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Books Reviewed in this article: Lob Trees in the Wilderness . Clifford and Isabel Ahlgren . Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing . T. D. Allan , ed. Sunbelt Cities: Politics and Growth Since World War II . Richard M. Bernard and Bradley R. Rice , eds. Legacy of Minneapolis: Preservation Amid Change . John R. Borchert , David Gebhard , David Lanegran , and Judith A. Martin . Bloomington, MN: Preparing a Historic Preservation Ordinance. Richard J. Roddewig . The Mountains of Northeastern Tasmania, A Study of Alpine Geomorphology . Nel Caine . Introductory Cartography . John Campbell . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Changing Climate . Manual of Remote Sensing, Second Edition . 2 Vols. Robert N. Colwell , ed.-in-chief; David S. Simonett and John E. Estes , vol. eds. Remote Sensing in Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology . A. P. Cracknell , ed. Multidimensional Scaling . Mark L. Davison . Environmental Karst . Percy H. Dougherty , ed. The Urban Environment . Ian Douglas . Geomorphology of Europe . Clifford Embleton , ed. An Introduction to South Asia . B. H. Farmer . Great Geological Controversies . A. Hallam . Hazardous Waste Management: In Whose Backyard? Michalann Harthill , ed. Energy for Subsistence . Margaret Haswell . Perspective on Ratzel's Political Geography . James M. Hunter . Economic Deposits and their Tectonic Setting . Charles S. Hutchison . Energy Risk Assessment . Herbert Inhaber . Discovering the Vernacular Landscape . John Brinckerhoff Jackson . Climate and Energy Systems: A Review of Their Interactions . Jill Jäger . Dilemmas in Regional Policy . Antoni Kuklinski and J. G. Lambooy , eds. California Farmland: A History of Large Agricultural Landholdings . Ellen Liebman . The Spatial Organization of New Land Settlement in Latin America . Jacob O. Maos . Dark Continent: Africa as Seen by Americans . Michael McCarthy . Westport, CT: Climatology: An Introduction . John E. Oliver and John J. Hidore . Columbus, OH: The Geography of Warfare . Patrick O'Sullivan and Jesse W. Miller . The Expanding City. Essays in Honour of Professor Jean Gottmann . John Patten , ed. Scotland's Environment During the Last 30,000 Years . Robert J. Price . Integrated Urban Models . S. H. Putman . Development and the Environmental Crisis: Red or Green Alternatives? Michael Redclift .  相似文献   
Bivalves feed on a combination of phytoplankton and zooplankton and have the potential to impact considerably the planktonic biomass, especially when they occur in high densities, such as in oyster and mussel beds. The brackwater mussel Brachidontes virgiliae is numerically dominant during wet phases within Africa’s largest estuarine lake, St Lucia, in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park on the east coast of South Africa. The ingestion rates and potential grazing impact of this small mussel (maximum shell length = 2.5 cm) were estimated for both the wet and dry seasons using an in situ gut fluorescence technique. Ingestion rates were higher during the wet season (5.78 µg pigment ind.?1 d?1) than during the dry season (4.44 µg pigment ind.?1 d?1). This might be explained by the increased water temperature and food availability during the wet season. Because of the patchy distribution of mussel populations, there could be higher localised grazing impact near mussel aggregations. Results showed a potential grazing impact of up to 20 times the available phytoplankton biomass at specific sites. These high grazing impacts have the potential to deplete phytoplankton stocks in the lake, especially during wet phases in the northern reaches, where mussel densities are highest. This needs to be factored into ecological models of Lake St Lucia, because the system might function differently during increased flood events.  相似文献   
Fabric and grain-size analysis of eight deposits present in the Upper Sil River Basin palaeoglacial system of northwest Spain were used to interpret till types and to reconstruct the glacial paleoprocess history of this region. They are represented by lodgement, deformation, and melt-out tills. The first, representative of glacial advance stages, present cluster fabrics and are generally composed of poorly sorted and finer sediments. Melt-out and deformation tills, representative of stages of glacial stability followed by fast recession, present transitional to girdle fabrics and are composed of poorly sorted coarser sediments. In any case, multiple criteria, including lithological, clast-shape, or structural data, support these directional and grain-size observations. These sequences, most of them located in the snout area of the Sil palaeoglacier, are important in the reconstruction of glacial dynamics due to poor preservation of landforms related to the maximum glacial advance. This palaeoglacial system was formed by multiple tributaries and had an extension of over 450 km2, with the Sil paleoglacier being 51 km long during its maximum glacial advance.  相似文献   
新疆震旦纪痕迹化石的存在及其形态特征,反映那里最早的水平潜穴,在震旦纪冰期前即已存在,但痕迹细小,且相互交切,绝不分叉。之后始出现分叉现象,并向枝形潜穴方向演变。  相似文献   
In terms of Earth-Sun geometry, the Milankovitch theory has successfully explained most of the cyclic palaeoclimatic variations during the history of the Earth, especially in the Quaternary. In this paper, the authors suggest that the impact of extraterrestrial bodies on the Earth may be another mechanism to cause palaeoclimatic cycles, global environmental changes and new glacial periods. Based on geological and geochemical records in the boundary layers produced by six huge Cenozoic bolide-impact events (65, 34, 15, 2.4, 1.1, 0.73 Ma B.P.), including those at 34, 15, 1.1 and 0.73 Ma B. P. which are represented by four famous tektite-strewn fields, the process and mechanics of palaeoclimatic cycles and global environmental catastrophes induced by extraterrestrial impact are discussed in detail. Impact-generated dust, soot and aerosol floating in the stratosphere could result in short-term (<1 year), rapid drop in temperature immediately after impact. Through self-regulation of the Earth’s climate system, the temperature at the surface slowly went up within 100a and maintained stable for a long time at 250K. If there were no other factors leading to the break-down of the newly-established equilibrium, a new glacial pound would be initiated. Estimating from the thickness of δ13C and δ18O anomalies in sediments across the impact boundary layer and deposition rate, the duration of two stages of the palaeoclimate cycle in the form of cold weather—greenhouse effect—normal weather was 104 – 105a, respectively. The conclusion deduced from the above model is supported by palaeotemperature change recorded by oxygen isotope in sediments across the impact boundary layer. The study was granted by the Scientific and Technological Bureau of Resources and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ952-J1-031) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
青海盐湖资源综合利用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
着重介绍了青海盐湖水氯镁石 (MgCl2 ·6H2 O)的综合利用。从水氯镁石中可开发的产品有金属镁、镁合金、多品种氧化镁、镁砂、高纯镁砂、轻质碳酸镁、多品种轻质氧化镁及镁水泥。根据青海盐湖的特点 ,探讨了生产上述产品 ,青海盐湖的水氯镁石 (MgCl2 ·6H2 O)按什么方法来生产是最佳方法的问题。  相似文献   
肖飞  杜耘  凌峰  吴胜军  严翼 《湿地科学》2012,10(1):8-14
分析了20世纪20年代以来长江中游四湖流域湖泊阶段性变化特征,并结合湖区土壤空间分布数据,重点探讨现代土壤空间格局与湖泊的阶段性变化是否存在关联。研究结果表明,从20世纪20年代至今,江汉平原四湖流域湖泊经历了由扩大到缩小至稳定的阶段性变化过程;通过湖泊变迁序列与湖区土壤格局的综合分析,发现四湖流域湖泊变化范围内的土壤空间分异与20世纪20年代以来湖泊变化历程具有密切关系。20世纪20年代以来,四湖流域湖泊变化范围集中分布了全流域67%以上的潜育型水稻土和沼泽型水稻土;在四湖流域自20世纪40年代起的湖泊萎缩阶段,湖泊变化时间距今愈近,相应湖泊变化范围中沼泽型水稻土和潜育型水稻土面积比例愈大,淹育型水稻土和潴育型水稻土面积比例则愈小。在湖泊变化不同时间组合所对应的空间范围中,各类型水稻土所占面积比例随时间变化而表现的规律性,在一定程度表现出人为耕作及土壤性质改良对土壤性质转变的影响作用;而根据沼泽型水稻土转变速率的空间差异性,可推测湖区脱沼泽过程与地形地貌分异相关。  相似文献   
本文基于505 景 Landsat 卫星影像,通过自动化冰湖边界提取与人工目视解译相结合的方法调查了 2000 和 2020年中国境内冰湖的分布与变化,并结合 1990 年冰湖编目数据,分析中国冰湖变化特征及影响因素。 研究表明,19902020 年中国冰湖面积增加(180.1±0.1) km2,增加了 17.9%。 其中,冰川补给湖面积扩张最显著,为 22.9%,而非冰川补给湖的面积仅扩张 4.9%。 1990 2020 年冰湖面积在较高海拔带呈现增长快速的趋势,其中,在海拔 5500 m 以上冰湖面积扩张最大,达 30.5%。 在区域尺度,非冰川补给湖的变化主要受降水量和蒸发量变化的影响,其中蒸发量变化对非冰川补给湖更为显著;气温升高与冰川普遍退缩则是导致冰川补给湖普遍快速扩张的主要原因。  相似文献   
浅水湖泊湖沼学与太湖富营养化控制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
秦伯强 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1229-1243
自2007年无锡暴发饮用水危机事件以来,太湖经历了前所未有的高强度、大规模治理,各种治理措施累计投资已经超过千亿元.监测显示,在治理初期太湖的氮、磷浓度下降明显,水质有所好转,但最近几年关键水质指标总磷与浮游植物叶绿素α浓度出现了波动,蓝藻水华有所反弹.研究表明,太湖的外源负荷并没有减少,这与城镇用水量增加、污水排放标准偏低、面源污染削减不足有很大的关系;同时,内源负荷也因为蓝藻水华的持续而加重,浅水湖泊水深浅、扰动强的特点强化了磷的循环利用效率,加剧了内源负荷对湖泊富营养化和蓝藻水华的影响.气候变暖叠加营养盐富集的复合效应、流域风速下降以及暴雨事件频次和强度增加等气象水文条件变化,都促进了太湖蓝藻水华的暴发;蓝藻水华的时空分布特征则受湖泊水动力的决定性影响.太湖治理的曲折过程,凸显了大型浅水湖泊湖沼学研究的不断深入与发展,未来需要继续加强多学科交叉研究,特别是基于湖泊-流域系统的气象水文、生物地球化学和生物生态学的学科交叉.对于太湖生态环境的综合治理和管理,既要注重湖泊与流域相结合,更需要重视自然科学和人文科学的有机融合,才能真正达到控制太湖富营养化、维护流域水环境安全与社会经济可持...  相似文献   
卫星遥感检测高原湖泊水面变化及与气候变化分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对西藏西部的玛旁雍错、中部的纳木错和南部的普莫雍错三大湖泊地区,采用中巴资源卫星自1999年至2007年长时间序列的影像数据,通过最佳波段组合和时相的选取,高精度几何配准和镶嵌以及进行边缘信息提取等处理,绘制湖面变化解译图。并用一景同期ETM 图像作为辅助数据计算湖区地物光谱反射率曲线以辅助分类。为避免个别年份湖面变化出现偶然性,采用几个相邻年份湖面求取平均值的方法统计近年湖面面积。其结果与1984年中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队的数字对比表明,西藏南部的普莫雍错和中部的纳木错湖面有明显扩张,分别扩张了大约4.01%和4.55%;而西部的玛旁雍错近年间变化不大,甚至略有萎缩趋势,相比1984年也仅增长了1.31%。为研究西部地区和中东部地区出现不同变化的主要原因,通过对水位数据和气象特征因子的相关性分析,及对三地区近34年的气象资料,包括年均温度、年均降雨量、年均蒸发量等进行距平均值曲线拟合,发现中东部年均温和降雨量均呈显著增加趋势,而西部降雨量则呈微弱减少趋势。这说明近期湖面的扩张与气象资料分析的变化情况具有很好的一致性,反映遥感方法在湖泊水域变化检测方面具有较高的可用性。  相似文献   
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