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以灰色系统理论为基础,建立了模拟区域内离散结点的灰色有限差分数值模型,并给出了其灰色求解方法。通过对成安县2004-09-25~2006-05-29时段的地下水位模拟,表明运用灰色有限差分模型计算的地下水位为一"灰带",实测水位值正好包含于这个"灰带"之中,由此验证了所建立的灰色模型对地下水流模拟结果客观合理。该模型可以将模拟中的一些不确定参数视为一个灰范围,运用该模型对成安进行地下水量开采模拟,预测未来地下水位的动态变化,为研究区域地下水资源的合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
浙江磐安蕨类植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郝朝运  刘鹏 《山地学报》2005,23(5):606-615
调查统计,磐安共有蕨类植物112种,隶属于60属、34科。地理成分分析表明,种的地理成分以东亚分布,特别是中国一日本分布为主,区系显示出较明显的亚热带一暖温带过渡的特征。同时从水平分布、垂直分布和生态分布三种分布型分析了磐安蕨类植物资源的分布规律,并根据其用途,划分为药用植物资源、食用植物资源、观赏植物资源等。在以上研究的基础上,提出了合理开发利用磐安蕨类植物资源的一些建议。  相似文献   
Continuous GPS (CGPS) coordinate time-series are known to experience repeating deformation signals with seasonal and other periods. It is unlikely that these signals represent perfect sinusoids with temporally constant amplitude. We develop an analysis method that accommodates temporal variations in the amplitudes of sinusoidal signals. We apply the method to simulated coordinate time-series to numerically explore the potential consequences of neglecting decadal variation in amplitude of annual motions on the residual-error spectra of CGPS measurements, as well as potential bias in estimates for secular site velocity. We find that secular velocity bias can be appreciable for shorter time-series, and that residual-error time-series of longer duration may contain significant power in a broad band centred on semi-annual frequency if temporal variation in the amplitude of annual motions is not accounted for in the model used to reduce the observations to residuals. It may be difficult to differentiate the bandpass filtered signature of mismodelled loading signals from power-law noise, using residual-error spectra for shorter time-series. We provide an example application to a ∼9-yr coordinate time-series for a CGPS station located in southern California at Carbon Creek Control Structure (CCCS), which is known to experience large amplitude seasonal motions associated with the Santa Ana aquifer system.  相似文献   
克里金参数估值法及其在参数估计分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙强  薛雷  王媛媛 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):371-373
为考虑岩土介质参数的空间分布的结构性和随机性等不确定因素,引入了克里金参数估值法。采用变异函数描述参数在空间结构上的变化,建立其空间变异规律的数学模型,从而实现对岩土参数的估值。通过实例分析揭示了克里金估值法具有反映“过滤效应”和“集团效应”的优点,对不同位置的数据赋予不同的权重系数,能够有效地反映参数空间变异结构,有利于对参数的合理化分析  相似文献   
近年来,我国的桥梁建设事业发展迅速,在桥梁数量大幅增加的同时,其安全形势却较为严峻,因此,越来越多的人开始重视桥梁运营的安全性及耐久性.桥梁健康监测技术通过对桥梁结构的监控及评估,在桥梁运营状况发生异常时发出预警,能够为桥梁的维护及管理提供科学的指导和依据.而静力水准监测技术与传统的光学水准监测技术相比,具有实时性、高...  相似文献   
冻融循环对盐渍土黏聚力影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈炜韬  王鹰  王明年  李姝  王玉锁 《岩土力学》2007,28(11):2343-2347
通过室内试验,测试了冻融循环对不同含盐量和不同含盐类别盐渍土黏聚力的影响规律。从结晶体位置变化、微观结构、盐类性质及未冻结水含量三个方面分析了冻融循环对盐渍土黏聚力的作用机理。研究结果表明,在含水率一定的情况下,无论是向土中加入Na2SO4,或者是CaCl2,经冻融循环后黏聚力都随冻融次数的增加而减小,且第1次和第2次循环为主要减小阶段;加入CaCl2后黏聚力的减小程度比加入等量Na2SO4后小;冻融循环过程中结晶体析出时位置的变化是土体黏聚力和干密度减小的主要原因;经SEM图片分析,大孔隙占总孔隙面积的比例随冻融次数的增加而减小;盐渍土中CaCl2溶液的含量对冻融循环中黏聚力的变化有重要影响。  相似文献   
近50年河北省干旱时空分布特征   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
闫峰  王艳姣  吴波 《地理研究》2010,29(3):423-430
干旱是影响我国的主要气象灾害之一,本文采用标准化降水指数SPI作为干旱评价因子对近50年来河北省干旱的时空变化特征进行了研究,得出以下主要结论:(1)春季干旱最为严重,干旱率呈逐渐降低的趋势,夏季干旱率呈逐渐增加、秋季和冬季干旱率略有降低的趋势;(2)春季干旱在20世纪70年代最为严重,夏季、秋季和冬季的年代际干旱分别以2000年以来、20世纪60年代和90年代最为严重;(3)春季干旱发生概率均大于20%,发生概率大于30%的旱情多发地区在各市均有分布;全省大部分地区夏季、秋季和冬季干旱发生概率为20%~30%,夏季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省北部和西南部,秋季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省西部和南部,冬季干旱多发地区主要集中在河北省北部。  相似文献   
杨周  杨兴柱  朱跃  郑义刚 《山地学报》2020,38(1):118-131
山地旅游小镇是新时代乡村发展的重要类型,功能转型与空间重构是山地旅游小镇转型发展的核心内容之一。本研究采取参与式农村评估方法、GIS空间分析和高清遥感影像相结合的方法,以汤口镇为例,从微观尺度研究山区旅游乡村功能转型与空间重构的过程与格局。研究显示:(1)汤口镇生活功能由传统型向现代型转变,生产功能由农业主导型过渡到农旅融合型再向旅游主导型转变,生态功能由单一型向多元复合型转变。(2)旅游经济发达镇区相较于边缘乡村社区,旅居综合混质度较低。其中,旅游与居住时间分配相对均衡,宅屋空间倾斜于旅游,社群上融合度高,各区域间各混质维度存在差异。(3)汤口镇经历了旅游空间引入、生成、快速重构和导控更新4个重构阶段。该研究可为汤口镇村镇建设和旅游发展提供参考,也为下一步研究其转型发展的模式与机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Uptake rates of ammonium (NH4 + ), nitrate (NO3 ? ), and urea by three subgroups of phytoplankton (< 200, < 20, < 2 μm) off Westland, were measured using 15 N tracer techniques in midwinter 1988, after a recent upwelling. For all size fractions at surface irradiance (I100), nitrogen (N) was taken up primarily as NO3 ?. This accounted for 67–85% of total N uptake (SρN), whereas at 40 and 7% of surface irradiance, the regenerated N (NH4 + ) and urea) made up 31–72% of SρN. Depth profile experiments for all three size components showed that uptake of NO3 ? was most light‐sensitive, followed by that of NH4 + and urea. The irradiance and nutrient availability plot indicated that light was substantially more important than the nutrient concentrations in controlling the assimilation of N by microplankton (20–200 μm). Nano‐ (2–20 μm) and picoplankton (< 2 μm) however, were not as sensitive to either light or nutrient concentrations. High winds and the resulting deep mixing, combined with offshore and alongshore advection in the midwinter, were suggested to be the major cause of the low biomass and N productivity.  相似文献   
Measuring of microseismic events has been carried out at the former potash mine of Hope since early 1984.Analysis of the data demonstrates an immediate temporal relationship between brine introduction and onset of microseismic activity. The spatial distribution of the sources indicates a dependence on brine level height. Sources are found preferentially immediately next to roads and workings. Source radii, estimated from the frequency ranges in the seismograms, varied with the cross-section of neighbouring cavities and had a similar, order of size.Events occurred rarely in the previously flooded mine sections Similarly, the zone below a depth of approx. 600 m below sea level was virtually inactive.  相似文献   
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