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Thermoelectric generation contributes to 80% of global electricity production. Cooling of thermoelectric plants is often achieved by water abstractions from the natural environment. In England and Wales, the electricity sector is responsible for approximately half of all water abstractions and 40% of non-tidal surface water abstractions. We present a model that quantifies current water use of the UK electricity sector and use it to test six decarbonisation pathways to 2050. The pathways consist of a variety of generation technologies, with associated cooling methods, water use factors and cooling water sources. We find that up to 2030, water use across the six pathways is fairly consistent and all achieve significant reductions in both carbon and water intensity, based upon a transition to closed loop and hybrid cooling systems. From 2030 to 2050 our results diverge. Pathways with high levels of carbon capture and storage result in freshwater consumption that exceeds current levels (37–107%), and a consumptive intensity that is 30–69% higher. Risks to the aquatic environment will be intensified if generation with carbon capture and storage is clustered. Pathways of high nuclear capacity result in tidal and coastal abstraction that exceed current levels by 148–399%. Whilst reducing freshwater abstractions, the marine environment will be impacted if a shortage of coastal sites leads to clustering of nuclear reactors and concentration of heated water discharges. The pathway with the highest level of renewables has both lowest abstraction and consumption of water. Freshwater consumption can also be minimised through use of hybrid cooling, which despite marginally higher costs and emissions, would reduce dependence on scarce water resources thus increase security of supply.  相似文献   
Multianvil melting experiments in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2(CMAS–CO2) at 3–8 GPa, 1340–1800°C, involvingthe garnet lherzolite phase assemblage in equilibrium with CO2-bearingmelts, yield continuous gradations in melt composition betweencarbonatite, kimberlite, melilitite, komatiite, picrite, andbasalt melts. The phase relations encompass a divariant surfacein PT space. Comparison of the carbonatitic melts producedat the low-temperature side of this surface with naturally occurringcarbonatites indicates that natural magnesiocarbonatites couldbe generated over a wide range of pressures >2·5 GPa.Melts analogous to kimberlites form at higher temperatures alongthe divariant surface, which suggests that kimberlite genesisrequires more elevated geotherms. However, the amount of waterfound in some kimberlites has the potential to lower temperaturesfor the generation of kimberlitic melts by up to 150°C,provided no hydrous phases are present. Compositions resemblinggroup IB and IA kimberlites are produced at pressures around5–6 GPa and 10 GPa, respectively, whereas the compositionsof some other kimberlites suggest generation at higher pressuresstill. At pressures <4 GPa, an elevated geotherm producesmelilitite-like melt in the CMAS–CO2 system rather thankimberlite. Even when a relatively CO2-rich mantle compositioncontaining 0·15 wt % CO2 is assumed, kimberlites andmelilitites are produced by <1% melting and carbonatitesare generated by even smaller degrees of melting of <0·5%. KEY WORDS: carbonatite; CO2; kimberlite; melilitite; melt generation  相似文献   
介绍了煤矿井筒检查孔的特点和技术、质量要求,总结了以往工程中的经验教训,针对工程中的技术难点,如取心、孔斜控制、抽水作业和冲洗液选择与维护等影响质量、工期的关键环节提出了技术措施,为优质、高效施工此类工程提供借鉴.  相似文献   
近临界特性的地层水及其对烃源岩生排烃过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究利用特制的地层孔隙热压模拟实验装置, 开展了模拟地层孔隙空间高压液态水热体系烃源岩生排烃模拟实验.模拟实验施加的流体压力为38±2 MPa, 温度为290~390 ℃.模拟实验结果显示了有关高压液态水及其与之相联系的流体压力和孔隙空间等因素对烃源岩生排烃影响作用的一些重要现象, 实验发现高压液态水介质条件有利于液态油的生成和保存, 不利于液态油向气态烃的转化, 而且干酪根的生烃潜力和排油效率有一定的提高.这些新的实验现象可能主要与近临界特性的高压液态地层水的作用有关, 进一步推断近临界特性的高压液态水参与干酪根向油气的转化反应, 增加了水对油气的溶解能力.在地下实际烃源岩生排烃的温压(100~200 ℃, 30~120 MPa)条件下, 岩石孔隙中的地层水是一种相对低温高压压缩液态水, 这种地层水可能具有近临界特性, 对烃源岩生排烃过程有重要影响.但目前对这种现象的机理和石油地质意义还知之较少.因此, 加强高压地层水近临界条件下烃源岩生排烃热压模拟实验研究, 对进一步深入理解地层条件下的近临界水介质、流体压力、孔隙空间因素对生排烃过程的影响, 深化烃源岩生排烃机理的探讨, 建立地质尺度上的烃源岩生排烃动力学模型, 都具有重要的理论和实际意义.   相似文献   
高密度电法的三维数据场可视化   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
高密度电法是重要物探方法之一,由于它具有施工快捷、分辨率高、可靠性好、图像直观等优点,已被广泛应用于寻找金属非金属矿、地下水及各类工程地质勘察等众多领域.目前,该方法在数据资料处理方面还局限在二维图像.本文结合在山西阳泉复杂采空区利用高密度电法和高精度GPS测量联合勘察的工程实例,基于WinDisp软件平台,实现了高密度电法的三维数据场可视化,构建了视电阻率参数下的三维地质体结构模型,并且可以任意移动、旋转、切片、分层显示、实时显示真实地理坐标等.该模型客观、真实、形象地反映了电性异常的三维地质结构,为高分辨率预测复杂采空区的空间分布特征提供了直观、可靠的资料.  相似文献   
为解决能源问题而提出了地下闭式循环地热交换发电系统.该系统地下部分通过全井下套管形成一个封闭系统,克服了传统地热发电和干热岩发电受地质条件制约、对环境造成危害等缺点,是一种新型的不依赖位置、环境友好的地热发电系统.采用大位移技术进行钻井,应用悬链线技术对井身剖面结构进行了优化,提出了地下连接技术要求,应用分支井和膨胀套管技术固井,设计了水泥配方并进行了相关试验,优化了载热流体,计算了有机工质朗肯循环(ORC)的发电效率.  相似文献   
The discovery of hydrocarbons (mainly gas) in commercial quantities from Gondwanan sediments in the Mandapeta field of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India, provided impetus for intensified exploration in Mandapeta and the adjoining Kommugudem, Draksharama and Endamuru fields. Both oil and gas have been found in the reservoirs of Mandapeta (Triassic) and Golapalli (Early Cretaceous) formations. Mature, localised, basal shales (1.0–1.1% Ro) in the Mandapeta formation have sourced the oils from the Mandapeta Sandstone reservoir (Triassic). The oils being produced from Golapalli Sandstone reservoir (Early Cretaceous) are relatively less mature and have been sourced by the underlying shales in the Mandapeta Formation at a maturity level of 0.80–0.85% Ro. The source and maturity data preclude liquid hydrocarbon sourcing from the Kommugudem (Permian) sequence. Permian coals and shales of the Kommugudem Formation are the major source rocks for gaseous hydrocarbons in this area. The hydrocarbon generation started in Early Cretaceous in the Kommugudem Formation, but the intermittent tectonic activity (with associated structural developments) has resulted in reorientation and redistribution of the then existing trap configurations. The present day maturity level of the Permian sediments in the Mandapeta field is 1.2% Ro or greater, capable of generating gas dominantly. The Raghavapuram shale in the Mandapeta area is adequately mature and has good hydrocarbon potential for oil generation. The probability of finding hydrocarbon reserves in the sands of Raghavapuram shales and other suitable traps is high. Modern seismic information together with geologic models can give new exploration leads.  相似文献   
下一代互联网协议(IPv6)的概念及原理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IPv6是下一代互联网采用的核心协议。本文介绍了IPv6技术发展背景、新特性、地址空间、地址格式、地址表示方法、地址类型、地址范围、IPv4到IPv6的过渡技术,以及在国土资源部的具体应用。  相似文献   
分析了海底DEM生成经常会遇见的问题,介绍了坐标变换、接边处理、插值加密等数据预处理方法,最终生成海底规则格网DEM。  相似文献   
一次大雪天气过程的多普勒雷达特征分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
利用常规天气资料、新一代多普勒天气雷达资料和改善的EVAD技术,从影响系统、多普勒雷达回波特征及大气动力学角度,详细分析了2006年2月6日出现在华北地区的大雪天气过程。结果表明:500hPa高空槽、850hPa“人”字型切变及地面气旋相配置是这次大雪天气过程的主要影响系统。在雷达有效探测范围内,随着0.7~1.1km高度上中尺度逆切变的出现和4.8km高度上西南急流的建立并向低层扩展,风场辐合明显加强,辐合层加厚,从而为强降雪的出现和维持提供了有利条件,且中尺度逆切变和西南急流存在的时间与强降雪出现及维持的时间有很好的对应。另外冷锋过境时风场辐合再次加强使得较强降雪继续维持。同时用改善的E-VAD技术计算了降雪不同阶段的大气平均散度和平均垂直速度。结果表明:中尺度逆切变系统和冷锋的出现均对应着明显的辐合和上升,辐合和上升又促使强降雪出现和维持,因而从大气动力学角度进一步证实了中尺度逆切变和冷锋的存在及其与强降雪的对应关系。  相似文献   
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