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透视伊拉克的地缘政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊拉克共和国地处亚、欧、非三大洲的结合部,是广大中东干旱缺水地区中的一块最大的绿洲,自古以来就是中东的心脏,地理位置非常重要。在近代,伊拉克发现了丰富的石油,更使之成为世界列强的争夺之地。2003年3月20日上午10时35分,在全球各国无数人的关注之下,伊拉克战争全面打响了。本文从政治地理的角度对伊拉克的位置、民族宗教与地缘政治的关系,以及未来中东地区的地缘政治结构进行了系统分析,供关心伊拉克战争的同仁参考。  相似文献   
This paper looks to the role of geographical metaphors in the 'battle of words' to describe Europe and its presumed identity. The facile adoption of banal cartographies such as those of a 'New' and 'Old' Europe highlights two concerns: first, that despite the imperial and isolationistic temptations of the current American administration, its geopolitical imagination remains firmly wedded to – indeed, cannot but define itself by – its relationship with the 'Old Continent'. Secondly, it reveals an astonishing distance between such cartographic abstractions and the variety of non-territorial metaphors – in particular, those of mediation and translation – that are increasingly being invoked to inscribe possible futures for the European project.  相似文献   
This paper stresses the importance of bridging the conceptual gap between tourism research and economic geography. It explains why the tourism production system has been unable to avoid its peripheral position in economic geography. The paper then focuses on the structure and organization of the principal agents comprising the tourism production system and identifies the state's pivotal role as coordinator of these agents. Lastly, it highlights two under-researched issues relating to entreprcneurship and labor pools and makes recommendations for further research.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. From 1898 to 1936, Philippine immigrants were routinely excluded from the United States, where incipient practices of eugenic “science” and geopolitics were informing social policy. Concomitant with emergent theories of evolution, a geopolitically informed eugenics forewarned of possible racial competition and societal degeneration. Immigration legislation emerged as an effective social policy to exclude perceived undesirable, and racially distinct, immigrant groups, ostensibly to protect race and state.  相似文献   
南海因其所具有的重要地缘政治与经济战略地位而成为大国竞相角逐之地。然而,在一个相互依赖的时代,南海地缘战略并非只是地缘政治冲突的单一逻辑,而是迈向政治与经济、文化交织、竞争与合作并存的复合逻辑状态。南海周边国家经贸互补性大于竞争性,已经形成互赖的地缘经济格局,但是南海地缘经济合作存在的制度重叠、制度竞争与制度过剩仍暴露了地缘经济中的竞争逻辑。“一带一路”作为新型区域合作平台,有助于超越传统地缘经济竞争逻辑。东亚意识的产生、南海地缘政治经济互赖以及南海制度规范的建立使得南海地缘文化在多元文化互动中迈向共同体逻辑。建构融安全、利益以及信任为一体的南海命运共同体,需要通过对话协商自主制定地区规则、加强南海地区功能性合作、通过多轨外交增进地区互信,使南海成为“友好、和平、合作”之海。  相似文献   
地缘政治理论演变与北极航线地缘政治理论假设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
北极航线问题因为北冰洋的融化预期加快,而变得愈来愈重要。中国在这一问题上不能失去话语权,要争得北极航线问题国际机制上的主动权,需要对北极航线的地缘政治理论进行深入研究,为成功争取北极航线权益提供理论依据。对地缘政治理论,特别是国外的地缘政治理论进行了阶段划分和系统评价;分析了北极航线问题的特殊性,认为沿用已有的地缘政治理论,不能够清晰描述北极航线的政治地理格局,并且也对我国的北极航线权益争取不利;提出了北极航线地缘政治理论的假设前提,为建立我国的北极航线地缘政治理论体系奠定基础;最后提出了我国关于北极航线问题的四项地缘政治策略,为我国争取北极航线地缘政治地位提供思路和具体措施。  相似文献   
胡志丁  张喆  赵路平 《地理学报》2023,78(1):198-213
地缘环境研究已经成为当前国内地缘政治研究的重点方向,汇聚了国内地缘政治研究力量,推动了国内地缘政治学科的复兴。本文在总结分析国内外地缘政治、地缘环境相关研究最新发展和趋势的基础上,集中探讨了地缘环境研究的理念、议程与路径。地缘环境研究理念是以多元地缘体间互动实践为中心,将地缘环境理解为多元地缘体互动实践的“信息”或称决策信息集,也是多元地缘体互动的结果。因此,地缘体行动决策既有在完备信息下的决策,也有在不完备信息下的决策,甚至还有在不能甄别信息真假情况下的决策。在此新理念下,地缘环境研究大致包括地缘环境要素解析(本底、关联、结构3类要素)、地缘环境时空过程与机制表达和地缘环境支撑体系设计三大研究议程。为了整合不同领域、不同尺度和多元行为体,论文以缅北冲突为例展现了地缘环境研究的三大路径,即跨领域互动、跨尺度耦合和多元地缘体博弈。在当今百年变局的复杂形势下,明晰地缘环境研究的理念、议程与路径,对准确、科学分析当前复杂局势和提出中国应对策略等具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
Border areas are both important territorial security barriers and portals to the outside world. Considering the complicated geopolitical environment of China’s inland borders, analysis of the current status and mechanisms of influence of geo-economy in border areas is of great significance. Namely, this analysis is important towards leveraging traditional advantages to accelerate China’s development in border and minority areas. Based on a comprehensive analysis, our study constructed a framework to analyze the geo-economy in border areas, and also introduced three indexes: local economy, export-oriented economy and local development. In addition, our study systematically described geo-economic evolution in the border areas of China. We also analyzed the mechanism of geo-economic spatial differentiation in these border areas by using geographical detectors. Our results indicated that the level of geo-economic influence in border areas has grown steadily with significant spatial differentiation. The absolute geo-economic dominance of Northeast China gradually declines over time. Areas with geo-economic advantages are highly dispersed, showing a spatial polarization pattern with several polar nuclei including Mudanjiang city (Northeast China), Baotou city (Inner Mongolia), Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture (Xinjiang), Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture and the city of Chongzuo (Yunnan-Guangxi area). Geo-economics in border area is mainly influenced by national policies, the development level of neighboring countries, as well as the desire of these countries to cooperate with China in bilateral trade. Favorable policies, traffic, cultural proximity and other factors also impact the geo-economics of border areas significantly. The Inner Mongolia and Tibet areas are mainly influenced by neighboring countries, while Northeast China and Xinjiang are mainly affected by Chinese policies; the Yunnan-Guangxi area is influenced by a combination of these factors. At the end of the study, we provide our recommendations for developing policies that further geo-economic advantages in complex geopolitical environments and in areas with varied development.  相似文献   
地缘政治风险是影响全球和区域和平、稳定与发展的5大风险之一。如何识别、评估、预测和管理地缘政治风险成为国内外共同关注的问题。国内外学者对地缘政治风险这一术语的定义还不统一。当前地缘政治风险研究,在致险因素分析、风险影响刻画、风险量化与制图等领域都有一些新进展。针对地缘政治风险致险因子的时空差异性和多变性、各致险因子相互影响与反馈机制的复杂性以及地缘政治风险的突发性和不确定性,对致险因素的精准识别,地缘政治风险形成的机理,地缘政治风险监测与模拟等研究成为核心和前沿问题。中国未来地缘政治风险和重要研究方向包括:周边地区地缘政治风险研究;地缘政治风险的定量化与模拟研究;跨学科、大数据、多终端的地缘政治风险集成计算方法与预警服务平台建设;凝炼科学问题,提升对现实地缘政治问题的解释能力。  相似文献   
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