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The self‐centering energy dissipative (SCED) brace is a new steel bracing member that provides both damping to the structure and a re‐centering capability. The goal of this study was to confirm the behavior of SCED braces within complete structural systems and to confirm the ability to model these systems with both a state‐of‐the‐art computer model as well as a simplified model that would be useful to practicing engineers. To these ends, a three‐story SCED‐braced frame was designed and constructed for testing on a shake table. Two concurrent computer models of the entire frame were constructed: one using the opensees nonlinear dynamic modeling software, and a simplified model using the commercial structural analysis software sap2000 . The frame specimen was subjected to 12 significant earthquakes without any adjustment or modification between the tests. The SCED braces prevented residual drifts in the frame, as designed, and did not show any significant degradation due to wear. Both numerical models were able to predict the drifts, story shears, and column forces well. Peak story accelerations were overestimated in the models; this effect was found to be caused by the absence of transitions at stiffness changes in the hysteretic model of the braces. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
武汉市是华中地区最大的城市,改革开放以来,兴建了许多高层建筑。高层建筑尤其是超高层建筑的主要特点是高度大、重心高、基底压力大及基础埋深大等。而武汉地区的地质条件又比较复杂,就第四纪地层而言,从最新沉积的各类软土如人工填土、淤泥类土、软塑状粘性土等,到全新世(Q4)沉积的各类砂土与卵砾石,直至晚更新世(Q3)及其以前沉积的老粘土均有分布。各类土层的厚度、深度及性质均变化较大。因此武汉地区高层建筑的岩土工程问题就显得复杂与多样,在众多复杂的岩土工程问题中,本文主要分析了比较突出的基础持力层与基础类型的确定,深基坑开挖中的边坡滑移、基坑涌水、流砂、突涌以及基坑防护等。通过对这些问题的分析,从中可以得出一些规律,对今后高层建筑的兴建具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
地震调查方法在水合物中的应用分为两个主要阶段:调查初始阶段和调查深入阶段。调查初始阶段以“突出天然气水合物的四大主要识别标志(似海底反射、振幅空白带、穿层特征、振幅和速度结构异常)”为主要目的,为资料的处理、解释提供丰富的地震信息。从而圈定天然气水合物富集程度高、成藏条件好的“目标”靶区,开展深入调查,更好地展现“天然气水合物矿体立体上的形态特征”,了解“水合物矿体的厚度、顶底界面及富集程度”。文中从震源技术研究、高分辨率地震调查技术的调谐组合参数研究和野外施工方法等方面的内容出发,根据大量野外技术试验资料和有关科研成果,总结了在天然气水合物调查初始阶段的特点及相应的地震调查技术。  相似文献   
The high nature value (HNV) concept, proposed by the European Environment Agency, recognizes that specific farming systems support high biodiversity levels, mainly as a result of extensive management practices. The Portuguese montado is one of the most significant HNV systems in southern Europe. However, considering the great complexity characterizing these systems both in land management and in landscape structure, a specific context-oriented methodology to assess which montado areas are likely to be classified as HNV farmland is needed. In this sense, the aim of this study is to explore a methodological approach which makes it possible to assess land management pressures through land cover information on these complex silvo-pastoral systems. The proposed methodology was tested through a local case study in a montado area in southern Portugal, assessing the relation between management practices and a vegetation cover index. Results show that in similar montado areas different land management strategies varying in stocking density, but also in type of grazing animals and shrub control practices, configure different vegetation cycles. These results indicate there is a way to develop a straightforward methodology to assess the HNV value of Mediterranean silvo-pastoral systems based on land cover indicators. These would make it possible to assess the HNV of montado areas with direct and objective information and independent of farmer’s surveys or other farm-based data.  相似文献   
Recent attention given to the concept of vertical integration and disintegration of production processes has identified the existence of a continuum, with small, flexibly specialized producers at one end and large, mass production units at the other end. Firms along the continuum constantly strive for the optimum combination of economies of scale and scope. This paper attempts to identify the organizational characteristics of high technology firms in one industrial complex of the U.S. Manufacturing Belt. A principal components analysis is performed on a number of theoretically relevant variables for a sample of high technology establishments in Northeast Ohio. The results indicate that the region contains a variety of organizational forms ranging from isolated workshops to large, vertically integrated assembly plants. These findings conform to expectations derived from recent conceptualizations in the literature. Additional empirical research will further enhance understanding of the processes that shape the organization of production in territorial complexes.  相似文献   
大泉水-白沙岘矿区位于甘肃省景泰县境内,在大地构造位置上处于北祁连加里东褶皱带东段,区内含煤地层为下石炭统靖远组和上石炭统羊虎沟组,属海陆交互相含煤沉积,根据岩性、岩相特征可划分为两个沉积旋回。该矿区主要可采煤层煤.层组赋存于羊虎沟组,厚1.71~9.00m,沿走向由西向东厚度变小,在大泉水井田可采厚度主要分布在V线以西,其东区段只是零星分布且不可采;在白沙岘井田煤层总厚度为2.99~5.15m,厚度变化小,属稳定煤层。煤:层组赋存于靖远组,仅分布在大泉水井田,厚1.33~8.88m,沿走向由西向东呈长透镜体状,西段和中段煤层发育较好.V线以东区段煤层变薄并出现无煤区。  相似文献   
In-situ sensors for riverine water quality monitoring are a powerful tool to describe temporal variations when efficient and informative analyses are applied to the large quantities of data collected. Concentration-discharge hysteresis patterns observed during storm events give insights into headwater catchment processes. However, the applicability of this approach to larger catchments is less well known. Here, we evaluate the potential for high-frequency turbidity-discharge (Q) hysteresis patterns to give insights into processes operating in a meso-scale (722 km2) northern mixed land use catchment. As existing event identification methods did not work, we developed a new, objective method based on hydrograph characteristics and identified 76 events for further analysis. Qualitative event analysis identified three recurring patterns. Events with low mean Q (≤ 2 m3/s) often showed short-term, quasi-periodic turbidity variation, to a large extent disconnected from Q variation. High max Q events (≥15 m3/s) were often associated with spring flood or snowmelt, and showed a disconnection between turbidity and Q. Intermediate Q events (mean Q: 2–11 m3/s) were the most informative when applying hysteresis indexes, since changes in turbidity and Q were actually connected. Hysteresis indexes could be calculated on a subset of 60 events, which showed heterogeneous responses: 38% had a clockwise response, 12% anticlockwise, 12% figure eight (clockwise–anticlockwise), 10% reverse figure eight (anticlockwise–clockwise) and 28% showed a complex response. Clockwise hysteresis responses were associated with the wetter winter and spring seasons. Generally, changes in Q and turbidity were small during anticlockwise hysteresis events. Precipitation often influenced figure-eight patterns, while complex patterns often occurred during summer low flows. Analysis of intermediate Q events can improve process understanding of meso-scale catchments and possibly aid in choosing appropriate management actions for targeting a specific observed pattern.  相似文献   
根据圣水镇小流域自然和社会经济状况以及区域国民经济发展的要求,以圣水镇小流域为主体,进行试验与示范。开展了水土流失综合治理模式和生态农业模式研究,同时进行生态经济效益监测和评价,在此基础上构成高效生态农业模式,建立具有水土保持兼高效生态经济功能的综合农业复合生态系统,实现半山区小流域开发建设中经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的协调与统一,在半山区及其类似地区有应用前景和推广价值。  相似文献   
常鹏斌  吕宝雄  缪志选 《地理空间信息》2019,(4):18-19,28,I0002
以某特高岸水库巨型变形体为研究对象,应用地面三维激光扫描仪采集变形体表面激光点云数据,建立变形体DEM模型,几何量测提取点、线、面(体)成果,对比及叠加分析,得到特定点、线、面及整个变形体位移量信息。研究结果表明,高密度激光点云数据可弥补传统监测成果单一及分析局限或以点概全的不足,以其丰富多样的监测成果全面反映变形体的变形信息,尤其对速滑变形在时效性和精度匹配上更有效,可达到应急预报要求。  相似文献   
由于1∶500与1∶5 000两种比例尺地形图中等高线的技术指标差别极大,因此要实现从1∶500到1∶5 000地形图的缩编,如何在保证质量的前提下高效地对等高线进行缩编,是一个难度很大的技术问题。文章通过探索和实验,总结出基于GeoTIN的等高线缩编技术方法,这种方法在实际生产中被证明是有效的、可靠的和具有实用性的。  相似文献   
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