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Jamal Asfahani 《水文研究》2007,21(8):1085-1097
A resistivity survey is conducted in Khanasser Valley, a semi‐arid region in northern Syria, to delineate the characteristics of ground water affected by the salt‐water intrusion related to Al‐Jaboul Sabkha. Existing wells were used to measure salinity and conductivity of water samplings. Vertical electrical sounding was carried out near the existing wells. The combination of resistivity and hydrogeological data enables the establishment of empirical relationships between earth resistivity, water resistivity, and the amount of total dissolved solids. These relationships are then used in order to derive salinity maps for electrode spacings of 70, 100, and 150 m. The distribution of fresh, brackish and salt‐water zones and their variations in space along two longitudinal profiles (LP1 and LP2) are established through converting subsurface depth–resistivity models into different ground‐water areas. The constructed ground‐water area maps allow interfaces between different water zones to be determined. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
水文地质学的发展初期,实质上是找水水文地质学,到本世纪70年代,水资源成为水文地质学的主要问题。今天,与生态环境有关的水文地质问题的比重迅速增长,环境水文地质已成为水文地质学研究的核心问题。21世纪水文地质工作除应重视环境水文地质外,还应涉足城市地质、灾害地质、农业地质等新领域,也应在地热地质、旅游地质领域大力拓展。  相似文献   
陈伟海 《中国岩溶》2001,20(2):161-166
GIS技术为岩溶水文地质工作提供了先进的方法和手段,可以方便快捷地对大量的图、文数据进行综合管理、信息查询、检索和空间分析; 可以绘制任意方向和长度的地形剖面图、地下水位等值线图和三维立体模型图等;还可以对控制岩溶发育和地下水富集的构造、岩性等因素作出定量评价,圈出定井找水的有利地段。  相似文献   
In groundwater hydrology, aquitard heterogeneity is often less considered compared to aquifers, despite its significant impact on groundwater hydraulics and groundwater resources evaluation. A semi-analytical solution is derived for pumping-induced well hydraulics and groundwater budget with consideration of vertical heterogeneity in aquitard hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss). The proposed new solution is innovative in its partitioning of the aquitard into multiple homogeneous sub-layers to enable consideration of various forms of vertically heterogeneous K or Ss. Two scenarios of analytical investigations are explored: one is the presence of aquitard interlayers with distinct K or Ss values, a common field-scale occurrence; another is an exponentially depth-decaying aquitard Ss, a regional-scale phenomenon supported by statistical analysis. Analytical investigations reveal that a low-K interlayer can significantly increase aquifer drawdown and enhance aquifer/aquitard depletion; a high-Ss interlayer can noticeably reduce aquifer drawdown and increase aquitard depletion. Locations of low-K or high-Ss interlayers also significantly impact well hydraulics and groundwater budget. In the context of an exponentially depth-decaying aquitard Ss, a larger decay exponent can enhance aquifer drawdown. When using current models with a vertically homogeneous aquitard, half the sum of the geometric and harmonic means of exponentially depth-decaying aquitard Ss should be used to calculate aquitard depletion and unconfined aquifer leakage.  相似文献   
Historical evidence of early salinity, vegetation and landuse changes, and pedological studies have been used in formulating a new model for salinity processes acting on the Dundas Tableland in southwestern Victoria. Contrary to previous assumptions, salinity in this area was a feature of the pre‐European landscape and was noted in the earliest surveys and journals. Analysis of historical records show an initial post‐settlement increase in the tree numbers, followed by a rapid decline much later than previously assumed. Accumulation of salts in the regolith may be attributed to marine incursions during the Miocene and Pliocene, the extensive weathering to develop a deep regolith, and wind‐blown and cyclic salt accumulation. A trend analysis of historical streamflow and bore hydrograph records does not indicate rising groundwater levels. The pedological features of duplex and sodic soil profiles support a history of prolonged seasonal waterlogging. A model with seasonal lateral flow of water through the upper regolith can better account for the spread of salinity than the rising groundwater hypothesis. By control of waterlogging, land managers could improve soil structure, enhance root growth and soil water use, as well as inhibit the spread of salinity.  相似文献   
The application of multivariate statistical analyses of hydrochemical data has proved to bemost successful in the assessment of groundwater hydrochemistry, especially in situationswhere numerous samples are available. Fifteen (15) hydrochemical parameters were considered(pH, E.C., T.D.S., T.H, Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl, SO4, NO3, NO2, NH4, PO4) in 131 samplescollected from the alluvial aquifer of NE Korinthia, during May 1997. Simple and multipleregression, factor, and trend-surface analyses were applied in order to examine the importance ofeach parameter, investigate correlations among them, and separate them into groups. Statisticalfactors were selected and their geographical distribution was mapped. It was concluded thatuse of such methods reveal the prevailing evolutionary mechanisms of the studied system,thus enabling accurate and relatively quick hydrochemical assessments.  相似文献   
以资源一号02C(ZY1-02C)卫星数据为数据源,以GIS为数据处理平台,以遥感地质理论和水文地质理论为指导,将遥感技术应用于北京岩溶水资源勘查评价工程中。通过水文地质遥感解译和综合分析,优选了一处新的供水水源地,建立了适用于北方岩溶区的含水岩组和泉点的遥感解译标志,提出了基于GIS的水文地质分析方法,扩展了国产资源卫星数据的应用领域。  相似文献   
This study aims to characterise the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of the Parmelia aquifer and to understand controls on recent water-level changes as these are needed to underpin a quantitative analysis of recharge. The Parmelia aquifer, a layered sequence of sand, silt and discontinuous lenses of clay, receives diffuse rainfall recharge on its outcrop and groundwater recharge occurs across the Dandaragan Plateau at different rates. Water levels have risen steadily over the last three decades between 10 and 55 cm/y in response to the replacement of native vegetation with pasture and annual crops. The mean aquifer properties from sediment analyses indicate a very wide range of porosity (8.9 – 49.5 %) with an arithmetic mean of 26% and consequently a very broad range of specific yield (0.0004 – 0.4) with an arithmetic mean of 0.14. Groundwater in the Parmelia aquifer has an underlying meteoric origin with compositional changes due to reactions with silicate minerals and leaching of chloride that has concentrated in the soil by evapotranspiration. The hydrochemistry sampled at different depths and locations in the aquifer indicates that the groundwater is not well mixed, and variations arise due to relatively recent recharge that has undergone evaporation in some areas.  相似文献   
金沙江溪洛渡水电站环境水文地质综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溪洛渡水电站是我国西南地区的一座大型水电站,其规模仅次于三峡水利枢纽规模,在分析坝区水文地质条件的基础上,从温度场,同位素,水化学场以及岩体地下水动力条件等多角度解释了溪洛渡水电站坝区两岸地下水埋深水,局部温度和局部承压等异常现象,通过分析认为,坝址区水文地质工程条件良好,岩体透水性较弱,无水的控水构造,坝区不存在危害性的渗漏问题,坝基及两岸谷坡均有相对抗水介质存在。  相似文献   
Detailed study of a localised saline discharge zone in southeastern Australia shows that the salinisation is mostly due to the shallow water table (<1–2 m from the surface). Direct evaporation, particularly in summer, leads to extremely high soil–water salinities at the surface, even though the underlying groundwater is moderately fresh. Groundwater discharge is localised at a break of slope, where the water table intersects the surface, and where the transition from permeable sands to clay-rich sediments inhibits lateral groundwater flow. Higher salt concentrations build up in the clays because of the long residence times during which soil-waters are exposed to evapotranspiration and the reduced potential for salts to be flushed from the sediments. As a result the saline discharge area does not correspond to the part of the site with the largest salt store. Results of the study demonstrate that for dryland salinisation to occur, the groundwater beneath the discharge zone need not be saline, and the presence of a large salt store does not necessarily lead to problems of dryland salinisation if, as in the clay-rich sediments at the site, the salt lies below the pasture root zone. Furthermore, mobilisation of salt stores within low permeability sediments by rising groundwater may be minor.
Résumé L’étude détaillée d’une zone localisée d’émergence salée au sud-est de l’Australie montre que la salinisation est surtout due à la nappe phréatique (<1–2 m sous la surface). L’évaporation directe, particulièrement durant l’été, conduit à des salinités de l’eau du sol extrêmement élevées à la surface, même si l’eau souterraine sous-jacente est modérément douce. L’émergence de l’eau souterraine est localisée à la rupture de pente, là où la nappe phréatique rencontre la surface du sol et où la transition entre sables perméables et sédiments riches en argiles inhibe les écoulements d’eau souterraine latéraux. Les plus fortes concentrations en sel s’accumulent dans les argiles du fait de temps de résidence élevés, durant lesquels les eaux du sol sont exposées à l’évapotranspiration et à un lessivage réduit des sédiments. Il en résulte que l’aire d’émergence des eaux salées ne correspond pas à la partie du site rencontrant la réserve de sel la plus importante. Les résultats de l’étude démontrent que pour que la salinisation d’une zone aride devienne effective, l’eau souterraine sous la zone ne doit pas être forcément salée, et la présence d’une zone étendue de réserve de sel ne conduit pas forcément à des problèmes de salinisation de zones arides si, comme dans les sédiments argileux du site, le sel ne repose pas sous la zone de pature. De plus, la mobilisation des réserves de sel dans les sédiments peu perméables par la montée du niveau de l’eau souterraine devrait être mineure.

Resumen El estudio detallado de una zona local de descarga salina en el sudeste de Australia, muestra que la salinización es principalmente debido a un nivel freático poco profundo (<1–2 m de la superficie). La evaporación Directa, particularmente en verano, conlleva a salinidades de suelo-agua sumamente altas en la superficie, aunque el agua subterránea subyacente es moderadamente dulce. La descarga de Agua subterránea se localiza en una interrupción de la ladera, dónde el nivel freático intercepta la superficie, y donde la transición de las arenas permeables a los sedimentos ricos en arcilla inhibe el flujo lateral del agua subterránea. Las concentraciones de sal más altas se forman en las arcillas debido a los tiempos de residencia largos durante los cuales se exponen el conjunto suelo-agua a la evapotranspiración y también por el potencial reducido para las sales de ser expulsadas de los sedimentos. Como resultado el área de la descarga salina no corresponde a la parte del sitio con el contenido de sal más grande. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que para que ocurra la salinización en terrenos secos, el agua subterránea bajo la de zona de descarga no necesita ser salina, y que la presencia de un almacenamiento de sal grande, no necesariamente lleva a los problemas de salinización en terrenos secos si, como en los sedimentos ricos en arcilla del sitio, la sal yace debajo de la zona de raíz de la pastura. Además, la movilidad de depósitos de sal dentro de los sedimentos de permeabilidad baja pueden ser menores, por causa del agua subterránea ascendente.
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