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The structural feature shown on a remote sensing image is a synthetic result ofcombination of the deformations produced during the entire geological history of an area.Therefore, the respective tectonic stress field of each of the different stages in the complexdeformation of an area can be reconstructed in three steps: (1) geological structures formed atdifferent times are distinguished in remote sensing image interpretation; (2) structuraldeformation fields at different stages are determined by analyzing relationships betweenmicrostructures (joints and fractures) and the related structures (folds and faults); and (3)tectonic stress fields at different stages are respectively recovered through a study of the featuresof structural deformation fields in different periods. Circular structures and related circlular and radial joints are correlated in space to con-cealed structural rises. The authors propose a new method for establishing a natural model ofthe concealed structural rises and calculating the tectonic stress field by using quantitative dataof the remote sensing information of circular structures and related linear structures.  相似文献   
Seven cores were collected from different sediment zones of tidal flats at Xinyanggang in north Jiangsu province in August 2007. Sediment grain-size distribution and radioisotopes of 137Cs and 210Pb analysis were carried out for these cores. Sediment rates of the cores and radioisotopes distribution in surface sediment in different zones of the tidal flat were calculated from the 137Cs and 210Pb activities in sediments cores. The results indicated that each tidal zone had experienced different evolution phases, hydrological dynamics in the tidal flats made the grain-size of the surface sediment change gradually. 137Cs and 210Pb activities on the superficial layer of the cores varied spatially and the reason was discussed. On tidal flats, the fluctuation of 137Cs and 210Pb activities in the cores reflected the special sedimentary characteristics. Vegetation affects the grain-size distribution and the vertical profiles of 137Cs and 210Pb in the upper depths. 137Cs and 210Pb chronology got the comparable average sediment rates on the tidal flat. The characteristics of 137Cs and 210Pb in the cores reflected various depositional dynamical environments in different tidal zones and gave information on the different evolvement phases of the tidal zones. Based on the information of grain-size distribution, texture of the cores, sediment rates and topography, the evolution lines of the tidal flat were reconstructed.  相似文献   
对新疆国土资源环境信息系统的设计与实现进行了详细介绍,对系统研建中的关键技术进行了研究和探讨,提出了解决方案。系统的建成实现了利用GIS技术对国土资源环境信息的统一管理和快速检索、更新、分析与处理,填补了新疆国土资源环境遥感综合调查信息应用GIS技术综合管理应用的空白。  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS Engine的地质灾害信息管理与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以地质灾害风险信息管理与应用为例,运用AE技术实现多源灾害信息统一管理、快速提取、专题图输出,揭示了GIS技术在此领域应用的可行性和广阔前景。  相似文献   
城市消防地理信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
城市消防地理信息系统是消防指挥决策系统的一个重要组成部分,本文着重介绍了城市消防地理信息系统的结构、主要功能和特点。  相似文献   
Reserves of some kinds of the crisis mines will be lack now or from now on, because of lacking seriously reserves of mineral resources and the crisis of exploring bases in support. So that it is urgent to predict, appraise, development and utilize the replaceable resources of the crisis mines. The mineral resources prediction software system of synthetic information is intelligent GIS which is used to quantitative prediction of large-scale synthetic information mineral target. It takes the geological body and the mineral resource body as a unit. And it analyzes the ore deposit genesis and metallotect, knows the spatial distribution laws of the ore deposit and ore body, and establish the prospecting model based on the concept of establishing the three-dimensional space of a mine. This paper will primarily discuss some important problems as follows: the secondary development of various kinds of data(including geology, geophysical prospecting, geochemical prospecting and remote sensing, etc); process synthetically and establish the synthetic information interpretative map base; correspond prospecting model with synthetic information of ore deposit; divided into statistical units of metallogenic information synthetic anomalies based on the synthetic information anomalies of ore control, then research the metallogenic information variable of unit synthetically and make quantitative prediction according to choose the quantitative prediction math model which is suitable to the demands of large-scale precision; at last, finish the target area optimization of ore deposit (body).  相似文献   
在实际调查数据基础上,文章分析了农民工流动的时空变化趋势和对流出地的影响。调查分析结果表明:固始县外出务工人数逐年递增;农民工以男性为主,但妇女所占比例在逐年提高;农民工务工收入逐年提高。农民工教育程度越高,收入也越多。农民工务工半径随时间逐渐扩大,基本扩展到全国所有省份,但农民工的收入省际变化不大。农民工不仅给流出地带来经济上的变化,而且对文化教育、社会结构和思想观念也有很大的影响。  相似文献   
分析了山东省1:1万基础地理信息数据库更新现状,阐述了1:1万基础地理信息数据库及时更新的作业方法、主要更新内容、技术路线,提出了及时更新质量保证体系及质量控制方法,从基础资料的获取与收集,变化要素属性信息的分析确定,矢量要素采集、更新的精度,矢量要素采集的方向,矢量要素采集、更新的完整性,矢量要素采集、更新的现势性,属性项赋值的正确、完整性,更新后要素的逻辑一致性等几个方面,阐述了生产作业中需要注意的环节,分析了产生质量问题的原因,并结合实际工作经验,提出了保障产品质量的几点建议。  相似文献   
基于GIS的滑坡监测信息管理与分析系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴振君  邓建辉  闵弘 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1739-1743
滑坡监测的信息量非常庞大,而传统的滑坡监测信息管理系统都是基于关系型数据库的管理、查询和分析,处理空间信息就显得力不从心。采用MO(Map Objects)集成开发的基于GIS的滑坡监测信息管理与分析系统,把滑坡的空间信息和监测信息通过GIS技术联系起来,实现系统管理、快速查询和多种可视化分析。系统不依赖任何GIS平台,可独立运行,并可根据具体的滑坡和监测项目定制,保证了系统的通用性,为滑坡灾害研究提供了系统的工具。介绍了该系统的结构设计和实现方法,并以三峡库区泄滩滑坡为例,介绍了该系统的应用。  相似文献   
基于GIS的攀枝花城市地质环境质量分区评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
攀枝花是一座典型的矿业城市,随着经济发展,矿山地质环境问题严重.在(GIS)地理信息系统技术的支持下,结合多种地质环境因素对该地区进行了地质环境质量现状分析评价,采用层次分析法建立了评价模型,结果表明区内大部分地区地质环境较好.地质环境差的地方主要分布在各大采矿区,地质灾害较严重.文中除了论述评价要素的识别,重点讨论了评价模型的确立和基于GIS的分析方法,最后对评价结果作了分析.  相似文献   
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