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美国法尔韦油田位于东得克萨斯盆地中心附近。油田发现于1960年,同年投入生产。原始地质储量为4亿桶,至2003年累计产油2.17亿桶。原油具挥发性,接近饱和。主要储层为下白垩统James组礁石灰岩,主要为骨架粒状灰岩/泥粒灰岩和富含双壳类粒泥状灰岩,各岩相的平均孔隙度一般在7%~11%,但平均渗透率在各岩相中不均,最高达(37~44)×10-3"m2。介绍了该油田的勘探史,描述了盆地构造演化史、含油气系统、地层沉积相和储层特征。  相似文献   
Longuet-Higgins(1983)[1]导出了波高与周期的联合分布函数,此分布函数虽然与实际数据符合良好,但存在很大的缺陷,如:由此分布函数得出的波高分布为形式较为复杂的非Rayleigh分布,很难应用于工程计算中。孙孚(1988a)[2]应用射线理论导出了一种波高与周期联合分布,虽然弥补了Longuet-Higgins的一些缺陷,但推导过程过于复杂。本文在窄谱假定下通过应用Hilbert变换方法得出新的分布函数并与前两者比较,表明Hilbert变换的方法不但简便,而且完全克服Longuet-Higgins的不足,可以方便的应用于工程计算中。本文也为Hilbert变换的方法在工程中的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
There is a growing practical interest in the ability to increase the sea states at which marine operations can be safely undertaken by exploiting the quiescent periods that are well known to exist under a wide range of sea conditions. While the actual prediction of quiescent periods at sea for the control of operations is a deterministic process, the long term planning of future maritime tasks that rely on these quiescent periods is a statistical process involving the anticipated quiescence properties of the forecasted sea conditions in the geographical region of interest. It is in principle possible to obtain such data in tabular form either large scale simulation or from field data. However, such simulations are computationally intensive and libraries of appropriate field data are not common. Thus, it is clearly attractive to develop techniques that exploit standard wave spectral models for describing the quiescence statistics directly from such spectra. The present study focuses upon such techniques and is a first step towards the production of a computationally low-cost quiescence prediction tool and compares its efficacy against simulations. Two significant properties emerge for a large class of wave spectral models that encompasses the ubiquitous Neumann and Pierson Moskowitz or Bretschneider forms. Firstly, the auto-correlation function of the wave profile that are required to produce the quiescence property can be obtained analytically in terms of standard special functions. This considerably reduces the computational cost making desktop computer-based planning tools a reality. Secondly, for each class of these parametric spectra, the probability of a given number of consecutive wave heights (normalised to the significant wave heights) less than some critical value is in fact independent of absolute wave height. Thus, for a broad class of practically interesting wave spectra all that is required to obtain the statistical distribution of the quiescent periods is simple rescaling.  相似文献   
飞机积冰是影响飞行安全的重要危险天气,准确的积冰诊断对民航运行与安全具有重大意义,特别是对国产大飞机适航取证具有重要作用。本文参考改进的CIP(Current Icing Potential)指数,使用垂直速度和云中液态水含量对积冰潜势诊断指数进行优化得到SCIP(Simplified Current Icing Potential)指数,该指数直接基于大气层结资料给出较为准确地飞机积冰潜势,具有命中率高、实用性强的特点。用2021年2月28日至12月31日民航航空器报告对原CIP指数和SCIP指数进行对比验证评估,发现相比于原CIP指数,SCIP指数具有更优异的ROC曲线(Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve)和TSS评分(True Skill Score)。但是对于不同程度的积冰,原CIP指数和SCIP指数均表现出较一致诊断效果,表明SCIP指数对诊断飞机积冰潜势具有重要作用,但无法判断积冰强度。根据2020年3月16日陕西区域飞机结冰个例验证表明增加垂直速度和云中液态水含量的影响对飞机积冰的描述更加细致,对提升积冰潜势诊断效果具有重要意义...  相似文献   
汕尾风暴潮频率与海堤改造初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究1970-2005年间汕尾港遭受风暴潮袭击的程度,对汕尾港风暴潮增水情况进行分析,用Pearson-Ⅲ分布和Gumbel分布两种概率统计方法分别对汕尾港不同重现期潮位值进行推算,并以此为基础结合走访相关单位和实地踏勘收集汕尾海堤历史和现状资料、风暴潮频率和海平面变化情况等,运用海堤工程设计防潮相关标准探讨汕尾已建海堤存在的问题,并针对性地提出改造建议,为汕尾市海堤的修复加固和管理提供参考.  相似文献   
末次冰期低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积与生态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硅藻在全球碳循环中发挥着重要的作用。"树荫种"硅藻在次表层水体中的勃发成席,并迅速埋藏成为硅藻席沉积,使人们逐渐意识到次表层生产在整个生产力及输出生产中起着重要作用。介绍了首次在低纬度西太平洋区域发现的硅藻席沉积的分布特征,硅藻席发现站位呈带状分布,大致呈北西-南东向展布,大部分散布在17.5°~20°N之间。采集到硅藻席沉积物的站位其水深在碳酸钙补偿深度(CCD)以下4837~6150m的深水区,多分布在较平坦的海底,且受风力和陆源物质输入影响相对较强的区域。该区域硅藻席的形成可能是由于末次冰期时该海区有大洋锋面的形成所致。该区域的成席硅藻Ethmodiscus rex(Wallich)Hendey为典型的"树荫种"硅藻,可以通过自身调节浮力的作用,在水体相对稳定的贫氧大洋中生存并勃发成席。末次冰期低纬度西太平洋硅藻席沉积的发生,可能使该区成为CO2的汇。  相似文献   
A field work has been carried out to identify the occurrence of oil and oil products pollution in mangrove sediment from Red Sea of Yemen. The concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons is from 700ng/g at Kamaran Island station to 400 ng/g at Al-Hodiedah station, and the total organic carbon (TOC) in samples ranges from 0. 07% at Dhubab station to 0. 03% at Kamaran Island station. This pollution is as a result of localized oil pollution and/or heavy ship traffic in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   
十屋断陷是断坳叠置的复合盆地,充填了巨厚的断陷地层。其深部地层包括登娄库组、营城组、沙河子组以及火石岭组。在十屋断陷深部沉积了沙河子组-营城组和登娄库组两套烃源岩和良好的储盖层组合;由于断陷构造运动,形成大量的断裂构造和不整合面,构成了油气运移的有效通道,同时还形成有效断裂、断鼻构造圈闭以及不整合圈闭。综合分析认为,十屋断陷深部具有有利油气成藏生储盖组合。主要有下生上储式、自生自储式和上生下储式三种成藏模式。  相似文献   
分别采用文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)、菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)、缢蛏(Sinonovacula constrzcta)、许氏平鲌(Sebastodes fuscescens)投喂处于产卵、护卵期的真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)亲体,通过测量亲蛸摄食量、产卵量、...  相似文献   
用Gumbel极值分布推算气候极值的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用Gumbel极值分布理论推算气候极值的矩法、Thomas曲线公式和最小二乘法。并计算多年一遇的年最高气温、年最大均风速、年最大日降雨量和年最大波高。指出,变率小的要素极值再现期短;变率大的要素极值再现期长;Thomas曲线公式的计算结果较其它两种方法接近历史实况,且计算简便。  相似文献   
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