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水库水气界面温室气体通量监测方法综述   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
水库水体中的有机碳,经过水中微生物代谢分解,生成甲烷、二氧化碳等温室气体,通过扩散、气泡等方式,经由水气界面排向大气.目前国外对水库水气界面的温室气体通量监测已经发展了静态箱法、梯度法、倒置漏斗法、TDLAS法以及涡度相关法等.综述了以上监测方法的原理、应用、优缺点及适用范围,从水体、陆地和气候环境方面分析了影响水气界...  相似文献   
日光温室低温寡照灾害指标   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
魏瑞江 《气象科技》2003,31(1):50-53
文章根据1965~2000年河北省日光温室试验观测资料及各地历年低温寡照对蔬菜的影响程度,确定了低温寡照灾害等级指标,分析了低温寡照的时空分布规律,20世纪80年代以后,河北省各市低温寡照发生次数比60、70年代明显增多;随着纬度增高,河北省低温寡照发生次数明显减少,危害程度明显减轻。  相似文献   
温室气体源汇及其对气候影响的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈碧辉 《气象科学》2006,26(5):586-590
温室气体对全球气候变化将产生深远的影响。本文拟从温室气体源汇研究以及温室气体对气候环境的影响等方面论述温室气体研究进展。尽管目前国内外对主要的温室气体源与汇研究报道很多,但不同的研究结果不尽一致,有些研究间甚至出现相反的结论。温室气体增加对气候的影响及其检测,主要是利用不同复杂程度的数值模式进行研究。  相似文献   
采用静态暗箱采样—气相色谱/化学发光分析相结合的方法,对晋南地区盐碱地不同小麦秸秆还田量裸地土壤夏、秋季(2008年6~10月)的甲烷(CH4)、二氧化碳(CO2)、氧化亚氮(N2O)和一氧化氮(NO)交换通量进行了原位观测。结果表明:观测期内,秸秆全还田(FS)、秸秆一半还田(HS)和秸秆不还田(NS)处理土壤—大气间CH4、CO2、N2O和NO平均交换通量分别为-0.8±2.7、-1.4±2.3、-6.5±1.8μg(C).m-2.h-1(CH4),267.1±23.1、212.0±17.8、188.5±13.6mg(C).m-2.h-1(CO2),20.7±3.0、16.3±2.3、14.7±1.7μg(N).m-2.h-1(N2O),3.9±0.5、3.4±0.5、3.0±0.4μg(N).m-2.h-1(NO)。交换通量表现出明显的季节变化趋势,灌溉、降雨和温度变化是影响该趋势的主要因素。相对于NS处理,FS和HS处理降低了累积CH4吸收量(66%和59%),增加了累积CO2(42%和12%)、N2O(41%和9%)和NO(30%和13%)排放量,因此,秸秆还田促进了农田土壤总的温室气体排放。计算得到FS和HS处理小麦秸秆的CO2、N2O、NO排放系数分别为73.4%±1.6%和43.3%±1.0%(CO2)、0.37%±0.01%和0.17%±0.00%(N2O)、0.06%±0.00%和0.05%±0.00%(NO),FS处理的排放系数显著高于HS处理,且均低于同一实验地种植玉米、施肥农田的小麦秸秆排放系数(N2O和NO排放系数分别为2.32%和0.42%)。可见,在采用排放因子方法估算还田秸秆CO2、N2O和NO排放量时,应考虑秸秆还田量、农作物种植和施肥因素的影响。  相似文献   
Mombacho is a deeply dissected volcano belonging to the Quaternary volcanic chain of Nicaragua. The southern, historic collapse crater (El Crater) currently hosts a fumarolic field with a maximum temperature of 121°C. Chemical and isotopic data from five gas-sampling field campaigns carried out in 2002, 2003 and 2005 highlight the presence of high-temperature gas components (e.g. SO2, HCl and HF), which indicate a significant contribution of juvenile magmatic fluids to the hydrothermal system feeding the gas discharges. This is strongly supported by the mantle-derived helium and carbon isotopic signatures, although the latter is partly masked by either a sedimentary subduction-related or a shallow carbonate component. The observed chemical and isotopic composition of the Mombacho fluids seems to indicate that this volcanic system, although it has not experienced eruptive events during the last centuries, can be considered active and possibly dangerous, in agreement with the geophysical data recorded in the region. Systematic geochemical monitoring of the fumarolic gas discharges, coupled with a seismic and ground deformation network, is highly recommended in order to monitor a possible new eruptive phase.  相似文献   
The methane concentration in the atmosphere andsurface water was surveyed along 58° N acrossthe North Sea. In addition, the vertical methanedistribution in the water column was determined at sixstations along the transect. The methane contents ofthe surface water as well as in the water column wereextremely inhomogeneous. Input by freshwater fromriver discharge and injection of methane from thesediment were both observed. The survey continued fromthe western side of the North Sea to the Elbe Riverestuary. The Elbe River appears to have low methaneconcentrations compared to other European rivers, itsaverage input into the North Sea is estimated to be70 nmol s-1 of methane. Near 58° N,1°40' E, an abandoned drill site releases about 25 % ofthe North Sea's emission of methane to the atmosphere.The advective methane transport induced by watercirculation was assessed for May 16, 1994, using a 3-DNorth Sea circulation model. For the period of thissurvey, the North Sea's source strength foratmospheric methane is estimated using in situwind velocities. In comparison to the advectivetransport by the water circulation, the gas flux tothe atmosphere appears to be the dominant sink ofNorth Sea methane. This flux is estimated to bebetween 1500 · 106 mol a-1 and 3100 ·106mol a-1, depending on the relationbetween wind speed and gas transfer velocity.  相似文献   
二氧化碳和甲烷减排是控制全球增温最核心的手段,传统的人为碳排放计算主要依赖于在线监测和清单算法,2019年第49届1PCC全会明确了利用大气观测通过"自上而下"通量计算对排放清单进行支撑和验证,因此了解大气遥感碳监测发展趋势以及同化反演技术方法成为了中国应对国际气候变化事务亟待探明的重要问题.根据卫星遥感技术发展进程和...  相似文献   
温室气体浓度增加情景下大西洋温盐环流的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牟林  吴德星  周刚  陈学恩  马超 《地球科学》2007,32(1):141-146
温室气体浓度增加(以CO2为主)引起的温盐环流演变在未来气候系统中扮演非常重要的角色.在最新的温室气体排放情景下,利用基于德国马普气象研究所为IPCC第四次评估报告而最新发展的气候模式(ECHAM5/MPIOM),对3种不同的温室气体排放假设(B1,A1B,A2)进行了可靠的数值模拟.在此基础上,就大西洋温盐环流和北大西洋深层水形成的变化,以及北大西洋不同海区的温盐环流对温室气体浓度增加的响应,对模拟结果进行了分析.研究揭示,到21世纪末,在3种CO2排放情景下,温盐环流强度分别减弱了4Sv(1Sv=106m3/s)、5.1Sv、5.2Sv,大体相当于减弱了20%、25%、25.1%.由于全球变暖引起副极地海区表层海水变暖变淡,拉不拉多海(LabradorSea)和丹麦海峡(DenmarkStrait)以南区域的深层对流有所减弱.而在格陵兰-冰岛-挪威海(GINSea)的情况相反,由于北大西洋暖流的增强,通过法鲁海峡(Faro-BankChannel)进入GIN海域的高盐水增加,导致GIN海域上层盐度(密度)增加,进而深层对流加强.在A1B情景下,由于全球变暖北大西洋的深层水生成率从16.2Sv降到了12.9Sv.  相似文献   
Climate change is identified as a major threat to wetlands. Altered hydrology and rising temperature can change the biogeochemistry and function of a wetland to the degree that some important services might be turned into disservices. This means that they will, for example, no longer provide a water purification service and adversely they may start to decompose and release nutrients to the surface water. Moreover, a higher rate of decomposition than primary production (photosynthesis) may lead to a shift of their function from being a sink of carbon to a source. This review paper assesses the potential response of natural wetlands (peatlands) and constructed wetlands to climate change in terms of gas emission and nutrients release. In addition, the impact of key climatic factors such as temperature and water availability on wetlands has been reviewed. The authors identified the methodological gaps and weaknesses in the literature and then introduced a new framework for conducting a comprehensive mesocosm experiment to address the existing gaps in literature to support future climate change research on wetland ecosystems. In the future, higher temperatures resulting in drought might shift the role of both constructed wetland and peatland from a sink to a source of carbon. However, higher temperatures accompanied by more precipitation can promote photosynthesis to a degree that might exceed the respiration and maintain the carbon sink role of the wetland. There might be a critical water level at which the wetland can preserve most of its services. In order to find that level, a study of the key factors of climate change and their interactions using an appropriate experimental method is necessary. Some contradictory results of past experiments can be associated with different methodologies, designs, time periods, climates, and natural variability. Hence a long-term simulation of climate change for wetlands according to the proposed framework is recommended. This framework provides relatively more accurate and realistic simulations, valid comparative results, comprehensive understanding and supports coordination between researchers. This can help to find a sustainable management strategy for wetlands to be resilient to climate change.  相似文献   
主要利用实验的方法,并结合计算,对淮南煤田各研究矿区次生生物成因和热成因混合煤层气的比例进行了对比估算。结果显示:两种方法估算的研究区煤层气的混合比例较为一致。淮南煤田混合煤层气中次生生物成因气所占比例较大,最高达到了79%,最低的也占到了43%。同时,国内外的研究也表明,煤层中后期次生生物气的生成可明显提高煤储层的含气量。因此,淮南煤田中后期次生生物气的生成对矿区煤层气资源的贡献重大。  相似文献   
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