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张德二  梁有叶 《第四纪研究》2014,34(6):1176-1185
1892/93年冬季中国东部地区严寒。本文依据历史文献记载复原了该寒冬实况, 推演主要的两次强寒潮天气过程, 绘制了雪、冰、冻雨和动植物冻害的地域分布图; 定量推断各地最低温度值, 并与早期器测温度记录相印证, 绘制最低温度等值线图。指出1893年1月苏州、温州的推断最低气温分别为-15℃和-13℃, 上海、汕头和香港的早期器测记录的最低气温分别为-12.1℃,-0.6℃和0℃, 均低于20世纪以来的极端低温记录; 河流封冻南界达 28°N, 北回归线以南地方多次出现严重冻雨, 冻雨南界达21°29'N。 由此认为 1892/93 年冬季是中国最近百余年的首位寒冬——这是在北半球许多地区的小冰期寒冷气候已结束、开始转暖, 而中国仍然寒冷时的极端寒冷事例。此寒冬前后的气候特点是:1892年秋季冷空气活动频繁、初雪日期提前, 1893年中国东部多雨、台风活动较频繁。该寒冬的背景是: 位于第13太阳活动周的上升段; 发生于极强的厄尔尼诺事件结束2年后的非厄尔尼诺年, 对应于赤道中东太平洋海温变冷时段; 寒冬之前全球火山活动较频繁, 有重大火山喷发。  相似文献   
古建筑木构架的整体稳定性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国古代木构建筑具有较好的抗震性能,其独特的分层结构形式对整体稳定性有一定的影响.通过对木构架的构造形式、连接方式进行研究,总结出对称结构形式,柱列侧脚与生起做法,普柏枋、阑额与地桴的联结作用,厚重屋顶构造以及榫卯连接技术是其具有较好整体稳定性的主要原因.  相似文献   
Linear feature matching is one of the crucial components for data conflation that sees its usefulness in updating existing data through the integration of newer data and in evaluating data accuracy. This article presents a simplified linear feature matching method to conflate historical and current road data. To measure the similarity, the shorter line median Hausdorff distance (SMHD), the absolute value of cosine similarity (aCS) of the weighted linear directional mean values, and topological relationships are adopted. The decision tree analysis is employed to derive thresholds for the SMHD and the aCS. To demonstrate the usefulness of the simple linear feature matching method, four models with incremental configurations are designed and tested: (1) Model 1: one-to-one matching based on the SMHD; (2) Model 2: matching with only the SMHD threshold; (3) Model 3: matching with the SMHD and the aCS thresholds; and (4) Model 4: matching with the SMHD, the aCS, and topological relationships. These experiments suggest that Model 2, which considers only distance, does not provide stable results, while Models 3 and 4, which consider direction and topological relationships, produce stable results with levels of accuracy around 90% and 95%, respectively. The results suggest that the proposed method is simple yet robust for linear feature matching.  相似文献   
Historical first‐generation frontier roads in America's trans‐Appalachian West often evolved from buffalo and Indian trails into pioneer routeways such as Daniel Boone's Trace and, eventually, into twentieth‐century hard‐surface highways. Period cartographers found these routes difficult to document accurately, and present‐day scholars often depict them only on small‐scale maps, which simply illustrate connections between origin and destination points. Accurately mapping Kentucky's first‐generation roads at large scale requires detailed site and contextual topographic information over long distances, but historical maps, diaries, surveyors' reports, and other period documents often lack sufficient detail for route‐related sites to support mapping. Use of gis software enables positioning historical routes onto U.S. Geological Survey contour‐ and hill‐shaded base maps by mapping verifiable locations and linking them through interpretation of best‐choice routes that consider frontier migrants' transportation priorities, such as direction, distance, gradient, and land‐surface character.  相似文献   
浦东YA孔浅地层剖面中微量元素变化的分析结果表明,B含量和B/Ga,Sr/Ba,Cl/Br比值是反映古水体盐度的灵敏指示剂,据此建立的YA孔古盐度指数变化曲线显示,该地区近数千年来曾发生过多次百年尺度的盐度波动事件,并可能与同期海面波动引起的海水进退直接相关.这一情况说明,滨海地区沉积地层中的微量元素是海面变化研究的良好的代用指标.  相似文献   
董玉明  张玉亭 《海岸工程》1999,18(2):137-140
青岛地区唯一的封侯将领薛禄,是位威武不屈的爱国主义得,反对外族入的民族英雄、智勇瘘资的军事家,值得称颂在。在薛禄故里建造纪念馆、整饰基碑,为薛家岛旅游度假区增加一处人文景观,以便吸引更的的海内外游客。  相似文献   
气候变化对历史上农牧过渡带影响的个例研究   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:25  
从北魏平城迁都、元朝中叶岭北地区移民、12世纪初科尔沁沙地演变、明初兀良哈三卫南迁等四个历史实例出发,讨论了气候变冷变干时,农牧过渡带变化以及相应的社会变化现象。可以肯定,气候变化对历史上农牧过渡带变迁的影响是存在的。同时气候变化对农牧过渡带的影响是通过人类社会系统起作用的,不同的社会状态和组合会产生不同的农牧过渡带实况和相应的社会问题。当农耕民族与游牧民族在农牧过渡带附近对峙时,气候向寒冷方向的变化常常成为社会动荡的触发因素,极端情况下可以产生很严重的后果。  相似文献   
Social responses to climate change over human history have been widely discussed in academia over the last two decades. However, the transformation of the human–environment nexus crossing prehistoric and historic periods and the processes associated with it are not yet clearly understood. In this study, based on published works on radiocarbon dating, archaeobotany, zooarchaeology, and archaeological sites, together with a synthesis of historical documents and highresolution paleoclimatic records, we trace the extent to which human settlement patterns in the Hexi Corridor in northwestern China evolved in conjunction with climate change over the last 5,000 years. A total of 129 Neolithic, 126 Bronze Age, and 1,378 historical sites in the Hexi Corridor(n=1,633) were surveyed. Our results show that, in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age periods(~2800–100 BC), climate change contributed to the transformation of subsistence strategies and the subsequent changes in human settlement patterns in the Hexi Corridor. The warm-humid climate in ~2800–2000 BC promoted millet agriculture and helped the Majiayao, Banshan, and Machang Cultures to flourish. The cold-dry climate in ~2000–100 BC resulted in the divergence and transformation of subsistence strategies in the Xichengyi–Qijia–Siba and Shajing–Shanma Cultures and in a shift in their settlement patterns. However, in the historical period(121 BC–AD 1911), human settlement patterns were primarily determined by geopolitics related to the alternating rule of regimes and frequent wars, especially in the Sui–Tang dynasties. We also find that trans-Eurasian cultural exchange since ~2000 BC improved social resilience to climate change in the Hexi Corridor, mediating the human–environment nexus there. Our findings may provide insights into how human societies reacted to climate change in arid and semi-arid environments over the long term.  相似文献   
1876-1878年中国大范围持续干旱事件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究1876-1878年中国持续3年的大范围严重干旱,这是发生在小冰期将结束、全球气候迅速变暖之前的寒冷气候背景下的重大气象灾害和极端气候事件。依据历史文献记载复原了干旱发生、发展的动态过程,统计逐年受旱县数,绘制了历年旱灾和伴生的饥荒、蝗灾、疫疾发生地域实况图。这次持续干旱范围广及13个省份,干旱的中心区域在山西、河南、陕西。旱区中心1877年连续无透雨时段超过200 d,跨年度的连续无透雨时段最长达340 d。其严重程度超过20世纪最严重的1928-1930年的干旱事件。该事件发生于太阳黑子第11活动周的下降时段和第12周的太阳黑子极小值年,又位于厄尔尼诺(El Nino)事件频繁期, 对应于极强的El Nino事件。  相似文献   
试论中国旅游地域类型的演进模式   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
范今朝 《地理研究》2000,19(1):22-29
从旅游地理学和历史地理学的角度,研究了中国旅游这一宏观社会历史现象。以旅游活动中人地关系的演变为中心,首先按照影响旅游活动的主导因素及其价值取向的不同,对中国旅游发展进行了历史分期;相应地,提出了中国旅游地域类型的演进模式,即:经商求知阶段——都市旅行型;崇拜事功阶段——朝圣巡礼型;审美抒情阶段——风景观光型;艺术把玩阶段——园林游赏型;外部植入阶段——消闲娱乐型;政府主导阶段——疗养休憩型;市场推进阶段——度假运动型;自主选择阶段——生态探险型。  相似文献   
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