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空间分辨率对总初级生产力模拟结果差异的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用模型分析气候变化对陆地生态系统功能的影响,是当前全球变化生态学的研究热点,然而模型模拟不确定性来源之一就是空间异质性的问题。空间异质性是尺度的函数,基于气象和遥感数据驱动的生态系统过程模型(BEPS模型),分别模拟2003-2005年中国生态系统通量观测与研究网络(ChinaFLUX)长白山站、千烟洲站、海北站及当雄站在1 km和8 km空间分辨率下的总初级生产力(GPP)的时间动态变化,并结合土地覆盖类型及叶面积指数(LAI)的差异,探讨两种空间分辨率输入数据对GPP模拟结果的影响。结果表明:① 差异性主要是由于8 km范围内混合像元导致LAI的不同,4个站点月均差异值分别为0.85、1.60、0.13及0.04;② 两种空间分辨率均能较好地反映各站点GPP的季节动态变化,与GPP观测值的相关性R2为0.79~0.97 (1 km)、0.69~0.97(8 km),月均差异值为11.46~29.65 gC/m2/month (1 km)、11.87~24.81 gC/m2/month (8 km);③ 4个通量站点在两种空间分辨率下的GPP月均差异值分别为14.43,12.05,4.79,3.22 gC/m2/month,不同空间分辨率的模拟结果在森林站的差异大于草地站,且生长季的差异大于非生长季。因此,模型在模拟大尺度、长时间序列GPP时,为了提高模型模拟效率,适度降低空间分辨率是可行的,但应尽量减小低空间分辨率对于森林生态系统以及生长季GPP模拟上的误差。  相似文献   
王少剑  高爽  陈静 《地理研究》2020,39(3):651-668
基于全国城市的PM2.5监测数据,识别PM2.5的时空分布特征,并着重利用地理加权回归模型分析自然和社会经济因素对PM2.5影响的空间异质性。结果显示:2015年全国PM2.5的年均浓度为50.3 μg/m3,浓度变化呈现冬高夏低,春秋居中的“U型”特征;PM2.5的空间集聚状态明显,其中京津冀城市群是全国PM2.5的污染重心。地理加权回归结果显示:影响因素除高程外,其余指标均呈现正负两种效应,且影响程度具有显著的空间差异性特征。从回归系数的贡献均值来看,自然因素对城市PM2.5浓度影响强度由高到低依次是高程、相对湿度、温度、降雨量、风速、植被覆盖指数;各类社会经济指标对城市PM2.5浓度影响强度排名依次是人口密度、研发经费、建设用地比例、产业结构、外商直接投资、人均GDP。由于各指标对城市PM2.5浓度变化的影响程度存在着空间异质性,因此在制定大气治理对策时可以考虑不同指标影响程度的空间差异,从而使得治霾对策更具针对性。  相似文献   
Xu  Yue  Shen  Zehao  Ying  Lingxiao  Zang  Runguo  Jiang  Youxu 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(7):1142-1158
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Understanding biogeographic patterns and the mechanisms underlying them has been a main issue in macroecology and biogeography, and has implications for...  相似文献   
Li  Wei  Li  Xiaoyan  Huang  Yongmei  Wang  Pei  Zhang  Cicheng 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(9):1507-1526

In many arid ecosystems, vegetation frequently occurs in high-cover patches interspersed in a matrix of low plant cover. However, theoretical explanations for shrub patch pattern dynamics along climate gradients remain unclear on a large scale. This context aimed to assess the variance of the Reaumuria soongorica patch structure along the precipitation gradient and the factors that affect patch structure formation in the middle and lower Heihe River Basin (HRB). Field investigations on vegetation patterns and heterogeneity in soil properties were conducted during 2014 and 2015. The results showed that patch height, size and plant-to-patch distance were smaller in high precipitation habitats than in low precipitation sites. Climate, soil and vegetation explained 82.5% of the variance in patch structure. Spatially, R. soongorica shifted from a clumped to a random pattern on the landscape towards the MAP gradient, and heterogeneity in the surface soil properties (the ratio of biological soil crust (BSC) to bare gravels (BG)) determined the R. soongorica population distribution pattern in the middle and lower HRB. A conceptual model, which integrated water availability and plant facilitation and competition effects, was revealed that R. soongorica changed from a flexible water use strategy in high precipitation regions to a consistent water use strategy in low precipitation areas. Our study provides a comprehensive quantification of the variance in shrub patch structure along a precipitation gradient and may improve our understanding of vegetation pattern dynamics in the Gobi Desert under future climate change.

Small-scale elastic heterogeneities (<5  km) are found in the upper lithosphere underneath the Gräfenberg array, southeast Germany. The results are based on the analysis of broadband recordings of 17 intermediate-depth (201–272  km) events from the Hindu Kush region. The wavefront of the first P arrival and the following 40  s coda are separated into coherent and incoherent (scattered) parts in the frequency range from 0.05 to 5  Hz. The frequency-dependent intensities of the mean and fluctuation wavefields are used to describe the scattering characteristics of the lithosphere underneath the receivers. It is possible to discriminate a weak-fluctuation regime of the wavefield in the frequency range below approximately 1.5–2.5  Hz and a strong-fluctuation regime starting at 2.0–2.5  Hz and continuing to higher frequencies. In order to explain the observed wavefield fluctuations, an approach with seismic scattering at random media-type structures is proposed. The preferred model contains heterogeneities with 3–7 per cent perturbations in seismic velocity and correlation lengths of 0.6–4.8  km in the crust. This is compatible with models from active seismic experiments. Scattering in the lithospheric mantle is not required, but cannot be excluded at weak velocity contrasts (<3 per cent).  相似文献   
We study how the tsunami mode is generated by a scaled double-couple seismic source, and how it propagates in realistic oceanic models. The method developed and used is the direct extension to tsunami waves propagating in multilayered oceanic media of the well-known Haskell method. The most intensive tsunamis may be expected from sources located within the crust in the deep-water parts of the ocean. The extension to laterally heterogeneous structures shows that, if the thickness of the ocean liquid layer diminishes, the maximum amplitude of the tsunami wave train increases.  相似文献   
Glaciation and deglaciation in Fennoscandia during the last glacial cycles has significantly perturbed the Earth's equilibrium figure. Changes in the Earth's solid and geoidal surfaces due to external and internal mass redistributions are recorded in sequences of ancient coastlines, now either submerged or uplifted, and are still visible in observations of present‐day motions of the surface and glacially induced anomalies in the Earth's gravitational field. These observations become increasingly sophisticated with the availability of GPS measurements and new satellite gravity missions.
Observational evidence of the mass changes is widely used to constrain the radial viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle. However, lateral changes in earth model properties are usually not taken into account, as most global models of glacial isostatic adjustment assume radial symmetry for the earth model. This simplifying assumption contrasts with seismological evidence of significant lateral variations in the Earth's crust and upper mantle throughout the Fennoscandian region.
We compare predictions of glacial isostatic adjustment based on an ice model over the Fennoscandian region for the last glacial cycle for both radially symmetric and fully 3‐D earth models. Our results clearly reveal the importance of lateral variations in lithospheric thickness and asthenospheric viscosity for glacially induced model predictions. Relative sea‐level predictions can differ by up to 10–20 m, uplift rate predictions by 1–3 mm yr−1 and free‐air gravity anomaly predictions by 2–4 mGal when a realistic 3‐D earth structure as proposed by seismic modelling is taken into account.  相似文献   
基于局部化转换规则的元胞自动机土地利用模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
传统土地利用元胞自动机(Cellular automata,CA)模型基于空间同质性假设,使用全局性模型建立元胞转换规则,忽略了土地利用变化驱动因素的驱动作用在空间上的变化。以美国佛罗里达州的橙县(Orange County)2003-2009年土地利用变化为例,提出了基于局部化转化规则的CA土地利用模型,其中元胞的土地利用类型适宜性由地理加权多项logit模型(Geographically weighted multinomial logit,GWML)获得。结果表明:GWML模型较传统全局性多项logit(Multinomial logit,MNL)模型有更高的数据解释能力。基于GWML模型的土地利用CA模型能反映局部土地利用变化模式,因而较基于MNL模型的CA模型具有更高的模拟精度。所得结论对未来国内地区的研究有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
 格局和过程与异质性有关。以呼伦贝尔克氏针茅草原不同放牧强度下的演替群落为对象,开展群落植被空间分布格局及土壤有机质空间异质性研究。结果显示,不同放牧强度样地群落结构和群落种类组成存在明显差异。轻度放牧样地样方内有8种植物,群落优势种为克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii);中度放牧样地样方内有12种植物,群落优势种为糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squyarrosa);而重度放牧样地样方内只有7种植物,群落优势种为多根葱(Allium polyrhizum)。随放牧强度的增强,植被地上生物量及其变异系数逐渐降低;土壤有机质含量表现为轻度放牧>中度放牧>重度放牧,而其变异系数表现为中度放牧>轻度放牧>重度放牧。从植被地上生物量和土壤有机质含量变异函数分析来看,随放牧压力的增大,植被地上生物量空间自相关性增强,空间异质性变大;土壤有机质含量空间分布自相关性先增强,然后减弱,空间变异性先变大,然后变小。在10 cm×10 cm的微尺度上,重牧群落植被地上生物量和土壤有机质含量之间表现出明显的相关性(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
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