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李震  孙文新  曾群柱 《地理学报》1999,54(3):263-268
冰川变化的常规观测方法在高原的大部分地区无法实施。遥感与地理信息系统技术的发展为研究冲川变化提供了有效的手段,本文以位于昆仑山脉中段的布喀塔格山峰冰川为例,利用1973年至1994年的RBV,MSS和TM遥感资料为信息源,综合目视判读与统计分析方法提取冰川界限,形成冰川边界图,并规一化坐标系统,以GIS为工具分析该冲川群的变化情况,计算冲川进退变化速率。  相似文献   
基于GIS的怒江峡谷人居环境容量评价——以泸水县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选取坡度、坡向、海拔、土地利用、交通、水资源、土壤质量等作为评价指标,利用GIS的叠置分析、缓冲区分析等空间分析技术对怒江峡谷区的泸水县人居环境适宜性进行了定量综合评价分析。评价结果表明,泸水县人居环境适宜区主要以带状形式分布在河流周围,其他区域只有零星分布,与泸水县人口分布的空间格局相吻合。泸水县人居环境状况与经济发展水平呈现明显的正相关性,人居环境评价值与各乡镇农民人均纯收入相关系数达到0.89,与各行政村农民人均纯收入的相关系数达到0.956。此外,本文还分析了泸水县各个乡镇的人居环境容量,表明泸水县已难以承载现有的人口。  相似文献   
信息化绝不是一句空话,既要有构想,有远景规划,又要脚踏实地,有实现信息化理念的信息系统为支撑。作者从建设目的、原则和内容等几个方面,重点介绍设计院信息系统实施方案,同时总结了一期建设经验和体会。  相似文献   
我国典型资源枯竭型城市生态系统健康综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源枯竭和环境恶化影响着典型资源枯竭型城市的发展。根据压力-状态-响应模型,构建了一个度量典型资源枯竭型城市生态系统健康水平的含有4个层次35项具体指标的指标体系,并运用客观的改进的熵值法赋权、模糊综合评价法及划分的等级标准对我国9个典型资源枯竭型城市的生态系统健康水平进行量化分析。结果表明,阜新市的生态系统健康水平属于较健康级,伊春、辽源、白银、焦作属于临界状态级,盘锦、白山、萍乡属于较不健康级,而石嘴山则属于不健康级。典型资源枯竭型城市的生态系统健康水平总体上不容乐观。  相似文献   
攀西地区月降水时序非线性特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在介绍相空间重构理论的基础上,以攀西地区4个站点47 a的月降水时间序列为例,研究了该地月降水时间序列的非线性特性。首先,运用定量的G-P关联维方法,探讨了非线性分析的主要定量指标,具体而言有,饱和关联维数D2和柯尔莫哥诺夫熵,计算表明攀西月降水时间序列具有一定的非线性混沌特性。其次,结合定性的功率谱分析方法,进一步验证了攀西月降水时序具有非线性特性。除此之外还应用Cao方法检验,从而排除了月降水时序为随机序列的可能性。本文为进一步研究月降水时序数据的复杂性及其演化规律奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Privacy, reconsidered: New representations, data practices, and the geoweb   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Blogging, social networking, and other Web 2.0 practices have sparked widespread debate about the status and future of privacy. This paper examines an explicitly geographical aspect of Web 2.0 with respect to these debates: the geospatial web, or ‘geoweb’. As part of fundamental shifts in the kinds of geographic information available, its circulation, and representative forms it assumes, the geoweb implies new objects of privacy concern and subsequent privacy-related negotiations over the aggregate of its component information, technologies, and data praxes. Thus we argue that privacy must not only be revisited, but indeed re-conceptualized. Whereas prior research on privacy vis-à-vis geographic information technologies has tended to question what privacy ‘is’, we focus instead on the constitutive outcomes of societal struggles over privacy. We examine how privacy is being negotiated around two geoweb services - Google Street View and the Twitter GeoAPI - to illustrate that these contestations produce privacy as a social object in particular ways. We show that public discourse around actual or anticipated privacy harms stemming from geoweb services and their uses, as well as the preventatives and remedies proposed or implemented to address such harms, reconstitute the objects and practices of privacy concern, and alter the roles and relationships of state, civil and corporate actors in the construction of privacy. Finally we suggest that the geoweb raises new privacy concerns because some of its representational forms - namely geo-tagged images and self-authored texts - facilitate identification and disclosure with more immediacy and less abstraction.  相似文献   
A model is presented for estimating the value of information of sampling programs for contaminated soil. The purpose is to calculate the optimal number of samples when the objective is to estimate the mean concentration. A Bayesian risk–cost–benefit decision analysis framework is applied and the approach is design-based. The model explicitly includes sample uncertainty at a complexity level that can be applied to practical contaminated land problems with limited amount of data. Prior information about the contamination level is modelled by probability density functions. The value of information is expressed in monetary terms. The most cost-effective sampling program is the one with the highest expected net value. The model was applied to a contaminated scrap yard in Göteborg, Sweden, contaminated by metals. The optimal number of samples was determined to be in the range of 16–18 for a remediation unit of 100 m2. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the perspective of the decision-maker is important, and that the cost of failure and the future land use are the most important factors to consider. The model can also be applied for other sampling problems, for example, sampling and testing of wastes to meet landfill waste acceptance procedures.  相似文献   
重庆市自然灾害管理综合信息系统研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从重庆市自然灾害情况和自然灾害信息管理现状分析入手,构建了该市自然灾害管理信息系统的系统目标、整体设计和界面的开发。该市自然灾害管理信息系统主要由4个模块组成:自然灾害数据库模块、远程通信管理模块、应用分析模型库和决策支持模块四大部分,四大模块通过一定的数据接口连结,成为一体化系统,对市自然灾害进行有效的管理和监测,从而减少自然灾害带来的经济损失。  相似文献   

Hydrologists responsible for flood management need real-time data in order to manage imminent or ongoing floods. In this paper, innovative methods for accessing hydrological data and their spatial visualization are introduced. A multitude of relevant real-time, forecast and historical information is provided in a single, self-updating hydrological map information system. The system consists of a central database and a cartographic user interface and provides harmonized and filtered data in the form of interactive, customizable maps. Maps may also be cross-referenced with historical maps or may be animated for improved comprehension and decision making. Emphasis is placed on the development of the hydrological real-time database that manages large amounts of spatial, temporal and attributive data. The paper focuses on the cartographic user interface, its functionality and the resulting interactive hydrological maps.

Citation Lienert, C., Weingartner, R. &; Hurni, L. (2011) An interactive, web-based, real-time hydrological map information system. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(1), 1–16  相似文献   
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