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开发利用华北东部低海拔平原浅层弱渗透含水层地下水,是挖掘水土资源潜力与提高光热生物环境资源利用水平的关键问题。通过借鉴国内外经验和现场勘查设计施工,在天津、沧州、衡水和济阳等地成功建立了"抽咸换淡辐射井"、"河水-雨洪水-潜水循环利用井"、"虹吸连通增采井"等不同类型示范工程,取得了在低成本条件下的良好效果。这既解决了淡水、微咸水、甚至是咸水地区的农业灌溉用水问题,也使浅层咸水大规模改造利用成为可能,为合理开发利用水土资源开辟了一条可行的途径。  相似文献   
绕坝渗流地下水位的时空分布模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
郑东健  王建 《水科学进展》2005,16(5):730-734
许多大坝的失事是由于高地下水位引起坝肩失稳所致。绕坝渗流是影响坝肩高地下水位的主要因素。为此通常将大坝基础防渗帷幕延伸到坝肩岸坡内一定距离,以减小绕坝渗流影响。而防渗帷幕运行性态随时间变化,为了评价坝肩防渗帷幕和地下水位的运行性态,首先分析了地下水位观测资料和水位、降水、温度、时效等时空影响因素及其表达式,随后基于岸坡地下水位观测资料,利用最小二乘法建立了大坝岸坡地下水位的时空分布模型。通过比较模型剩余标准差和测点的剩余标准差,可以确定坝肩地下水位的异常测点,分析岸坡防渗薄弱部位,掌握坝肩岸坡渗流场时空分布规律,监控绕坝渗流的性态。  相似文献   
In this study, a risk-based management model is developed and applied to an industrial zone. The models proposed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Han Bing have been improved by adding a residual ratio of volatile organic compounds (VOC) after boiling and deleting the related parameters in half-life. Using this improved model, an integrated process was used to assess human health risk level in the study area. Compared with water quality analysis, the results highlight the importance of applying an integrated approach for decision making on risk levels and water protection. The results of this study demonstrated that: (1) Compared with these permissible level standards in China (GB 3838-2002) and National Primary Drinking Water Regulations of the United States, the residents’ daily life had not been affected by the groundwater in this area (except for relative bad water quality of HB3-4 and HB3-6); (2) The typical detected organic contaminants of all groundwater samples were chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethene, and the pollution sources were mainly industrial sources by preliminary investigations; (3) As for groundwater, the non-carcinogenic risk values of all samples do not exceed the permissible level of 1.0 and the carcinogenic risk values are relatively lower than the permissible level of 1.00E-06 to 1.00E-04; (4) Drinking water pathway of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene mainly contribute to increasing the health risk of residents’ in study areas; (5) In terms of non-carcinogenic risk and carcinogenic risk, the health risk order for drinking water pathway and dermal contact pathway was: drinking water pathway > dermal contact pathway.  相似文献   
根据2003年6月和2007年4月长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物中Cu、Cr、Pb、Zn和Cd等重金属元素含量的实测资料,采用3种评价方法(基于沉积物质量标准的评价、生物效应浓度阈值法和潜在生态危害指数法)对其污染及生态危害程度进行了评价。结果表明:三峡工程一期蓄水后Cu在第二类沉积物中的比例上升,偶尔对生物产生的负面效应有增加趋势,Cr则恰好相反,Pb、Zn和Cd在不同沉积物标准中所占比例基本不变,对生物的负面效应较低。从总的污染程度来看,长江口及其邻近海域污染程度和潜在生态风险为低级。典型污染要素的污染程度由高到低的顺序为:Cr > Cu > Zn > Pb > Cd;各污染物对生态风险影响程度由大到小的顺序为:Cd > Cu > Cr > Pb > Zn,前两种元素是研究区主要的潜在生态风险因子。在三峡工程一期蓄水早期(2003年),长江口及其邻近海域表层沉积物总的潜在生态风险指数和单个污染物的潜在生态风险系数较蓄水前有所增加,2007年的风险水平与1988-1992年基本持平。  相似文献   
通过对云南省建水县多次地下水宏观异常实例的分析,提出充分了解当地水文地质情况,掌握不同地质条件下地下水的运移规律以及不同类型地下水的物理、化学特征等基本知识,可以对地下水宏观异常是否属于由构造活动引起的地震异常作出判断。  相似文献   
Observed pollutants are of both primary and secondary origins, influenced by local topography and meteorology. Identifying sources and relative contribution often require vast detailed data collection and complicated models. This study applied a statistical time series analysis to two selected pollution events, spring and fall, at two sites in northern Taiwan. Vector moving average representations were used to quantitatively examine relationships among chemical pollutants and estimate their lifetimes. Results from impulse responses show that wind direction change alters the characteristic of pollution observed in opposite sites of Taipei City, from chemical dominant system to transport dominant one and vice versa. Chemicals are clearly separated into photochemical pollutants and primary pollutants. Results pointed out that Taipei City is the major source of photochemical smog, but not these primary pollutants. Derived chemical lifetimes at same location vary from 20% to four times under different meteorological condition. Estimated concentrations of hydroxyl radical range between 2 to 8 × 107 cm−3. Photochemical pollutants are responsible for parts of PM10 collected in both station observed. Oxidation of SO2 is only important in PM10 observed at one station. This study provides a simpler tool to derive information usually from complex models, therefore, is suitable as complement in decision-making process.  相似文献   
重金属铜污染植被光谱响应特征研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
重金属铜污染植被的反射光谱特性会发生明显改变。在本研究中,采用不同程度的铜污染土壤作为培养基质,选择春小麦、上海青两种农作物进行铜胁迫实验,获取了4个不同生育期、10个不同铜污染强度下的植被叶片的反射光谱,并采用铜污染叶片7个特征波段和光谱角的方法研究了铜污染叶片的光谱特征。结果表明,铜污染叶片光谱差异与作物时期和作物类型有关,可以采用叶片光谱角描述铜污染叶片与健康叶片的光谱差异。该方法只需与阈值做简单的比较,方法简便易行,而且对轻度及重度铜污染十分敏感。叶片光谱辐射传输模型反演结果表明铜污染叶片内部结构参数N明显变大,这也证明了铜污染使叶片内部结构更加散乱无序。在此基础上进一步建立了N与红肩处反射率值的线性关系,相关系数为0.978。本文为铜污染叶片光谱反射模型的建立提供了初步的数据基础与理论支持。  相似文献   
北京市区春季燃烧源大气颗粒物的污染水平和影响因素   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
以大气中PM2.5和PM10为研究对象,于2005-03-13—25共7天的时间内,在中国地质大学(北京)测试楼顶、首钢焦化厂和首钢东门设立3个采样点进行采样监测。结果表明:PM2.5和PM10质量浓度的日变化呈现一定规律性,在不同时段PM2.5和PM10的质量浓度不尽相同,且变化较大,在特定时刻出现峰值,主要受污染源排放和气象因素的控制;PM2.5和PM10质量浓度随气温的升高而降低,这与高温有利于颗粒物扩散、低温容易形成逆温层有关;在一定的相对湿度范围内(以大气中水汽不发生重力沉降为界限),PM2.5和PM10质量浓度与相对湿度呈正相关关系;而当发生降水时,由于水滴的冲刷和附带作用,PM2.5和PM10质量浓度降低;PM2.5和PM10质量浓度与风级呈明显的负相关关系。通过北京市与国内8个省会城市的PM2.5和PM10质量浓度的对比,发现北京市PM2.5和PM10污染比较严重,PM2.5和PM10质量浓度分别超过了1996年中国制定的PM10排放标准和1997年美国EPA制定的PM2.5排放标准。  相似文献   
In southwest Niger, the Continental Terminal water table displays a natural hollow shape about 10 m in depth over an area of 4000 km2. A 10-year survey of this hollow aquifer has shown that current recharge is above 20 mmyr?1. The water table has risen continuously since the 1950–1960s as a result of land clearance. This shows a disequilibrium in the aquifer balance. The long-term recharge rate is estimated by radioisotopes to be around mmyr?1. This figure fits with the only possible origin of the piezometric depression, i.e. evapotranspiration losses in its centre. To cite this article: G. Favreau et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 395–401.  相似文献   
通过对赣江河漫滩剖面沉积物中持久性有机污染物中OCPs和PCBs沉积记录进行研究,确定赣江流域有机污染历史。根据其浓度变化,进行了分子地层学的划分,其中在26~46 cm层段都存在HCHs、DDTs和PCBs的高浓度残留量,并且DDTs高浓度残留量则延续的更长。整个剖面中OCPs和PCBs残留量属于非污染状态,但应注意其重新被释放到环境中的风险。POPs分子沉积记录与赣江流域使用历史记录相一致,从而具有一定研究近现代沉积物的年代学意义。  相似文献   
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