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湖北宜昌黄花场剖面是我国奥陶系大湾阶的界线层型剖面,高精度生物地层以及岩石、层序地层和碳同位素地球化学的综合研究表明,该剖面完全符合关于建立全球下奥陶统一中奥陶统界线(即奥陶系第三个尚待正式命名的阶)界线层型剖面和点位(GSSP)的条件。建议以该剖面牙形石Baltoniodus?triangularis的首现层位,作为划分全球下奥陶统一中奥陶统界线的GSSP。所建议的GSSP交通方便,位于距宜昌市北北东22km的公路旁,地层出露完美无缺,界线生物层位于大湾组下段SHod-16层底部,距大湾组底部10.57m;界线上下发育了B.?triangularis的完整演化序列,并伴生有极好的Baltoniodus、Trapezognathus、Periodon和Microzarkodina等牙形石属种演化序列来作为佐证;界线之上0.2m所出现的世界广布的Microzarkodina abellum可作为划分此界线的辅助标志。界线生物层位于低位海侵序列之中,界线之下0.6m处所显示的从高位到低位的层序转换面和碳同位素最大偏移,与全球此时所发生低位事件密切相关,可作为识别该界线的物理和化学标志。所建议的界线生物层与笔石Azygograptus suecicus生物带上下组合之间的界线接近,与几丁虫Belonechitina cf.henryi生物带底界几乎一致,因此,所建议的界线易于在全球,无论浅水碳酸盐相、还是深水笔石相,识别和进行精确对比。同样的生物组合序列和层序及碳同位素异常亦在黄花场剖面之北5km的陈家河(即大坪)剖面得到了验证.  相似文献   
An incomplete specimen of Stimulograptus halli 1.45 m long is recorded from the Aberystwyth Grits Formation north of Clarach, western mid‐Wales. This is the longest graptoloid graptolite known. Assuming a growth rate similar to that of modern Rhabdopleura it lived for at least 25 years. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
新疆天山山脉海拔落差大,受气候及地形条件的影响其垂直分带性显著。天山山脉独特的地理位置及地质构造特征决定了山脉植被特征及垂直带谱发育的复杂性,也是影响坡积土分布与发育的重要条件。本文通过总结新疆天山山脉整体空间地理格局、地质造山过程和特殊地质地貌发育特征,进而明确了坡积土的风化成生过程及演化机制,并分析了天山山脉垂直分带划分界限及各分带内坡积土表层植被和地质灾害分布特征。研究表明:(1)新疆天山山脉横贯新疆中部,山脉发育主要受到古生代陆缘增生-碰撞造山、新生代晚期陆内造山及持续的冰川侵蚀等作用演化而成,其独特气候环境条件的差异性及规律性造就了天山山脉地貌发育具有水平过渡完整、垂直分带特性显著等特点;(2)天山山脉坡积土风化成生过程经历了原位风化、运移沉积及有机质积聚三环节,各环节依次进行又同时发生,具有循环递进特点;(3)依据海拔梯度与水热条件可将坡积土类型进行垂直分带划分,主要表现在:以博格达峰为代表的天山山脉北坡坡积土类型沿海拔由高到低依次为高山原始土、高山-亚高山草甸土、山地黑钙土、栗钙土、灰褐土、荒漠灰棕漠土;以托木尔峰为代表的天山山脉南坡坡积土类型沿海拔由高到低依次为:高山原始土、高山-亚高山草甸土、淡栗钙土、棕钙土、棕漠土;(4)天山山脉坡积土地质灾害受不同海拔处地貌条件及气候环境因素影响而产生了垂直分带特性,可以划分为冰川动力作用型、冰水侵蚀作用型、降水补给作用型。研究为明晰不同海拔内坡积土垂直分带及地质灾害特征提供基础指导价值。  相似文献   
Abstract. The utilization of the spatial resources of two syntopic blenniid species - Blennius cunevue and Blennius incognitas - has been investigated in silu and under laboratory conditions. Both species occupy bore holes of the mussel Lithophugu in the sublittoral zone. B. cunevue dominates the more shallow zone (= 0.68 m) and prefers smaller (= 12.76 mm diameter) and horizontal bore holes. B. incognitus inhabits the same depth range as B. cunevue but occupies larger bore holes (= 14.57 mm) in a deeper zone (= 0.86 m). Individuals of B. incognitus do not prefer a special inclination angle. The two blenniid species defend territories with different intraspecific sizes: the mean territory radius of B. cunevue is 6.87 mm, of B. incognitus = 10.95. Mechanisms to reduce competition include different activity rhythm, interspecific social dominance, and differences in territoriality. B. cunevue is the dominant species; its territories arc defended against conspecifics and against B. incognitus.  相似文献   

甲基卡位于松潘-甘孜造山带内, 为我国超大型伟晶岩型锂矿床之一, 具有较大的经济价值。甲基卡伟晶岩在空间上具有良好的分带, 以二云母花岗岩为中心, 向外依次为微斜长石伟晶岩带(Ⅰ带)→微斜长石-钠长石伟晶岩带(Ⅱ带)→钠长石伟晶岩带(Ⅲ带)→锂辉石伟晶岩带(Ⅳ带)→白云母伟晶岩带(Ⅴ带)。为了研究甲基卡区域伟晶岩脉空间演化和稀有金属富集规律, 本文对各分带伟晶岩的白云母进行了主量、微量元素研究。根据矿物内部结构和化学成分, 区域伟晶岩存在两阶段演化: 早阶段在Ⅰ带至Ⅳ带形成均一结构的原生白云母; 晚阶段Ⅴ带形成具有成分分带的白云母, 二者在成分上Li、Rb、Cs含量和K/Rb、K/Cs比值呈现明显差异, 表明演化程度明显加大, 流体组分比例升高, 表明体系由以熔体为主的阶段进入以熔流体为主相对不稳定的阶段。从Ⅰ带至Ⅳ带, 原生白云母的K/Rb、Kb/Cs比值降低有限, 微量元素Li、Rb、Cs、Ta含量总体略微升高, 表明甲基卡区域伟晶岩脉经历了中等程度的结晶分异演化。V带云母的主微量成分呈振荡变化, 该现象主要受熔体不混溶过程的控制。总体上, 原生白云母均有具有高Li、Cs、B含量的特征, 表明初始熔体极具成矿潜力。白云母中K/Rb比值小于等于20或Cs含量大于等于400×10-6可以作为评价Li-Cs-Ta(LCT)伟晶岩发生锂辉石矿化的指标。

本文介绍了网络分析法基本原理及计算方法,并采用其模型原理,对构成滑坡灾害的地层岩性、坡度、坡向、植被覆盖、河网缓冲、高程等多个评价因子进行了分析和叠合评价。通过分析专家评定所需滑坡评价因子间复杂的关系,得到了庐山风景区滑坡灾害风险等级图,且评价结果与该区调查滑坡资料的分布情况吻合,为滑坡预警和滑坡治理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The research presented in this article is based on a new technique governed by three different statistical indicators determined for each causative parameter, viz. highest density, average density and co-efficient of variation of landslides. Each of these indicators was assigned a rank value between 1 and 14 depending upon its variation among the 14 causative parameters. The aggregate of the three types of rank values estimate the total ranking value (TRV) for each causative parameter. The study area is divided into 78,256 spatial units and for each such spatial unit, the influence of the different causative parameters is determined as the product of the experts' weight of the associated sub-category and the TRV of the causative parameter that categorizes the study area into various zones. The efficacy of the proposed technique is demonstrated by the occurrence of significantly high prediction accuracy of 84%.  相似文献   
Weathering features are described from an arid coastal area in northern Morocco which are indicative of invasive chasmolithic and endolithic microbial communities. Active weathering of marine terraces and karst development is associated with endolithic and epilithic algae responsible for boring, disintegration of matrix and mineral fabrics, solution and biomineralization that undermines the marine carbonate platform. Evidence of a range of biological weathering agents remains preserved, speci?cally calci?ed ?laments and sporangial material. An abundance of ?laments and spores representative of a consortium of algae, fungi, cyanobacteria and lichens is associated with the most denuded outcrops. The array of microbes contributes to the formation of the stromatolites to depths of 0·5 m within the limestone substrate. The preservation of stromatolites is supported by calci?cation of spores and ?laments, with trapping and binding of carbonate held in suspension by vadose waters. The pervasive weathering on this sector of coastline has important practical implications for coastal planning and development authorities in Morocco. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文简述了340年前在山东郯城发生的8特大地震给人类造成的巨大灾难,回顾了20年前完成的<重新评定鲁南地震区划>项目的提出、实施以及取得的主要成果,由此归纳了地震科学研究只有面向社会、服务社会才能大有作为等五方面的启示.  相似文献   
中国特马豆克阶笔石地层述评   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
特马豆克阶是奥陶系第一个顶底界均已确立全球界线层型的年代地层单元,由于这两个GSSP都不在我国,因此如何在我国各个地区准确识别这两条界线,了解阶内的笔石和牙形刺序列,对我国奥陶纪地层和古生物研究具有重要意义。简要介绍特马豆克阶和奥陶系底界全球层型的纽芬兰GreenPoint剖面及特马豆克阶顶界全球层型的瑞典Diabasbrottet剖面,对界线附近的生物地层进行了分析讨论,并对GSSP的确立过程作了简要回顾。在以往大量成果积累及近年来工作的基础上,对我国特马豆克阶的笔石序列提出了新的观点:根据对吉林大阳岔等剖面的最新研究,华北板块的特马豆克阶笔石地层从下至上可以识别出4个笔石带——Rhabdinoporaflabelliformisparabola带、Anisograptusmatanensis带、Psigraptusjacksoni带和Aorograptusvictoriae带,弃用以往长期使用的Adelograptus-Clonograptus带;同时提出华南的特马豆克阶从下到上可以识别出7个笔石带——Rhabdinopora?taojiangensis带,R.flabelliformisparabola带,Anisograptusmatanensis带,R.flabelliformisanglica带,Aorograptusvictoriae带,Acanthograptussinensis带,Hunnegraptuscopiosus带。对采自四川古蔺纳羊箐桐梓组顶部笔石标本的研究表明,该层位相当于特马豆克期末的Hunnegraptuscopiosus带。此外还将我国的特马豆克阶笔石序列与国外若干主要地区进行了对比。  相似文献   
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