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张飞 《地质与勘探》2017,53(6):1188-1196
蓄能式绳索取心液动潜孔锤钻具是在普通绳索取心钻具总成上端增加了发生和传递冲击载荷的结构,将冲击载荷通过绳索取心钻具外管传递至钻头。新疆达坂城黑沟-达拉地布拉克铀矿工区裂隙、构造蚀变带和构造破碎带发育,地层破碎,使用普通绳索取心钻具钻进,岩心极易堵塞、回次进尺短、频繁打捞内管、钻进效率极低。使用蓄能式绳索取心液动潜孔锤钻具钻进,增加了回次进尺,提高了钻进效率。论文依据施工现场使用情况,介绍了蓄能式绳索取心液动潜孔锤的结构和工作原理,统计、总结了应用情况,论述了绳索取心液动潜孔锤得出的应用结论。  相似文献   
增强型地热系统(Enhanced Geothermal System, EGS)是一种通过介质循环(水或CO2)来提取深部低渗、高温岩体中地热资源并将其用来发电及供暖的工程技术集成。水力压裂是EGS储层改造的主要方式, 储层改造的好坏直接关系到EGS最终的产能状况, 因此针对具体地质条件选择合适的水力压裂方案具有重要意义。本文基于大庆莺深2井的测井资料, 根据其地应力及岩性变化情况选定EGS开采潜力储层, 采用水平井及张开型压裂的储层改造方式, 对潜力储层进行了多种压裂方案数值模拟分析, 根据压裂模拟结果建立三维水热耦合模型, 进行了EGS发电潜力评估分析, 最终得出莺深2井EGS开采的最优压裂方案和开采方案。研究结果得出:水力裂缝的几何性质主要受地应力、支撑剂粒径和砂比影响, 在EGS中宜采用低砂比、阶梯式的泵注程序。同时, 在采用一注两抽的三水平井开采模式下, 10条裂缝的最优注入速率是30kg,s-1, 运行20a的发电量是0.60~1.23MW。  相似文献   
基于Copula理论的粗粒土渗透破坏临界水力比降估值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄达  曾彬  顾东明 《岩土力学》2015,36(5):1253-1260
破坏水力比降是土体渗透稳定性分析和渗流控制的基础。以渗透变形试验为基础,分析了粗粒土临界水力比降与孔隙比、级配不均匀系数和曲率系数间的相关性。利用Copula理论适合建立多个非独立变量间联合分布函数的优点,构造了拟合粗粒土临界水力比降 、孔隙比e、级配不均匀系数 和曲率系数 间相关关系的最优Copula函数,并将其应用于粗粒土临界水力比降估值。结果表明:具有单参数的四维对称Archimedean Copula函数的Nelsen No 6为最优Copula函数。利用构造的最优Copula函数求条件概率,便可得到粗粒土临界水力比降估值的保证率,或者计算在一定保证率条件下临界水力比降估值。通过比较临界水力比降试验值与Copula理论方法、Terzaghi公式及刘杰公式估值,阐述了Copula理论的可靠性,为建立粗粒土临界水力比降与孔隙比及级配特征的多变量统计概率关系及临界水力比降估值提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   
王飞  仇文革  高新强 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):189-192
工程上将满足一定条件下的黏土层介质视为隔水层。通过模型试验的方法,对黏土层为不透水层的确定方法以及黏土层内部的水压力分布规律进行了研究。通过试验分析得出了某给定黏土层为隔水层的特定条件:即找出了黏土层的厚度、渗透系数及层上水头高度三者的关系和给定黏土层的起始水力坡降,得到了黏土层内已渗透水部分的水压力分布规律。试验结果对工程实际具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
The hydrofracturing technique has developed into a reliable and practical method for determining the original three-dimensional crustal stress state of underground caverns,the load-bearing capacity of a high pressure cavern itself,and the high pressure hydraulic permeability of rock masses,and has also been extensively used in disposal of nuclear waste,long and deeply-buried traffic channels and high-pressure cavern engineering for hydraulic power plants.The practice shows that the comprehensive measurement of the physical parameters of the rock mass and taking full use of the wall rock load-bearing capacity to optimize the engineering design hold are very useful in ensuring the engineering safety and improving the design level.  相似文献   
A general infiltration model proposed by Singh and Yu (1990) was calibrated and validated using a split sampling approach for 191 sets of infiltration data observed in the states of Minnesota and Georgia in the USA. Of the five model parameters, fc (the final infiltration rate), So (the available storage space) and exponent ‘n’ were found to be more predictable than the other two parameters: m (exponent) and a (proportionality factor). A critical examination of the general model revealed that it is related to the Soil Conservation Service (1956) curve number (SCS‐CN) method and its parameter So is equivalent to the potential maximum retention of the SCS‐CN method and is, in turn, found to be a function of soil sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity. The general model was found to describe infiltration rate with time varying curve number. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Comparison of surface and borehole locations of induced seismicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monitoring of induced microseismic events has become an important tool in hydraulic fracture diagnostics and understanding fractured reservoirs in general. We compare microseismic event and their uncertainties using data sets obtained with surface and downhole arrays of receivers. We first model the uncertainties to understand the effect of different acquisition geometries on location accuracy. For a vertical array of receivers in a single monitoring borehole, we find that the largest part of the final location uncertainty is related to estimation of the backazimuth. This is followed by uncertainty in the vertical position and radial distance from the receivers. For surface monitoring, the largest uncertainty lies in the vertical position due to the use of only a single phase (usually P‐wave) in the estimation of the event location. In surface monitoring results, lateral positions are estimated robustly and are not sensitive to the velocity model. In this case study, we compare event location solutions from two catalogues of microseismic events; one from a downhole array and the second from a surface array of 1C geophone. Our results show that origin time can be reliably used to find matching events between the downhole and surface catalogues. The locations of the corresponding events display a systematic shift consistent with a poorly calibrated velocity model for downhole dataset. For this case study, locations derived from surface monitoring have less scatter in both vertical and horizontal directions.  相似文献   
The hydraulic characteristics of the plough pan of paddy fields provide continuous ponding conditions during the growing season and control the water use efficiency in wet rice production. Its saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks, however, exhibits a large spatiotemporal variability as a consequence of a highly dynamic soil structure involving temporary shrinkage cracks. Water flow through the earthen bunds surrounding the fields further contributes to the uncertainty in water flux calculations. The objective of this study was to develop a simple deterministic model with stochastic elements (‘PADDY‐FLUX’) for depiction of deep percolation, and to assess the effect of different water management scenarios on percolation in two channel command areas. Darcy's law is used as the fundamental equation for water flow calculations with the ponding water depth h as a time‐dependent variable. Flux uncertainty is estimated by a Monte‐Carlo‐type implementation. Ks is treated as a random variable of a bimodal probability density function (PDF), which is the weighted sum of two Gaussian PDFs (accounting for a matrix and a preferential flow domain). The weighing factor α is a function of h, reflecting an increasing risk for preferential flow situations after desiccation and the development of shrinkage cracks. Under‐bund percolation is calculated using transfer functions. The results demonstrate that percolation losses increase in the following order: continuous soil saturation < continuous flooding (CF) < mid‐season drainage and intermittent irrigation (MD + II) < mid‐season drainage and continuous flooding. The bunds contribute up to 54 and 17% to total fluxes under CF and MD + II, respectively. Preferential water fluxes are responsible for the major part of water losses as soon as desiccation causes the formation of shrinkage cracks. As a conclusion, continuous soil saturation should be promoted as the least water‐intensive irrigation regime, while intermittent irrigation is recommended only in case that irreversible shrinkage cracks have already developed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Mualem and the Burdine hydraulic conductivity prediction models are considered in combination with the van Genuchten analytical retention curve, as well as the Brooks and Corey prediction model. An equivalence is presented between the retention curves of these models. A comparative study follows between hydraulic conductivities that are based on equivalent retention curves. A unified presentation of prediction models provides a framework for the whole analysis. The treatment of the equivalence problem consists in a minimization procedure characterized by uncoupling of the parameters and analytical evaluation of the objective function. Exact analytical equivalence relations are given for significant parts of the parameter ranges, and, for the remaining parts, analytical approximations are proposed. The comparisons between hydraulic conductivities are carried out via an inequality analysis. It is shown that the hydraulic conductivity of the Burdine model is less than that of the other models for extended ranges of equivalent parameters.  相似文献   
水工工程对长江下游渔业的胁迫与补偿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
长江下游及河口区鱼类物种丰富,特有性高,能构成渔汛的经济品种均集中在该江段,其可捕的经济鱼类品种及渔获量为全江之首,该水域鱼类区系复杂,是长江物种多样性最为丰富的区域之一,随长江干流上水工建筑的大量建造,江湖被隔绝,洄游通道被阻断,海水的入侵、生境的破碎、水文条件的改变等导致了渔业生态功能的削弱,对下游鱼类可捕量、天然鱼类资源、物种多样性、种质资源产生了严重影响,通过对下游渔业资源特征进行了描述,结合当前重大水工建筑:水电工程、调水工程、航道工程、大桥工程及沙石开采工程,介绍了长江水工工程的规模与现状,探讨了不同工程对鱼类环境业已显现的影响,以及对渔业生态和资源的破坏作用,剖析水工工程对渔业可能造成的潜在伤害,同时就工程规划的设计理念、渔业生态的补偿措施提出了建议,指出渔业部门应尽的责任和义务,提出了保护下游渔业资源和生态环境急待开展的科学研究任务.  相似文献   
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