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In the construction of Qinghai-Tibet railway,to avoid diseases caused by frost heave and thaw col-lapse of frozen ground,besides the normal bridges over the rivers,a lot of dry bridge structures have been built to replace subgrade in the regions of high tem-perature and high ice content frozen soil.So,the problems on forming mechanism of bearing capacity of pile foundation in cold regions already become one of hot spot problems in frozen soil engineering.Freezing force and frost heave force ar…  相似文献   
北方冬小麦冬季冻害及播期延迟应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
全球变暖背景下, 我国北方冬麦区冬季冻害是否仍是主要气象灾害,冬小麦播期延迟是否能作为应对气候变化的措施,成为当前亟待解决的科学问题。研究表明:1981—2000年北方冬麦区偏北地区冬季冻害指数与冬小麦减产率相关系数为0.62(达到0.001显著性水平),即2000年前冬季冻害是冬小麦减产的主要气象灾害之一;2000年后冻害与冬小麦减产率相关不显著,即冬季冻害已不再是冬小麦减产的主要影响因子。2018—2021年的冬小麦分期播种试验分析表明:山东泰安和陕西咸阳主栽的冬小麦品种播期推迟,冬前积温和生长季积温明显减少,导致冬小麦植株高度、地上总干重和叶面积指数减小;播期推迟对产量结构造成不利影响,有效穗数、穗粒数和千粒重均分别减少,导致减产,播期推迟10 d平均减产22%,推迟20 d平均减产40%。因此,冬小麦推迟播期并未产生积极效应, 可能原因是当前冬小麦播期和主栽的冬小麦品种已适应当地气候变化。  相似文献   
季节性冻结滞水促滑效应——滑坡发育的一种新因素   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
吴玮江 《冰川冻土》1997,19(4):359-365
在综合分析西北季节性冻土地区滑坡发生时间规律和危险斜坡变形动态规律的基础上,提出季节性冻融作用产生的冻结滞水效应可使斜坡区地下水富集,土体软化范围扩大瞌 水压力增大,是本区滑坡发育的一种重要外动力因素,并对其作用机理和发生条件进行了论述。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于冷冻脱盐的海水双级冷冻预淡化系统。该系统利用蒸发结晶器对海水进行冷冻,并通过振动分离与洗涤实现冰晶与卤水的分离,以此实现海水的初步脱盐,可作为反渗透淡化的预处理系统。同时,海水冷冻淡化过程中消耗的冷量可重新回收用于空调制冷,淡化成本得以有效降低。本文建立了海水双级冷冻预淡化系统的数学模型,获得了试验系统的关键设计参数,以此搭建了试验平台并完成了试验测试,并对海水双级冷冻预淡化系统进行了经济性分析。试验结果表明:经过海水冷冻预淡化系统,预淡化海水产量可维持在21~27 L/h之间;预淡化海水盐度可从35降低到约11;预淡化过程可回收总冷量7.91 kW;反渗透淡化总成本可降低约33%。  相似文献   
The common practice of freezing sediment cores for later chemical investigation was shown to be inappropriate for samples containing selenium. Pore waters from frozen estuarine sediment cores contained up to eighty times the selenium content of those extracted from chilled but unfrozen cores. Experiments suggested that the increase in selenium concentrations resulted from rupturing the cells of selenium-accumulating bacteria present in the samples.  相似文献   
Debris in basal ice produced by glaciohydraulic supercooling is typically characterized by high proportions of silt. A prominent hypothesis for this silt‐dominance is that frazil ice growing in supercooled water preferentially traps silt from sediment‐laden water percolating through it. It has therefore been suggested that silt‐dominance may be diagnostic of glaciohydraulic supercooling. The aim of our work is to test this hypothesis that freezing sediment‐laden supercooled water necessarily produces ice dominated by silt. We do this by simulating two freezing processes under laboratory conditions: (1) percolation of sediment‐laden water through frazil ice; (2) turbulent supercooling and subsequent freezing of sediment‐laden water. In experiments repeated using different particle sizes (sand, silt and clay in individual experiments) both processes entrained sand most effectively and silt least effectively. In experiments using a sediment mixture dominated by medium to coarse silt, both processes produced ice facies dominated by particle sizes between fine sand and coarse silt. These results suggest that silt‐dominance should therefore not be expected for supercooled freeze‐on, and is not a reliable diagnostic signature for supercooling. The silt‐dominated character of basal ice types associated with supercooling may result from other controls such as a silt‐dominated sediment supply or subglacial water flow rates, rather than the freezing process.  相似文献   
四种客观定量表征阻塞高压方法的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
金荣花  李艳  王式功 《高原气象》2009,28(5):1121-1128
已有的阻塞高压客观定量化表征方法可归纳为距平方法、 T&M方法、 动力学方法和环流型方法四种。以2008年1月1日~2月2日中国持续性低温雨雪冰冻灾害期间的阻塞高压事件为例, 利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析等压面资料, 检验对比了上述四种方法的优点与缺点。结果表明, 每种方法都有其优点和局限性, 表明仅以某种标准或公式的客观方法实现对多种形态的阻塞高压的精确识别是极其困难的。同时还指出, 研究者和业务技术人员在了解各种阻塞高压客观表征方法的优、 缺点基础上, 针对具体需求选取适合的方法, 也可以结合实际情况予以改进, 都将可能获得更好的应用效果。  相似文献   
一个观察北极涛动与北大西洋涛动关系的典型个例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵南  王启祎 《气象学报》2010,68(6):847-854
北极涛动与大西洋涛动是否属同一气候变率模态一直是北极涛动动力学研究方面的一个颇具争议的话题。文中通过对"0801南方雪灾"期间及其前后北极涛动与北大西洋涛动异常及产生原因进行个例分析,对两者之间的关系进行了讨论。首先使用交叉子波变换与子波相关方法分析了两者的相位关系。发现在30—60天时间尺度上北极涛动与北大西洋涛动相位相差90°或-90°。而在10 20天这一尺度上北极涛动与北大西洋涛动具有大致相同的相位。对北极涛动及北大西洋涛动形成的动力过程及其在拉尼娜背景下各自特点的分析表明,这种不同尺度上位相关系的差异来自于波-流相互作用动力学的局域性。众所周知,北极涛动的3个活动中心的形成与分别位于北大西洋、北太平洋和北极平流层的3个波流相互作用中心有关。而北大西洋涛动则主要与位于北大西洋的波-流相互作用中心有关。拉尼娜事件的出现通过影响太平洋急流及行星尺度的准定常波从而进一步强化了30-60天时间尺度上北极涛动与北大西洋涛动的这种差异。这主要是因为太平洋急流或准定常行星波在对流层中直接影响了位于该区域的北极涛动的活动中心。同时准定常行星波冬季向上传播至平流层并与平流层极涡相互作用从而也影响了北极涛动在北极的活动中心。而在10—20天时间尺度上的北极涛动与北大西洋涛动同步关系则说明它们都是北极涛动的另一活动中心即大西洋上同一波-流相互作用现象——天气波破碎的反映。基于上述分析.文中倾向于认同将北极涛动和北大西洋涛动区别考虑的观点。  相似文献   
广东2008年低温雨雪冰冻灾害及气象应急响应   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
2008年初我国南方遭受了百年一遇低温雨雪冰冻灾害,广东的受灾程度属80年一遇,造成了重大经济损失和严重社会影响.分析发现:灾害过程在近年来最严重的一次"拉尼娜"事件背景下发生的,与欧亚地区持续大气环流异常密切相关.在"北脊南槽"和西太平洋副高偏北偏强的形势下,冷暖气流在我国南方地区频繁交汇,使对流层中低层形成逆温层和局地经向环流产生异常,造成了此次持续低温雨雪冰冻过程.面对灾害引发的公共事件,广东省气象部门打破常规、准确预警,启动预案,通过媒体和"公共事件预警信息发布平台",及时传播权威的公共预警信息,为安定民心、稳定社会、减少灾害起到积极作用.灾后反思发现,山区冰灾的监测、灾害的评估、公共信息发布等的能力和规范均亟待加强.  相似文献   
Day-to-day precipitation data of Junes during the 43 years of 1958-2000 from stations to the south of Yangtze River are used to divide regions and run statistical analysis of sustained torrential rainfall processes. A preliminary analysis is then made based on it and the results show that June is the month in which torrential rains in the southern half of China take place frequently and sustained torrential rains occur at the same time in South China and the area to the south of Yangtze River. In addition, the analysis gives the basic features of sustained torrential rains of June in China and their interannual variability patterns, with the suggestion that the amount of these events increases significantly after the 1990s. Lastly, the sustained torrential rains occurring in Junes of 1994, 1998 and 2005 in the southern half of China are taken as examples in the research on the basic patterns and formation mechanisms of the evolution of double rain-bands during the rain season in South China and the area to the south of Yangtze River. The analysis shows that the large scale environment field in which sustained torrential rains occur is related to the stable sustaining of the South Asia High and upper level jet streams.  相似文献   
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