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为了解经济迅速发展背景下格尔木河流域水体中痕量元素分布、水环境质量现状和生态风险,对格尔木河9个采样点水样21种痕量元素的分布及相关性进行了分析,以Cu、Zn、Hg、Cd、Cr和Pb为目标重金属,评估了格尔木河水质现状及生态风险。结果表明:重金属Pb浓度在所有水样中均低于检出限,其它痕量元素浓度在0.001(Cd)~6297.013(Sr)μg·L~(-1)范围变化。根据相关性分析,推测格尔木河水体中Li、Sc、Ti、V、Cu、Ge、Rb、Sr、Mo、Cd来源可能相同。采样点水样6种重金属浓度均达到地表水环境质量I类的标准。采用5种方法评价了格尔木河水质现状,研究区水质处于无污染的理想状态。格尔木河重金属引发的潜在生态风险处于低风险水平(生态风险指数变化范围为0.35~0.68)。  相似文献   
数值模拟在沂水铁矿区地下水环境影响评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水数值模拟在矿区地下水环境评价中应用较少,通过对山东沂水铁矿矿区进行水文地质详细勘察,建立了尾矿库及矿区地下水水流及水质数学模型,预测和评价了该矿建设实施过程中对地下水环境可能造成的直接影响和间接危害。结论为矿山建设阶段和运行阶段正常情况下,尾矿区水位水质变化对地下水环境没有明显的影响,非正常情况或者事故状态下,预测污染因子在泄漏点附近一定范围出现超标现象;采矿区矿井排水对当地浅层地下水位影响较大。针对这种影响和危害提出防治措施,为沂水铁矿建设项目选址决策、工程设计和环境管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
枣庄南部岩溶塌陷发育,严重制约着当地经济的发展,并对居民生产、生活构成威胁。通过对影响岩溶塌陷的各要素进行系统的调查,结合当地社会经济发展资料,采用信息预测的方法,对枣庄南部岩溶塌陷进行风险预测及评估,并对不同地段的岩溶塌陷风险等级进行划分,从而为枣庄市地下水资源合理开发利用、环境治理、保护与规划提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
研究协方差阵Σ的二次型容许估计问题。设 y1,y2 ,… ,yniid,n≥ 2 ,y1与 p维正态分布N (β,Σ )有相同的前四阶矩。其中β =(β1,β2 ,… ,βp)′∈ Rp与Σ =(σij) p× p >0均未知。记 y =△ (y1,y2 ,… ,yn)′。在二次损失 L (d ,Σ ) =tr(d -Σ) 2下给出Σ的二次型估计 a S2 + nby-y-′是容许估计的必要条件为 :(n - 1) a + b + 2 max(a,b)≤ 1。此必要条件比张立振等协方差阵的二次型容许估计中的必要条件有了明显的加强  相似文献   
地下水防污性能评价反映地下水遭受污染的可能性,可以为土地利用规划、地下水资源保护规划、地下水水质监测等提供科学依据。该文采用美国EPA地下水防污染性能评价方法(DRASTIC),对威海市主城区范围内地下水防污性能进行了评价,为政府部门合理开采利用地下水提供了科学依据,有利于地下水资源保护和城市建设协调发展。  相似文献   
谌丽  蒋雅卓 《地理科学》2021,41(10):1729-1741
回顾满意度的概念内涵,在城市研究中的应用进展基础上,总结了北京城市体检及住建部城市体检工作中满意度调查的实施方案和主要分析结论,梳理了社会满意度调查的特征。研究表明,主观满意度数据相比客观数据更为鲜活,能够准确反映不同群体对城市发展的价值判断与意愿,体现居民的关注点,在分析中与人群属性链接可以深挖不同人群的主要诉求,并且根据体检评估对象情况,灵活设置指标和确定优劣等级,易于发现水平差异和问题短板。未来城市体检中应建立常态化城市体检社会满意度调查工作机制,注重与客观数据、市民热线数据等多源数据的融合,主客观相互印证来指导城市规划及管理,从而提升城市建设精细化水平。  相似文献   
A standard skill assessment(SA) tool was developed and implemented to evaluate the performance of operational forecast models in the Korea operational oceanographic system.The SA tool provided a robust way to assess model skill in the system by comparing predictions and observations,and involved the computation of multiple skill metrics including correlation and error skills.User-and system-based acceptance criteria of skill metrics were applied to determine whether predictions were acceptable for the system.To achieve this,the tool produced a time series comparison plot,a skill score table,and an advanced summarized diagram to effectively demonstrate the multiple skill scores.Moreover,the SA was conducted to evaluate both atmospheric and hydrodynamic forecast variables.For the atmospheric variables,acceptable error criteria were preferable to acceptable correlation criteria over short timescales,since the mean square error overwhelmed the observation variance.Conversely,for the hydrodynamic variables,acceptable root mean square percentage error(e.g.,p erms) criteria were preferable to acceptable error(e.g.,erms) criteria owing to the spatially variable tidal intensity around the Korean Peninsula.Furthermore,the SA indicated that predetermined acceptance error criteria were appropriate to satisfy a target central frequency(fc) for which errors fell within the specified limits(i.e.,the fc equals 70%).  相似文献   
Regional ecological health,the core of comprehensive ecosystem assessments,is an important foundation for regional exploration,environmental conservation,and sustainable development.The mountainous areas in southwest China are backward in economy,but industrialization and urbanization have been rapid in recent years.This study assessed the ecosystem health of the Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in China using a pressure-state-response(PSR)model.Spatiotemporal patterns of regional ecosystem health were analyzed from 2000 to 2016,including overall characteristics as well as local characteristics.Ecosystem health in most regions was improved over time(Y=0.0058 X–11.0132,R2=0.95,P<0.001),and areas with poorer ecosystem health decreased from half to one-third of the total area.Analysis of the primacy ratio and the variation coefficient confirmed that the gap in health scores between regions has gradually expanded since 2007,but there are more high quality regions overall(Z of Moran’s index<1.96,P>0.05).Overall,the regional ecosystems to the east of the Hu line-an imaginary line dividing east and west China into roughly equivalent parts-were healthier than those to the west.The pressure and state scores of ecosystems were determined by physiographic condition,and the response scores by government policies and social concern.The spatiotemporal patterns of ecosystem health were dominated to a greater extent by natural than anthropogenic factors,which explains why the shift in the patterns aligned with the direction of the Hu line.Dividing regions into key management areas based on natural geographical conditions and socioeconomic development could contribute to the formulation of a reasonable ecological and environmental protection policy,guaranteeing ecosystem services in the long run.  相似文献   
随着化肥、农膜等在农业生产中的过量投入,耕地面源污染的程度随之加重。文章选取塔里木河流域上游和田地区为研究区域,依据P-S-R框架理论,构建和田地区耕地面源污染生态风险评价指标体系,加入土壤理化数据,使用生态风险评价模型对和田地区1980 年及2016 年耕地面源污染状况进行生态风险评价,运用耕地生态风险模型、生态风险转移矩阵、Arcgis分析和田地区耕地面源污染时空分异状况。研究结论如下:和田地区1980 年耕地生态风险等级均为II级或III级,呈“中间高,两侧低”分布;2016 年耕地生态风险等级上升至IV级或V级,呈“倒W型”分布,各县耕地面源污染程度较1980 年均有较大幅度的上升,其中墨玉县和于田县在2016 年耕地生态风险等级达到最高的V级,而民丰县因自身生态环境的强脆弱性,同样需要提高关注。根据面源污染“从源头治理”的原则,应切实推进和田地区耕地生态环境保护与治理,提高政府重视程度,增强技术指导,开展试点工作,改善和田地区耕地面源污染现状。  相似文献   
全球主要河流流域碳酸盐岩风化碳汇评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
碳酸盐岩风化吸收的大气CO2主要以HCO3 -形式连续地经由河流从大陆输送到海洋,成为陆地生态系统的重要碳汇。目前主要河流流域的碳酸盐岩风化碳汇估算存在不确定性,分布格局尚不清晰。基于GEMS-GLORI全球河流数据库提供的全球10万km 2以上主要河流流域多年平均监测数据,利用水化学径流法估算出全球主要河流流域碳酸盐岩对CO2的吸收速率为0.43±0.15 Pg CO2 yr -1,平均CO2吸收通量为7.93±2.8 t km -2 yr -1。CO2吸收通量在不同气候带下差异显著,热带和暖温带CO2年吸收速率占全球主要河流流域年吸收速率的62.95%。冷温带CO2年吸收速率占全球主要河流流域的33.05%,仅次于热带地区。本文划分出全球CO2吸收通量的9个关键带,关键带的交汇处CO2吸收通量较高。喀斯特出露流域碳酸盐岩对CO2吸收通量的均值为8.50 t km -2 yr -1,约为非喀斯特流域的3倍。全球喀斯特出露流域碳酸盐岩风化碳汇在全球碳循环、水循环及碳收支平衡估算研究方面占据重要地位。  相似文献   
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