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This study presents the relationship between local seismicity and springs discharge, in which the microseismicity modifies the state of stress of the aquifer matrix and these modifications of the local stress control the aquifer behaviour from an example of a basaltic reservoir crossed by a seismic fault.

Along the right-lateral Garni seismic wrench fault, the distribution in space and time of more than 500 micro-earthquakes has been studied providing a pattern of stress distribution. Together with this tectonic survey, the hydrographs of springs issuing from an aquifer located in basaltic lava flows and crossed by the fault have been gauged for 4 years. According to its tectonic, geologic and hydrodynamic properties, the reservoir has been divided in to several parts. The hydrological behaviour of the reservoir and of each of its parts has been modelled, based on the rainfall and hydrodynamic properties of the basaltic reservoir and of nearby reservoirs.

The model allows us to define the ‘normal behaviour’ of the springs, when their discharge is not affected by an earthquake. Anomalies to the normal hydrometric curves are defined, and correlated to small (M < 3.5) earthquakes along the Garni fault. We propose that the circulation of underground water in the area around the fault depends largely on the fracture pattern of the basalts and the aquifer basement, as pointed out from field observations. Changes in spring discharges are explained by variations in the state of stress around the Garni fault, induced by the alternation of elastic strain and stick-slip movement on the fault, and by creep far from the fault. A model of stress distribution is proposed which explains changes in fracture charateristics before and after earthquakes. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
岩溶储层是中国海相含油气盆地重要的储层类型之一。本文基于塔里木盆地岩溶储层的实例研究,指出岩溶储层的储集空间以缝洞为主,缝洞可以发育于潜山区,也可以发育于内幕区,具不同的地质背景和成因。据此,将岩溶储层细分为四个亚类,其中,潜山(风化壳)岩溶储层又可根据围岩岩性的不同细分为灰岩潜山岩溶储层和白云岩风化壳储层两个次亚类。潜山(风化壳)岩溶储层发育于潜山区,与中长期的角度不整合面有关,准层状分布,峰丘地貌特征明显;层间岩溶储层和顺层岩溶储层发育于内幕区,前者与碳酸盐岩层系内部中短期的平行(微角度)不整合面有关,准层状分布,后者与潜山周缘的斜坡背景有关,环潜山周缘呈环带状分布,与不整合面无关;受断裂控制岩溶储层主要发育于内幕区,分布于断裂发育区,尤其是背斜的核部,与不整合面无关,受断裂控制导致缝洞发育跨度大,沿断裂呈栅状分布。岩溶储层的细分方案突破了岩溶储层只分布于潜山区的传统认识,使岩溶储层勘探由潜山区向内幕区拓展,对中国海相含油气盆地碳酸盐岩油气勘探具重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
Geochronology of oil-gas accumulation (OGA) is a challenging subject of petroleum geology in multi-cycle superimposed basins.By K-Ar dating of authigenic illite (AI) and fluid inclusion (FI) analysis combined with apatite fission track (AFT) thermal modeling,a case study of constraining the OGA times of the Permian reservoirs in northeast Ordos basin (NOB) has been conducted in this paper.AI dating of the Permian oil-gas-bearing sandstone core-samples shows a wide time domain of 178-108 Ma.The distribution of the AI ages presents 2-stage primary OGA processes in the Permian reservoirs,which developed in the time domains of 175-155 Ma and 145-115 Ma with 2-peak ages of 165 Ma and 130 Ma,respectively.The FI temperature peaks of the samples and their projected ages on the AFT thermal path not only present two groups with a low and a high peak temperatures in ranges of 90-78℃ and 125-118℃,respectively corresponding to 2-stage primary OGA processes of 162-153 Ma and 140-128 Ma in the Permian reservoirs,but also appear a medium temperature group with the peak of 98℃ in agreement with a secondary OGA process of c.~30 Ma in the Upper Permian reservoirs.The integrated analysis of the AI and FI ages and the tectono-thermal evolution reveals that the Permian reservoirs in the NOB experienced at least 2-stage primary OGA processes of 165-153 Ma and 140-128 Ma in agreement with the subsidence thermal process of the Mid-Early Jurassic and the tectono-thermal event of the Early Cretaceous.Then,the Upper Permian reservoirs further experienced at least 1-stage secondary OGA process of c.~30 Ma in coincidence with a critical tectonic conversion between the slow and the rapid uplift processes from the Late Cretaceous to Neogene.  相似文献   
The reservoirs of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin have the characteristics of low compositional maturity, low contents of cements and medium textural maturity. The general physical properties of the reservoirs are poor, with low porosity and low permeability, and there are only a few reservoirs with medium porosity and low permeability in local areas. Based on the diagenetic mineral association, a diagenetic sequence of cements is established: early calcites (or micrite siderites) →first quartz overgrowth→chlorite coatings→dissolution of feldspars and debris→chlorite linings→ second quartz overgrowth (quartz widen or filled in remain intergranular pores and solution pores)→dissolution→third quartz overgrowth (quartz filled in intergranular and intragranular solution pores)→intergrowth (ferro) calcites→dolomites→ferro (calcites) dolomites→later dissolution→veins of quartz and calcites formation. Mechanical compaction is the main factor in making the reservoirs tight in the basin, followed by the second and third quartz overgrowth. In a long-term closed system, only feld-spars and some lithic fragments are dissolved by diagenetic fluids, while intergranular cements such as quartz and calcit are not dissolved and thus have little influence on the porosity of the Xujiahe Formation. This is the third factor that may have kept the sandstones of Xujiahe Formation tight finally. The hydrocarbon was extensively generated from organic materials after the second quartz overgrowth, and selectively entered favorable reservoirs to form tight sandstone gas reservoirs.  相似文献   
油气储层构造应力场的分布特征,对油气运移、注采井网布置、储层改造等具有重要意义。为此,文章从塔河油田AD13井区的地质构造演化入手,基于油田测井资料,结合弹性力学及有限元理论,建立研究区地应力弹性力学计算模型,利用有限元软件对研究区储层地应力进行模拟研究,并将模拟结果与现场地应力实测值进行对比分析。结果表明,研究区最大水平主应力为102~130 MPa,最小水平主应力为87~110 MPa,均为压应力;研究区东部及南部最大水平主应力方向为北东向,西北部最大水平主应力方向为北东东向,西南部最大水平主应力方向为南东向,地应力大小及方向均与实际结果相符。研究结果可为研究区油气勘探开发工程提供科学依据。   相似文献   
应用EOS/MODIS资料监测河西内陆河下游水库湖泊水域的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨兰芳 《干旱气象》2005,23(1):49-53
利用EOS/MODIS资料,对2004年春季至秋季间分布在甘肃省河西境内的2个面积最大的水库———红崖山水库、双塔水库和位于内蒙古额济纳旗的东、西居延海湖泊的水体面积进行监测计算,并与近年同期平均值进行了对比分析,结果表明疏勒河、石羊河及黑河流域下游的水库湖泊水体面积都有不同程度的减小。  相似文献   
本文以四川盆地西北部钻井岩心及露头剖面样品的镜下岩石学特征为基础,以微区多参数实验分析数据为依据,对四川盆地西北部中二叠统栖霞组白云岩储层进行了研究。认为栖霞组白云岩储层类型主要为结晶型白云岩及残余颗粒型白云岩。储集空间主要为晶间孔、晶间溶孔、粒间孔、溶蚀孔洞以及裂缝。白云岩储层的发育主要受到沉积微相、早期白云石化作用、晚期白云石化作用、溶蚀作用以及构造作用等因素控制。其中浅滩沉积微相是储层形成的环境基础;早期白云石化作用是储层保存的重要条件;溶蚀作用及构造裂缝是储层改善的关键因素;而晚期白云石的生成则对储集空间有一定的破坏作用。  相似文献   
通过系统开展元坝气田长兴组超深层生物礁储层岩石学与岩石地球化学分析,结合碳酸盐岩溶蚀动力学模拟实验,以及储层古压力恢复,揭示了元坝超深层生物礁优质储层的发育保存机理。研究表明,早期暴露溶蚀、浅埋藏白云岩化是基质孔隙发育的基础,储层深埋引起的古油藏原油裂解导致的超压水力破裂缝的形成,是储层渗透性改善的关键,"孔-缝耦合"共同控制了超深层优质储层的发育。在此基础上,构建了生物礁非均质"孔-缝双元结构"储层模型,为生物礁储层预测奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
岩石孔隙是储层储集油气的重要场所,通过铸体薄片进行岩石孔隙结构分析对储层质量评价具有重要意义。碳酸盐岩孔隙结构较为复杂,铸体薄片图像中存在大量噪声和干扰因素,致使常规方法面孔提取效果不佳,因此本文引入一种多阈值铸体薄片面孔自动提取方法(ctsPore方法)进行孔隙区域提取和面孔率估计,方法综合利用HSV色彩空间中不同参数提取孔隙区域。本文针对碳酸盐岩储层的特点确定了一套ctsPore阈值参数,以解决溶蚀孔与噪声易混淆的问题。实验以伊拉克A油田中新统 Asmari组A段碳酸盐储层为例对所使用算法进行了效果检验。算法精度和效率分析实验表明,基于ctsPore方法的碳酸盐岩铸体薄片面孔提取误差小于0.24%。全井段铸体薄片分析结果表明,A段储层面孔率范围主要分布在6%~8%,储层较为致密,从上到下A1~A3小层的储层平均面孔率分别为6. 9%、11.7%、5.4%,与储层物性、沉积微相和岩性等纵向分布规律较为吻合。  相似文献   
吐哈盆地鄯善地区岩性油气藏的油层砂体以中薄层为主,沉积体系控制砂体的展布,储层物性及含油气性与沉积相带密切相关。在详细研究油气运聚规律和分布特征的基础上,进行精细层位标定与解释、层序地层分析、储层预测和含油气性预测是本区有效的勘探方法。本文探讨了研究区的油气分布规律与储层预测问题,指出丘东生烃区是开辟岩性油气藏勘探的新的接替区,温吉桑构造带是岩性油气藏勘探的有利区,鄯善地区中北部是岩性油气藏勘探的潜在区。  相似文献   
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