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Phytoplankton pigment patterns and community composition were investigated in the northern South China Sea using high-performance liquid chromatography and the CHEMTAX software from February 11 to 23, 2009. We recognized four different vertical distribution patterns of pigments: chlorophyll a (Chl a)-like type, divinyl chlorophyll a (DV Chl a) type, even distribution type, and surface type. The average value of ratios of accessory photo-protective pigments (APP) to accessory photo-synthetic pigments was 0.89±0.63 in the upper 50 m and 0.16±0.06 below 50 m depth. With increasing depth, APP decreased and photo-synthetically active radiation was attenuated. There was an obvious succession in the phytoplankton community from inshore to the open sea. Diatoms were dominant in the inshore region, while pelagophytes, Prochlorococcus, cyanobacteria and prymnesiophytes were dominant in the open sea. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton also differed greatly from inshore to the open sea. In the coastal and shelf region, diatoms were important components in the whole water column. Cyanobacteria also had a high abundance at the Subsurface Chlorophyll a Maxima (SCM) in the shelf region. In the slope and open sea, Prochlorococcus and cyanobacteria were important groups above the SCM, while pelagophytes dominated below the SCM.  相似文献   
The frequency and extent of debris flows have increased tremendously due to the extreme weather and the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. Previous studies focused on the debris flow from gullies damming the mountain streams. In this paper, an equation for the run-out distance of debris flow in the main river is proposed based on the dynamic equation of debris flow at different slopes given by Takahashi. By undertaking field investigations and flume experiments, a new calculation method of the volume of debris flow damming large river is obtained. Using the percolation theory and the renormalization group theory it was deduced that the large particles should comprise more than 50% for forming a stable debris flow dam. Hence, the criteria of damming large river by debris flow is presented in terms of run-out distance and grain composition which was then validated through the event of damming river by debris flow at Gaojia gully, the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, Sichuan, China, on July 3, 2011.  相似文献   
An artificial oyster shell reef was deployed in Rongcheng Bay, East China. However, the effects of this reef on the surrounding macrobenthic communities were unknown. We compared sedimentary factors, macrobenthic biomass, abundance, and community composition and ecological indicators between the reef and non-reef areas over a one year period. The mean values for chlorophyll a (Chl a), total organic matter (TOM), total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) content in surface sediments in the reef area were slightly higher than those in the non-reef area. The Chl a levels differed significantly between the two areas, but the TOM, TOC, and TN were not significantly different. The abundance of crustaceans was significantly different between the two areas, but the abundance and biomass ofpolychaetes, echinoderms, mollusk did not differ significantly. The permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly through time and analysis of similarity multivariate analyses (ANOSIM) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly in some months. The ecological indicators revealed that the environmental quality of the reef area was slightly better than that of the non-reef area. Overall, our results suggest that the artificial oyster shell reef may change the macrobenthic community and the quality of the environment. Despite the lack of an effect in the short term, long-term monitoring is still needed to evaluate the effects of artificial oyster shell reefs on macrobenthic communities.  相似文献   
Despite substantial survey effort and a large body of literature on abiotic and biotic factors in temperate reef ecosystems, knowledge of the complex and interactive effects of environmental variables on those communities is limited. Various survey methods have been developed to study environmental predictors of biodiversity, but there remains a gap in our understanding of how survey results are influenced by environmental factors. Here, we surveyed the fish assemblage associated with southeastern U.S. temperate marine reefs with simultaneous, paired trap, and camera gears throughout a ~50,000 km2 area during 2011–2013 and assessed the influence of environmental variables on the trap‐ and video‐surveyed assemblages. Predictor variables in the multivariate general linear models included depth, temperature, month, year, location, substrate relief, percent sessile biota, biota type, and turbidity. Depth and latitude had the greatest influence on the fish assemblage for both gears. The influence of habitat variables differed between methods and percent biota explained more variation in the fish assemblage when assessed by traps, while substrate relief and biota type explained more variation in the fish assemblage when assessed by video. In general, habitat complexity was positively related to the abundance of fishes in the video survey, but there was a negative relationship in the trap survey. Differences between gears were species‐specific and the influences of environmental variables were similar for some species such as Haemulon plumierii and Hyporthodus niveatus. The methods presented here can be used to assess method‐dependent differences in fish assemblages, which is a necessary precursor to assess the effect of environmental variables on the accuracy of surveys.  相似文献   
铜山岭铅锌多金属矿床位于扬子地块湘南-桂东北坳陷与华夏地块粤北坳陷的拼贴部位,是中国南岭多金属成矿区代表性矿床之一。为确定矿床成矿时代,挑选铜山岭铅锌多金属矿床中含矿矽卡岩的石榴子石进行Sm-Nd同位素定年,获得的等时线年龄为173±3Ma,指示成矿作用发生于燕山早期。对金属硫化物矿物进行了Pb同位素分析,其~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb平均值分别为18.602、15.701、38.729,表明成矿物质来源于相对富集铀铅、略微亏损钍铅的上地壳源区。从(~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb)i-(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb)i铅同位素演化模式图可知,寄主花岗闪长岩是铜山岭铅锌多金属矿床的重要物质来源,且成矿物质中可能含有寄存在花岗闪长岩中的地幔组分。  相似文献   
陈爽  陈新军 《海洋学报》2020,42(10):100-109
东北大西洋是世界上重要的捕捞海域,气候变化对该海域捕捞产生了重要的影响。本文基于联合国粮农组织所提供的1982−2016年东北大西洋渔获产量数据,对该海域渔获物组成、多样性、平均营养级及主成分变化特征进行时间序列上的分析,并结合东北大西洋海域气候、环境因子,应用广义可加模型探究渔获物组成与气候变化之间的关系。结果显示:渔获物多样性的变化总体上呈下降趋势,2002−2010年间处于较低水平;平均营养级在2002年之前呈平缓下降的趋势,2002年之后开始波动上升,相关性分析表明这两个指标与海域环境因子的变化较为相关。对渔获物组成进行主成分分析显示,第一主成份变化的方差解释率达到35.3%,且与海域气候、环境因素有较高的相关性,第一主成分变化能够较好地表征气候影响下渔获物组成变化的情况。广义可加模型分析结果显示,渔获物组成变化的影响因素按解释率由高到低分别为:海表温度、海平面高度、盐度、海冰和北大西洋涛动指数。该研究有助于认识气候变化对海洋渔业资源及其结构组成的影响。  相似文献   
A comparative limnological study was carried out to present a snapshot of crustacean zooplankton communities and their relations to environmental factors to test whether there is a consistent relationship between crustacean biomass and trophic indicators among lake groups with similar trophic conditions. The study lakes showed a wide range of trophic status, with total phosphorus (TP) ranging from 0.008 to 1.448 mg L−1, and chlorophyll a from 0.7 to 146.1 μg L−1, respectively. About 38 species of Crustacea were found, of which Cladocera were represented by 25 taxa (20 genera), and Copepoda by 13 taxa (11 genera). The most common and dominant species were Bosmina coregoni, Moina micrura, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Cyclops vicinus, Thermocyclops taihokuensis, Mesocyclops notius and Sinocalanus dorrii. Daphnia was rare in abundance. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that except for four species (D. hyalina, S. dorrii, C. vicinus and M. micrura), almost all the dominant species had the same preference for environmental factors. Temperature, predatory cyclopoids and planktivorous fishes seem to be the key factors determining species distribution. TP was a relatively better trophic indicator than chlorophyll a to predict crustacean biomass. Within the three groups of lakes, however, there was no consistent relationship between crustacean biomass and trophic indicators. The possible reason might be that top-down and bottom-up control on crustaceans vary with lake trophic state. The lack of significant negative correlation between crustacean biomass and chlorophyll a suggests that there was little control of phytoplankton biomass by macrozooplankton in these shallow subtropical lakes.  相似文献   
正1 Introduction Meromictic soda Lake Doroninskoe localized in the intermountain area,filled with continental sediments of the Mesozoic,in the upper basin of the river Amur.Coordinates of its location are N51°14'42"E112°14'40",  相似文献   
陕西穆家庄铜矿床后生成矿作用的流体地球化学证据   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
尽管秦岭泥盆系铅锌金多金属成矿带成矿作用均与热水喷流沉积作用有关,柞山地区却有别于凤太地区,具有独特的铜矿成矿背景。流体包裹体研究揭示了后生成矿流体的两阶段流体演化过程:第一阶段的成矿流体为中温,中高盐度岩浆热液含CO2的NaCl-H2O流体。均一温度为190~265℃,盐度12.5~35.34(wt%NaCl),压力12.8~21.3MPa,在同一寄主矿物中均一温度变化小,而盐度变化极大,是岩浆流体沸腾的产物;第二阶段成矿流体为中高温,中高盐度岩浆期后热液NaCl-H2O流体。均一温度为300~350℃,盐度7.4~41.59(wt%NaCl),压力10.8~19.3MPa。反映了岩浆期后热液流体的二次沸腾。应用流体地球化学的综合方法(包裹体流体组成、演化)识别出后生交代流体性质。穆家庄铜矿的成矿流体第一阶段为岩浆水,第二阶段的成矿流体为岩浆水加部分地层水(建造水)。氢氧同位素分析也支持上述结论。  相似文献   
根据赣西北中─晚第三纪陆相紫红色砂砾岩岩性横向上不太稳定的特点,提出砾石成分的来源和成因特征可作为区域地层对比的标志,因为砾石成分作为风化和搬运的最终产物,它与基底母岩区是密不可分,又相互影响。  相似文献   
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