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无人机低空遥感是近年来新兴的一种快速获取灾情信息的手段,如何利用无人机高分影像构建滑坡灾害解译模型是实现快速自动解译滑坡的关键。针对该问题,对比了多种影像特征提取方法,将迁移学习(TL)特征和支持向量机(SVM)引入到构建滑坡灾害自动解译模型中,提出了一种TL支持下的高分影像滑坡灾害解译模型。选取5·12汶川地震及4·20芦山地震系列无人机影像构建了滑坡灾害样本库并进行了实验,TL特征方法整体分类准确度ACC为95%,ROC达到0.98,识别准确率达到97%。结果表明,所提方法可用于高分影像滑坡自动解译,同时可用于大面积高分影像中快速山地滑坡灾害定位及检测。  相似文献   
Research on Formation Mechanisms of Hot Dry Rock Resources in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As an important geothermal resource, hot dry rock(HDR) reserves have been studied in many countries. HDR resources in China have huge capacity and have become one of the most important resources for the potential replacement of fossil fuels. However, HDR resources are difficult to develop and utilise. Technologies for use with HDR, such as high–temperature drilling, reservoir characterisation, reservoir fracturing, microseismic monitoring and high–temperature power stations, originate from the field of oil and drilling. Addressing how to take advantage of these developed technologies is a key factor in the development of HDR reserves. Based on the thermal crustal structure in China, HDR resources can be divided into four types: high radioactive heat production, sedimentary basin, modern volcano and the inner–plate active tectonic belt. The prospective regions of HDR resources are located in South Tibet, West Yunnan, the southeast coast of China, Bohai Rim, Songliao Basin and Guanzhong Basin. The related essential technologies are relatively mature, and the prospect of HDR power generation is promising. Therefore, analysing the formation mechanisms of HDR resources and promoting the transformation of technological achievements, large–scale development and the utilisation of HDR resources can be achieved in China.  相似文献   
余善平 《安徽地质》2016,26(1):36-37
受中国地质科学院地质研究所的委托,安徽省地质矿产勘查局313地质队承担《华东庐枞盆地科学钻探选址预研究》3000m科学钻探工程任务,该钻孔为大陆科学钻探选址预研究项目中6个钻孔之一,主要目的是通过钻探揭示和验证与成矿有关的岩体、基底、盖层的空间分布,建立地壳结构模型和异常解释的标尺,为大陆万米钻探提供选址依据。本文主要介绍了在施工过程中的钻头选用情况,仅供同行参考。  相似文献   
在分析日照河谷平原区水文地质条件的基础上,通过大量抽水试验数据,对比分析研究了当地民井与本次施工水井成井方法的差异,指出了当地民井在成井方法上的不足和缺陷,并提出了适宜该区的成井方法建议。  相似文献   
在流量自动监测系统中,底座式ADCP设备探头位于河底,维修极为不便。该研制装置采用304不锈钢支架配合滑轮、钢索、绞盘等手摇传动系统,将底座式ADCP设备探头从河底传送到水上岸边检修台,实现对设备探头的维护、检修、更换、安装、调试等操作,再通过该装置将底座式ADCP设备探头传送到河底原位,经十里长街等站实际应用,运行稳定可靠,运用极为方便;该装置防磁、防锈、防腐性能良好,为底座式ADCP探头提供一个很好的工作环境,且结构简单,运输方便,可作为中小河流永久流量自动监测站装置使用。  相似文献   
为解决槽、井探等传统地表揭露手段自身局限性问题及减少对环境的破坏,提出以钻代槽勘查方法研究的技术路线,总结归纳出浅钻技术方法与钻孔布孔方案,同时初步探讨了基于钻孔数据的三维地质建模方法。最后将以钻代槽方法成果在西藏等地进行了推广应用,验证了可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
通过在水基钻井液中添加纳米氧化物颗粒,来改善其润滑性能。选用了Al2O3、TiO2及SiO2三种纳米氧化物颗粒作为钻井液改性添加剂,利用极压润滑仪及销盘摩擦磨损实验仪研究了添加不同种类和浓度纳米颗粒氧化物对水基钻井液的润滑性能及减摩效果的影响。结果表明,所添加的3种球形纳米颗粒均有润滑减阻减摩的效果,其中SiO2颗粒的钻井液的润滑性能、滤失性能以及减摩效果都是最好的。当纳米SiO2颗粒加量为0.4%时,滤失量最小,润滑系数降低率达到15.6%,摩擦系数降低率为32.0%,磨痕轨迹平滑,减摩效果最为明显。当纳米颗粒浓度超过0.5%时,减摩效果降低,磨盘脱层磨损明显。  相似文献   
泵压是反映金刚石绳索取心钻进时井内作业是否正常的重要参数。为了进一步研究泵压波动变化与实际钻进作业之间的关系,指导钻进工作的快速、安全开展,结合江西相山河元背地区CUSD2井实际泵压波动数据及相关钻进资料,建立了适用于本井的循环系统压力损失计算模型。对比分析模型计算的理论泵压与实际泵压的波动变化趋势,将模型应用于实际钻进,在此基础上预测后续地层的泵压波动区域范围,发现7 MPa的泵压安全值不再适用于后续地层钻进,调整设置泵压安全值为10 MPa,并利用邻井泵压波动数据进一步验证其可靠性。适当调整修正理论模型,使其可应用于河元背以及相山地区绳索取心钻进中,指导该地区钻探工作。  相似文献   
To address the limitations of manually selecting aids to navigation (AtNs) on charts, a method for automatically selecting AtNs based on their spatial influence domains (SIDs) is proposed. First, the associations between the spatial attributes of an AtN are analyzed. Second, an SID of the AtN is defined, and a model of the SID is constructed based on the associations between the spatial attributes. Third, the importance of the location of the AtN is weighted based on the SID model. Fourth, an algorithm to automatically select AtNs based on the maximum coverage of the SIDS of preselected AtNs is developed. Finally, several AtNs are selected automatically using the algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that (1) the proposed method can automatically select AtNs and the results comply with the requirements; (2) the automatic selection can eliminate the human-induced errors or the inconsistent results of manual selections from different operators; and (3) the efficiency of the proposed method is higher than that of current manual methods.  相似文献   
以新柯地1井钻井工程设计为例,简述了工程设计的一般要求和原则,对新柯地1井工程设计的难点、钻井结构设计、钻机选型和设备要求、钻具组合和钻进参数、钻井液、固井、井控设计、录井、测井以及钻井工程施工情况进行了介绍。  相似文献   
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