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The history and present condition of Geography have to be understood historically. A review of the roles of geographical knowledge under capitalism illustrates how it has changed in relation to shifting societal needs. Against such a background it is then possible to fashion an historical materialist interpretation of the present dilemmas of Geography as an academic discipline and to formulate concrete proposals for its transformation.  相似文献   
By using the improved regional climate model (BCC_RegCM1.0), a series of modeling experiments are undertaken to investigate the impacts of historical land-use changes (LUCs) on the regional climate in China. Simulations are conducted for 2 years using estimated land-use for 1700, 1800, 1900, 1950, and 1990. The conversion of land cover in these periods was extensive over China, where large areas were altered from forests to either grass or crops, or from grasslands to crops. Results show that, since 1700, historical LUCs have significant effects on regional climate change, with rainfall increasing in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, Northwest China, and Northeast China, but decreasing by different degrees in other regions. The air temperature shows significant warming over large areas in recent hundred years, especially from 1950 to 1990, which is consistent with the warming caused by increasing greenhouse gases. On the other hand, historical LUCs have obvious effects on mean circulation, with the East Asian winter and summer monsoonal flows becoming more intensive, which is mainly attributed to the amplifled temperature difference between ocean and land due to vegetation change. Thus, it would be given more attention to the impacts of LUCs on regional climate change.  相似文献   
在遥感与地理信息技术基础上,分析现有的地理信息历史资料及其在资源环境监测中的应用,并以某湿地为研究区,根据不同时期的地理信息历史资料,重建湿地空间分布的时间演化,探究其演变原因,以期为研究区内的环境保护提供可参考的依据。同时,充分开发利用现有的地理信息资源,为资源环境监测提供有效服务。  相似文献   
章鸿钊、李四光二位大师,都是中国地学界举足轻重的人物。新中国建立初期,为更好地服务国家经济社会发展,以李四光为代表的老一辈地质人,推动了新中国地质事业的艰难起步。本文收录了这一时期李四光致章鸿钊的六通书札,略做考释,个别书札附有章鸿钊回函,其中一则为其回函时所书写的底稿/草稿,更为难得。内容主要涉及建国初期地质机构设置等,可为此一时期研究提供一手珍贵历史资料。  相似文献   
陈倩婷  张琍  段亚鹏  范诗琪 《遥感学报》2021,25(12):2460-2471
传统村落是中华文明的鲜活载体,是中华历史、文化、自然遗产的“活化石”和“博物馆”,承载着中华传统文化的精髓。江西具有璀璨的历史文化,传统村落的时空格局的演化承载着江西历史的变迁和文化的传承。本文从历史地理学角度,结合历史文献和空间自相关分析、核密度分析、标准差椭圆、地理探测器等方法从历史、空间及文化3个维度对江西省343个传统村落的时空格局演化规律和影响因素进行研究。研究表明,从空间上看江西省传统村落在分布上具有明显的聚集性,且“热点”出现在上饶市婺源县与景德镇市浮梁县、抚州市东北部、吉安市中部3个区域,形成独有的“三核”分布模式。从历史线上看,江西省传统村落呈现出由“北(略偏东)—>南(略偏西)”的时空迁移特征;从村落分布选址角度,江西省传统村落大多分布在地势较为平坦、周围靠近水源的地区,江西省的盆地结构与密布的水网决定了自然因素是决定传统村落选址的首要因素,而文化的发展又促进了村落的扩张与壮大。在传统村落保护方面,经济的发展与城市的发展严重影响着传统村落的保护,政策的支持是目前传统村落保护的重要基石。  相似文献   
杨丽娟 《地质论评》2021,67(3):67040030-67040030
中国地质调查事业始于民国。1913年地质调查所正式成立,直至1950年裁撤,30余年间一直是中国地质学家的大本营。1916年初,地质调查所重新改组为地质调查局,并在行政上直接隶属农商部。同年夏天,地质研究所学生毕业后入地质调查局工作,成为地质调查局主要成员。1916年底,地质调查局被裁撤,又恢复地质调查所,但此后工作形式与机构管理均与调查局时期无太大变化。地质调查局因存在时间较短,加之史料不多,以往著述着墨不多。本文以《农商公报》、《政府公报》及地质调查局相关原始材料为基础,考察地质调查局成立始末、机构设置、人员组成及早期进行的地质调查工作。认为地质调查局的成立是中国地质学者建立独立地质调查专门机构的一次尝试。  相似文献   
Although the north‐western coast of Western Australia is highly vulnerable to tropical cyclones and tsunamis, little is known about the geological imprint of historic and prehistoric extreme wave events in this particular area. Despite a number of site‐specific difficulties such as post‐depositional changes and the preservation potential of event deposits, both tropical cyclones and tsunamis may be inferred from the geomorphology and the stratigraphy of beach ridge sequences, washover fans and coastal lagoons or marshes. A further challenge is the differentiation between tsunami and storm deposits in the geological record, particularly where modern deposits and/or historical reports on the event are not available. This study presents a high‐resolution sedimentary record of washover events from the Ashburton River delta (Western Australia) spanning approximately the last 150 years. A detailed characterization of event deposits is provided, and a robust chronostratigraphy for the investigated washover sequence is established based on multi‐proxy sediment analyses and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Combining sedimentological, geochemical and high‐resolution optically stimulated luminescence data, event layers are assigned to known historical events and tropical cyclone deposits are separated from tsunami deposits. For the first time, the 1883 Krakatoa and 1977 Sumba tsunamis are inferred from sedimentary records of the north‐western part of Western Australia. It is demonstrated that optically stimulated luminescence applied in coastal sedimentary archives with favourable luminescence characteristics can provide accurate chronostratigraphies even on a decadal timescale. The results contribute to the data pool of tropical cyclone and tsunami deposits in Holocene stratigraphies; however, they also demonstrate how short‐lived sediment archives may be in dynamic sedimentary environments.  相似文献   
邹伟  刘永学  李满春  汪业成  周旻曦 《热带地理》2015,35(2):202-207,217
结合当前南海严峻形势以及GIS系统开发的特点,研究设计了基于Arc GIS Engine组件、采用SQL Server数据库与Arc SDE空间数据引擎、以Visual Studio 2010为开发平台、C#为开发语言的南海历史地理情势分析系统;该系统包括了历史情势分析、岛礁分析、油气分析和系统管理4个模块,可用于统筹分析南海历史情势、岛礁情势和油气情势的发展状况及趋势。  相似文献   
农村集体土地确权登记发证是维护农民权益、促进农村社会和谐稳定的现实需要,为确保农村集体土地登记发证工作顺利进行,规范土地登记发证行为,防止和减少土地权属纠纷,促进经济社会的可持续发展。本文通过利用WebGIS,Web Service等技术研究开发了基于WebGIS的农村集体土地确权登记发证综合管理信息系统,为建设城乡一体化及不动产统一基础平台建设打下基础。  相似文献   
地理学发展视角下的历史流域研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域是地理学研究的重要区域单元,是区域响应的敏感区和研究热点,许多地区的自然灾害与人为损害都与流域的历史演变紧密相关。近年来出现的历史流域研究,就是对这种现象进行科学规律探寻的反映。由于这一研究涉及到自然、历史、社会、文化、管理、生态等多学科领域,枝叶浩繁。因此,仅从地理学发展的视角,揭示流域研究的地理特征、流域演变多种因素的相互作用,以及人类发展与历史流域的耦合关系。历史流域研究也具备地理学研究和发展的特点,具有综合性、历史演变性、空间相对稳定性、应用性等研究特征。在地理学发展视角下开展历史流域研究,对拓展地理研究思维,具有一定的实践意义,为流域的综合管理和可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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