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杨家堡子铁矿位于山东省枣庄市峄城区峨山镇,隶属苍峄铁成矿带,矿体赋存于新太古代泰山岩群山草峪组上部的变质岩中。该矿床内圈定磁铁矿体11个,求得铁矿石(333)资源量3 378.2万t,矿床平均品位TFe 33.30%,mFe 22.64%。主矿体为Ⅲ-6矿体,占矿床总资源量的83.69%,其长度1 137 m,最大斜深1 065 m,埋深707~1 369m,形态复杂程度中等,品位变化属均匀类型。含矿岩石为磁铁石英角闪岩。矿石中的主要有用组分为Fe,伴生元素含量较低,均无综合回收利用价值,有害组分S、P的含量均较低,经选矿后可达到炼钢及炼铁要求。矿石结构主要有粒状变晶结构和柱状变晶结构;矿石的构造主要为条带状构造,块状构造的矿石较少,但品位相对较高。矿石自然类型为原生磁铁矿石,工业类型属需选磁性铁矿石。该矿床成因与苍峄铁矿一脉相承,为典型的BIF型铁矿。根据区内以及邻区的见矿情况结合磁异常特征分析,杨家堡子矿区有良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
Runoff series of the Yangtze River presents an intricate variation tendency under the reinforced influence of human activities.The Morlet Wavelet Transform method has been applied to analyze the annual runoff data from 1950 to 2011 at the Yangtze River Estuary.It can clearly reveal the multi-time scales structure,break point,change and distribution of periodic variation in the different time scales of the runoff series.The main conclusions are that:1) Repeated periodic oscillations accompanied by an extremely large fluctuation are presented in the runoff series with an obvious difference between wet and dry years,and the major periods of the time series are about 3,8,16 and 23 years respectively.Among them,the presented maximum periodic oscillation is 23 years scale.2) In the 23-year time scale,the wet periods are 1950-1958,1969-1980 and 1992-2003,and the dry periods are 1959-1968,1981-1991 and 2004-2011.3) It can be predicted from the view of long time scales that the low annual runoff will likely occur in the near future.  相似文献   
Acrochaete leptochaete (Huber) Nielsen (Chaetophoraceae, Chlorophyta) was isolated from the macroalgae Chaetomorpha collected from intertidal pools in Rongcheng, Shandong, China. 18S rDNA combined with ITS regions were used to ascertain the morphological identification of the isolated material. Based on the unialgal culture, asexual reproduction and growth characteristics of A. leptochaete were investigated over wide ranges of temperature and irradiance. Results revealed that asexual reproduction of A. leptochaete could be realized by biflagellate zoospores. The zoospores germinated directly to give self- replicating generations. Zoospore germination was bipolar. A temperature range from 13-21°C and a lower irradiance of 36 μmol/(m2·s) were most favorable for the growth of A. leptochaete. Thallus organization, an important taxonomic criterion for the genus Acrochaete, was affected markedly by temperature and irradiance. Our results extend the knowledge about the species’ general biology and its morphological plasticity. For classification and identification of a simple microphytic algae like A. leptochaete, which are traditionally placed in the class Chaetophoraceae, we propose that molecular tools associated with culture observations are applied.  相似文献   
通过对济南市商品住宅价格空间分布的研究,了解济南市商品住宅价格的空间分布的特征与规律,确定影响济南市商品住宅价格空间分布的因素,为促进济南市商品住宅市场的发展,政府制定住宅产业政策,合理进行城市规划等提出合理化的建议。  相似文献   
喀英迪铅锌矿主要产于早石炭世阿克沙克组及其与晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组的接触带上。通过普查工作共圈定15个铅锌矿体。其中主要矿体4个,Ⅰ-4矿体处于晚奥陶世呼独克达坂组灰岩与早石炭世阿克沙克组的不整合接触面上及其两侧,工程控制总长度为523m,最大斜深100m。倾向70°~100°,倾角一般20°~50°,连续性较好。该矿体铅单工程厚0.86~5.64m,平均2.86m,厚度变化系数为70.57%;锌单工程厚0.80~5.64m,平均1.81m,厚度变化系数为93.97%,属于变化较稳定型矿体。铅单工程品位0.62%~16.47%,平均4.53%,品位变化系数114.34%;锌单工程品位0.53%~12.37%,平均3.78%,品位变化系数57.47%。属于有用组分分布较均匀型矿体。通过对矿床地质特征的研究,认为该矿床属沉积岩容矿的、层控的、构造控制非岩浆型低温热液矿床。  相似文献   
Based on the anatomical study of leaf cuticles of Cordaites from the Lower Permian Shanxi Formation in Baode of Shanxi, the author analysed the epidermal characters of Cordaites in this area. On the base of the abundant compressions and laboratory studies, the author complemented some new data of the cuticular characters of the species Cordaites baodeensis Sun for its study of taxonomy. Meanwhile, the author newly discovered a number of sporopollen fossils associated with the mega-plants of Cordaitales, described 9 species of 6 genera. The palynological data can provide a supp lement evidence for defining the age of C. baodeensis and its associated plants to be Early Permian.  相似文献   
在浙西北双溪坞群和上墅组火山岩系获得较可靠的Sm-Nd同位素年龄的基础上,本文进一步做了Nd、Sr同位素地球化学研究。∈Nd(T)和∈Sr(T)示踪判别了该区前震旦纪火山岩浆源区特征及其物质来源。同时,Nd同位素模式年龄为该区存在更古老基底提供了重要的地质年代信息。  相似文献   
根据对马超营断裂带系统进行的地质—地球化学剖面研究,探讨了该带断裂构造活动及其元素地球化学迁移富集规律与构造地球化学分异之间的关系;分析了蚀变、矿化与成矿的关系,认为早期面型蚀变伴有成矿元素的活化和迁移,但无矿化富集,后期带状蚀变伴有金的富集成矿且以硅化、绢云母化为主要标志。从而,为马超营断裂带这一重要的以金为主成矿带的进一步工作、研究,提供了地球化学方面的依据。  相似文献   
利用若尔盖1971-2000年的大风、雷暴、冰雹、积雪、雾及飑的逐年各月气象资料,用现代统计方法,分别逐类、逐月、逐年代统计若尔盖地区旅游气象灾害出现频次、时间变化特征,并对其变化特征及主要旅游气象灾害发生规律进行气候综合分析,结合旅游安全社会经验,统计出若尔盖气象灾害发生月份集中在4-8月,主要是春、夏两个季节。而较少月份集中在8-2月,为秋、冬两季。若尔盖地区适宜旅游期月份为5、6、7、8、9月,非常适宜旅游区月份为6、7、8月,疗养期月份为7月。而该时段为灾害频发期,因此应特别注意对灾害天气的预防和应对。为当地旅游管理部门提供参考,为旅游投资与实施建设提供气象依据,为旅游者选择旅游季节及评估旅游安全提供帮助。  相似文献   
利用1999—2007和2007—2009年GPS资料,采用块体变形模型和GPS速度剖面研究了川滇地区的分阶段变形特征,结果显示川西北-滇中-滇西南块体主压应变率方向由北向南呈顺时针方向旋转;安宁河断裂、则木河断裂存在剪切应变积累,小江断裂南段以走滑为主、北段以应变积累为主;汶川地震对丽江-小金河断裂中南段、安宁河断裂和金沙江断裂有一定影响,对则木河断裂、小江断裂和红河断裂的影响较小。  相似文献   
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