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本文论论了浙东南中生代火山岩区“硅化带(帽)”的地质特征、成因、分类及其找矿意义。提出风化淋滤型“硅帽”是叶蜡石、地开石、明矾石等的找矿标志,中低温热液交代充填型“硅化带”是银金铅锌火山矿床的找矿标志  相似文献   
老柞山金矿田鸡爪沟金矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了鸡爪沟金矿床地质特征和成因 ,并对形成过程进行理论推导 ,认为该矿床为与火山作用有关的中温岩浆热液充填型矿床。  相似文献   
于丹丹  徐成华  骆祖江  顾问  周玲玲 《地质通报》2023,42(11):2006-2013
南京汤泉地区地下热水资源丰富,阐明其补给来源及成因模式,对于地下热水的科学开发意义重大。采用水化学及同位素地球化学分析方法对其进行了系统研究。结果表明,研究区地下热水与浅层冷水水化学组成差异明显,热储温度为63~75℃,循环深度为1.8~2.3 km。大气降水入渗是地下热水的补给来源,补给高程范围为321~539 m;循环周期为2046~6474 a;地下热水上涌过程中会混入比例为4%~26%的浅部岩溶冷水。经分析,该地热系统成因上属于中低温对流型,补给区主要为老山复背斜构造内的碳酸盐岩裸露区,依靠区域大地热流供热,热储层主要为上震旦统白云岩,盖层为寒武系、白垩系及第四系,地下热水经深循环沿NEE向与NW向断裂交会通道向上运移,并与浅部冷水发生混合,形成本区的地热异常。  相似文献   
大洋核杂岩与拆离断层研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大洋核杂岩和拆离断层是洋中脊中发育的重要构造,被广泛关注。拆离断层一般为长期活动的,低角度的,大断距的正断层,绝大多数形成于慢速和超慢速扩张洋中脊的内侧角上,其将地壳深部和上地幔的物质拆离到海底面形成大洋核杂岩。大洋核杂岩因其表面发育了窗棱构造,在多波束图像上更容易识别。大洋核杂岩所处的地壳年龄较年轻,为0~10Ma。洋中脊半扩张速率约为10mm/a,具有不对称扩张的特点,有拆离断层的一侧扩张速率更快。在大洋核杂岩取得的岩芯中代表性岩石为辉长岩,地震资料解释认为大洋核杂岩下具有一个大的辉长岩侵入体。发育大洋核杂岩和拆离断层的区域有升高的布格重力异常,高的P波速度和抬升的莫霍面。拆离断层起源于岩浆供给不足的区域,大多在大洋中脊洋脊段(segment)的末端,其演化会受到上地幔辉长岩体侵入的影响,通过旋转铰链的模式进行。总结了全球大洋核杂岩和拆离断层的分布情况,讨论了其岩石特征、地球物理场特征,探讨其成因机制和演化模式,并探讨了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
南海永乐龙洞发育于永乐珊瑚礁台地,龙洞深度达300m,为世界之最。沉积物堆积在龙洞的洞壁斜坡、龙洞中部的转折平台以及洞底等部位。使用激光粒度仪、X射线粉晶衍射仪、X射线荧光光谱仪等对采自不同深度的沉积物进行了粒级、矿物物相、元素含量的研究。研究结果表明:龙洞沉积物绝大部分为钙质生物碎屑,以砂粒级碎屑为主,含砾石碎屑、粉砂碎屑,分选和磨圆差;沉积物矿物组成以文石、高镁方解石为主,含少量低镁方解石,其平均含量分别为69%、28%、3%;化学组成以Ca、Mg、Sr为主,平均含量分别为35.5%、0.9%、0.5%,含少量Si、Al、Ti、P、S等元素。该区沉积物来源包括礁坪生物碎屑和东亚季风风尘陆源物质两个方面,以礁坪来源的生物碎屑为主;龙洞沉积作用包括机械捕获作用和垂直沉降作用两种方式,而以机械捕获作用为主。  相似文献   
We study the orbital evolutions of various systems of planetary embryos in the transneptunian region, undergoing mutual scattering and perturbations from the giant planets. We show that about 15-20% of the original embryos should survive in the transneptunian region at the current epoch. The orbital dispersion of the surviving embryos depends on their individual mass, so that only lunar mass embryos could survive with semimajor axis smaller than 50 AU. In all cases, we show by a Monte Carlo model that at least one of the surviving embryos should have already been discovered by one of the most effective Kuiper-belt surveys. This implies that planetary embryos did not form in the transneptunian region (or have been removed by some external and unknown mechanism). Therefore, we conclude that the Kuiper belt was not excited by resident planetary embryos, unlike the asteroid belt. We also compute with the Monte Carlo model that a significant number (order 10) of Pluto-size bodies could exist only on very eccentric and long-periodic orbits, typical of the scattered disk, while the existence of about 30 bodies brighter than absolute magnitude 4 in the classical belt is compatible with the discovery of Varuna by the Spacewatch survey.  相似文献   
In northern China, the Quaternary loess-soil se-quences[1] and the Hipparion Red-Earth Formation in the eastern Loess Plateau[2―6] provide a continental climate record for the past 8 Ma. The recently reported Miocene[7] and Pliocene[8] loess-soil sequences near Qinan constitute an eolian record of the western Loess Plateau from 22 to 3.5 Ma. Earlier studies[9] place the Miocene loess deposits into the so-called Gansu Sys-tem. Our investigations show that the Gansu System contains inde…  相似文献   
喀英迪铅锌矿主要产于早石炭世阿克沙克组及其与晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组的接触带上。通过普查工作共圈定15个铅锌矿体。其中主要矿体4个,Ⅰ-4矿体处于晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组灰岩与早石炭世阿克沙克组的不整合接触面上及其两侧,工程控制总长度为523m,最大斜深100m。倾向70°~100°,倾角一般20°~50°,连续性较好。该矿体铅单工程厚0.86~5.64m,平均2.86m,厚度变化系数为70.57%;锌单工程厚0.80~5.64m,平均1.81m,厚度变化系数为93.97%,属于变化较稳定型矿体。铅单工程品位0.62%~16.47%,平均4.53%,品位变化系数114.34%;锌单工程品位0.53%~12.37%,平均3.78%,品位变化系数57.47%。属于有用组分分布较均匀型矿体。通过对矿床地质特征的研究,认为该矿床属沉积岩容矿的、层控的、构造控制非岩浆型低温热液矿床。  相似文献   
用激光粒度仪对乌鲁木齐河尾闾的东道海子B剖面样品进行测试,获得机械组成的原始数据。样品粒度分布频率曲线可以分为4种类型。不同类型的曲线反映了不同的碎屑物源组成和不同的沉积环境:在该剖面正态尖峰代表风沙物源,偏态宽峰代表河水物源,正态尖峰和偏态宽峰的叠加代表风沙物源与河水物源的混合,鞍状宽峰可能与深水环境有关。整个剖面反映了从约5000aBP到约200aBP湖面逐步扩大、湖水加深,碎屑物源由以风沙补给为主,逐步转为水源碎屑的趋势。剖面下部的风沙沉积层代表全新世大暖期晚期的暖干环境。约自4500aBP碎屑物源反映湖面开始扩张,4500至3100aBP显示3次快速气候波动,3100aBP之后水深增加,除1980aBP前后显示有短暂的风沙活动之外,主要反映河流碎屑入湖变化情况和湖水水深变化。  相似文献   
Diagnosis is undertaken on the origin for the low-frequency component (LFC) of ENSOvariability in the context of 1979—1990 OLR and u-wind datasets.Evidence suggests that ① apower spectrum-yielded maximum,significant statistically,is derived from the OLR monthlyanomalies in a 3—5-year period range over the tropical central/western Pacific;②compositeanalysis of the signals of the monthly anomaly low frequency component (period>3 years)confirms further the dynamic features of the component as documented in Part Ⅰ:③serving asforcing on ENSO,the related monsoon region represents the source area of the component;④theone-point correlation maps of unfiltered OLR monthly anomalies with zonal wind on a lagged,asimultaneous and a leading basis show clearly the close relation between the u wind-associatedeastward travelling low-frequency wave and the low-frequency oscillation of low-latitude central/western Pacific large-scale convection and the east-moving mode is likely to be excited by theoscillation at a 3—5-year period range.It follows that the large-scale convection oscillation showsup as the origin of the eastward waves,i.e.,ENSO LFC.  相似文献   
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