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矿山工程裂隙破碎带的三维地震模式识别原理及应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从时间域、频率域、三维空间域介绍了矿山工程裂隙破碎带主要的地震运动学、动力学属性参数,包括相对振幅、波峰相位时间、相似系数、主频带能量、三维空间时间梯度和相干系数等,提出了矿山工程裂隙破碎带三维地震属性的去噪平滑、归一化、相关分析、特征变换的处理方法以及裂隙破碎带的模式识别原理与方法,并用实例说明了该方法的应用效果。结果表明:模式识别法对于解释矿山工程的裂隙破碎带是有效的,并具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
Understanding how the strength of basaltic rock varies with the extrinsic conditions of stress state, pressure and temperature, and the intrinsic rock physical properties is fundamental to understanding the dynamics of volcanic systems. In particular it is essential to understand how rock strength at high temperatures is limited by fracture. We have collated and analysed laboratory data for basaltic rocks from over 500 rock deformation experiments and plotted these on principal stress failure maps. We have fitted an empirical flow law (Norton’s law) and a theoretical fracture criterion to these data. The principal stress failure map is a graphical representation of ductile and brittle experimental data together with flow and fracture envelopes under varying strain rate, temperature and pressure. We have used these maps to re-interpret the ductile–brittle transition in basaltic rocks at high temperatures and show, conceptually, how these failure maps can be applied to volcanic systems, using lava flows as an example.  相似文献   
压裂井经济分析的优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水力压裂是油气井增产的一项重要技术措施。压裂效果的经济评价,实际上是一个压裂设计的优化过程。研究经济问题即为研究压裂优化问题。提出了压裂井的施工费用计算方法和贴现率、净收入、净现值的计算公式,并对压裂井进行了经济分析,给出了压裂设计优化的步骤。建立了八屋—后五家户气田压裂经济评价模型,并应用到实际施工现场。使油气单井产量比过去增加2~3倍。  相似文献   
慢地震慢前兆的机制研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过岩石高温高压破裂实验与有机玻璃破裂试验的应力—应变曲线对比、地震波形记录(观测资料)与试样破裂波形(实验资料)对比、地震前后定点应变与主破裂前后应变形态变化的对比,认为慢地震是临界或亚临界破裂或预先滑动所致,是低频应变波动。它是材料屈服、弱化或塑性变化的必然结果。而慢前兆则是临近大地震(大破裂)前出现的诸如形变、低频地震波(破裂弹性波)等的短期及临震前兆现象,它比较可靠。但由于许多岩石主破裂前并无明显的临界破裂或预滑动现象,也并非所有岩石都一定出现明显屈服,所以也并非每个地震前都有慢地震,因此,也就不一定都出现低频波动。从而,也并不一定都出现相同的短期、临震前兆现象。  相似文献   
古潜山火成岩裂缝带划分与孔隙度计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对火成岩岩性成分复杂,常规测井难以正确划分岩性,严重阻碍了储层参数的定量计算。本文提出模糊聚类划分岩性,采用综合概率法与混合体积模型计算裂缝孔隙度、有效孔隙度等参数。其测井解释结果与井壁取心和地质描述资料对照,完全吻合。  相似文献   
讨论了渭北矿区地表裂陷的成因、危害、防治的方法和意义。指出地震、活动性断裂、人类采矿活动、地下水活动等地质作用和煤层埋藏地质条件是矿区地表裂陷地质灾害的主要原因。矿山有关部门在减灾、防灾方面应采取的措施。  相似文献   
利用断裂活动过程中留下的各种地质标记研究断裂发育史是比较困难的 ,已有的研究方法主要可归纳出七种 ,都存在局限性。岩层离距图法是以地震剖面为基础 ,将穿过断裂的各剖面上的标志层投影到沿断裂走向的铅垂面上 ,得到多组标志层的垂向断距数据 ,然后用下部各标志层的断距减去最上部标志层的断距 ,并作多轮次计算 ,直到最后的断距差近似为零或仅剩一个非零标志层。每一轮次计算代表一个活动期次 ,如果出现负值 ,则表示有构造反转。对松辽盆地敖古拉断裂作了实例计算 ,结果为该断裂发育经历了三个正断活动期和一个逆断活动期 ,与盆地区域性活动有些差别。岩层离距图法比起其他已有方法 ,可靠程度大大提高  相似文献   
煤内生裂隙的成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据多年对煤层裂隙的几何形态、分布规律、性质、与煤层的组合关系等的研究,认为煤内生裂隙是在煤化作用过程中,由于脱水、脱挥发分、煤体积收缩作用产生或者是由于煤化作用生成的水、气体及温度升高,孔隙产生膨胀,形成异常高压产生的;裂隙的发育方向因受区域应力场的控制,区域上具有一致性,且走向与最大主应力方向一致;内生裂隙属于张性裂隙。  相似文献   
The superimposed basin must have undergone the changes of regional stress field. Study on the nature and switch of regional stress field of superimposed basin is very useful to understanding its stress state and tectonic events during its formation and evolution. As sensitive markers of small stress changes, joint and shear fracture, characterized by consistency of orientation over wide area, can be used to reconstruct paleostress state and its evolution. Detailed observations and analysis on the orientations, geometrical patterns, sequences of joints and shear fractures and their chronological relation to faults and folds show that, the NEE-SWW systematic joints and NNW-SSE systematic joints developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are much more prominent than NW-SE systematic joints and shear fractures with different orientations. And the NWW-SEE and NW-SE systematic joints formed later than NEE-SWW systematic joints but earlier than shear fractures with different orientations. According to the relationships between joint and shear fractures and stress, the NEE-SWW systematic joints are inferred to result from lateral weak extension caused by the late Cretaceous regional uplift, while the NNW-SSE and NW-SE systematic joints are interpreted as syn-tectonic deformation relating to strong N-S compression in the Neogene. But some conjugate shear fractures occur probably due to sinistral strike-slip faulting in the Kuqa depression. At the beginning of the Neogene, the stress field changed and the maximal principal stress σ1 switched from vertical to horizontal.  相似文献   
利用随机过程的谱展开理论以及Hudson等人的裂纹介质模型构造一种裂纹数密度是空间平稳随机过程的随机介质模型。这个模型可以将裂纹的微观参数(裂纹数密度)与裂纹介质的宏观性质(弹性常数)联系起来,能灵活、有效地描述实际非均匀裂纹介质。模型算例表明,弹性常数的空问分布特征与裂纹数密度的有差别,而且对不同的弹性常数影响不同。通过改编自相关长度的大小,可以模拟裂缝在两个坐标轴方向上具有不同分布尺度的情况。最后,利用高阶的交错网格有限差分方法,我们模拟了地震波在具有随机分布裂缝岩石中的传播特征。  相似文献   
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