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The physical process of dispersion which can be attributed to turbulence (turbulent diffusion) or shear (shear-augmented diffusion) within the flow field is very important as it ultimately governs the distribution of constituents of interest within the environment. A series of diffusion experiments were conducted in Corpus Christi Bay, TX with the purpose of characterizing turbulent diffusion through dispersion coefficients or turbulent diffusivity, Ki (i=x, y, z) dependent on the degree of randomness or turbulence intensity, I.Measured with a boat-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP), the Eulerian velocity time-series of fluid particles in random motion, ui was used in the evaluation of the Eulerian time-scale of turbulence, TE based on the velocity correlation function, RE with TE being related to the Lagrangian time-scale TL through a scaling parameter, β(=TL/TE). Surface currents were obtained with high frequency (HF) Radar equipment deployed over the study area from which the horizontal velocity gradients were determined.Within the spatial scale of the experiment (1000 m), the observed low horizontal gradients (10−4 s−1) allowed for the generation of velocity time-series from an ADCP mounted on a moving platform. A numerical scheme for evaluating turbulent diffusivity values was developed on the basis of Eulerian current measurements and calibrated through the statistics of an evolving dye patch for the scaling parameter β which in this scheme was found to be in the range 1–3.  相似文献   
粮食安全视角下中国历史气候变化影响与响应的过程与机理   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
方修琦  郑景云  葛全胜 《地理科学》2014,(11):1299-1306
基于现代全球变化研究中关于脆弱性和粮食安全的概念,把历史时期的粮食安全分解为粮食生产安全、粮食供给安全、粮食消费安全3个层次,以气候变化直接影响粮食生产水平为起点,分析气候变化-农(牧)业收成-食物的人均供给量-饥民-社会稳定性的驱动-响应链中的关键过程,指出气候变化影响的驱动-响应关系不能归结为简单的因果关系,诸如耕地、人口、政策、外来势力都会对气候变化的影响起着放大或抑制的作用。  相似文献   
吴春发 《地质与资源》2004,13(3):181-183
地质模拟正从一维、二维技术向三维技术发展,需要分析和处理的数据成倍甚至上百倍增长.随着计算机技术的快速发展,数据分析和处理的速度也随之快速增长,但运用常规的编程来分析和处理这些数据费时又费力.而MathCAD具有解决这一问题的强大的数据分析、处理功能和仿真功能,将MathCAD应用于地质模拟的数据分析和处理中是十分必要的和可行的.本文简要介绍了MathCAD的功能和其在各类地质模拟的数据分析和处理中的应用.  相似文献   
王兵  刘竹梅 《地下水》2008,30(5):67-70
介绍了水资源优化配置模型的原理,并通过模型在莱州水资源规划中的实例分析,得到了莱州现状及不同规划水平年的水量优化供需计算结果,对莱州市水资源规划提供了依据,体现了计算机模拟优化模型的优越性。  相似文献   
Seasonal and interannual variations in the East Sakhalin Current (ESC) are investigated using ten-year records of the sea level anomaly (SLA) observed by the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter. The T/P SLA clearly documents seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC along the east coast of Sakhalin Island, although sea ice masks the region from January to April. Estimates of surface current velocity anomaly derived from T/P SLA are in good agreement with drifting buoy observations. The ESC is strong in winter, with a typical current velocity of 30–40 cm s−1 in December, and almost disappears in summer. Southward flow of the ESC is confined to the shelf and slope region and consists of two velocity cores. These features of the ESC are consistent with short-term observations reported in previous studies. Analysis of the ten-year records of T/P SLA confirms that the structure of the ESC is maintained each winter and the seasonal cycle is repeated every year, although the strength of the ESC shows large interannual variations. Seasonal and interannual variations in the ESC are discussed in relation to wind-driven circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk, using wind stress and wind stress curl fields derived from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis data and a scatterometer-derived wind product. Seasonal and interannual variations of the anticyclonic eddy in the Kuril Basin are also revealed using T/P SLA.  相似文献   
《遥感基础与应用》课程是土地资源管理专业的专业必修课,根据边疆少数民族地区高校学生的特点,按照因材施教的原则对汉族和民族学生区别教学,确定不同的教学内容和教材。采用启发-互动式、鼓励加分式教学,充分利用多媒体丰富课堂内容,尝试创新性实验教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学质量。  相似文献   
本文在总结拉尔玛矿床中自然金及共生矿物一般特点的基础上,对自然金的矿物学和化学组成进行了较系统地研究。提出了决定自然金形成及在矿石、矿物中配分的主要地质因素。  相似文献   
应用农田水量平衡模型估算土壤水渗漏量   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
建立了一个农田水量平衡模型。并据于模型假设的条件,模拟计算了在冬小麦-夏玉米及冬小麦-裸地条件下历年1m土层土壤水渗漏量。结果表明,土壤水渗漏量与季节内降水量呈正相关,但在不同作物种植制度下有不同的相关关系式。不同水文频率年型下的渗漏量具有明显的差异,湿润年型下比干旱年型下的渗漏量多70~140mm,冬小麦-裸地比冬小麦~夏玉米种植条件下的渗漏量多30~50mm。  相似文献   
兴文世界地质公园拥有全国及世界重要意义的"地球特大漏斗"、"中国最大的石海"和"中国最长的游览洞穴"等景观。采用SWOT分析法,对兴文石海世界地质公园的内部优势、劣势和外部机遇、挑战进行分析,提出了适宜的旅游产品营销战略,以改进其旅游产品和客源市场的开发。  相似文献   
南水北调中线工程不同调水规模对汉江中下游影响分析   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
沈大军 《地理学报》1998,53(4):341-348
南水北调中线工程是解决我国北方地区水资源紧缺的重大战略措施。但调水将给汉江中下游的水文情势及用水带来一定的影响。文章分析了丹江口水库不同调水方案对汉江中下游水位、流量及灌溉和航运的影响,并提出补偿工程措施。调水60×108m3对汉江中下游的影响较小,可基本不予补偿;调水150×108m3的影响稍重,但对航运和灌溉用水的影响不大,适当补偿可以解决;调水230×108m3对汉江中下游水位流量及用水的影响十分严重,必须全部渠化并修建江汉运河。  相似文献   
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