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This paper shows the results of a ground magnetic survey carried out to study solid waste landfills. The area located southward of Gualeguaychú town was chosen as a pilot case. This zone was selected considering the available knowledge about the cessation of operations, and the interest of the local authorities in verifying the existence of anomalies indicative of possible dangerous pollutants. The total magnetic field was measured along six profiles, and the corresponding anomalies were calculated. The profiles were modelled in 2.5 D, and along them Eulers deconvolution was used to estimate the depth to the sources. The first and the second derivatives of the residual magnetic field were calculated, in order to sharpen the anomalies. Our interpretation suggests that the characteristics of the modelled bodies and the magnitudes of the detected anomalies do not indicate the presence of drums in the sanitary infill.  相似文献   
Dynamic responses under the excitation of pulse sequences   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
This paper studies the dynamic responses of SDOF system under pulse-dominant excitations. The purpose of the study is to prepare for scrutiny of some near-field pulse-dominant ground motions and their potential to cause structural damage. Extending the single pulse dynamics, we consider the effect of pulse sequences. This kind of excitation was particularly obvious in some of previous earthquakes such as Northridge (1994) and Chi-Chi (1995). Based on the duration,peak and rise and decay era of the main pulse as well as its relationship with the predecessor and successor pulses, we propose a classification for the pulse sequences. Consequent studies have been carried out for acceleration, velocity and displacement response spectra of the main pulse with either a predecessor or a successor pulse. The analysis also includes general response behaviors in different fundamental period segments and special aspects of response at certain points (e.g., the corresponding peak points).  相似文献   
Summary. Starting with a simplified picture of the presumed magnetization configuration in a two-domain sphere of magnetite, the initial susceptibility due to rotation of the magnetization in the domains has been calculated. In particles between 100 and 300 nm in diameter the calculated susceptibility for randomly oriented particles drops rapidly from about 6 to a little over 3, which is the value to be expected for large multidomain particles. The results agree well with the available experimental results and imply that in magnetite particles in this size range the low field susceptibility is dominated by the domain rotation and that wall motion is effectively inhibited.  相似文献   
晋祠泉断流与地下水资源保护关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对晋祠泉域岩溶地下水水文地质条件的分析,阐述了晋泉形成机理和断流原因,认为晋泉断流是多种因素的综合效应。说明地下水资源保护是一项系统工程,应采取统一的、科学的、多层次的全面管理,才能有效地保护有限的地下水资源,唤醒人们在进行经济建设的同时,要注意保护我们赖以生存的地球环境。  相似文献   
The Plechy pluton, southwestern Bohemian Massif, represents a late-Variscan, complexly zoned intrusive center emplaced near the crustal-scale Pfahl shear zone; the pluton thus provides an opportunity to examine the interplay among successive emplacement of large magma batches, magmatic fabric acquisition, and the late-Variscan stress field associated with strike-slip shearing. The magmatic history of the pluton started with the emplacement of the porphyritic Plechy and Haidmühler granites. Based on gravity and structural data, we interpret that the Plechy and Haidmühler granites were emplaced as a deeply rooted, ∼NE–SW elongated body; its gross shape and internal fabric (steep ∼NE–SW magmatic foliation) may have been controlled by the late-Variscan stress field. The steep magmatic foliation changes into flat-lying foliation (particularly recorded by AMS) presumably as a result of divergent flow. Magnetic lineations correspond to a sub-horizontal ∼NE–SW finite stretch associated with the divergent flow. Subsequently, the Třístoličník granite, characterized by steep margin-parallel magmatic foliation, was emplaced as a crescent-shaped body in the central part of the pluton. The otherwise inward-younging intrusive sequence was completed by the emplacement of the outermost and the most evolved garnet-bearing granite (the Marginal granite) along the southeastern margin of the pluton. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
准格尔丘陵沟壑区五分地沟流域土地覆盖分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以准格尔丘陵沟壑区五分地沟流域为研究区,应用彩红外航片和IKONOS卫星影像,绘制了1987、2002年土地覆盖/植被类型图,并数字化基于地面土地利用调查绘制的1979年土地利用图.利用景观格局指数,评价了研究区土地覆盖/植被空间格局现状及土地覆盖类型动态变化;并以ETM 数据为信息源,绘制了2002年土地覆盖/植被类型图.研究表明:2002年研究区土地覆盖/植被呈现出一个耕地、草地、人工乔木林和人工灌木林以及种植稀疏灌木的草地高度镶嵌的景观格局特征;20年内土地覆盖类型发生了显著的变化,景观异质性增强.基于研究区景观的高度破碎化,绘制小流域精细尺度土地覆盖图,高空间分辨率遥感数据十分必要.  相似文献   
利用夜间灯光数据的城市群格局变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对传统的统计数据具有行政单元统计约束的缺点、DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据存在分辨率低、像元辐射值饱和的问题,该文使用NPP/VIIRS夜间灯光数据、城区边界、列车时刻表、百度地图API等数据,通过空间统计、标准差椭圆、位序-规模分布、空间联系测度研究中国九大城市群2012与2017年的空间格局变化。结果表明:长三角、珠三角、京津冀城市群的灯光总量和平均灯光均位于前列;长三角、珠三角、成渝、哈长、关中平原城市群灯光变分散,京津冀、长江中游、中原、北部湾城市群灯光变集中,成渝城市群夜间灯光重心移动最大,向重庆方向移动;长江中游城市群接近捷夫分布,中原城市群为序列分布,其他城市群为首位分布;长三角、珠三角、京津冀城市群的总体联系强度最高,各城市群边缘中小城市与核心城市空间联系较弱。  相似文献   
兰州地区既有构筑物的天然地基通常是粉土层,由于地下水位上升,这种地基土饱和,导致承载力下降,出现地基不安全现象。针对这一特点,提出了既经济、实用且简便的低压注浆加固地基的处理方法。  相似文献   
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