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齐庆华 《地理科学》2021,41(9):1667-1675
根据中国东部冬季海陆热力分异和耦合作用关系,构建了纬向海陆热力差异指标。从大气环流和降水角度,揭示了局地海陆热力差异对中国东部相对湿度变化的影响。基于此,探讨了局地海陆热力差异与华南地区冬季雾霾形成、转化和趋势变化的气候学关联。结果表明:冬季海陆热力对比显著的耦合区位于华南地区和菲律宾海东部海域,形成的局地海陆热力差异具有约17 a左右的年代际变化,20世纪80年代初其由强转弱的趋势突变明显。局地海陆热力差异增强时,华南地区冬季东北风异常加强,由东中国海(渤海、黄海和东海)及日本海向华南地区的水汽输送和降水也呈现增强趋势,这有利于华南地区相对湿度的异常增加。受局地海陆热力差异调控,华南地区偏湿期和偏干期约以17 a的周期交替出现。20世纪80年代之前的偏湿期,华南地区雾日条件湿度基本保持不变,之后环境相对湿度逐渐降低,引起雾日偏少。由于华南地区本底(平均)相对湿度更利于霾的形成,在污染物排放或迁移累积增强的情形下,相对湿度的降低抑制霾向雾的转化,使得雾日持续减少,而霾日趋于增加,特别在21世纪初的偏干峰值期霾日增加速率达到最高。21世纪20年代华南地区相继进入偏干期,气候变暖导致饱和比湿加大,未来霾天气趋多趋强、持续时间长等极端特性和高危险性特点将更为突显。  相似文献   
北京地区不同天气条件下近地面大气电场特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用2004年8月—2005年11月近地面大气电场仪的观测资料, 对北京地区不同天气条件下近地面大气电场特征进行分析。结果表明:北京地区晴天近地面大气电场日变化呈双峰双谷, 谷值分别出现在北京时05:00和12:00, 峰值分别出现在07:00和23:00, 并且表现出一定的季节变化; 晴天大气电场的变化与气溶胶含量的变化有密切关系, 两者呈正相关; 晴天大气电场与绝对湿度之间也表现出很强的相关性, 在一定程度上反应了水汽对大气电场的作用; 沙尘天气下风速均达到一定强度, 近地面大气电场为负值, 并且变化剧烈, 电场强度与PM10之间呈现较强的负相关, 而电场强度与风速之间没有表现出明显的相关性。  相似文献   
2013年至今,中国冬季与雾霾相伴的低能见度事件频发,京津冀及周边地区尤为严重。PM2.5浓度与环境湿度是导致低能见度的最关键影响因素。为了深入研究PM2.5浓度与环境湿度对大气能见度的影响,利用2017年1月京津冀及周边地区MICAPS气象数据与PM2.5观测数据,运用天气学诊断分析方法讨论了不同相对湿度下PM2.5浓度、环境湿度对冬季能见度变化的相对贡献,按照地理环境与污染程度差异将京津冀及周边地区划分为北京-天津地区与河北-山东地区,建立了PM2.5浓度与环境湿度(由露点温度、温度代表)对能见度的多元回归方程,并对2015、2016、2018、2019年冬季能见度进行了回算检验。结果显示:相对湿度低于70%、PM2.5浓度低于75 μg/m3时,北京-天津地区与河北-山东地区能见度多高于10 km,PM2.5浓度升高是此时能见度迅速降低的主导因素;相对湿度从70%上升至85%和PM2.5浓度从75 μg/m3升高200 μg/m3的共同作用导致了能见度降低到10 km至5 km;能见度进一步从5 km下降至2 km则更多依赖于相对湿度进一步从85%升高至95%,PM2.5浓度与此时能见度相关减弱;能见度降低至2 km甚至更低主要是由于水汽近饱和状态下(相对湿度95%以上)的雾滴消光引起,与PM2.5浓度的变化关系不大。与不分组直接拟合相比,以相对湿度85%为界线,分别拟合能见度能够很大程度优化多元回归模型,相对湿度高于85%时能见度拟合值的均方根误差从9.2和5.2 km下降至0.5和0.7 km,5 km以下拟合能见度的误差大幅度减小。按相对湿度85%将数据分组所得的拟合方程对2015、2016、2018、2019年1月能见度估算结果较好,观测值与拟合值相关系数均高于0.91,为雾-霾数值预报系统提供了新的能见度参数化算法。   相似文献   
用修改的 Nickerson 等提出的中尺度模式,对我国北方夏季非均一下垫面上的边界层气候特征进行了研究。结果表明,在晴朗、静风和无扰动系统的条件下,下垫面的非均一性对边界层气候起着决定性的影响。边界层气候特征和低空急流强度与局地环流关系密切。干燥裸地上边界层内出现的逆湿现象,是由下垫面非均一的湿度场和中尺度平流共同引起的。  相似文献   

This study presents a semi‐analytic non‐iterative solution for the Monin‐Obukhov similarity equations under unstable surface conditions. The solution is represented in terms of the non‐dimensional Monin‐Obukhov stability parameter z/L. This parameter is given as a function of the bulk Richardson number and other surface parameters including the heat and momentum roughness lengths which are generally assumed to be different in this formulation. The proposed formulations give results that are both quantitatively and qualitatively consistent with the fully iterated numerical solution for a wide range of surface parameters.  相似文献   
The survey for the HEIFE(Atmosphere-Land Surface Processes Experiment at Heihe RiverBasin,Western China)is given in the paper.The following basic subjects for land-surface process-es in arid areas are studied:(1)the general characteristics of the energy budget on ground surfacein arid areas;(2)the parameterization of the land surface processes;(3)the interaction betweenoasis and its desert circumstances,a special phenomenon in arid areas.The analysis shows that thesensible heat flux in the surface energy budget is in the majority,and the latent heat flux may beneglected.The influence of atmospheric stratification stability on the turbulent transfer of energyand substance must be considered in parameterization of land surface processes in arid areas.The“cold island effect”phenomenon in oasis and the“humidity inversion”phenomenon in desert nearoasis are the result of the interaction between them.The results would improve the understandingof land surface processes in arid areas.  相似文献   
该文利用同步物理反演法以6小时数值预报场为背景场对1992年1月份NOAA-12卫星垂直探测(TOVS)资料进行了大气参数反演,并对水汽反演误差进行了检验和分析.以常规观测作为检验的标准,检验结果按3条轨道统计,发现反演的相对湿度平均误差与背景场的误差密切相关,均为负值;在高层和高纬度,误差绝对值随高度的增加而增加,随纬度的升高而增加;误差的日际变化在高层比较稳定,低层振动较大.对反演误差进行订正后的结果表明,在500hPa以上反演均比背景质量要好,尤其轨道A所有层次上订正后的反演比背景场好.  相似文献   
With the data of complex refractive index of sulfate aerosol,the radiative properties of theaerosol under 8 relative humidity conditions are calculated in this paper.By using the concentrationdistribution from two CTM models and LASG GOALS/AGCM,the radiative forcing due tohygroscopic sulfate aerosol is simulated.The results show that:(1)With the increase of relativehumidity,the mass extinction coefficiency factor decreases in the shortwave spectrum;singlescattering albedo keeps unchanged except for a little increase in longwave spectrum,andasymmetry factor increases in whole spectrum.(2)Larger differences occur in radiative forcingsimulated by using two CTM data,and the global mean forcing is—0.268 and—0.816 W/m~2,respectively.(3)When the impact of relative humidity on radiative property is taken into account,the distribution pattern of radiative forcing due to the wet particles is very similar to that of drysulfate,but the forcing value decreases by 60%.  相似文献   
利用WRF模式和GFS资料对2016年11月28—29日乌鲁木齐机场一次冻雾天气过程进行预报,针对不同微物理过程、近地层、陆面过程、边界层等方案设计了13个预报方案组合,并将预报结果与观测资料进行对比分析发现,此次冻雾过程预报中,模式对陆面过程、近地层、边界层等参数化方案组合较为敏感,最优方案组合微物理过程为WDM6、近地层方案为QNSE,陆面过程方案为Noah,边界层方案QNSE。以最优的方案组合预报结果对此次冻雾进行分析,发现利用模式预报的环流形势、层结条件、温湿条件、混合条件等能够很好的判断出此次冻雾过程。就此个例而言,WRF模式预报的机场上空稳定层的变化,湿层结构、风场的水平和垂直结构等,对冻雾的生消以及冻雾过程中的能见度变化有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios of aragonite shells of modern land snails from the southern Great Plains of North America were measured for samples from twelve localities in a narrow east-west corridor that extended from the Flint Hills in North Central Oklahoma to the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Northern New Mexico, USA. Across the study area, shell δ18O values (PDB scale) ranged from −4.1‰ to 1.2‰, while δ13C values ranged from −13.2‰ to 0.0‰. δ18O values of the shell aragonite were predicted with a published, steady state, evaporative flux balance model. The predicted values differed (with one exception) by less than 1‰ from locality averages of measured δ18O values. This similarity suggests that relative humidity at the time of snail activity is an important control on the δ18O values of the aragonite and emphasizes the seasonal nature of the climatic information preserved in the shells. Correlated δ13C values of coexisting Vallonia and Gastrocopta suggest similar feeding habits and imply that these genera can provide information on variations in southern Great Plains plant ecology. Although there is considerable scatter, multispecies, transect average δ13C values of the modern aragonite shells are related to variations in the type of photosynthesis (i.e., C3, C4) in the local plant communities. The results of this study emphasize the desirability of obtaining isotope ratios representing averages of many shells in a locale to reduce possible biases associated with local variations among individuals, species, etc., and thus better represent the “neighborhood” scale temporal and/or spatial environmental variations of interest in studies of modern and ancient systems.  相似文献   
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