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Three third-order sequences and about one hundred high-frequency cycles or Milankovitchcycles within the Late Permian Changxingian to Early Triassic Griesbachian are identified in theMeishan Section of Changxing, Zhejiang Province, southern China, the candidate stratotype sec-tion of the global Permo-Triassic boundary, based on a detailed study of the biological,ecological and high-resolution allochthonous cyclic events, microfacies and depositional systems.Furthermore, the stacking pattern of the depositional systems across various Changxingian andGriesbachian sedimentary facies of the Lower Yangtze and the sequence stratigraphic frameworkare outlined with the Meishan section as the principal section. In this paper the habitat types offossil biota are applied to semiquantitative palaeobathymetry and the study of relative sea levelchanges.  相似文献   
上扬子克拉通南缘中泥盆统—石炭系地层高频层序可以划分为三个级别 ,并与层序地层学术语可以对比 :六级层序—韵律层 ;五级层序—准层序 ;四级层序—准层序组。不同级别高频层序的形成受米兰柯维奇驱动力引起的具不同周期和频率的复合海平面变化控制。克拉通边缘沉积环境中 ,低频海平面变化的上升阶段形成以淹没节拍为主的高频层序 ,而在停滞至下降阶段形成以暴露节拍为主的高频层序。所以 ,通过对不同特征的高频层序及垂向叠加的分析 ,可以求解低频海平面的变化  相似文献   
High-frequency oscillations, with periods of about 2 hours, are first identified by applying wavelet analysis to observed minutely wind speeds around the eye and eyewall of tropical cyclones(TCs). Analysis of a model simulation of Typhoon Hagupit(2008) shows that the oscillations also occur in the TC intensity, vertical motion, convergence activity and air density around the eyewall. Sequences of oscillations in these variables follow a certain order.  相似文献   
冀中中奥陶统高频率旋回层序的基本特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外实测剖面及路线观察,河北中部中奥陶统马家沟群的高频率旋回可划分为三个级别,并与层序地层学术语可以对比,由低到高为;六级旋回──韵律层;五级旋回──准层序;四级旋回──准层序组。这些由米兰柯维奇驱动力所控制的旋回层序在不同的沉积环境中具有不同岩石组合特征,反映了高频率旋回的沉积模式。  相似文献   
The monitoring of the stability of old mines constitutes an important research objective for our institution, BRGM. The study reported here shows the contribution of high-frequency (>30 kHz) acoustic emissions to the detection of the damage within a rock mass, during an experiment within a pilot site of an old flooded iron mine. The experiment consisted of recording all the hydroacoustic events in a broad frequency band (between 30 Hz and 180 kHz), during 18 months. The monitoring network has been calibrated by a triggered block fall that made it possible to highlight a relationship between the occurrence of high-frequency/low-frequency hydroacoustic emissions and rock falls. The events recorded have been associated with the micro-failure of the rock mass near the roof, prior to the detachment of the blocks. This monitoring showed important high-frequency hydroacoustic activity, which may be associated with mechanical instabilities generated by the evolution of water pressure during the experiment. In conclusion, the high-frequency hydroacoustic activity appears to be a good indicator of instability and, therefore, this new technique constitutes a promising tool for monitoring abandoned underground cavities.  相似文献   
Introduction The effect of local site conditions on wave propagation is one of the most attractive topics in engineering seismology. It may be resolved by either a numerical method or an analytical method. Numerical methods include the finite difference, finite element, boundary element method, etc. The analytical method is the wave function expansion method. The advantage of these numerical methods is that they can be applied to local inhomogeneity of arbitrary shapes, but analytical method …  相似文献   
The diagenesis of modern and ancient carbonatesedi ments has been widely studied and systematicallyreviewed since the 1960s (e .g. Moore ,2001 ,1989 ;Wang et al ., 1994 , 1991 ; McIlreath and Morrow,1990 ; Tucker and Bathurst , 1990 ; Schneidermannand Harris , 1985 ; Longman, 1980 ; Bathurst ,1975) . With the development of sequence stratigra-phy and its more widespread application, discussionabout the relationship between diagenesis and se-quence stratigraphy/sea-level changes ,as well as…  相似文献   
所讨论的电磁场频率介于传统的低频电磁法和雷达频率之间。在这个频率范围内,传导电流和位移电流都是不可忽略的。采用高密度采样算法计算水平层状磁偶线圈模型的电磁响应,通过对归一化的电磁响应在不同地电情况的模拟,比较分析了高频电磁场响应特征以及位移电流对高频电磁响应的贡献。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地东缘中奥陶统马家沟组发育豹斑状云质灰岩,因其分布广泛、成因复杂以及具有重要的油气储集意义而长期受到关注。文中以山西省兴县关家崖剖面马家沟组四段顶部为例,依据宏观、微观岩石学特征,结合碳氧稳定同位素、原位激光剥蚀的微量稀土元素等地球化学分析手段,分析了豹斑状云质灰岩的特征及其成因。研究表明,豹斑状云质灰岩的特征为: (1)常发育于(含颗粒)泥晶灰岩中,且向上白云石化程度增强,云质斑块内常伴有针状或板条状石膏假晶;(2)按产状可大致分为水平、斜交和不规则花斑3种类型,分别对应于向上变浅序列的下部、中部和上部,序列顶部多见近原地角砾化;(3)基质灰岩与云质斑块的δ13C、δ18O值较同期海水略显负偏,顶部不规则云质斑块负偏程度最大;(4)“豹斑”与基质灰岩均具有较低的Mn、Sr、Ba等含量和低Mn/Sr值;(5)“豹斑”的ΣREE含量较基质灰岩略低,且皆表现为轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损的稀土配分模式,δCe微弱负异常,δEu无异常。依据上述结果,推测关家崖剖面马四段豹斑状云质灰岩产状受到生物扰动和高频海平面驱动的早成岩期岩溶耦合控制,序列由下至上耦合改造由弱变强,形成下—中部以岩溶影响较小的水平和斜交虫迹为特征、上部叠合岩溶强改造形成不规则花斑的垂向序列组合;早成岩期的暴露岩溶不仅叠合改造生物潜穴,而且蒸发浓缩的有限重卤水沿叠合优势通道优先交代孔渗条件更好的区域,至埋藏时期白云石化作用进一步加强,从而形成了区内类型多样的豹斑状云质灰岩。研究结果还揭示出沉积期微地貌控制的早成岩期岩溶作用是马四段这类特殊的豹斑状云质灰岩或豹斑状云岩储集层形成的关键,且在很大程度上控制了这类储集层的分布,这一认识可为高频暴露驱动的早成岩期岩溶研究提供新的材料。  相似文献   
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