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Mapping forest soils using conventional methods is time consuming and expensive. An expert system is described and applied to the mapping of five forest soil-landscape units formed on a single granitoid parent material. Three thematic maps were considered important in influencing the distribution of soils. The first showed the distribution of nine classes of native eucalypt forests, and the second and third were derived from a digital elevation model and represented slope gradient and a soil wetness index combined with topographical position. These layers were input to a raster based geographical information system (GIS) and then geometrically co-registered to a regular 30 m grid. From a knowledge of soil distributions, the relationships between the soil-landscape units and the three data layers were quantified by an experienced soil scientist and used as rules in a rule based expert system. The thematic layers accessed from the GIS provided data for the expert system to infer the forest soil-landscape unit most likely to occur at any given pixel. The soil-landscape map output by the expert system compared favourably with a conventional soil-landscape map generated using interpretation of aerial photographs.  相似文献   
秦小军 《华南地震》1993,13(2):55-60
利用长江三峡链子崖、黄腊石地质灾害体周围地区的天然地震记录,对此两地质灾害体的地震危险性进行了分析.应用随机过程理论,计算了两场址的场地地面运动加速度峰值、频谱特征和地震持续时间的人工合成地震加速度时程曲线,以作为两地质灾害体抗震防治的依据.本文的方法也可为重要的建筑结构,如核电厂、海洋平台和超高层建筑的抗震设计提供动力分析所需的人工地震地面运动时程曲线。  相似文献   
基于CiteSpace中国海洋经济研究的知识图谱分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
韩增林  李彬  张坤领  李璇 《地理科学》2016,36(5):643-652
利用CiteSpace可视化文献分析工具对1982~2013年CNKI总库中文核心期刊以及CSSCI中文社会科学引文数据库中海洋经济研究的3 441篇相关文献进行分析,绘制出研究热点、核心作者群及研究机构的知识结构图谱。结果表明:自中国海洋经济研究会成立以来,中国海洋经济研究主要围绕 “海洋经济”、“海洋产业”、“可持续发展”、“海洋资源”、“海洋开发”、“滨海旅游”等展开;韩增林、张耀光、郑贵斌、殷克东、李靖宇、徐志斌等是主要的发文作者;国家海洋局、中国海洋大学、辽宁师范大学和广东海洋大学为发文较多的机构;《海洋开发与管理》是海洋经济相关研究载文量最多的期刊,《经济地理》、《中国人口·资源与环境》、《地域研究与开发》、《资源科学》等是主要的载文核心期刊。除了传统的海洋经济研究视角下,区域海洋经济差异、海洋产业结构与布局及优化、海洋产业竞争力、海洋产业集群、现代海洋产业、海洋资源开发利用的可持续、人海关系的脆弱性、滨海旅游等的研究外,在新的国际和国内形势下,海洋经济相关理论、战略性新兴海洋产业研究、海洋经济可持续发展研究、及“一路一带”战略对海洋经济相关研究的新要求也是需要重点关注的方面。  相似文献   
This work deals with disposal of slurries generated during the cutting and polishing processes of slabs of decorative sedimentary carbonate rocks in the north western Sicily. At present, they are used as fillers of dismantled quarries near the sawmills and, as a final step of reclamation, are covered with earth layers. In spite of such inexpensive solution, there is lack of knowledge about the composition of the waste. In order to assess if there is any threat for the environment and to suggest indications for alternative solutions, such as recycling or inactivation processes, the slurries were analysed by XR diffraction, simultaneous thermal analysis, ICP/MS, ionic chromatography, FTIR, UV-Vis, COD and TOC measurements, grain size analysis. Results indicate that the slurries can threaten the groundwater, because of the high chemical oxygen demand; furthermore they can modify the mechanism of groundwater recharge, because of their grain size distribution. Some laboratory tests show that, even in very aggressive conditions, the solid pollutants persist in the waste and slowly release into water the products of their degradation. The slurry therefore should be subjected to inactivation treatment before disposal or, alternatively, recycled as secondary raw material for a suitable process.  相似文献   
海岛岸线遥感立体测图精细测量方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种海岛岸线遥感测图精细测量新方法,该方法直接基于理论定义的海岸线,利用航空影像瞬时水涯线数据在立体测图环境中提取瞬时水位高程;利用海岛周边精密海潮模型和瞬时水位高程推算海岛岸线高程;最后依据海岛岸线高程,采用立体测图方法测制海岛岸线的平面位置。该方法确保了海岛岸线成果的唯一性和连续性,适合大比例尺的大陆海岸线和海岛岸线测量。测试结果显示,在较高精度海潮模型和海面地形支持下,海岛岸线高程精度优于0.2 m,可满足1:2000测图要求。  相似文献   
禹州市是河南省地质灾害大市。通过对该市地质灾害的表现形式、形成条件、诱发因素及其危险性的初步评估,提出了地质灾害的防治建议和预案,制定了近、中、远三期具体治理规划和达到的目标,并举出实例来说明建立预警系统和制定防治预案的可行性。  相似文献   
Past landslides have been recognized in the Battice area in E-Belgium. In contrast to the other inactive landslides, the Manaihan landslide responded immediately to heavy rainfall events in the last two decades. This study aims to map its spatial extent and the dominant surface features; to measure surface displacement using GPS; to investigate subsurface structure with Cone penetration test (CPT) and corings; and to determine the depth of the shear surface by inclinometers. Results show a partial landslide reactivation. Surface velocities range between 20 and 40 cm/year and are strongly dependent on winter rainfall. CPT results give clear boundaries between the landslide mass and the undisturbed bedrock in the head scarp. Distinct shear surfaces have been determined with displacement rates up to 15.8 mm in 21 days. Further research should apply geophysical methods for two-dimensional information on the ground, investigate geotechnical properties of the landslide mass, model slope instability, and determine the influence of a sewage pipe crossing the central landslide mass as a potential cause for landslide activity.  相似文献   
为了挖掘不完备的地貌数据信息,将地貌信息描述为拓扑空间的形式,从逆极限定义出发,利用映射诱导法建立与原地貌信息空间拓扑同构的双重逆极限空间作为目标信息空间,然后利用拓扑传递性分析原地貌信息空间与目标信息空间的拓扑相似度,实现不完备的地貌信息空间数据挖掘.本文利用GIS软件,结合地貌的坡度、坡向等地貌特征因子分别模拟了地貌信息数据挖掘前后的模型并进行了对比,结果表明此方法是可行的.  相似文献   
针对海洋测绘面临的问题,分析了无人时代海洋测绘技术的发展机遇,提出了无人水下智能海洋测绘的新模式,讨论了无人水下智能海洋测绘的技术体系和无人水下智能海洋测绘装备的关键技术,以及无人水下智能海洋测绘的装备产业链,展望了无人水下智能海洋测绘装备的发展趋势及应用前景。  相似文献   
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