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In this paper, the authors analyze the quasistationary fronts, surface conditions, and atmospheric stratification processes associated with a freezing precipitation event over the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River, especially in the Dabie mountain during February-March 2009. The long duration of freezing precipitation was primarily caused by stationary and anomalous synoptic weather patterns, such as a blocking high pressure in the northern branch and a trough in the southern branch of the westerlies, which resulted in the encounter cold air from northern China and warm moisture from the south. The east-west-oriented, quasi-stationary front (or shear line) found in central China was mostly responsible for producing the precipitation. The warm layer and nearsurface frozen layer were located in the lower troposphere along the front zone. Although the warm layer (〉 0℃) existed along the whole front, a surface temperature less than 0℃ appeared only over the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River, especially in the Dabie mountain. Therefore, the surface temperature was the main influencing factor, as the freezing precipitation only happened over the Dabie mountain.  相似文献   
为了分析海洋水体垂向水流紊动及紊动交换情况而采用了一维的海洋边界层模型(Mellor-Yamada)并利用数值实验的方法对悬沙、盐度、温度等数据进行分析。原模型未将悬沙考虑在内,本文试将它引入进去探讨由于它的存在对紊动混合特性的影响。2000年4月,Mellor将最初的模型引入了依赖于Richardson数的紊动动能耗散率。本文通过比较具有悬沙和不具有悬沙两种情况下的速度、温度和盐度垂向分布随时间的变化,分析讨论由于悬沙的存在所引发的密度层化对紊动混合作用的影响,并发现悬浮泥沙抑制了部分模拟时间的紊动混合作用。  相似文献   
耕地是丘陵山区稀缺的土地资源,具有地形条件复杂、种植结构多样的特点,导致了山地耕地信息难以快速、准确获取,并且基于传统的遥感数据及遥感监测方法开展山区耕地信息快速自动提取比较困难。针对这一问题,本文以西南山区贵州省息烽县作为试验区,根据地理空间异质性特征,提出分区控制、分层提取的耕地形态信息提取思路,构建了一种地貌单元约束条件下的分区分层耕地形态信息的提取方法。该方法首先根据地貌-植被特征将试验区划分为平坝区、山坡区、林草区3类地理分区;然后在每类分区基础上,根据耕地所呈现的视觉特征划分为不同的类型,对不同类型的耕地分别设计不同的深度学习模型进行分层提取。试验结果证明,该方法对山区复杂地形背景噪声具有较好的抑制作用,所提取的耕地地块信息相比于传统方法更符合实际耕地的实际分布形态,有效地减少了漏提率和错提率。  相似文献   
“尤特”特大暴雨过程的热力条件分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
程正泉  林良勋  沙天阳  杨国杰 《气象》2014,40(12):1507-1512
1311号强台风尤特登陆后给广东带来持续性大范围强降水,对流降水特征十分显著。文章分析了"尤特"影响期间大尺度环流背景,重点讨论了此次持续性强降水过程中大气层结问题。发现低空急流向广东输送强的暖平流,是广东大气层结不稳定得以持续维持的根本原因。进一步分析发现,低空急流本身并不是"暖"的,当"尤特"趋向陆地时,陆地上的暖气团在"尤特"环流强迫下向南传播扩散,低空急流穿越这一暖区时温度升高才具备"暖"的特性。温度诊断方程结果进一步证实这一点。通过个例反查,在许多登陆后造成连续强降水的台风过程中均发现了这一特征。因此,台风登陆引起环境温度场的演变以及与低空急流的配置需引起业务预报上的重视。  相似文献   
华北地区一次连续大雾的诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
吕淑琳  张敏  张晓平 《气象科技》2008,36(4):425-428
对2004年11月29日到12月4日华北地区一次连续大雾过程进行了分析.结果表明:高空西北气流以及西南暖湿气流是大雾发生的重要条件;大雾期间地面上的相对湿度达到了94%以上,华北地区先后被稳定的大陆高压和鞍形场控制.低层充沛的水汽、稳定的层结条件以及低空风速较小导致该地区水汽不能及时随大气扩散;高层下沉以及低层有弱的上升气流在低空的某层高度上易形成稳定层结,导致大雾的形成.  相似文献   
水柱中CO2分压(pCO2)的时空分布在一定程度上可反映水中碳的环境地化特征.本研究在夏季分层期间对三峡水库澎溪河(小江)流域高阳回水区段进行了昼夜连续观测发现,恒定的温跃层中pCO2随水深增加而显著增大,表层0.5 m处pCO2均值为152±71μatm,而在水深10.0 m处pCO2均值为4568±1089μatm,同水温、pH及DO存在明显的负相关关系,进一步分析认为水温等将影响微生物、浮游植物的代谢过程及水气界面对流传输,进而对pCO2分布产生影响.对水气界面CO2扩散通量的估算结果表明,夏季分层期间高阳水域总体上表现为CO2的汇,其对大气CO2的吸收量最大值于15:00左右,达到-0.33 mmol/(m2.h);最弱在次日凌晨3:00左右,吸收量仅为-0.17 mmol/(m2.h).  相似文献   
本文利用卫星高度计数据和分析数据,并结合同时期现场深水潜标的流速观测数据,研究了超强台风泰利过境前后台湾东北附近海域流场、位势密度场、位势涡度场以及黑潮入侵东海陆架强度的变化。分析结果表明,泰利台风通过改变台湾东北陆坡附近海域的流场、位势密度场,显著地削弱(增强)了西段(东段)陆坡附近的位势涡度梯度,从而使得西段(东段)陆坡黑潮入侵东海陆架的强度显著增强(减弱)。此外,本文还区分了台湾东北西部陆坡附近表层的跨陆坡"上凸型"位势涡度分布与次表层的跨陆坡"下凹型"位势涡度分布,并认为次表层的跨陆坡"下凹型"位势涡度分布也应作为台湾东北西部陆坡附近"位势涡度障碍"的重要组成部分。本文的研究结果揭示了大气中的台风过程对台湾东北黑潮入侵东海陆架产生显著影响的关键过程及机制,相关结论可为台湾东北黑潮入侵东海陆架变化规律的研究提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
Changes in ocean heat content(OHC), salinity, and stratification provide critical indicators for changes in Earth’s energy and water cycles. These cycles have been profoundly altered due to the emission of greenhouse gasses and other anthropogenic substances by human activities, driving pervasive changes in Earth’s climate system. In 2022, the world’s oceans, as given by OHC, were again the hottest in the historical record and exceeded the previous 2021 record maximum.According to IAP/CAS data, ...  相似文献   
A stratification parameter ,defined as theamount of mechanical energy required to bring about vertical mixing, has been calculated for theYellow Sea using available data over the past ten years.T he monthly distributions of Log are obtained to explain the features of the Yellow Sea stratification.Fronts of the shallow shelf sea are often inseparably related with its stratifications. The front of the Yellow Sea in the warm half-year is generated in May and disappears in November. The shelf front moves shoreward and becomes strong in the heating season, but becomes weak in the cooling season upon return.  相似文献   
Gross sedimentation rates (GSR) have been measured using sediment traps placed at nine different levels above the bed (0·3, 0·5, 0·8, 1·0, 2·0, 4·0, 6·0, 8·0 and 10·0 m). The sediment traps were deployed for 1·25 years and recovered 28 times during the study period. Low average GSR values of 5·5 g m-2 day-1 were obtained at 10·0 m, and high average GSR values of 114·8 g m-2 day-1 were obtained at 0·3 m. An expression for the eddy diffusion coefficient of suspended particulate matter (Ks), based on the measured GSR is given. The expression has been used for modelling of Ks at the different trap levels above the bed. High values (≈42 cm2 s-1) of Ks were obtained at the upper traps, whereas low values (≈2 cm2 s-1) were obtained near the bed. Comparison between level of turbulent energy in terms of shear stress at the boundaries of the water column, i.e. from the wind and the bed flow, showed that wind energy exceeded that of the bed flow by a factor 16. At 5·0 m Ks was positively correlated (r=0·66) to the eddy diffusion coefficient of momentum (Km) derived from the wind energy transfer to the water, giving an average β of 0·5 for KsKm. The density difference between surface and bottom waters has been designated a parameter of stratification, and is discussed in relation to variations of Ks and Km .  相似文献   
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