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基于公平最大化目标的2020年北京市养老设施布局优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陶卓霖  程杨  戴特奇  李雪 《地理科学进展》2015,34(12):1609-1616
北京市正快速步入老龄化社会,机构养老作为一种重要的养老模式,对其布局公平性和合理性的研究具有重要的科学和现实意义。本文首先预测了自然增长状态下2020年北京市老龄人口的空间分布,然后建立设施布局优化模型,该模型以各需求点到养老设施的可达性差异最小化为目标;并采用粒子群优化算法求解,对北京市养老设施进行以公平最大化为目标的布局优化。研究结果表明,在公平最大化的目标下,首都功能核心区和城市功能拓展区(即中心城区)所提供的机构养老资源不能完全满足本地需求。城市发展新区在满足当地的机构养老需求之外,还将为中心城区提供大量机构养老服务,生态涵养发展区在满足本地需求的基础上还可为其他地区提供少量机构养老服务。该布局导向与《北京市养老设施专项规划》提出的布局建议相一致,且符合中心城区用地紧张、郊区自然环境较舒适的现实情况。研究结果能为养老政策的制定提供科学建议,所采用的方法也能为其他类型公共服务设施的布局优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   
在原有波动学的基础上,通过对波传播质点的运动和作用进行研究,提出了波传播的力学作用不仅有因形变产生的应力,还存在着另一种由速度决定的不同形式的力——“动作用力”.动作用力才是波传播的根本动力.由“动作用力"和形变应力确立波的动力学方程,由这个方程,又可确定质点的运动规律.质点在波传播中一般并不作弹性振动,质点沿一个方向运动进行能量传递后,只作微弱的回复运动.质点这种运动特点才符合能量守恒.质点这种运动特点决定不同的界面性状有不同形态的反射波.  相似文献   
极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)影像的相干斑滤波,对其后处理起着至关重要的作用。针对传统的独立分量分析(ICA)算法稳定性差、易陷入局部最优等缺陷,该文提出基于粒子群优化(PSO)改进的ICA滤波算法,用于进行极化SAR影像相干斑滤波。该方法利用PSO算法来改进解混矩阵W的行向量的生成过程,以提高ICA算法的分离效果。采用AIRSAR获取的旧金山海湾地区的L波段极化SAR影像进行实验,并用相干斑指数、迭代次数、收敛时间等指标进行客观评价。结果表明,基于PSO改进的ICA算法具有更高的收敛效率和更好的相干斑抑制性能,能有效地降低影像的相干斑噪声。  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the shear strength, deformation, and particle crushing of sand which is mixed by crushed sandstone and mudstone particles. Two triaxial tests—one for unsaturated specimens and the other for saturated specimens—were performed, along with sieve analysis tests. Results obtained from the triaxial tests indicate that, with the increment of the mudstone particle content by weight, the angle of internal friction decreases, the cohesion increases and then decreases, and both the initial angle of shearing resistance at the atmospheric pressure and decremental angle increase and then decrease. Compared to the unsaturated specimens, the deviator stress or normalized deviator stress of the saturated specimens at the same axial stress may decrease due to the wetting action. Thus, the shear strength of the tested materials may be reduced by the wetting action. Results of sieve analysis tests indicate that the mixing of some mudstone particles into the sandstone particle mixture may reduce the amount of particle crushing, but the wetting action may increase the amount. The amount of the crushed particle may arrive at a minimum of 40% of mudstone particle content by weight.  相似文献   
We investigate a new proxy for ENSO climate variability based on particle‐size data from long‐term, coastal sediment records preserved in a barrier estuary setting. Corresponding ~4–8 year periodicities identified from Wavelet analysis of particle‐size data from Pescadero Marsh in Central Coast California and rainfall data from San Francisco reflect established ENSO periodicity, as further evidenced in the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI), and thus confirms an important ENSO control on both precipitation and barrier regime variability. Despite the fact that barrier estuary mean particle size is influenced by coastal erosion, precipitation and streamflow, balanced against barrier morphology and volume, it is encouraging that considerable correspondence can also be observed in the time series of MEI, regional rainfall and site‐based mean particle size over the period 1871–2008. This correspondence is, however, weakened after c.1970 by temporal variation in sedimentation rate and event‐based deposition. These confounding effects are more likely when: (i) accommodation space may be a limiting factor; and (ii) particularly strong El Niños, e.g. 1982/1983 and 1997/1998, deposit discrete >cm‐thick units during winter storms. The efficacy of the sediment record of climate variability appears not to be compromised by location within the back‐barrier setting, but it is limited to those El Niños that lead to barrier breakdown. For wider application of this particle size index of ENSO variability, it is important to establish a well‐resolved chronology and to sample the record at the appropriate interval to characterize deposition at a sub‐annual scale. Further, the sample site must be selected to limit the influence of decreasing accommodation space through time (infilling) and event‐based deposition. It is concluded that particle‐size data from back‐barrier sediment records have proven potential for preserving evidence of sub‐decadal climate variability, allowing researchers to explore temporal and spatial patterns in phenomena such as ENSO. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The vertical position of the streambed–water boundary fluctuates during the course of sediment transport episodes, due to particle entrainment/deposition and bedform migration, amongst other hydraulic and bedload mechanisms. These vertical oscillations define a topmost stratum of the streambed (i.e. the ‘active layer or active depth’), which usually represents the main source of particles entrained during long and high-magnitude bedload transport episodes. The vertical extent of this layer is hence a capital parameter for the quantification of bedload volumes and a major driver of stream ecology in gravel-bed rivers. However, knowledge on how the active depth scales to flow strength and the nature of the different controls on the relation between the flow strength and the active depth is still scarce. In this paper we present a meta-analysis over active depth data coming from ~130 transport episodes extracted from a series of published field studies. We also incorporate our own field data for the rivers Ebro and Muga (unpublished), both in the Iberian Peninsula. We explore the database searching for the influence of flow strength, grain size, streambed mobility and channel morphology on the vertical extent of the active layer. A multivariate statistical analysis (stepwise multiple regression) confirms that the set of selected variables explains a significant amount of variance in the compiled variables. The analysis shows a positive scaling between active depth and flow strength. We have also identified some links between the active depth and particle travel distances. However, these relations are also largely modulated by other fluvial drivers, such as the grain size of the bed surface and the dominant channel macro-bedforms, with remarkable differences between plane-bed, step-pool and riffle-pool channels. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在采用中梯装置的电阻率剖面法应用中,特别是在环境、水文和工程等领域,经常遇到需要对多个异常目标体进行快速定位以便及时进行相应处理的情况.利用倾斜椭球体来近似模拟这些电阻率异常目标体,使得正演计算可以采用解析表达式来实现,提高正演计算的时效性.相应的地球物理模型也可简化为由椭球体个数、中心点位置、倾角、轴径以及电阻率等参数构成的粒子,多个粒子组成的粒子群在粒子群优化算法的控制下在给定的搜索空间中并行地搜索最优模型.通过对粒子群优化算法参数的合理设计,利用其良好的全局与局部均衡的搜索能力实现对多个异常目标体的同时反演.数值实验结果表明该反演方法能有效实现对多个目标体的同时反演,计算速度快、反演拟合精度较高、同时具有一定的抗噪音能力.快速的多目标体反演,可以实时准确的定量解译中梯剖面法圈定的异常目标体,较好地满足工程等领域的高时效性要求.  相似文献   
张昭  刘奉银  齐吉琳  柴军瑞 《岩土力学》2016,37(8):2263-2270
水力特性是非饱和土力学理论与工程的重要课题之一,土样水力特性的变化过程本质上可反映为土颗粒间毛细力的演化规律。为此,以粗颗粒为研究对象,将其简化为一对不等径球体颗粒,而其间的水分形态可视为形如圆环的液桥,不考虑颗粒重力和浮力的影响。以Young-Laplace方程为基础,先推得计算液桥毛细力的控制方程组,再结合液桥的无量纲体积最大、最小值及其外曲率半径的割线迭代算法提出求解毛细力的动态计算方法,进而研究毛细力与颗粒间距、颗粒半径比和液桥体积的无量纲关系,结果表明:当颗粒间距一定时,液桥的毛细力随其体积和颗粒半径比增大均呈递增趋势;当液桥体积一定时,其抗拉刚度随颗粒间距增大呈递减趋势。最后,利用已有文献中液桥毛细力与颗粒间距的实测关系,验证了该动态计算方法在表征液桥从形成至断裂时毛细力演化规律的有效性。  相似文献   
海冰动力学数值方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海冰动力学数值模拟和预测研究中,人们将海冰视为连续介质分别建立了欧拉坐标下的有限差分(FD)方法、拉格朗日坐标下的光滑质点流体动力学(SPH)方法、欧拉和拉格朗日坐标相结合的质点网格法(PIC),近年来又发展了基于非连续介质的颗粒流(GF)方法。对以上几种海冰动力学数值方法的特点和适用性进行了讨论,结果表明:FD、PIC和SPH方法可适用于中长期海冰动力学数值模拟,但SPH方法的计算效率需进一步提高;GF方法在不同尺度下的海冰动力学数值模拟中的计算精度均有很强的适用性,但目前较适用于小尺度下海冰动力学基本特性的数值试验研究,计算时效还不能满足实际海冰数值模拟和预测的要求。为进一步提高海冰动力学模拟的精度和适用性,在不同时空尺度下分别发展与其相适应的数值方法是必要的。  相似文献   
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