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聂政融    王晓霞  柯昌辉  杨阳  吕星球 《地质通报》2015,34(08):1502-1516
花山复式岩体位于华北地块南缘,采用LA-ICP-MS技术测得复式岩体中的中细粒似斑状黑云二长花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为128±1Ma,此年龄被解释为成岩年龄。该岩体及邻近的五丈山岩体中花岗岩具有高硅、富碱特征,为准铝-弱过铝质高钾钙碱性系列;在稀土和微量元素上,富集LREE、Rb、Ba、K、Sr等大离子亲石元素,亏损HREE、Zr、Hf、Ta、Nb、P、Ti等高场强元素,总体上Eu异常不明显,显示出I-A过渡型花岗岩的特征。锆石Lu-Hf同位素组成表明,花山花岗岩的εHf(t)主要变化于-25.8~-19.6之间,tDM2为2.81~2.43Ga,显示源区物质以古老的壳源物质为主,有年轻组分的参与。与岩体外围多金属成矿年龄的对比分析发现,外围金、钼矿床与花山复式岩体的年龄一致,比五丈山岩体晚20~25Ma,表明金、钼矿的形成与花山岩体在时空上联系密切,该岩体可能为成矿提供了热源。  相似文献   
Studying strong motion records and the spatial distribution of ground shaking is of great importance in understanding the underlying causes of damage in earthquakes. Many regions in the world are either not instrumented or are sparsely instrumented. As such, significant opportunities for motion-damage correlations are lost. Two recent and damaging earthquakes belong to the class of lost opportunities, namely the Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake of October 2005 and the Yogyakarta (Indonesia) earthquake of May 2006. In this paper, an overview of the importance of supply and demand studies in earthquake-stricken regions is given, followed by two examples of investigative engineering seismology aimed at reconstructing the hazard from sparse data. The paper closes with a plea for responsible authorities to invest in seismic monitoring networks in the very near future.  相似文献   
颜辉 《盐湖研究》2018,26(4):85-90
通过对盐湖地区岩土类型复杂性及特性的叙述,分析了盐湖矿产开发中不良地质现象产生的原因和岩土条件对开发规模、工程布局、工程安全、经济效益等方面产生的影响。论述岩土工程勘察在盐湖矿产开发中的特殊地位和重要价值,总结出岩土勘察与盐湖卤水矿产开发的关系,提出盐湖岩土勘察方案的相关建议。  相似文献   
许瑞生 《热带地理》2018,38(2):151-165
基于毛泽东同志所作的《寻乌调查》,利用历史地图资料,结合当前遥感影像数据、道路地名信息及相关历史资料等,运用GIS技术对历史资料进行还原处理,从交通区位、经济地理与区域文化等方面,对20世纪30年代寻乌与南粤的区域历史地理关系进行研究:1)还原并佐证了《寻乌调查》描述的区域交通系统,梳理出寻乌与南粤区域水陆交通网络及交通运输的基本特征,寻乌典型的边区区位与自然地理等条件,成就了其联系南粤的交通枢纽功能。2)寻乌与南粤的区域经济地理关系具有典型的“盐上米下”特征;寻乌在区域贸易流通中承担着中转站的功能,但边区市集发展程度较低,寻乌的社会经济深受以梅县为腹地的南粤地区发展的影响。3)南粤革命力量对中央苏区具有不可磨灭的历史贡献,红色文化底蕴非常深厚。理解寻乌与南粤的区域历史地理关系,既对当前的区域发展规划与政策制定具较强的指导作用,也为当前的南粤古驿道活化和开发提供了一条“寻乌调查红色之旅”路线。  相似文献   
地质条件的复杂性决定了地质剖面图完全自动连接的准确性较低。提出一种基于空间语义关系的空区域搜索算法,通过人机交互方式将专家知识应用于剖面连接过程,实现了融合人工编辑的剖面自动化连接方法。该算法通过读入交互结果获得专家知识,在此基础上对剖面地层进行自动化连接。通过语义分解的策略,可以针对实际情况任意组合需要的连接命令。  相似文献   
This study examined a strong positive correlation between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index during June and the total tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency in the western North Pacific during July and August. To investigate a possible cause for this relation, the mean difference between highest positive NAO years and lowest negative NAO years was analyzed by dividing into when the El Niño and La Niña years were included and when the El Niño and La Niña years were not included.When the El Niño and La Niña years were included, for positive NAO years, the TCs mostly occurred in the northwestern region of tropical and subtropical western Pacific, and showed a pattern that migrate from the sea northeast of the Philippines, pass the East China Sea, and move toward the mid-latitudes of East Asia. In contrast, for negative NAO years, the TCs mostly occurred in the southeastern region of tropical and subtropical western Pacific, and showed a pattern that migrate westward from the sea southeast of the Philippines, pass the South China Sea, and move toward the southern coast of China and Indochinese peninsula. These two different TC migration patterns affect the recurving location of TC, and for positive NAO years, the recurving of TC was averagely found to take place in the further northeast. In addition, the migration patterns also affect the TC intensity, and the TCs of positive NAO years had stronger intensity than the TCs of negative NAO years as sufficient energy can be absorbed from the ocean while moving north in the mid-latitudes of East Asia. The TCs of negative NAO years showed weak intensity as they weaken or disappear shortly while landing on the southern coast of China and Indochinese peninsula. On the other hand, the above result of analysis is also similarly observed when the El Niño and La Niña years were not included.  相似文献   
海洋风暴形成的一种动力学机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中从观测统计学、瞬变涡动能量学和 MM5中尺度数值模拟角度 ,研究了海洋风暴 (爆发性气旋 )形成的气候特征及其可能的动力学机制 ,揭示了一幅爆发性发展的物理图像。结果表明 ,在冷季大气特别是日本以东洋面上大气特有的热力气候背景下 ,通过同海洋风暴过程相联系的涡动热通量 vθ的向极地输送 (- vθ· θm>0 ) ,将季节尺度的时间平均有效位能向瞬变涡旋时间尺度的涡动有效位能转换 ,是海洋风暴形成的主要动力机制。在该过程中转换来的具有最大贡献的涡动有效位能 ,连同具有次大贡献的积云加热制造的涡动有效位能(q3 )一起 ,通过暖异常区 (α >0 )暖湿空气上升运动 (-ω >0 )的斜压转换 (-ωα) ,促使涡动动能增长。同时 ,补充的涡动有效位能又加强了暖异常区的暖湿空气上升运动 ,进而产生积云对流活动及其潜热释放的正反馈过程 ,最终导致涡动动能急剧增长和海洋风暴的形成。海-气潜热输送的作用是在风暴形成初期提供后来积云尺度对流活动及潜热释放的水汽潜力。研究还表明 ,海洋风暴主要发生在冷季月份 1 3 0°E以东的中高纬洋面上 ,这种对特定季节和特定海域的依赖性是大气和海洋气候背景的动力 /热力共同作用的结果  相似文献   
分析了南宁市种植甘蔗的气候适应性,以及降雨量与甘蔗生长、蔗茎产量及含糖量的关系,并对比分析了为南宁糖业股份有限公司所属蔗区实施人工增雨前后的甘蔗产量及蔗糖分,认为蔗糖分前后变化不大,但实施人工增雨后甘蔗产量有较显著提高,从而能获得令人满意的经济效益;在此基础上提出了做好人工增雨工作的改进思路。  相似文献   
Landslide hazard in the Nebrodi Mountains (Northeastern Sicily)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The eastern sector of the Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily), a part of the Apenninic-Maghrebian orogenic chain, is characterized by an high landslide hazard. The village of S. Domenica Vittoria, which lies in the area, has been particularly affected by various landslide phenomena, with resulting damage to buildings and infrastructure.The rocks outcropping in the area belong to the Cretaceous Monte Soro Flysch; they consist of an alternation of argillaceous and calcareous beds at the base and argillaceous and quartzarenitic beds at the top. The lithotechnical characteristics of the formation and the steepness of the slopes in the area lead to an elevated instability, as testified by the widespread occurrence of sub-vertical arcuate cliffs (landslide scarps) and sub-horizontal areas (landslide terraces), typical of a landslide-controlled morphology. From a kinematics point of view, the observed phenomena can be referred to multiple rotational slides, flows, and complex landslides, often with a retrogressive development and enlargement. Triggering causes lie principally in the intense rainfalls that determine the decay of the geomechanical properties of the terrain and supply discontinuos groundwater circulation that is evident in seasonal springs. Human activity, such as the construction of roads and buildings on steep slopes and dispersal of water from supply systems and sewers has a significant impact as well.Due to the instability of the area, expansion of the village, which is already limited by the morphological conditions, is made difficult by the high hazard level, especially in the areas at higher elevations, where the principal landslide scarps are located, and even more on the rims of the scarps. Considering the high hazard level, S. Domenica Vittoria has been inserted by the National Geological Service among the sites in Sicily to be monitored by means of a GPS network. The survey carried out along the entire slope hosting the village has furnished the base for geological and geomorphological knowledge needed for the planning of the network, to identify the areas at landslide risk, where parts of the village lie, including the areas of expansion of the village, the main roads, and a portion of the Favoscuro river bed.  相似文献   
安徽齐云山丹霞地貌成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the study of some local scholars (Peng Hua et al., 2000), over 400 sites of Danxia landform have been already discovered in China. Chen Guoda (1935), Zeng Zhaoxuan et al. (1978), Huang Jin et al. (1992; 1994; 1996) and Peng Hua et al. (1998; …  相似文献   
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