特征点并对特征点进行匹配,图像拼接过程中利用墨卡托投影(Mercator)纠正图像的变形,同时利用经纬度信息及重投影(Reproj)算法细化高光谱相机参数,从而实现大范围高光谱影像的拼接。为检验拼接高图像的光谱是否发生畸变,利用光谱角填图(spectralanglemapping,SAM)、波谱特征拟合分类法(spectralfeaturefitting,SFF)及二进制编码(binaryencoding,BE)3种方法对拼接前后的图像典型地物光谱进行分析。结果表明,拼接前后光谱畸变较小。  相似文献   
以红碱淖地区为研究对象,基于AdaBoost算法,将Landsat-8卫星OLI遥感影像谱间关系、NDVI、NDWI和K-T变换wetness等特征相结合,构造提取水体的强分类器,实现水体的快速精确提取。结果表明,组合后的分类器能有效提高单个分类器的分类精度,平均分类精度提高了5.15%。该算法说明了Landsat-8遥感影像的水体信息提取的可行性,为快速精确提取水体信息提供了新思路。  相似文献   
针对传统关系型数据库存储遥感影像的一些不足,探讨如何设计非关系型数据库影像存取管理系统,既能实现遥感影像的存储与管理,又可以节省开支与资源,力求以很小的代价实现遥感影像的有效存储与管理。通过不同数据库的对比验证,基于MongoDB的遥感影像的存储效率更高,并且支持对任意格式影像文件的高效存储,明显优于关系型数据库。  相似文献   
N-FINDR算法是一种广泛应用的端元提取算法。由于N-FINDR算法时间复杂度高导致此算法运行时间长,相关学者提出了迭代N-FINDR算法(IN-FINDR)。基于IN-FINDR算法及凸体几何性质,提出了一种候选像元迭代N-FINDR算法(CIN-FINDR)。实验结果表明,该算法时间复杂度较小,效率更高。  相似文献   
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