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塔里木盆地西南缘可划分为喀喇昆仑、西昆仑、塔里木等三个地层区和康西瓦、库地等两个缝合带。自震旦纪以来,该区经历了震旦纪—泥盆纪和石炭纪—第四纪两大构造旋回。对应每一旋回,喀喇昆仑地层区和塔里木地层区发育有被动大陆边缘盆地和碰撞造山两种类型的岩石组合。西昆仑地层区发育了被动大陆边缘盆地、俯冲消减带和碰撞造山等三种类型的岩石组合。康西瓦缝合带是康西瓦洋经历了震旦纪—中泥盆世和早石炭世—晚侏罗世两次开合后的遗迹,它既是喀喇昆仑和西昆仑两个地层区的分界线,又是羌塘和塔里木两个板块的分界线;库地缝合带则是库地洋经历早石炭世—早二叠世一次开合的遗迹,分割了西昆仑和塔里木这两个地层区。  相似文献   
南黄海中部隆起是下扬子地块向海域的延伸,是当前海相盆地海域资源调查的潜力区。中部隆起自印支期以来经历多期构造隆升、挤压及剥蚀作用,显著影响了盆地油气资源的形成和分布。2016年底完钻的大陆架科学钻探CSDP-2井首次在中部隆起钻穿印支不整合面,该不整合面在中部隆起既是新近系-第四系底界,又是下三叠统灰岩的顶界,横向延伸平缓,上、下地层产状差异巨大,下伏地层具有强烈的挤压变形及逆冲推覆,呈现显著的角度不整合接触关系。本次研究基于泥岩声波时差法计算的印支面地层剥蚀量约为1200 m,镜质体反射率法计算的剥蚀量约为1400 m,与地层趋势面估算的剥蚀量基本一致。结合南黄海盆地演化过程分析,认为中部隆起大致于晚三叠世开始隆升,至晚白垩世期间经历快速剥蚀,并可能延续到渐新世末期。在当前南黄海盆地资源调查逐步转向中、古生界海相残留盆地之际,依托实际钻探资料进行印支不整合面研究及剥蚀量恢复对于恢复盆地构造-热演化史及评价油气资源等均具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
宁镇扬丘陵区土地利用景观格局演变与模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对CA模型不能长期预测和Markov模型不能反映空间格局变化的不足,本文运用CA-Markov耦合模型,结合动态度模型、景观格局指数及PCA法,定量揭示宁镇扬丘陵区镇江市的土地利用景观格局演变特征、驱动机制及变化趋势,为区域土地利用规划及调整提供参考。结果表明:镇江市土地利用景观格局时空演变愈加复杂;人口增长、经济发展、城镇化及农业技术进步是土地利用景观格局演变的主要驱动力;到2030年镇江市城区周边建设用地将增加25.58%,而耕地、林地等景观类型将不断锐减。  相似文献   
长江下游仪征河段处于枯季潮流界的上边界,揭示其汊道分流属性及滩槽联动演变机制,对河势控制工程及深水航道工程实践具有重要意义.本研究收集了1955—2021年水文泥沙及地形等资料,在汊道分流关系及调整成因上:世业洲右汊的分流属性为枯水倾向型汊道,即低流量时期分流比大于高流量时期;1959—2021年期间,世业洲右汊分流比经历了“稳定-下降-上升”的调整过程,上游河段滩槽格局调整及流域来沙减少引起的汊道间不均衡冲刷是分流关系调整的主因;流域流量过程调整、河道崩岸等综合影响引起1959—2017年期间世业洲右汊分流比为减小态势,航道工程实施起到了调控汊道关系的功能,世业洲右汊分流比为增加态势.在滩槽联动演变关系上:仪征河段进口段以展宽为主,世业洲左汊展宽程度大于右汊,左汊河床形态变化与进口段滩槽形态的一致性关系优于右汊,即上游进口段滩槽演变、流域来沙量减少等综合作用会加速了左汊发展;2015年南京以下12.5 m深水航道二期工程建设以来,工程区域淤积且洲体完整性增强,且深槽冲刷及河槽容积增大,表明航道工程已实现汊道分流关系及滩槽调控的功能.  相似文献   
We present 1D numerical simulations of the very late thermal pulse (VLTP) scenario for a wide range of remnant masses. We show that by taking into account the different possible remnant masses, the observed evolution of V4334 Sgr (a.k.a. Sakurai's object) can be reproduced within the standard 1D mixing length theory (MLT) stellar evolutionary models without the inclusion of any ad hoc reduced mixing efficiency. Our simulations hint at a consistent picture with present observations of V4334 Sgr. From energetics, and within the standard MLT approach, we show that low-mass remnants  ( M ≲ 0.6 M)  are expected to behave markedly differently from higher mass remnants  ( M ≳ 0.6 M)  in the sense that the latter remnants are not expected to expand significantly as a result of the violent H-burning that takes place during the VLTP. We also assess the discrepancy in the born-again times obtained by different authors by comparing the energy that can be liberated by H-burning during the VLTP event.  相似文献   
赵岩  郭常来  李旭光  孙秀波 《地质通报》2021,40(10):1688-1696
地质遗迹资源是提高人类当前和将来生活质量最珍贵的、不可再生的自然遗产,其保护、利用与管理是地质遗迹可持续性发展的前提和基础。辽宁省锦州市地跨燕山余脉和辽西中生代盆地,长期的地质演化留下了丰富的地质遗迹资源,其中尤以典型地层剖面、古生物化石、花岗岩地貌、河流地貌景观和海岸线最具特色,典型地质遗迹特征是对重要地质事件与人类活动历史的响应。通过锦州地质遗迹资源专项调查,从遗迹特征、成因等角度,将锦州市地质遗迹资源分为两大类、七小类、十一亚类,共计238处,整体上类型多样、内涵独特、分布范围广。然而,由于基础数据不清、保护意识淡薄、投入资金有限、管理机制不健全等原因,锦州市内的地质遗迹正遭受或面临严重破坏。针对锦州市"山、海、城"旅游产业空间布局、打造精品旅游目的地、宜居城市、生态文明、乡村振兴建设与地质遗迹保护性利用中存在的问题,建立地质遗迹资源保护名录、科普基地、特色风景廊道、风景旅游区、特色小镇及地质文化村,形成多层次、多样化的保护性利用路径。  相似文献   
矿床的成矿系列(简称成矿系列)是矿床学领域的一个理论性概念,由五级序次组成。矿床成矿系列是成矿系列的第二序次,是成矿系列的核心部分。矿床成矿系列的划分,以岩浆、沉积、变质、表生和流体(非岩浆-非变质成因流体)5种成矿作用为基本原则,以成矿地质环境为基础,结合成矿的时段与形成的矿床组合进行划分。本文对矿床成矿系列时空范围、时空组成结构、矿化强度与演化、成矿区带内不同矿床成矿系列之间的演化、叠加和复合作用及对指导找矿的意义进行了论述。  相似文献   
The Cenozoic East African Rift System (EARS) is an exceptional example of active continental extension, providing opportunities for furthering our understanding of hydrocarbon plays within rifts. It is divided into structurally distinct western and eastern branches. The western branch comprises deep rift basins separated by transfer zones, commonly localised onto pre-existing structures, offering good regional scale hydrocarbon traps. At a basin-scale, local discrete inherited structures might also play an important role on fault localisation and hydrocarbon distribution. Here, we consider the evolution of the Central basin of the Malawi Rift, in particular the influence of pre-existing structural fabrics.Integrating basin-scale multichannel 2D, and high resolution seismic datasets we constrain the border, Mlowe-Nkhata, fault system (MNF) to the west of the basin and smaller Mbamba fault (MF) to the east and document their evolution. Intra basin structures define a series of horsts, which initiated as convergent transfers, along the basin axis. The horsts are offset along a NE–SW striking transfer fault parallel to and along strike of the onshore Karoo (Permo-Triassic) Ruhuhu graben. Discrete pre-existing structures probably determined its location and, oriented obliquely to the extension orientation it accommodated predominantly strike-slip deformation, with more slowly accrued dip-slip.To the north of this transfer fault, the overall basin architecture is asymmetric, thickening to the west throughout; while to the south, an initially symmetric graben architecture became increasingly asymmetric in sediment distribution as strain localised onto the western MNF. The presence of the axial horst increasingly focussed sediment supply to the west. As the transfer fault increased its displacement, so this axial supply was interrupted, effectively starving the south-east while ponding sediments between the western horst margin and the transfer fault. This asymmetric bathymetry and partitioned sedimentation continues to the present-day, overprinting the early basin symmetry and configuration. Sediments deposited earlier become increasingly dissected and fault juxtapositions changed at a small (10–100 m) scale. The observed influence of basin-scale transfer faults on sediment dispersal and fault compartmentalization due to pre-existing structures oblique to the extension orientation is relevant to analogous exploration settings.  相似文献   
全国地热资源调查评价与勘查示范工程进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地热作为一种清洁能源,在我国经济发展与能源转型过程中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。“全国地热资源调查评价与勘查示范工程”自实施以来,主要开展了京津冀地区地热资源评价以及东南沿海和青藏高原东部干热岩的勘查等工作。这些工作的开展在获得一系列科研突破成果的同时,也解决了大量地热开发的工程问题,积累了大量成果和经验。该文对工程取得的进展及成果进行了总结,对工作开展中出现的问题进行了探讨,可用于指导我国地热资源勘查开发工作。  相似文献   
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