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On the basis of field observations, microscopic thin-sections and laboratory data analysis of ten faults in Xuanhan County area, northeastern Sichuan Basin, central China, the internal and megascopic structures and tectonite development characteristics are mainly controlled by the geomechanical quality in brittle formation of the Changxing-Feixianguan Formation. The fluid transportation performance difference between the faults formed by different geomechanics or different structural parts of the same fault are controlled by the mcgascopic structure and tectonite development characteristics. For instance, the extension fault structure consists of a tectonite breccia zone and an extension fracture zone. Good fluid transportation performance zones are the extension fracture zone adjacent to the tectonite breccia zone and the breccia zone formed at the early evolutionary stage. The typical compression fault structure consists of a boulder-clay zone or zones of grinding gravel rock, compression foliation, tectonite lens, and dense fracture development. The dense fracture development zone is the best fluid transporting area at a certain scale of the compression fault, and then the lens, grinding gravel rock zone and compression foliation zones are the worst areas for hydrocarbon migration. The typical tensor-shear fault with a certain scale can be divided into boulder-clay or grinding gravel rock zones of the fault, as well as a pinnate fractures zone and a derivative fractures zone. The grinding gravel rock zone is the worst one for fluid transportation. Because of the fracture mesh connectivity and better penetration ability, the pinnate fractures zone provides the dominant pathway for hydrocarbon vertical migration along the tensor-shear fault.  相似文献   
沁南地区煤层气生产潜力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴建光 《中国煤田地质》2003,15(1):27-28,70
本文以沁水盆地南部地区煤层气生产试验井的徘采资料为基础,结合煤田地质勘探和中联公司煤层气勘探所获得的地质、生产资料,阐述了煤层气井的排采机理。并以TL—003井排采试验为例进行详细剖析,运用储层模拟技术,研究、分析影响煤层气产出的主要参数,初步预测了该区煤层气井的生产潜力。  相似文献   
从内时理论出发,通过内蕴时间的重新构造,在Helmholtz自由能中引入损伤变量,利用连续介质不可逆热力学的基本原理推导出了含瓦斯煤岩的内时损伤本构方程,并给出了确定本构模型中各参数的方法。同时,对在三轴应力条件下所建立的本构方程进行了求解分析与试验验证。结果表明,该本构方程能很好地描述含瓦斯煤岩在损伤发生前后的变形特点,并能有效地反映含瓦斯煤岩的非线性和剪胀扩容等物理力学现象。  相似文献   
新近纪以来的构造运动是中国气藏形成的重要因素   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
王庭斌 《地质论评》2004,50(1):33-42
新近纪以来的构造运动是全球最新的地壳形变和造山运动的发展演化阶段。由于中国地处印度陆块、西伯利亚陆块与太平洋板块所围限的三角地带。是世界上新近纪以来构造运动比较活跃的地区,以及天然气极易散失,也难以保存的特点,因此,新近纪以来构造运动特征是研究中国气藏形成和保存不可忽视的重要地质因素。总结中国天然气的成藏历程,虽然各类盆地有所不同,但都有上新世以来构造运动的影响。上新世以来的构造运动对于中国天然气的成藏及分布有一定的破坏作用,促使一些盆地天然气受到了一定程度的散失,但总体上以促进成藏、聚集作用为主:①在西部盆岭之间形成了一系列中国式的前陆型盆地,为形成大中型气田刨造了有利条件。并控制了盆地本部气藏的最终定型。②在中部的四川盆地形成了成排成带的背斜,是四川盆地气藏形成、定型的主要时期;鄂尔多斯盆地的整体快速隆升及进一步西倾,促进了从靖边至乌审旗气田群天然气的进一步聚集。③在东部,上新世末期的渤海运动为以渤中拗陷为主体的渤海海域晚期成藏刨造了有利的地质条件;在其他盆地也促进了二次生烃及次生气藏的形成;并形成了一批无机成因的二氧化碳气田。④在近海海域,既促进了有机成因气藏的形成,也促进了无机成因非烃气藏以及无机与有机成因天然气的混源,致使区内形成了比较复杂的气藏特征。总之,新近纪以来活跃的构造运动形成了中国天然气以晚期、超晚期生烃成藏、定型为主的成藏模式,是研究中国气藏形成不可忽视的重要的地质阶段。  相似文献   
冻土区天然气水合物勘探低温钻井液理论与试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨葳  杨阳  徐会文 《探矿工程》2011,38(7):29-31,56
天然气水合物是在特定的低温与高压条件下形成的产物。在天然气水合物勘探工作中,低温钻井液是获得天然气水合物真实样品的重要保证条件之一。低温钻井液应具有低的冰点、良好的抵制能力与良好的流动性。结合天然气水合物勘探工作的特点,在试验的基础上,对比分析了PAM、PHPA、PAC-141、Na-CMC与KHm的分子结构、官能团的种类与数量对钻井液的防塌能力和流动性的影响,得出了几种处理剂的耐低温能力大小的顺序为:PAC-141〈PHPA〈PAM〈Na-CMC〈KHm,为天然气水合物勘探中低温钻井液的配制与使用,奠定了重要的基础。  相似文献   
气举反循环工艺具有钻进效率高、携带岩屑能力强、防漏效果好以及钻头寿命长等优点,同时还可以提高流体矿产的产能。但是一般认为气举反循环钻进抽吸作用会产生负压,不利于井壁稳定,不宜在松散地层应用。本文通过计算气举反循环钻进环空水力参数,并从环空压力以及冲洗液流态、流速等方面探讨研究气举反循环钻进中井壁稳定及其适用性,指出通过选取合适的钻具组合以及调节冲洗液性能,可使气举反循环工艺对不同地层的适应性更广。  相似文献   
Geochemical and mineralogical analyses, in addition to isothermal adsorption experiments on field samples, are used to characterise the sedimentary environments, reservoirs and adsorbed gas of the Upper Ordovician Wufeng–lower Silurian Longmaxi formations in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas. The sedimentary environment of the Wufeng and the lower part of Longmaxi formations is a deep-water shelf with five different lithologies identified: siliceous shale, black shale, siltstone, biolithite limestone and bentonite. The black shale in the Wufeng and the lower part of Longmaxi formations is 50 m thick, with an average organic carbon content (TOC) of 3.81 wt% and a maturity (Ro) of 1.62%. Quartz comprises 54.94 vol% of the shale and positively correlates with the TOC. Micropores in the black shale include intergranular pores, intragranular pores, organic matter pores and microfractures. Among these pores, spaces between clay sheets and organic molecules represent a favourable storage space for the accumulation and preservation of oil and gas. The Langmuir volume parameter ranges between 1.52 and 3.01 cm3/g, with an average value of 2.33 cm3/g. The presence of organic matter pores and pores between clay sheets in the black shale is the main and controlling factor for accumulated gas.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地共发现 8套砂岩油气储层 ,对其中的 5套典型砂岩油气储层进行了自生伊利石K Ar同位素测年分析与研究。利用该项技术对其成藏史进行初步探讨是本次研究的主要目的。中央隆起下志留统沥青砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 383.4 5~ 2 35 .17Ma ,表明志留系古油藏形成于加里东晚期—海西晚期 ;上泥盆统东河砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 6 3.82~ 2 31.34Ma ,表明东河砂岩油气藏主要形成于海西晚期 ;库车坳陷依南 2气田 (依南 2井 )下侏罗统阳霞组砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 8.0 8~ 2 3.85Ma ,表明油气充注发生在中新世以来 ;喀什凹陷阿克莫木气田 (阿克 1井 )下白垩统砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 2 .6 0~ 18.79Ma ,表明中新世可能有古油气运移或古油藏形成 ;库车坳陷迪那 2气藏 (迪那 2 0 1井 )古近系砂岩中的伊利石主要为碎屑成因 ,不能用于进行油气成藏史研究 ,但该气藏白垩系砂岩的自生伊利石年龄为 2 5 .4 9~ 15 .4 7Ma ,表明可能为中新世成藏。本次研究表明 ,该项技术在塔里木盆地初步显示出较好的应用效果 ,具有较为广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
《煤、泥炭地质勘查规范》实施以来,因对规范、规定、通知、办法的理解差异,在煤炭资源储量报告评审、备案工作中出现了诸多问题,如矿权范围确定、资源储量估算、煤质分析、探采对比、煤层气综合评价、技术经济评价、报告编制等等,针对该类问题,提出了其相应的界定标准和注意事项,以期提高报告质量。  相似文献   
Minerals might act as important sorbents of sedimentary organic matter and reduce biodegradation, which favors the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks in the earth's history. Since most organic matter is degraded during the sinking process, at ambient temperature, it is important to investigate the adsorption capacity of different minerals during this process, to assess the organic loss from primary productivity to sedimentary organic matter. In this study, montmorillonite and calcite have been selected to study the impact of different minerals on the release, adsorption, and deposition of cyanobacterial (Synechococcus elonpata) fatty acids (FAs) at ambient temperature. Gas chromatography (GC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) have been utilized to detect the variation in fatty acids. Primary results suggest that minerals have a different impact on dissolved organic matter. Montmorillonite can specifically enhance the release of fatty acids from cyanobacterial cells by lowering the pH values of the solution. The adsorption of the dissolved organic matter by montmorillonite will also be enhanced under a lower pH value. Conjunction of fatty acids with montmorillonite to form a complex will favor the sinking and preservation of these organics. Selective adsorption is observed among fatty acids with different carbon numbers. In contrast, calcite does not show any impact on the release and adsorption of organic matter even though it is reportedly capable of acting as a catalyst during the transformation of organic matter at high temperature. The primary data bridge a link between primary productivity and sedimentary organic matter, suggesting the relative importance of claystones in the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks in the earth's history.  相似文献   
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