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由于传统(再)保险,难以将洪灾风险进行有效的分散,因此,有必要寻求有效的金融工具将洪灾风险向资本市场转移。在建立洪水保险债券的概念框架基础上,阐述了与普通债券及传统再保险的区别。从经济学和精算学的角度对洪水保险债券进行分析,揭示了洪水保险债券定价机制。通过研究洪水保险债券的运作模式,分析了我国洪水保险债券的发行条件与发展思路,指出洪水保险债券为我国防洪减灾提供了可资借鉴的崭新方法与工具。  相似文献   
A unique historical data set describing the 142 storms each producing losses in excess of $100 million in the United States during the 1950–89 period were analyzed to describe their temporal characteristics. The storms caused $66.2 billion in losses (in 1991 values), 76% of the nation's insured storm losses in this period. These extreme storm catastrophes (SCs) were most prevalent in the south, southeast, northeast, and central U.S., with few in and west of the Rocky Mountains. Storm incidences were high in the 1950s, low in the 1960s-early 1970s, and increased in the 1980s. Losses due to SCs peaked in the 1950s, again in the late 1960s, with a lesser peak after 1985. The areal extent of storm losses peaked after 1975 and was least in the 1960s. The temporal variations of the three storm measures (incidence, losses, and extent) did not agree except when they all peaked in the 1950s. Regionally-derived time distributions of SCs showed a marked north-south differences in the United States with a U-shaped 40-year distribution in the northern half of the nation, and a relatively flat trend until a peak in the 1980s in the southern regions. The temporal distributions of hurricane-caused catastrophes differed regionally with occurrences in the prime areas, the southern, southeastern, and northeastern U.S., each quite different. Temporal distributions of thunderstorm and winter storm catastrophes were regionally more uniform.  相似文献   
The paper investigates whether the methods chosen for representing uncertain geographic information aid or impair decision-making in the context of wildfire hazard. Through a series of three human subject experiments, utilizing 180 subjects and employing increasingly difficult tasks, this research evaluates the effect of five different visualizations and a text-based representation on decision-making under uncertainty. Our quantitative experiments focus specifically on the task of decision-making under uncertainty, rather than the task of reading levels of uncertainty from the map. To guard against the potential for generosity and risk seeking in decision-making under uncertainty, the experimental design uses performance-based incentives. The experiments showed that the choice of representation makes little difference to performance in cases where subjects are allowed the time and focus to consider their decisions. However, with the increasing difficulty of time pressure, subjects performed best using a spectral color hue-based representation, rather than more carefully designed cartographic representations. Text-based and simplified boundary encodings were among the worst performers. The results have implications for the performance of decision-making under uncertainty using static maps, especially in the stressful environments surrounding an emergency.  相似文献   
引发广西两次严重山洪地质灾害的暴雨过程分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘国忠  黄嘉宏  曾小团  农孟松  黄海洪 《气象》2013,39(11):1402-1412
利用常规观测、卫星云图、雷达探测以及自动站雨量等资料,对2010年6月27—28日和2012年5月20—22日桂西北两次严重山洪地质灾害的气象条件进行了对比分析,结果表明:(1) 强降雨发生在桂西北暴雨区,最大过程雨量>350 mm,过程最大中尺度雨团和致灾区最大中尺度雨团值分别>100 mm·h-1和>70 mm·h-1,集中降雨时段为02—06时。灾害开始于后半夜,发生在最大过程雨量和地质条件脆弱区,不同的地质状况对应不同的灾害;灾害性天气具有区域小、降雨时段集中、过程雨量大、强度强及引发灾害重等特征。(2) 暴雨发生在欧亚地区500 hPa呈两脊一槽型、200 hPa南亚高压脊线贯穿广西上空及季风云系活跃的背景下。高空为槽或低涡、地面为干线或锋面,属低涡暴雨型。(3) 高空要素变化为雨前降压升温、后降温。不稳定能量及层结、低层辐合、中低层涡旋、整层大气的上升运动、高温高湿及水汽强烈辐合是物理量特征。(4) 云图上对流云团生成、合并对强降雨有指示意义,暴雨发生在云团合并发展阶段;TBB值<200 K可以作为强降雨的指标。低质心强雷达回波产生的列车效应或回波停滞和地形作用是造成强降雨的重要因素,低层辐合、高层辐散导致了强烈的上升运动,有利于强对流的发展与维持。  相似文献   
Indian peninsular shield, which was once considered to be seismically stable, is experiencing many earthquakes recently. As part of the national level microzonation programme, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India has initiated microzonation of greater Bangalore region. The seismic hazard analysis of Bangalore region is carried out as part of this project. The paper presents the determination of maximum credible earthquake (MCE) and generation of synthetic acceleration time history plot for the Bangalore region. MCE has been determined by considering the regional seismotectonic activity in about 350 km radius around Bangalore city. The seismotectonic map has been prepared by considering the faults, lineaments, shear zones in the area and historic earthquake events of more than 150 events. Shortest distance from the Bangalore to the different sources is measured and then peak ground acceleration (PGA) is calculated for the different source and moment magnitude. Maximum credible earthquake found in terms of moment magnitude is 5.1 with PGA value of 0.146 g at city centre with assuming the hypo central distance of 15.88 km from the focal point. Also, correlations for the fault length with historic earthquake in terms of moment magnitude, yields (taking the rupture fault length as 5% of the total fault length) a PGA value of 0.159 g. Acceleration time history (ground motion) and a response acceleration spectrum for the corresponding magnitude has been generated using synthetic earthquake model considering the regional seismotectonic parameters. The maximum spectral acceleration obtained is 0.332 g for predominant period of 0.06 s. The PGA value and synthetic earthquake ground motion data from the identified vulnerable source using seismotectonic map will be useful for the PGA mapping and microzonation of the area.  相似文献   
河南红旗渠沿线地质灾害易发性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
红旗渠是20世纪60年代河南省林州市人民在国家极其困难时期依靠自力更生、艰苦奋斗,在太行山腰上修建的引漳入林水利工程。建成后灌溉着林州3.6万hm^2农田,解决了98万人口和37万头牲畜的吃水问题,发挥着巨大的经济效益。然而,红旗渠沿线地质条件极为复杂,地质灾害频繁发生,自红旗渠建成运行以来,几乎每年都有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害发生。1960~2000年,红旗渠总干渠因地质灾害造成的决口事件有19次。1996年8月3~4日,由于连降暴雨,引发崩塌、滑坡和泥石流等地质灾害,使总干渠沿线154处渠道淤塞,淤积达94402m^3,给工农业生产和人民生命财产造成巨大损失,直接经济损失达1.17亿元,灾后修复费用达1100万余元。多年来每年用于地质灾害后修复的费用达数百万元。如何有效地防治红旗渠沿线地质灾害,确保顺畅其流,千秋永固,是值得研究的一项重要课题。据调查,共发现各类地质灾害94处,其中危岩体44处,崩塌24处,滑坡12处,泥石流14处。作者基于地质灾害现状,采用定性分析结合定量分析方法,对各类地质灾害进行评价,将红旗渠沿线地质灾害易发性划分为4个区,即高易发区、中易发区、低易发区和不易发区,为红旗渠沿线地质灾害防治规划提供依据。  相似文献   
Kijko  A.  Retief  S. J. P.  Graham  G. 《Natural Hazards》2002,26(2):175-201
In this part of our study the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for Tulbagh was performed. The applied procedure is parametric and consists essentially of two steps. The first step is applicable to the area in the vicinity of Tulbagh and requires an estimation of the area-specific parameters, which, in this case, is the mean seismic activity rate, , the Gutenberg-Richter parameter, b, and the maximum regional magnitude, mmax. The second step is applicable to the Tulbagh site, and consists of parameters of distribution of amplitude of the selected ground motion parameter. The current application of the procedure provides an assessment of the PSHA in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration (SA). The procedure permits the combination of both historical and instrumental data. The historical part of the catalogue only contains the strongest events, whereas the complete part can be divided into several subcatalogues, each assumed complete above a specified threshold of magnitude. In the analysis, the uncertainty in the determination of the earthquake was taken into account by incorporation of the concept of `apparent magnitude'. The PSHA technique has been developed specifically for the estimation of seismic hazard at individual sites without the subjective judgement involved in the definition of seismic source zones, when the specific active faults have not been mapped or identified, and where the causes of seismicity are not well understood. The results of the hazard assessment are expressed as probabilities that specified values of PGA will be exceeded during the chosen time intervals, and similarly for the spectral accelerations. A worst case scenario sketches the possibility of a maximum PGA of 0.30g. The results of the hazard assessment can be used as input to a seismic risk assessment.  相似文献   
在人类工程活动诱发下,老泥石流堆积体上的地质灾害尚未引起人们的充分注意。以川藏线二郎山隧道西引道公路别托段穿越的老泥石流堆积体为例,介绍其形成演化过程和物质结构特征,分析沿线各地质灾害点的成因,总结在这类流堆积体上进行人类工程活动时地质灾害的成灾机理及防治对策。  相似文献   
中国南阳伏牛山世界地质公园地质灾害评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国南阳伏牛山世界地质公园位于豫西南山区。地貌类型以中、低山为主,地表多出露变质岩及侵入岩,岩体风化强烈,多赋存基岩裂隙水,地质构造发育,人类工程活动强烈,园区地质环境条件复杂。通过野外调查及评价,园区处于地质灾害高易发区,主要地质灾害有崩塌、滑坡和泥石流。针对地质公园这一特色旅游,提出地质灾害防治对策,保障当地旅游经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
"4·20"芦山地震发生后,作为进出地震灾区的生命线工程省道S210芦山-宝兴段多处发生崩塌滚石等次生地质灾害,堵断交通,威胁来往群众的生命安全,严重影响了抗震救灾和灾后的恢复重建。通过对此路段进行崩塌灾害现场考察,得出此路段的崩塌灾害多发生在大于40°的坡体上,坡向为SW、W和NW,易发岩性为灰岩、砂岩、白云岩和砾岩,切割深度多大于16m。通过GIS进行因子叠加分析,将此路段划分为3级危险度区域,并根据芦山地震灾区崩塌滚石灾害成因机制、分布与活动特征、成灾方式与危害对象,提出了相应的防治对策与建议。  相似文献   
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