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Weathering is linked complexly to the erosion and evolution of rock slopes. Weathering influences both the strength of rock slopes and the stresses that act upon them. While weathering has often been portrayed in an over‐simplified way by those studying rock slope instability, in reality it consists of multiple processes, acting over different spatial and temporal scales, with many complex inter‐linkages. Through a demonstration of the sources of non‐linearities in rock slope weathering systems and their implications for rock slope instability, this paper proposes five key linkages worthy of further study. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
线性与立方恢复力等效模型的适用性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于方程差的均方最小准则,探讨了硬弹簧杜芬系统高斯白噪声作用稳态位移响应的线性与立方恢复力等效模型的适用性。结果表明:等效化误差率取决于相对刚度硬化系数η;随着η的增加,线性化等效模型预测精度下降而立方恢复力等效模型预测精度提高;η具有一个临界值η=0;η=η0时,线性与立方恢复力等效模型具有相同的预测精度而在η>η0 情况下,立方恢复力等效模型优于线性化模型。  相似文献   
This study focuses on the retrograde rheological and chemical evolution of quartz and the behaviour of quartzites during retrograde metamorphism following dry high grade metamorphism at 750°C, 7 kbar. SEM-CL and LA-HR-ICP-MS are applied to document quartz texture and chemistry, respectively. Four generations of quartz were distinguished by SEM-CL; Qz1, Qz2, Qz3 and Qz4. Qz1, brecciated and partly dissolved old grains, is enriched in B, Al and Ti when compared with the other types. Qz2, formed during brecciation and partial dissolution of Qz1, has low Al contents (<50 ppm) but, due to rutile inclusions, variable Ti contents when occurring in amphibolite (210–10 ppm) but more consistent values when occurring in quartzites (peak value 32 ppm). Qz3, dark grey luminescent quartz forming fluid migration channels (fluid pathways), has Ti < 5 ppm and Al contents below 10 ppm and B < 1 ppm. Qz4, comprises are group of quartz later than Qz3 filling micron thick cracks and pods with very low luminescent quartz, i.e. darker than Qz3. The textural and chemical evolution of quartz in our study is explained by two major influxes of aqueous fluids during regional uplift and retrogression. They facilitated rehydration and recrystallisation in the otherwise dry high grade quartzites. The first introduction of aqueous fluids was associated with brecciation of the high grade quartz (Qz1) and dissolution/precipitation of quartz (Qz2). Ti in quartz geothermometry (Wark and Watson, Contrib Mineral Petrol 152(6):637–652) gives 626°C in agreement with the retrograde PT-path deduced from phase diagrams. Later fluid influx associated with scapolitisation of amphibolite caused localised recrystallisation (Qz3) and alteration of biotite to muscovite along mm-wide fluid migration channels. During subsequent deformation, Qz3 deformed plastically and recovered by subgrain rotation recrystallisation (SGR), resulting in a reduction of grain size, whereas Qz1 quartz formed micro faults. Qz2 was plastic but did not experience SGR to the same degree as Qz3 quartz. Increased plasticity and recovery rates most likely relate to an increased H2O fugacity and the depletion in trace elements of the quartz lattice by promoting strain softening processes dislocation climb and recovery. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
考虑损伤效应的岩石类材料局部化特性分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
在各向同性损伤条件下,考虑岩石损伤过程中的刚度降低和体积扩容,通过理论推导建立了岩石发生分叉失稳时的最大硬化模量和临界局部化方向,探讨了局部化方向角对于岩石的损伤程度和初始泊松比的依赖关系,并对平面应力与平面应变两种条件下单轴拉伸试件的分叉特性进行了对比分析。研究表明,岩石的初始泊松比与损伤程度越大,局部化方向角越大;尽管平面应力与平面应变条件下单轴拉伸问题的局部化方向角具有相似的变化趋势,但平面应力条件下的局部化方向角低于平面应变条件下同样情况下的局部化方向角。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the numerical integration of the subloading tij model. This is an elastoplastic model with stress path dependent hardening, which can predict the behaviour of normally consolidated clays or loose sands, as well as of over-consolidated clays or dense sands, with a small number of material parameters. Three features distinguish the subloading tij model from the conventional ones: (a) the use of a modified stress space given by tensor tij; (b) the split of the plastic strain increments in two components leading to a stress path dependent hardening; and (c) the use of two yield surfaces (subloading yield surface and normal yield surface). This last feature is based on the concept of sub-yielding stress states and adds an extra internal strain-like hardening variable, related to the relative density state, which demands its own evolution law. The three characteristics above greatly improve the prediction capabilities of the model, with respect to those of the well-known Cam clay model, at the cost of only two additional parameters. Nonetheless, the numerical integration of the constitutive equations of subloading tij model is a bit challenging, mainly due to the stress path dependent hardening. In order to integrate the equations of subloading tij model in the same way as for any conventional model, the authors reformulated its equations in a simpler and direct manner. Here, these equations are integrated using multi-step explicit schemes, such as modified-Euler and Runge–Kutta–Dormand–Price, with automatic error control. Simple forward-Euler scheme is also used for the sake of comparison. The results show that the modified-Euler scheme is more accurate as well as faster than the other schemes analysed over a wide range of error tolerance. Besides, the automatic feature of these schemes is a great convenience for the users of numerical codes.  相似文献   
Geological sequestration of CO2 into depleted hydrocarbon reserviors or saline aquifers presents the enormous potential to reduce greenhouse gas emission from fossil fuels. However, it may give rise to a complicated coupling physical and chemical process. One of the processes is the hydro-mechanical impact of CO2 injection. During the injection project, the increase of pore pressures of storing formations can induce the instability, which finally results in a catastrophic failure of disposal sites. This paper focuses mainly on the role of CO2-saturated water in the fracturing behavior of rocks. To investigate how much the dissolved CO2 can influence the pore pressure change of rocks, acoustic emission (AE) experiments were performed on sandstone and granite samples under triaxial conditions. The main innovation of this paper is to propose a time dependent porosity method to simulate the abrupt failure process, which is observed in the laboratory and induced by the pore pressure change due to the volume dilatancy of rocks, using a finite element scheme associated with two-phase characteristics. The results successfully explained the phenomena obtained in the physical experiments.  相似文献   
庞小朝  黄俊杰  苏栋  肖文海  顾问天  刘斌 《岩土力学》2018,39(11):4079-4085
硬化土(hardening soil)模型是岩土工程数值分析中常采用的模型。为研究加载方式和排水条件对原状花岗岩残积土剪切行为的影响,对深圳地区原状花岗岩残积土进行了常规三轴固结排水、常规三轴固结不排水、固结排水侧向卸载和固结不排水侧向卸载4组试验,并由试验结果确定出不同加载方式和排水条件下的硬化土模型参数。结果表明:在常规三轴试验中,试样在剪切过程中表现为先剪缩后剪胀的特性,在侧向卸载试验中,试样始终表现为剪胀的特性;模型参数值与加载路径密切相关,固结不排水侧向卸载试验(CDLU)测得的有效内摩擦角 较常规三轴固结不排水试验(CD)试验大20%,而有效黏聚力 小了46%;CDLU试验得到的三轴压缩试验的参考割线模量 为CD试验的2.9倍,卸载再加载参考割线模量 为CD试验的1.8倍;在相同加载路径下,模型参数值也受排水条件的影响,由CU试验得到的 与CD试验的结果相近,但CU试验得到的 要明显大于CD试验的结果,CU试验得到的 为CD试验的2倍, 为CD试验的3.8倍。因此,在岩土工程数值分析中应根据工程的实际情况确定和选用模型参数值。  相似文献   
岩石蠕变是其内部硬化效应和损伤效应共同作用演化的结果。通过分级加载下贫煤单轴压缩蠕变试验,基于试验中瞬时弹性模量增大和黏滞系数减小的现象,分析贫煤蠕变中的硬化-损伤机制。结果表明,较低应力下煤样的变形仅为瞬时应变,煤样仅有硬化效应;当应力达到蠕变起始应力阈值时煤样逐渐出现损伤,次生裂纹出现并扩展,硬化效应与损伤效应共同作用下煤样表现出衰减蠕变和稳定蠕变特征。长期蠕变过程中煤样强度经历先硬化再弱化的过程,最终因累计损伤过大而失稳破坏,依据各级应力下煤样的变形特征,构建了符合其变形规律的黏弹塑性组合模型,并引入了硬化函数和损伤函数,推导得到其蠕变本构方程。采用该模型描述分级加载下贫煤单轴压缩蠕变变形曲线,试验曲线和模型曲线吻合良好。该模型元件简单,物理意义明确,能很好地反映贫煤单轴压缩下的硬化–损伤蠕变特性。  相似文献   
利用工业CT进行无损检测时,由于实际X射线源的宽能谱特性,目前现有的大部分重建算法得到的图像含有射束硬化伪影。射束硬化伪影降低了图像的质量,影响了CT图像应用,如CT图像诊断等。本文提出一种基于深度学习的减少硬化伪影的方法,用大量含有硬化伪影的断层图像作为输入,用相应的在固定能量下重建的不含硬化伪影的图像作为输出来训练卷积神经网络。通过建立含有硬化伪影的断层图像与不含硬化伪影的断层图像之间的映射关系,来抑制硬化伪影。实验结果证明了本文所提方法在降低CT图像硬化伪影上的有效性。  相似文献   
A rotational kinematic hardening constitutive model with the capability of predicting the behavior of soil during three‐dimensional stress reversals has been developed. An existing elasto‐plastic constitutive model, the Single Hardening Model, utilizing isotropic hardening serves as the basic framework in these formulations. The framework of the kinematic hardening model was discussed in a companion paper. The previously proposed cross‐anisotropic Single Hardening Model is added to the present kinematic hardening mechanism to capture inherent anisotropy of sands in addition to the stress reversals. This model involves 13 parameters, which can be determined from simple laboratory experiments, such as isotropic compression, drained triaxial compression and triaxial extension tests. The results from a series of true triaxial tests with large three‐dimensional stress reversals performed on medium dense cross‐anisotropic Santa Monica Beach sand are employed for comparison with predictions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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