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Non-linear response of the soil is investigated by comparing the spectral ratios (uphole/downhole) using weak and strong motions. Data from seven vertical arrays in Japan are analysed in this study. The frequency-dependent transfer function of soil is calculated as a ratio of the spectrum at uphole to the spectrum at downhole, considering the horizontal component of shear wave. In spectral ratio analysis auto- and cross-spectra are employed. The reduction in the predominant frequency of the transfer function with increases in excitation level reflects the non-linear response of the soil. Results of analysis demonstrate a significant non-linear ground response at six sites with surface PGA exceeding 90 gal. However, the results of one site show the linear response up to 130 gal surface PGA. Furthermore, the in situ strain-dependent soil behaviour is examined through the shear modulus – shear strain relationship. When compared, the actual and laboratory results of the shear strain – shear modulus relationship are in agreement. Additionally, a good consistency between the tendency of reduction in shear modulus ratio with shear strain increases, and reduction of predominant frequency with ground motion increases, confirms the significance of non-linearity in site effects study.  相似文献   
以新疆塔城基准站自动气象站2006年11月—2010年3月积雪深度≥0cm的451天为样本,对0cm地面温度、雪面(草面)温度、气温及云量、日照时数、雪深进行统计分析,找出不同积雪深度下地面温度、雪(草)面温度与气温的关系,结果显示:雪(草)面温度在积雪期,变化趋势与气温一致,受云量及日照时数影响明显,平均雪温低于平均气温;地温随雪深变化有20cm和50cm两个分界点,雪深≤20cm时,地温受雪深、气温影响较大,变化趋势与气温基本一致,地温高于气温,雪层较薄时,受云量和日照影响较明显。雪深超过20cm时,地温变幅趋向定值,地温变化仅受长时间温度变化影响,且不低于-5℃;雪深超过50cm时,地温趋于定值(-1℃)。  相似文献   
介绍了场地位临长江,地质条件复杂的黄浦路污水处理厂深基坑施工实例。分析了深基坑施工中地下水的危害,论述了对其处理的方法及要点,指出深基坑地下水的处理中,降水不可回避,但周边沉降可以避免。只要处理方案合理,成井质量得到保证,施工操作规范,可以满足坑内干作业的施工要求。  相似文献   
以矮秆代表作物冬小麦为研究对象,利用郑州农业气象试验站2010年10月15日—2011年6月2日农田小气候观测的各层裸温、气温、总辐射和覆盖度资料,采用对比差值、温度垂直梯度等方法统计分析,并对温度对比差值和总辐射曝辐量相关关系和温度的垂直梯度分布特征进行了研究,结果表明:25cm、150cm和300cm高度的日平均裸温和气温变化趋势基本一致,其对比差值呈由小变大趋势;各层裸温和气温的日分布符合温度日变化分布的一般规律,垂直梯度变化比较明显;各层对比差值呈单峰分布,峰值出现在正午12时左右;裸温和气温的对比差值与总辐射曝辐量呈线性相关。裸温与气温的垂直梯度变化有很好的一致性,可利用裸温不同层次间垂直梯度变化特征确定气温传感器合理的安装高度;根据麦田裸温垂直梯度变化特征,考虑到温度防辐射罩高度限制,矮秆作物田间小气候气温应在距离地表面25cm、50cm和150cm高度附近分别设置观测层次。  相似文献   
经参加全国危机矿山示范项目的实际工作,认为目前重庆地质仪器厂生产的新型JCX 3井中三分量磁测仪探头倾斜面向北时X读数正值最大,倾斜面向南时X读数负值最大,X分量指向井斜方向。两者在直角坐标系中虽然同样符合左手法则,但新老仪器的井下磁测传感器x、y坐标相差90°。因而,对于当前广泛在用的数十台JCX 3型仪器的测量结果,如果仍然套用建立在垂向系统基础上的矢量计算公式,就会导致应用和解释错误,因此有必要共同探讨。  相似文献   
实现对地表采动裂缝的三维建模及可视化能促进裂缝的形状、成因研究,并为开采沉陷监测和生态环境恢复提供科学支持。目前三维建模方法和软件主要面向建筑物、管道、地质体等地物地貌,若直接应用于地表裂缝的建模与表达会存在野外测绘工作量大、形态规律表达不准确、呈现不逼真等问题。本文结合三维地形建模、分形、空间插值等理论,提出了基于几何形态参数的地表裂缝三维建模方法,并利用ArcEngine平台实现了对裂缝的三维可视化;选取甘肃省东峡矿区为试验区,根据裂缝分布与形态预计参数,实现了对区域内裂缝的模拟,并通过与实测数据和高分辨率影像进行对比,验证了该方法能真实逼真呈现裂缝的形态、延伸与细节信息。  相似文献   
In this article, we review our previous research for spatial and temporal characterizations of the San Andreas Fault (SAF) at Parkfield, using the fault-zone trapped wave (FZTW) since the middle 1980s. Parkfield, California has been taken as a scientific seismic experimental site in the USA since the 1970s, and the SAF is the target fault to investigate earthquake physics and forecasting. More than ten types of field experiments (including seismic, geophysical, geochemical, geodetic and so on) have been carried out at this experimental site since then. In the fall of 2003, a pair of scientific wells were drilled at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) site; the main-hole (MH) passed a ~200-m-wide low-velocity zone (LVZ) with highly fractured rocks of the SAF at a depth of ~3.2 km below the wellhead on the ground level (Hickman et al., 2005; Zoback, 2007; Lockner et al., 2011). Borehole seismographs were installed in the SAFOD MH in 2004, which were located within the LVZ of the fault at ~3-km depth to probe the internal structure and physical properties of the SAF. On September 282004, a M6 earthquake occurred ~15 km southeast of the town of Parkfield. The data recorded in the field experiments before and after the 2004 M6 earthquake provided a unique opportunity to monitor the co-mainshock damage and post-seismic heal of the SAF associated with this strong earthquake. This retrospective review of the results from a sequence of our previous experiments at the Parkfield SAF, California, will be valuable for other researchers who are carrying out seismic experiments at the active faults to develop the community seismic wave velocity models, the fault models and the earthquake forecasting models in global seismogenic regions.  相似文献   
夏季强沙尘暴内部热力动力特征的个例研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
岳平  牛生杰  张强  沈建国 《中国沙漠》2008,28(3):509-513
根据对流体在热低压条件下激发强沙尘暴的机理,并应用Rennó和Ingersoll于1996年提出的热机自然对流理论,对2004年7月12日甘肃省酒泉基准站发生的强沙尘暴内部动力热力结构进行了探讨。结果表明:①在沙尘暴发生前的一小时大气底层处于干热状态,垂直方向巨大的温度梯度有利于干对流发展。②激发强沙尘暴的对流体的切向旋转速度和垂直运动速度的大小,很大程度上决定了沙尘暴的强弱。③利用酒泉站探空资料计算出的沙尘暴对流体的最大切向旋转速度为11.4 m·s-1,垂直运动速度为14.0 m·s-1;地面沙尘暴观测系统记录的平均环境风速仅为5.5 m·s-1,瞬间最大风速只9.3 m·s-1。  相似文献   
The characteristics of seismic ground motions in southern China are difficult to determine statistically due to a lack of strong ground motion data. In this study, a stochastic finite-fault ground motion model was adopted to simulate the seismic ground motions at bedrock for southern China, based on parameters derived from small and medium earthquakes that have occurred in the region. From these, the response spectra was estimated. A set of ground motion attenuation relations hipswas then developed based on simulated peak ground motions and response spectral parameters through regression, which would be applicable for use in engineering practice. Through comparisons, it was demonstrated that the proposed ground motion relationships are generally consistent with those obtained from other reported ground motion attenuation models for southern China.  相似文献   
以玛多地区多年冻土为背景,建立多年冻土地温场的数值计算模型,以不同的方式考虑近 60 a 来的气温变化构成不同的上边界条件,通过模型计算分析不同上边界条件下的不同时期温度场、未来冻土退化特征.结果表明:在上边界条件中采用气象站实测近60 a波动温度值和采用近60 a平均恒定值时,浅层冻土地温差异明显,且越浅层地温与越近时间的上边界条件相关.预测未来100 a冻土地温变化趋势发现,相同升温速率和升温初始温度条件下,上边界采用实测60 a波动温度值对冻土退化过程影响较小;升温初始温度值提高到与趋势线衔接后,冻土退化起始时间从约第45年提前到约第20年;60 a实测温度和升温初始温度值均提高到与其初始温度场上边界条件衔接后,冻土退化起始时间从约第20年提前到约第15年;冻土退化从开始到完全退化经历时间为25 a左右.  相似文献   
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