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城市高温热浪事件严重影响人体健康和生命安全已成共识。利用宁波市2012—2016年中暑病例数据和同期气候数据对宁波市夏半年中暑流行特征及热浪对其的影响作了相关分析。结果表明:2012—2016年,2012年和2013年中暑人数最多,并集中在6—8月,其中7月人数最多占比55. 3%;男性中暑概率明显高于女性,中暑程度主要集中在轻度中暑,31—60岁年龄段中暑人数占比最高,市区中暑人数占比要高于郊区(县);用温湿两要素结合的炎热指数和热浪公式定义宁波热浪过程,发现热浪天数和中暑人数的相关系数高达0. 898,选出7次热浪过程计算热浪中暑的相对危险度,发现除2013年以外其他年份热浪中暑的相对危险度均在10以下,2013年的3次热浪中暑的相对危险度分别为18. 1、21. 6和25. 8,这与2013年热浪出现相对频繁集中有关;同时通过这7次热浪过程的前、后段热浪中暑的相对危险度的比较,并未见明显的热浪滞后效应存在。  相似文献   
宁波地震台ZK03井水温异常与8级及以上地震的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过近5年时间的观测,发现宁波台ZK03井水温测值变化具有一定的规律性。即在没有明显地震活动和干扰背景下,测值呈缓慢平稳趋势性上升,日波动值仅为仪器的短期稳定性值。虽然没有对应本学科认为的预报效能范围内的地震发生,但地球上发生的共6次8级及以上地震前,该井水温测值都有较明显的异常现象出现。除印尼8.7、8.5级地震前可能有中、短、临异常出现外,其它4次都表现为临震异常。异常主要表现形式为脉冲式向上突跳或阶跃式变化,最大异常量可达日均正常上升速率的数倍至数千倍。水温异常出现的可能原因是由于地震前的长周期波通过上地幔或软流层传播,间接地导致了地下流体温度发生了微小的变化,被高精度的测温仪记录下来。  相似文献   
本文通过对相山铀矿田放射性元素衰变热量的研究,阐述了矿田热的性质;计算了放射性元素衰变热对大地热流、地温梯度及地温场的影响。结果表明:放射性元素的集中富集,改变了矿田的地热结构,但是对地温场的影响较小。  相似文献   
Observations from two SOund Detection And Ranging (SODAR) units, a 10 m micrometeorological tower and five Automated Surface Observing Stations (ASOS) were examined during several synoptic scale flow regimes over New York City after the World Trade Center disaster on September 11, 2001. An ARPS model numerical simulation was conducted to explore the complex mesoscale boundary layer structure over New York City. The numerical investigation examined the urban heat island, urban roughness effect and sea breeze structure over the New York City region. Estimated roughness lengths varied from 0.7 m with flow from the water to 4 m with flow through Manhattan. A nighttime mixed layer was observed over lower Manhattan, indicating the existence of an urban heat island. The ARPS model simulated a sea-breeze front moving through lower Manhattan during the study period consistent with the observations from the SODARs and the 10-m tower observations. Wind simulations showed a slowing and cyclonic turning of the 10-m air flow as the air moved over New York City from the ocean. Vertical profiles of simulated TKE and wind speeds showed a maximum in TKE over lower Manhattan during nighttime conditions. It appears that this TKE maximum is directly related to the influences of the urban heat island.  相似文献   
Over the past 20 years the study ofP- andS-wave velocities in the upper mantle of the Mediterranean area and continental Europe has been the subject of intensive research work. We present a summary of results based on the inversion of available surface-wave dispersion data andP-wave trave time observations. For areas characterized by different tectonic settings and very large lateral variations, a discussion is made about structural models based on seismological, geothermal and electrical conductivity data.  相似文献   
A myriad of downstream communities and industries rely on streams fed by both groundwater discharge and glacier meltwater draining the Cordillera Blanca, Northern Peruvian Andes, which contains the highest density of glaciers in the tropics. During the dry season, approximately half the discharge in the region's proglacial streams comes from groundwater. However, because of the remote and difficult access to the region, there are few field methods that are effective at the reach scale to identify the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge. An energy balance model, Rhodamine WT dye tracing, and high‐definition kite‐borne imagery were used to determine gross and net groundwater inputs to a 4‐km reach of the Quilcay River in Huascaran National Park, Peru. The HFLUX computer programme ( http://hydrology.syr.edu/hflux.html ) was used to simulate the Quilcay River's energy balance using stream temperature observations, meteorological measurements, and kite‐borne areal photography. Inference from the model indicates 29% of stream discharge at the reach outlet was contributed by groundwater discharge over the study section. Rhodamine WT dye tracing results, coupled with the energy balance, show that approximately 49% of stream water is exchanged (no net gain) with the subsurface as gross gains and losses. The results suggest that gross gains from groundwater are largest in a moraine subreach but because of large gross losses, net gains are larger in the meadow subreaches. These insights into pathways of groundwater–surface water interaction can be applied to improve hydrological modelling in proglacial catchments throughout South America. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为研究填充裂隙水流速度对岩体温度和应力的影响,选取甘肃北山地区的花岗岩,制作了稀疏非正交裂隙岩体模 型,采用河砂填充裂隙后进行模型试验;并对模型试验进行离散元数值模拟,分析了模型试验所测岩体温度和热应力与数 值模拟结果的差异和原因。结果显示:填砂裂隙强化了裂隙介质的热导能力,无填充时岩体温度和热应力比填砂时低;模 型试验和离散元模拟均表明,岩体温度和岩体应力随裂隙水流速度增大而减小,但是系统达到稳态所需要的时间变短;模 型试验中斜裂隙水流对温度场起主要作用;由于现有3DEC软件不能考虑水的热物性参数随温度的变化,进而产生自然对 流换热,斜裂隙水流和靠近热源侧的竖裂隙水流对温度场起主要作用。  相似文献   
近几年随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市周边环境发生了巨大的变化,其中最为突出的热点表现在城市气候状况的逐年变化,针对气候变化国内、外气候学家做出了众多研究成果。这里研究的重点在利用遥感技术对客观数据大面积、高时效、全面真实地分析处理的基础上,来动态地研究城市植被覆盖度变化与城区地表热量分布的关系,通过对1992年、2006年的Landsat5TM遥感数据的分析,估算植被的覆盖度并对城区地表温度进行反演,从而客观得出植被覆盖度与城区地表热量分布图,揭示出植被覆盖度与城市地袁热量分布之间的相互关系。研究结果表明,城市植被覆盖度与城市地表热量分布之间呈现出明显的负相关性,具体表现为植被覆盖度越低的地区,城市热量值比植被覆盖度越高的地区城市热量值高。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional fog model,suitable for precipitous and complex terrain,is designed contain-ing four prognostic variables—wind speed,potential temperature,specific humidity and mixing ratioof liquid water.The model considers turbulent exchange,the long-wave radiation on the ground sur-face and in the air.the short-wave solar radiation,the evaporation and condensation of moisture andthe surface heat budget and so on.In order to make the model run steadily on precipitous and complexterrain,we have improved the method of calculating horizontal pressure gradient force in the terraincoordinate system.The results coincide on the whole with the actual situation.  相似文献   
花岗岩单裂隙渗流传热特性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李正伟  张延军  张驰  许天福 《岩土力学》2018,39(9):3261-3269
基于岩石裂隙渗流传热试验系统,以蒸馏水为换热工质,针对预制平滑裂隙与粗糙裂隙的花岗岩岩样,开展不同试验温度与水流条件下的单裂隙对流换热特性试验研究。试验结果表明:①同一温度水平下,对流换热系数的量值与流量呈正相关关系,但对流换热系数的增幅大于流量的增幅,随岩石基质温度的升高,相同流量水平下的对流换热系数呈增大趋势;②与平滑裂隙试验结果相比,粗糙裂隙面的对流换热强度有所提高,但增幅不大;③沿渗流路径,裂隙面局部对流换热强度的演化呈现多波峰的非线性特征,其中粗糙裂隙的非线性更加强烈。但二者均存在由进水口至出水口,换热强度逐渐减弱的特征。④努塞尔数与普朗特数1/3次方的商与雷诺数较好地满足幂指数关系,随着试验温度的升高,这种关系逐渐向线性转变。  相似文献   
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