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Book reviewed is the article: Small-State Security in the Balkans . Aurel Braun. South American Development: A Geographical Introduction . Rosemary D. F. Bromley and Ray Bromley. Interregional Migration, National Policy and Social Justice . Gordon L. Clark. Marketing Architectural and Engineering Services . Weld Coxe. A Geography of the Third World . J. P. Dickenson, C. G. Clarke, W. T. S. Gould, R. M. Prothero, D. J. Siddle, C. T. Smith, E. M. Thomas-Hope, and A. G. Hodgkiss. Wildlife and Man in Texas: Environmental Change and Conservation . Robin W. Doughty. At the Sea's Edge . William T. Fox. Englewood Cliffs Geography and Ecology . I. P. Gerasimov. Urbanization in Contemporary Latin America. Critical Approaches to the Analysis of Urban Issues . Alan Gilbert in association with Jorge E. Hardoy and Ronaldo Ramírez, eds. The Coming of the Transactional City . Jean Gottmann. College Park Visions of City and Country: Prints and Photographs of Nineteenth-Century France . Bonnie L. Grad and Timothy A. Riggs. Worcester Soviet Geography Today: Physical Geography . N. A. Gvozdetskiy, ed. Adaptive Responses of Native Amazonians . Raymond B. Hames and William T. Vickers, eds. Urban and Regional Industrial Research: The Changing UK Data Base . Michael Healey, ed. Cuando se Acaban los Montes . Stanley Heckadon Moreno. A Panama Forest and Shore: Natural History and Amerindian Culture in Bocas del Toro . Burton L. Gordon. Pacific Grove Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution, 1900–1982 . Allen Isaacman and Barbara Isaacman. Soviet Natural Resources in the World Economy . Robert G. Jensen, Theodore Shabad, and Arthur W. Wright, eds. The Changing Geography of the United Kingdom . R. J. Johnston and J. C. Doornkamp, eds. Pluralism and Political Geography—People, Territory and State . Nurit Kliot and Stanley Waterman, eds. Landmarks Preservation and the Property Tax . David Listokin. Irrigation Horticulture in Highland Guatemala: The Tablón System of Panajachel . Kent Mathewson. Her Space, Her Place: A Geography of Women . Mary Ellen Mazey and David R. Lee. Man, A Geomorphological Agent . Dov Nir. Dordrecht The Book of America: Inside the 50 States Today . Neal R. Peirce and Jerry Hagstrom. Rivers . Geoffrey E. Petts. Proceedings, United States/Australia Workshop on Design and Implementation of Computer-Based Geographic Information Systems . Donna Peuquet and John O'Callaghan, eds. Outdoor Recreational and Resource Management . John Pigram. Remaking the City: Social Science Perspectives on Urban Design . John S. Pipkin, Mark La Gory and Judith R. Blau, eds. The Crust of Our Earth: An Armchair Traveler's Guide to the New Geology . Chet Raymo. Englewood Cliffs Concepts and Themes in the Regional Geography of Canada J. Lewis Robinson. Vancouver Secondary Cities in Developing Countries: Policies for Diffusing Urbanization . Dennis A. Rondinelli. Beverly Hills Legal Foundations of Environmental Planning , Vol 1. J. G. Rose. Can We Delay a Greenhouse Warming? Stephen Seidel and Dale Keyes. Mobilizing Human Resources in the Arab World . R. Paul Shaw. Prairie Mosaic: An Ethnic Atlas of Rural North Dakota . William C. Sherman. The Future of Conflict in the 1980s . William J. Taylor, Jr. and Steven A. Maaranen, eds. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information . Edward R. Tufte. U.S. 40 Today: Thirty Years of landscape Change in America . Thomas R. Vale and Geraldine R. Vale. Madison Silent Violence: Food, Famine and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria . Michael Watts. Readings in Historic Preservation: Why? What? How? Norman Williams Jr., Edmund Kellogg and Frank Gilbert, eds.  相似文献   
 The 1783–1784 Laki tholeiitic basalt fissure eruption in Iceland was one of the greatest atmospheric pollution events of the past 250 years, with widespread effects in the northern hemisphere. The degassing history and volatile budget of this event are determined by measurements of pre-eruption and residual contents of sulfur, chlorine, and fluorine in the products of all phases of the eruption. In fissure eruptions such as Laki, degassing occurs in two stages: by explosive activity or lava fountaining at the vents, and from the lava as it flows away from the vents. Using the measured sulfur concentrations in glass inclusions in phenocrysts and in groundmass glasses of quenched eruption products, we calculate that the total accumulative atmospheric mass loading of sulfur dioxide was 122 Mt over a period of 8 months. This volatile release is sufficient to have generated ∼250 Mt of H2SO4 aerosols, an amount which agrees with an independent estimate of the Laki aerosol yield based on atmospheric turbidity measurements. Most of this volatile mass (∼60 wt.%) was released during the first 1.5 months of activity. The measured chlorine and fluorine concentrations in the samples indicate that the atmospheric loading of hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid was ∼7.0 and 15.0 Mt, respectively. Furthermore, ∼75% of the volatile mass dissolved by the Laki magma was released at the vents and carried by eruption columns to altitudes between 6 and 13 km. The high degree of degassing at the vents is attributed to development of a separated two-phase flow in the upper magma conduit, and implies that high-discharge basaltic eruptions such as Laki are able to loft huge quantities of gas to altitudes where the resulting aerosols can reside for months or even 1–2 years. The atmospheric volatile contribution due to subsequent degassing of the Laki lava flow is only 18 wt.% of the total dissolved in the magma, and these emissions were confined to the lowest regions of the troposphere and therefore important only over Iceland. This study indicates that determination of the amount of sulfur degassed from the Laki magma batch by measurements of sulfur in the volcanic products (the petrologic method) yields a result which is sufficient to account for the mass of aerosols estimated by other methods. Received: 30 May 1995 / Accepted: 19 April 1996  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Latin America: Case Studies . Richard G. Boehm and Sent Visser Locality and Rurality: Economy and Society in Rural Regions . Tony Bradley And Philip Lowe The City and the Grassroots . Manuel Castells Geopolitics and Conflict in South America. Quarrels among Neighbors . Jack Child Post-Industrial America: A Geographical Perspective . David Clark Coastal Research: UK Perspectives . Malcolm W. Clark A Rural Policy for the EEC? Hugh Clout Peasant Agriculture in Assam: A Structural Analysis . M. M. Das . Environmental Change and Tropical Geomorphology . I. Douglas and T. Spencer Advances in Abandoned Settlement Analysis: Application to Prehistoric Anthrosols in Colombia, South America . Robert C. Eidt Measuring Culture . Jonathan L. Gross and Steve Rayner North America: A Human Geography . Paul Guinness and Michael Bradshaw A Geographical Bibliography for American Libraries . Chauncy D. Harris et al. Geography and the Urban Environment: Progress in Research and Applications, Vol. VI . D. T. Herbert and R. J. Johnston Changes in Global Climate: A Study of the Effect of Radiation and Other Factors During the Present Century . K. Ya . Kondrat'ev . Rural Development and the State: Contradictions and Dilemmas in Developing Countries . David A. M. Lea and D. P. Chaudhri The Martial Metropolis: U.S. Cities in War and Peace . Roger W. Lotchin The Climate of the Earth . Paul E. Lydolph . Weather and Climate . Paul E. Lydolph . Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production . Doreen Massey . Panorama of the Soviet Union . N. Mikhailov . Soviet Armenia . K. S. Demirchian . USSR: Geography of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period . K. Spidchenko . Planung und Verwirklichung der Wiener Ringstrassenzone (Planning and Materialization of the Ringstrasse-Zone of Vienna). Kurt Mollik , Hermann Reining , Rudolf Wurzer . The American West Transformed: The Impact of the Second World War Gerald D. Nash . An Overview of the Survey of Income and Program Participation . Dawn Nelson , David Mc Millen, and Daniel Kasprzyk . Phenomenology, Science and Geography: Spatiality and the Human Sciences . John Pickles . Biological Diversification in the Tropics . Ghillean T. Prance Die Wanderviehwirtschaft im gebirgigen Westen der U.S.A. und ihre Auswirkungen im Naturraum . Gisbert Rinschede . Social and Economic Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal: Considerations for Institutional Management . World-Wide Weather . K. Takahashi Coastal Geomorphology in Australia . B. G. Thom Settlement System in Rural India: A Case Study of the Lower Ganga-Yamuna Doab . Ram Chandra Tiwari . Computer Programming for Geographers . David J. Unwin and John A. Dawson . Late Quaternary Environments of the Soviet Union . A. A. Velichko, ed . H. E. Wright , Jr. and C. W. Barnosky Ethics in Planning . Martin Wachs  相似文献   
海底沉积物中不同形式烃类气体的地球化学意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
付少英 《地学前缘》2005,12(3):253-257
顶空气法和酸解烃法将东沙群岛海域海底浅表层沉积物中不同形式的烃类气体释放出来,通过分析两类气体在沉积物中的含量及其甲烷碳同位素,发现两类气体的成因和来源不同。笔者认为,相对而言,吸附气(包裹气)反映的是一种更为早期的信息,而游离气(溶解气)则更具有“现代性”。笔者进一步认为,两类气体的不同形成过程,对于天然气水合物调查具有不同的意义,其中游离气(溶解气)具有直接的指示意义,而吸附气(包裹气)可能指示成岩时沉积物中的空间信息。  相似文献   
温室气体排放评价指标及其定量分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
温室气体排放的科学定量评价是建立国际温室气体减排框架、确定各国合理的减排责任、部署国际减排行动的基础。通过系统阐述目前国际上通行的温室气体排放的主要评价指标(国别排放指标、人均排放指标、GDP 排放指标和国际贸易排放指标等), 并通过定量评价剖析这些评价指标的优缺点及其局限性。讨论了发展科学、公平和易于广泛接受的新评价指 标的可能性。基于可持续发展的公平性原则, 提出了“工业化累积人均排放量” 的新指标, 以客观定量评价世界各国工业化以来温室气体历史累积排放量的当代人均量。新指标的结果显示, 英美等老牌工业化国家的工业化累积人均排放量远高于全球平均水平和发展中国家的 水平。还提出并讨论了人均单位GDP 排放量、消费排放量、生存排放量等潜在的评价指标。  相似文献   
富营养化湖泊夏季表层水体温室气体浓度及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
为研究富营养化湖泊水体温室气体浓度及其影响因素,以太湖西岸和竺山湾为例,共调查研究了27个点位,采用顶空平衡法对其表层水体中溶解的甲烷(CH_4)和氧化亚氮(N_2O)浓度进行测定.结果表明,太湖近岸带蓝藻水华堆积区表层水体中CH_4和N_2O两种温室气体浓度远远高于开阔湖区点位,CH_4和N_2O最高浓度分别为3.79±0.095和0.078±0.003μmol/L.蓝藻水华堆积区和开阔湖区CH_4平均浓度分别为2.33±1.46和0.14±0.059μmol/L,N_2O的平均浓度分别为0.054±0.024和0.023±0.012μmol/L.两种气体在水中均呈现过饱和状态,其中蓝藻水华堆积区表层水体中CH_4和N_2O饱和度远远高于开阔湖区点位.此外,入湖河流河口区域表层水体溶解性N_2O浓度较高.将水中CH_4和N_2O浓度与水体环境因子之间进行相关性分析,表明水体总氮、总磷、铵态氮和溶解性有机碳浓度与CH_4和N_2O浓度呈显著正相关,CH_4浓度与硝态氮浓度呈显著负相关.研究结果揭示了太湖蓝藻水华堆积区是CH_4和N_2O两种温室气体重要的潜在排放源,蓝藻水华暴发对湖泊温室气体的排放具有重要影响,但该过程的驱动机制及影响因素仍需要进一步研究.  相似文献   
流域氮污染问题是世界面临的共同难题,大型水利水电工程极大地改变了流域氮循环过程。三峡水库作为我国重要的优质淡水资源库,却面临着支流水华频繁暴发的水安全问题。如何有效削减氮污染并维持水库消落带生态系统的稳定性,是三峡水库生态安全运行中亟待解决的实际问题。水库消落带作为邻近水体的“生物地球化学循环热区”,在营养元素循环、面源污染截留、温室气体排放等过程中扮演着重要角色。随着生物信息学、分子生物学等新型研究手段在环境研究中广泛应用,氮循环过程与机理得到了更微观的诠释,氮循环功能微生物的多样性和生态位分化等方面的研究也取得了突出成果。本文基于对三峡水库消落带土壤-植物-微生物作用下的氮循环关键过程所开展的最新研究,结合消落带水陆交错的特殊环境条件,综述水库消落带中氮循环的关键过程和机理,分析水库消落带对流域水环境和温室气体排放的潜在影响,并对未来消落带亟待解决的问题做了进一步展望,以期为大型水库消落带生态系统的综合管理提供科学支撑。  相似文献   
温室气体浓度变化及其源与汇研究进展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
对工业革命以来大气中主要温室气体浓度变化和增长趋势作了简介。概述了冰芯研究的最新成果:420 ka BP以来CO2浓度变化情况及其揭示的气候变化机制;全新世期间CH4浓度的波动;气候事件中N2O浓度的快速波动及工业化前的水平。总结了全球温室气体源与汇的研究现状,重点介绍了全球碳循环研究中的未知汇问题,列举了根据不同资料和模型估计的陆地碳汇位置和幅度以及影响因素对陆地碳汇的贡献等认识上的差异。简单介绍了国内有关温室气体源与汇研究,如稻田CH4排放、岩溶系统碳循环和黄土中温室气体组分特征等方面的研究成果和认识。  相似文献   
日光温室气象监测与灾害预警系统研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黎贞发  王铁  刘德义  李春 《气象科技》2011,39(2):247-252
节能型日光温室是我国华北地区发展最快、所占面积比例最大的设施农业类型,针对具有较典型代表性的第2代节能日光温室,详细阐述了集温室小气候自动监测、数据远程采集、温室小气候模拟、产品制作与发布、灾害预警于一体的日光温室气象监测与灾害预警系统的构建,并对该系统的应用情况进行简单介绍。系统2007年投入业务使用,采取中期、短期、临近预警相接合,监测预报与灾后评估相结合,取得较好服务效果。  相似文献   
通过调查江苏省全球环境基金项目区农户和专家的投入产出,使用成本效益分析方法和IPCC推荐的温室气体估算方法评估比较了3种种植方式(人工插秧、机械插秧和直播)的水稻在麦稻轮作复种“两晚”模式(水稻晚收, 小麦晚播)下的社会、经济和生态效益。结果表明:水稻直播和机械插秧可以节省更多劳动力;农业机械燃油、施用化肥、稻田淹水等农作措施导致了大量人为温室气体排放;水稻种植方式为人工插秧的麦稻轮作模式能取得最优的经济和生态效益;“两晚”模式实施的关键是适时地利用近年来增加的农业气候资源。水稻人工插秧与麦稻“两晚”相配合的种植模式是减缓和适应气候变化的较优选择。  相似文献   
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