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地热流体在利用过程中,可在过滤装置、管道、井管、井口、回灌井的滤水管等多个环节形成多种成分的沉积物:包括岩屑的机械沉积和地热流体中过饱和矿物的化学沉淀。本文对天津地区地热利用过程中不同部位沉积物的矿物成分分别取样,利用SEM或XRD方法进行矿物鉴定,结果表明各部位的沉积物成分不尽相同。利用多年积累的数据,对地热流体的赋存条件、多种矿物的SI值模拟及沉积原因进行了分析,研究了不同部位沉积物的来源及其形成机制。结合地热利用系统及成井工艺的综合分析,阐述了沉积物的防治措施及目前尚难避免的沉积环节。  相似文献   
云阳县滨江大道路基挡土墙在运营工况下,由于路基运营环境的变化导致了填土的物理力学性质的改变,挡土墙发生了位移和变形。在分析了变形原因的基础上,提出了抗滑桩预应力锚索联合加固方案,并取得了良好的治理效果。介绍了该工程加固方案设计及抗滑桩预应力锚索施工工艺。  相似文献   
论述了AQK大直径嵌岩扩底钻头的结构设计特点,阐述了新型扩底钻头的适应性和可靠性,对扩底钻头制造及钻扩施工过程中的关键问题提出了几点要求。  相似文献   
介绍了无嵌固支护桩形成的原因。通过其他组合支护方式(锚杆和腰梁)弥补无嵌固支护桩的不足,有效地加固深基坑,确保基坑安全稳定。无嵌固支护桩在特殊地层中相对传统的大嵌固支护桩具有安全、经济等一系列优势,值得推广运用。  相似文献   
朱英  王迪  赵宪富 《探矿工程》2012,39(5):71-74
在松江河石龙电站边坡加固工程中,采用小直径抗滑桩加锚杆的桩锚联合支护体系,替代单纯的大直径抗滑桩,解决了陡峭边坡大型设备无法使用问题。采用潜孔锤跟管钻进工艺,解决了人工填石层钻孔坍塌及不能用水做循环介质的问题。介绍了该边坡治理方案及其施工技术,对陡峭边坡灾害治理工程有实用参考价值。  相似文献   
苏文辉  许大鹏 《地质论评》2012,58(2):224-236
本文分析评论了嵇少丞等(2010)发表的"石英—柯石英相变研究中若干问题讨论"一文。指出他们对柯石英非俯冲折返新机制的一些误解,对某些热力学、物理学概念,及其在地学问题中的解释理解的不同。分析了机械球磨的作用机制;论证了机械球磨作用本质与构造挤压剪切作用本质的同一性。分析了岩石糜棱岩化过程的两个阶段;讨论了地震波形成柯石英机制的可能性。围绕比较标准问题,论证了高能机械球磨(预处理)能大大降低α-石英转变成柯石英的压力、温度和合成时间,促进柯石英的形成。用小尺度不均匀局域高压微区模型解释了人工合成柯石英的规律性、南极洲天然矿物的行为,柯石英的寄生矿物、岩石——锆石、榴辉岩包裹体、非包裹体的形成。列举事例澄清了"球磨引进的Fe杂质提高柯石英形成压力迟缓合成"的说法;讨论了第二相存在对石英—柯石英转变的影响和"应变禁区"边界区的应力梯度相变驱动力可以形成柯石英问题。指出了机械球磨石英原料预处理和静高压合成柯石英后处理两步法,是一种实验室研究柯石英形成规律的有效物理方法;小尺度不均匀局域高压微区模型和无需板块深俯冲快折返的柯石英形成机制,是一种有希望的柯石英形成新机制。  相似文献   
深基坑双排桩结构支护效果有限差分数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘日成 《地质与勘探》2012,48(2):1900-12-31-373
[摘 要] 由两排平行的钢筋混凝土桩以及桩顶冠梁形成的双排桩支护结构可以有效控制基坑侧 向变形,被广泛应用于基坑支护设计中。本文以济南市西区文化中心项目大剧院为工程背景,对双排桩 支护结构下基坑坡面水平位移,坑底隆起,桩身弯矩、剪力,桩土接触面切向刚度和法向刚度等特征进行 研究,并通过“实体单元桩冶和“结构单元桩冶的计算结果进行对比分析。研究表明,桩与土体相互作用 力学模型能较好模拟双排桩支护施工过程,计算精度较高;桩顶的水平位移最大,基坑开挖底面的弯矩 和剪力最大;计算结果可为双排支护桩作用机理的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
An investigation is made to present analytical solutions provided by a Winkler model approach for the analysis of single piles and pile groups subjected to vertical and lateral loads in nonhomogeneous soils. The load transfer parameter of a single pile in nonhomogeneous soils is derived from the displacement influence factor obtained from Mindlin's solution for an elastic continuum analysis, without using the conventional form of the load transfer parameter adopting the maximum radius of the influence of the pile proposed by Randolph and Wroth. The modulus of the subgrade reaction along the pile in nonhomogeneous soils is expressed by using the displacement influence factor related to Mindlin's equation for an elastic continuum analysis to combine the elastic continuum approach with the subgrade reaction approach. The relationship between settlement and vertical load for a single pile in nonhomogeneous soils is obtained by using the recurrence equation for each layer. Using the modulus of the subgrade reaction represented by the displacement influence factor related to Mindlin's solution for the lateral load, the relationship between horizontal displacement, rotation, moment, and shear force for a single pile subjected to lateral loads in nonhomogeneous soils is available in the form of the recurrence equation. The comparison of the results calculated by the present method for single piles and pile groups in nonhomogeneous soils has shown good agreement with those obtained from the more rigorous finite element and boundary element methods. It is found that the present procedure gives a good prediction on the behavior of piles in nonhomogeneous soils. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
采用Tessier五步连续提取法和红外光谱技术,研究类芽孢杆菌对铜陵新桥矿区重金属污染土壤中Cu化学形态的影响,初步探讨了Cu形态变化的机理。结果表明,不同投入量的类芽孢杆菌接种到土壤培养一周后,土壤溶液pH值降低,土壤中可交换态、有机结合态Cu含量增加,碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和残渣态Cu的含量降低。土壤中可交换态、铁锰氧化物结合态和残渣态Cu含量的变化主要受土壤溶液的pH值控制;有机结合态升高主要与类芽孢杆菌菌数及其代谢产生的低分子量有机酸有关。类芽孢杆菌可以改变矿区土壤中Cu的化学形态,影响Cu的生物有效性。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1184-1202
Based on metamorphic studies of the Yadong high-pressure (HP) granulite and multiple thermochronological investigations of granitoids from both upper and lower parts, the Yadong section in the eastern Himalaya constrains the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS). The Yadong HP granulite, located at the top of the GHS, underwent a peak-stage HP granulite facies metamorphism and two stages of retrograde metamorphism. Granulite and hornblende facies retrograde metamorphism took place at 48.5 and 31.8 Ma, respectively, marking the time of exhumation of the subducted Indian slab to lower and middle crustal levels. Subsequently, an average young zircon U–Pb age obtained from the Yadong HP granulite indicated that this unit was captured by its surroundings in a partially molten condition at 16.9 Ma. In addition, three granitoids from both the lower and the upper parts of the GHS yielded biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages of 11.0, 11.3, and 11.5 million years. These consistent ages suggest that the GHS along the Yadong section was laterally extruded and synchronously cooled to ~300°C at ~11.3 Ma. Furthermore, the granitic gneisses yield apatite fission track ages of ~7 million years, documenting the cooling of the GHS to ~110°C. A two-stage model describes the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the GHS: (1) the Indian slab had subducted under Tibet before ~55 Ma, and was exhumed to the lower crust (50-40 km) at 48.5 Ma, and to the middle crust (22-15 km) at 31.8 Ma; and (2) the partial melting occurred at middle crustal levels during the period 31.8 to 16.9 Ma, causing channel flow. In the late stage, the GHS was laterally extruded by ductile mid-crustal flow during the period 16.9 to ~7 Ma, characterized by a fast cooling rate of ~2 mm per year.  相似文献   
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