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内蒙古乌拉山地区麻粒岩相变质流体性状及其演化 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
流体是变质作用的重要因素之一。流体包裹体是变质作用某一时期流体相的最客观和最真实的记录。本区麻粒岩相变质流体以富CO_2为特点,具有高密度、较低的氧化还原电位和氧逸度。变质流体的演化具有与温压条件演化相同的PTt轨迹。随着变质作用演化,流体具有密度减小、体积增大的趋势,反映了变质过程流体的演化特点及其动力学机制。 相似文献
泥河湾盆地东部郝家台地区的台儿沟东剖面主要出露地层为更新统和上新统,剖面顶部为厚9.4 m的马兰黄土和古土壤,剖面中部由更新统郝家台组和泥河湾组构成,剖面下部为上新统蔚县组。郝家台组和泥河湾组为三角洲平原、三角洲前缘和少量前三角洲亚相沉积组合,其中三角洲平原亚相可分为分支河道、分支间湾、天然堤、沼泽和淡水湖泊5个微相,由发育大型板状斜层理和底冲刷面构造的粗砂夹砾石透镜体,含钙质结核的透镜状黄褐色中 细砂以及富含炭屑的深色粘土等共同构成;三角洲前缘亚相则由水下分支河道、支流间湾、河口砂坝和末端砂坝构成,以发育底冲刷面构造并夹有细砾石透镜体的细中粒砂、小型板状斜层理细砂以及分选好且质纯的细砂等组合为特征;前三角洲亚相相对不发育,主要由浅灰色粘土以及灰绿色、灰黑色粘土夹钙质结核构成。蔚县组主要由滨湖亚相和浅湖亚相构成,其中前者为多种颜色的并发育泥裂和滑塌构造的粘土、粉砂组合,局部夹有透镜状砂砾层,底冲刷面发育;后者主要由粉砂、粘土组合构成,局部可见由砂泥交互构成的透镜状层理。古水流分析结果表明,上新统蔚县组沉积物源区位于泥河湾盆地NE侧,更新统泥河湾组和郝家台组碎屑沉积物主要来自于NE和NW方向,而泥河湾组底部约15 m厚沉积物除了来自NE方向外,还有部分沉积物来自SSW方向物源区。表明自上新世以来,泥河湾盆地周边具有北高南低古地理格局,从而为盆地提供丰富的碎屑沉积物。 相似文献
利用Micaps常规观测资料、自动站加密观测资料、NCEP再分析资料和GOES卫星资料,从环流背景、水汽条件、动力条件、不稳定机制等方面,重点对2008年7月22日襄樊罕见特大暴雨的中尺度观测特征与物理机制进行分析.结果表明:此次特大暴雨是在副热带高压、高空槽、西南低涡、切变线和地面倒槽的共同作用下发生的:切变线上对流云团在暴雨区合并、加强是造成襄樊罕见特大暴雨天气的直接原因,强降水发生在TBB低值中心;沿低空急流建立的从南海到华中地区的水汽通道,为暴雨发生发展直接输送暖湿空气;低层强烈的水汽输送和水汽辐合使暴雨区大气湿层迅速增厚,为暴雨发生发展提供了有利的水汽条件;低层辐合、高层辐散和整层正涡度的配置以及强的垂直上升运动,为暴雨发生提供了动力条件;能量锋锋生、湿度锋锋生对中尺度对流系统发生发展具有触发作用. 相似文献
滇黔准静止锋诱发贵州春季暴雨的锋生机制分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用卫星云图、常规地面观测资料和逐6 h的1°×1°NCEP再分析资料,对2003-2006年春季滇黔准静止锋背景下,出现的5次贵州暴雨天气过程进行了诊断分析和总结。结果表明:在准静止锋背景下,贵州春季暴雨是由高低空急流、高空槽、冷空气与准静止锋的共同作用产生的。低空急流将大量的水汽从孟加拉湾和北部湾输送到贵州,不断积累对流有效位能;高空急流的加速增强了"高层辐散、低层辐合"的大尺度上升运动,并通过急流下侧的正环流圈带动冷空气南下,使得准静止锋活跃锋生,是暴雨天气过程的触发机制。锋生现象分析表明,高空急流加速导致对流层中高层极锋锋区内锋生和对流层中层正环流圈的形成,加强了准静止锋附近的水平变形和垂直运动,进而促使锋生加强。水平变形和垂直运动对暴雨的产生也有直接影响:水平变形项范围越大则降雨强度越强,与垂直运动相关的倾斜项移动与在准静止锋附近生成的强对流云团的移动方向一致。准静止锋与贵州春季的暴雨过程关系密切,暴雨落区集中分布在准静止锋南侧1个纬距带内。高空急流加速度、冷锋附近的水汽辐合强度以及对流有效位能的高能舌区范围对暴雨范围和强度有指示作用。基于以上锋生机制,提炼了滇黔准静止锋诱发贵州春季暴雨的物理模型。 相似文献
本文通过分析苏浙皖长兴期各沉积相带牙形石产出频率、分异度和种类,认为正常浅海的碳酸盐岩台地和较深水台沟区最适合牙形石动物群生息,并认为由于有两种生态类型的牙形石动物,即洋面浮游型和底栖型,导致了不同相区地层中牙形石属种组合上的差异。 相似文献
塔中地良奥陶系地层格架与沉积演化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
塔里木中部地区奥陶系大致以Ⅰ号断裂为界分东北和西南两个地层分区,自下而上分白云岩段、灰岩段、泥质灰岩段、泥岩夹灰岩段、泥岩夹砂岩段、砂砾岩段、泥岩夹砂岩段、泥岩灰岩互层段和砂岩段等9个岩性段。早奥陶世,塔中地区以碳酸盐岩台地相为主,自西向东为局限台地相、开阔台地相、台地边缘相和深水斜坡相。中——晚奥陶世,塔中地区西部以混积陆架相为主,东部以深水斜坡相为主。中—晚奥陶世,塔中东部及塔东地区在构造上具弧后前陆盆地性质。中—上奥陶统地层完整地记录了该盆地从形成发展到消亡的过程,即早期为深水斜坡相复理石活动沉积,晚期演化为浅海陆架相稳定沉积。 相似文献
The complicated evolutive process of how a tropical cyclone transforms into an extratropical cyclone is still an unresolved issue to date, especially one which arises in a weakly baroclinic environment. Typhoon Winnie (1997) is studied during its extratropical transformation stage of extratropical transition (ET) with observational data and numerical simulations. Results show that Winnie experienced its extratropical transformation to the south of the subtropical high without intrusion of the mid-latitude baroclinic zone. This is significantly different from previous studies. Analyses reveal that the cold air, which appeared in the north edge of Winnie circulation, resulted from the precipitation drag and cooling effect of latent heat absorption associated with the intense precipitation there. The cooling only happened below 3 km and the greatest cooling was below 1 km. With the cold air and its advection by the circulation of Winnie, a front was formed in the lower troposphere. The front above is related not only to the cooling in the lower level but also to the warming effect of latent heat release in the middle-upper levels. The different temperature variation in the vertical caused the temperature gradient over Winnie and resulted in the baroclinicity. 相似文献
Integrated metamorphic and geochronological data place new constraintson the metamorphic evolution of a Neoproterozoic orogen in eastAntarctica. Granulite-facies rocks from a 150 km stretch ofthe Kemp Land coast reflect peak conditions involving T 870990°Cat P 7·410 kbar, with pressure increasing westwardtowards an Archaean craton. Electron microprobe-derived (Th+ U)Pb monazite ages from metapelitic assemblages indicatethat the major mineral textures in these rocks developed duringthe c. 940 Ma Rayner Orogeny. Complex compositional zoning inmonazite suggests high-T recrystallization over c. 25 Myr. Diversityin metapelitic reaction textures reflects silica and ferromagnesiancontent: Si-saturated Fe-rich metapelites contain garnet thatis partially pseudomorphed by biotite and sillimanite, whereasSi-saturated Mg-rich metapelites and Si-undersaturated metapeliticpods have reaction microstructures involving cordierite enclosingorthopyroxene, garnet and/or sapphirine, cordierite + sapphirinesymplectites around sillimanite and coarse-grained orthopyroxene+ corundum separated by sapphirine coronae. Interpretationsbased on PT pseudosections provide integrated bulk-rockconstraints and indicate a clockwise PTt pathcharacterized by a post-peak PT trajectory with dP/dT 1520 bar/ °C. This moderately sloped decompressive-coolingPT path is in contrast to near-isothermal decompressionPT paths commonly cited for this region of the RaynerComplex, with implications for the post-collisional tectonicresponse of the mid- to lower crust within this orogenic belt. KEY WORDS: electron microprobe monazite dating; granulite facies; Rayner Complex; sapphirine; THERMOCALCMinerals abbreviations: q, quartz; g, garnet; sill, sillimanite; ky, kyanite; opx, orthopyroxene; cd, cordierite; ksp, alkali feldspar; pl, plagioclase; bi, biotite; sp, spinel; ilm, ilmenite; mt, magnetite; ru, rutile; sa, sapphirine; cor, corundum; osm, osumilite; liq, silicate melt; mnz, monazite 相似文献
柴达木盆地北缘东部侏罗系发育特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
侏罗系是柴达木盆地主力生油层,主要分布于盆地北缘。通过对柴北缘侏罗系标志层、岩性特征和沉积体系的综合研究,明确了主要露头剖面侏罗纪不同时期的沉积相类型。本区侏罗系主要发育 5 种类型沉积相,包括冲积扇、辫状河、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲和湖泊,相带的展布和古地理演化均与区域构造运动密切相关。根据侏罗系内部及其与上下地层的接触关系和沉积旋回演化,柴达木盆地北缘东部经历了早--中侏罗世断陷湖盆沉积到晚侏罗世挤压坳陷沉积两大沉积演化阶段。 相似文献
Spatially-focussed melt formation in aluminous metapelites from Broken Hill, Australia 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
Large garnet poikiloblasts hosted by leucosome in metapelitic gneiss from Broken Hill reflect complex mineral–melt relationships. The spatial relationship between the leucosomes and the garnet poikiloblasts implies that the growth of garnet was strongly linked to the production of melt. The apparent difficulty of garnet to nucleate a large number of grains during the prograde breakdown of coexisting biotite and sillimanite led to the spatial focussing of melting reactions around the few garnet nuclei that formed. Continued reaction of biotite and sillimanite required diffusion of elements from where minerals were reacting to sites of garnet growth. This diffusion was driven by chemical potential gradients between garnet‐bearing and garnet‐absent parts of the rock. As a consequence, melt and peritectic K‐feldspar also preferentially formed around the garnet. The diffusion of elements led to the chemical partitioning of the rock within an overall context in which equilibrium may have been approached. Thus, the garnet‐bearing leucosomes record in situ melt formation around garnet porphyroblasts rather than centimetre‐scale physical melt migration and segregation. The near complete preservation of the high‐grade assemblages in the mesosome and leucosome is consistent with substantial melt loss. Interconnected networks between garnet‐rich leucosomes provide the most likely pathway for melt migration. Decimetre‐scale, coarse‐grained, garnet‐poor leucosomes may represent areas of melt flux through a large‐scale melt transfer network. 相似文献