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光学卫星影像云覆盖时空特征评估是衡量其作为重要遥感监测数据源的前提。Sentinel-2 A/B影像因其免费获取、多光谱(红边)、更高时空分辨率等优势,已在全球不同尺度陆面植被与生态监测中受到重视。相较于Landsat等同类影像产品,有关Sentinel-2 A/B的云覆盖分析还未见报道。本文利用2016—2018年老挝北部所有5288景Sentinel-2 A/B影像(Granule/Tile)的云覆盖元数据,基于不同云覆盖阈值(0~100%)水平下的影像获取概率差异确定了影像获取概率分析的云覆盖适宜阈值,并揭示了云量特征阈值水平下的影像获取概率时空差异。主要结论如下:① Sentinel-2 A/B影像获取概率分析云覆盖适宜特征阈值为20%(即云覆盖≤20%),该阈值水平下老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像的逐月累积平均获取概率最高(约27.41%);② 在20%云覆盖阈值水平下,老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率差异在时间上与旱季(11月—次年4月)雨季(5月—10月)的时间分布较为吻合。旱季获取概率约为42.91%,3月概率(50.27%)最大,4月与2月次之,时间上与刀耕火种焚烧与橡胶林落叶特征吻合;雨季相应概率约为11.81%,6月最低(约1.26%);③ 老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率在空间上存在东西差异,旱季西部省域单元(如琅南塔)影像获取概率远高于东部,雨季西部地区影像获取概率则略低于东部地区。本研究既可为后续开展大区及全球Sentinel-2 A/B影像云量分析提供借鉴,也对开展联合国减少森林砍伐和退化排放(UN-REDD)计划引发的土地利用变化如刀耕火种农业演变、橡胶林扩张等遥感监测有指导意义。  相似文献   
This paper analyzed forest land use change in Trans-Boundary Laos–China Biodiversity Conservation Area which is called Namha National Biodiversity Conservation Areas (Namha NBCAs), with 1992 and 2002 TM (ETM). Based on GIS and statistical methods, the intensity, state index of land use change and transfer matrix were used to study spatio- temporal land use change in the region. The results showed that the area of forest land decreased greatly, also the area of bamboo and grassland decreased. The other way round, the area of unstocked forest, slash and burn and rice paddy land increased. As a whole, the intensity of forest land change was higher, but others were lower. From the transfer matrix, most of the forest land changed into unstocked forest and urban area, some to slash and burn. The grassland and bamboo were mainly transferred to forest and unstocked forest. The unstocked forest land mostly came from forest land and grassland. It was showed there were three main causes of the land use change namely: opium poppy cultivation, rubber plantation and also ecotourism activities and finally some policies were developed in order to address the land use change in the study areas.  相似文献   
翟佳豪  刘影  肖池伟 《热带地理》2022,42(8):1376-1385
基于1987—2018年西双版纳30 m分辨率橡胶林数据集,利用叠置、缓冲区等GIS空间分析方法,对比分析了过去32年橡胶林沿道路、河流和边境线的空间变化特征与区域差异。结果表明:1) 1987—2018年,西双版纳橡胶种植面积在道路、河流沿线5 km以内分别增加了1 874.6和1 484.6 km2,在边境地区(国境线20km缓冲带)增加了1 393.1 km2。2)从道路沿线看,受橡胶种植可达性和交通运输影响,过去32年道路5 km缓冲带内的橡胶林平均占比超过九成。3)从河流沿线看,因灌溉和水源等需求,过去32年河流沿线5 km缓冲带内橡胶林平均占比69.7%。值得注意的是,受天然橡胶价格持续低迷、城镇化与生态环境保护等影响,2010年河流沿线橡胶林种植面积开始下降,沿线2 km内表现尤为显著。4)从边境地区看,西双版纳橡胶林种植呈明显趋边性特征,跨境种植频繁。过去32年边境沿线地区橡胶林平均占比55.6%,且由1987年的35.4%上升到2018年的66.2%,其中,在中缅边境的扩张面积和速率高于中老边境。  相似文献   
Coring tips     
This commentary is intended as a practical guide for the non-motorized use of piston corers to obtain undisturbed sections of lake sediments. Good recovery is essential for accurate reconstruction of environmental and limnological history. Emphasis is placed on the square-rod piston corer, which is widely used for acquisition of sediment cores in meter-long sections from lakes as much as 30 m deep. Coring platforms for open water can be easily prepared on pairs of boats or canoes or (in water depth up to 15 m) even a single small rubber raft, but firm anchoring is essenial to maintain the vertical position of the casing and to assure re-entry into a single hole. Incomplete recovery on individual drives is not a result of sediment compaction but rather the build-up of friction on the tube interior, by which the core forms a plug that prevents further recovery.Short cores of soft sediment for the study of recent changes in lakes are also best acquired with a piston corer, for a gravity corer without a piston may be subject to the same type of plug formation. In cases in which the structure of the sediment must be preserved (e.g. annual laminations), freezing the sediment in place with a dry-ice solution is the best procedure.  相似文献   
—In the designing of the flexible fender pile,M-method is usually adopted.But M-method isusable only in the case that the value of the force(moment M and shear force Q)exerted on the pile abovethe soil is known.In practical cases,only the percussive energy of the ship can be found,while the exactvalue of the percussive force cannot be computed directly.In this paper,a method is introduced which canbe used to calculate the inner force of flexible fender piles by a computer in these cases.First,according tothe known docking dynamic energy of a ship,the absorbed energy can be found from the deformation ofthe pile and the rubber fender respectively,at the same time the value of the force acting on the fender pilesand the reaction of fenders can be calculated.Then the inner force and displacement of the fender piles canalso be calculated further by M-method.The whole computing process is realized by a computer programand the results obtained are reasonable.In this paper,the computation,the iteration method a  相似文献   
中老缅交界地区橡胶种植的时空格局及其地形因素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
封志明  刘晓娜  姜鲁光  李鹏 《地理学报》2013,68(10):1432-1446
橡胶林地是东南亚地区主要的土地利用类型,动态监测橡胶种植并分析其时空变化规律,对于区域土地资源开发、生态环境保护以及维护边境安全稳定具有重要意义。本文基于遥感技术实地研究了中老缅交界地区1980-2010 年的橡胶林地分布格局及其时空变化规律,定量分析了橡胶林地的分布特征及其地形因素的影响与限制。结果表明:(1) 2010 年中老缅交界地区橡胶林地面积为60.14 万hm2,占土地面积的8.17%,是研究区最大的土地利用类型。就林地结构来看,橡胶成林(≥10 年) 与橡胶幼林(<10 年) 之比大体是5:7,近10 年来橡胶林地扩展迅速。(2) 1980-2010 年中老缅交界地区橡胶林地已由最初的7.05 万hm2增加到60.14 万hm2,扩展近9 倍,橡胶林地扩张显著。橡胶林地已呈现由集中至分散、由边境向国外,“以景洪为中心、北上南进、西拓东扩”的空间分布格局与地域扩展特征。(3) 中老缅交界地区橡胶种植受地形因素制约,橡胶林地4/5 以上集中在600~1000 m适宜区间,很少超过1200 m;近2/3 集中分布在8°~25°的坡地,极少或很少分布在超过35°的急陡坡;主要分布在南坡和东坡,北坡和西坡相对较少,橡胶种植强度也呈现相同规律。(4) 橡胶林地国别对比分析表明,中国境内橡胶林地在向高海拔、陡坡地扩展,老缅境内具有较大地形适宜空间,有利于橡胶种植的跨境发展。(5) 中老缅交界地区的橡胶种植必将由中国向老挝和缅甸跨境发展,老挝和缅甸境内,特别是近中国边境地区的橡胶林地持续扩张已是不可避免。  相似文献   
为克服海带、胶皮等止水膨胀材料,在下入孔内时容易被井壁磨挂、移位,致使止水效果欠佳的缺点,采用了将遇水膨胀橡胶做成隔离止水器的方法。该隔离器由套管短节、膨胀材料和防护挡圈三部分组成。套管短节为隔离器主体管,膨胀材料为遇水膨胀橡胶,用于封闭套管底部与孔壁间隙;防护挡圈是防止下管时,膨胀材料被磨损和限位。应用表明,该隔离器不仅克服了传统膨胀材料容易被磨挂的缺点,而且简化了钻孔结构,提高了钻进效率,止水效果好,为今后在条件复杂地层中施工水文地质孔的止水工作提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBiologicalfoulingonthehullsofshipsandothersubmergedmarinestructurescausesgreatha~s.Inadditiontodecreasingship'sspeed,andincreasingitsfuelconsumption,biologicalfoulingalsoincreasestheweightofnavigationalbuoys,interfereswithoperatingequipmentandsounddevices,clogsseawaterpipingsystems,adverselyaffectsheat-exchangerperformance,andpromotescorrosionofmetalsurface(HuangandCat,1984).UPtothepresent,antifoulingpaintshaveachievedtheireffectivenessbyreleasingattheirsurfacebiocides,allcom…  相似文献   
This paper proposes a promising seismic isolation method particularly suitable for developing countries, which makes use of rubber–soil mixtures. Apart from reducing the level of shaking in the horizontal direction, the distinctive advantage of the proposed method is that it can also significantly reduce the shaking level of vertical ground motion, to which an increasing attention has been paid in the earthquake engineering community. On the other hand, the use of scrap tires as the rubber material can provide an alternative way to consume the huge stockpile of scrap tires all over the world. Moreover, the low cost of this proposed seismic protection scheme can greatly benefit those developing countries where resources and technology are not adequate for earthquake mitigation with well‐developed, yet expensive, techniques. The proposed method has been demonstrated through a series of numerical simulations and a parametric study has also been carried out. Lastly, five important issues regarding the concept and feasibility have been discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国热带东,西部地区冬季气候的差异与橡胶树的引种   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
江爱良 《地理学报》1997,52(1):45-53
由于青藏高原的动力影响,使得西部地区冬季出现下沉气流,多日照,利于橡胶树的越冬,而东部则出现上升气流,少日照,不利越冬,又由于青藏高原大山体,冬季明显地阻挡低层空气平流,导致高原南侧的西部地区冬季降温和缓,有利橡胶树越冬,而东部地区因无高大山体阻挡,寒潮初期降温剧烈,后期低温阴雨天气持续甚久,易导致橡胶树的严重寒害。  相似文献   
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