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贺艳华  刘聪  周国华  陈妍 《热带地理》2021,41(2):327-339
通过构建城乡居民客观发展指数、主观幸福感指数和福祉差异系数,分析了2005-2015年长江经济带城镇、乡村居民福祉水平及其差距的动态变化过程和空间差异,探讨其影响因素与作用机制.结果表明:1)长江经济带及各省城乡居民福祉均呈上升趋势,区域城镇和乡村居民福祉指数分别由2005年的0.6653、0.5704提高至2015年...  相似文献   
Kaolinite claystones that are similar in structure, texture and composition to the kaolin tonsteins of Western Europe, and to some of the flint clays of North America, are associated with the Wongawilli Seam in the southern part of the Sydney Basin, where they form thin persistent bands within the coal and somewhat thicker deposits immediately overlying the seam. The thin bands within the coal are fine grained and consist of brecciated to pelletal clasts composed of well‐ordered kaolinite set in a matrix of similar composition. The thicker deposits overlying the seam are much coarser grained and appear restricted in occurrence to the basin margins. They contain a predominance of oolites with kaolinite clasts bonded by a relatively sparse matrix and in places, remarkable ‘outgrowths’ of vermicular kaolinite. The origin of the deposits is discussed, and it is concluded that most of the unusual features of these claystones can be ascribed to a fluvial environment.  相似文献   
卫星遥感接收数据是遥感影像应用的重要数据来源,因此对特殊格式的海量接收数据的存储和管理成为卫星遥感应用的重要环节。采用多层存储模式对数据分类、分级存储,建立空间数据库管理空间数据和属性数据。基于ArcEngine开发技术建立卫星接收数据管理平台,实现空间数据的快速查询和属性数据的自动入库等高效管理功能。  相似文献   
申玉铭  邓秀丽  任旺兵  黄霖 《地理研究》2012,31(7):1269-1279
创意产业从提出开始,就引起世界高度关注,并成为各国竞相发展的战略性产业。在新一轮的全球竞争中,各国纷纷把发展创意产业作为提升国家经济实力和软实力的重要途径。本文通过对国内外创意产业发展的空间分布特征及影响因素的梳理,总结创意产业发展的支撑条件,进一步构建了创意产业发展支撑条件的评价指标体系。运用主成分分析法对中国35个主要中心城市创意产业发展支撑条件进行了定量评价,并提出现阶段我国创意产业发展的空间战略:因地制宜、发挥特色、科学规划;聚焦若干重点创意产业集聚区的发展,增强集聚效应;强化以珠三角、长三角、京津冀三大创意产业集聚区的龙头带动作用;鼓励中西部地区以区域性中心城市为依托,将创意产业与本地产业升级的带动作用结合起来,形成各具特色的区域性创意中心。  相似文献   
With the rapid economic development during the last 30 years in China, more and more disparities have emerged among different regions. It has been one of the hot topics in the fields of physical geography and economic geography, and also has been the task for Chinese government to handle. Nevertheless, to quantitatively assess the impacts of physio-geographical patterns (PGP) on the regional development disparity has been ignored for a long time. In this paper, a quantitative method was adopted to assess the marginal effects of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity using the partial determination coefficients. The paper described the construction of the evaluation model step by step following its key scientific thinking. Total GDP, per capita GDP, primary industrial output value and secondary industrial output value were employed in this study as the indicators to reflect the impacts of PGP on the regional development disparity. Based on the evaluation methods built by researchers, this study firstly analyzed the temporal impacts of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity of the regional development in China during the past 50 years, and then explained the spatial differences at each development stage. The results show that the spatio-temporal disparity in China is highly related to the PGP, and that the marginal contribution rate could be employed as an effective way to quantitatively assess the impact of the PGP on spatio-temporal disparity of the regional development.  相似文献   
Accompanying economic growth, CO2 emissions have polluted the natural environment worldwide. This study highlights the special problems with stock market development and CO2 emissions in 25 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries during 1971–2007 to trace the trend of CO2 emissions while countries grow their economies. A panel‐data model is applied to analyze the relationships between stock market (SM) development, energy consumption, gross domestic product (GDP), and CO2 emissions in 25 OECD countries. Low‐GDP countries show different results from high‐GDP countries in the trends of SM development and CO2 emissions, and dynamic effects occur in SM development and CO2 emissions under various GDP conditions. There is a negative relationship between SM development and CO2 emissions if countries enjoy high economic growth, which means that these countries avoid CO2 emissions through SM development. However, a positive relationship is found between SM development and CO2 emissions if countries experience low economic growth, which means that SM development does not show the boycott‐effect relationship with CO2 emissions when countries experience low levels of economic development. This study shows a correlation between SM development and CO2 emissions among OECD countries.  相似文献   
率先实现农业现代化是全面振兴、全方位振兴东北老工业基地的重大任务。根据中国农业现代化理论内涵和实践要求,从投入、产出、社会发展3个维度构建农业现代化评价指标体系,对2008年、2018年东北地区40个地级行政单元的农业现代化水平进行测度与阶段划分。结果表明:① 从空间格局看,东北地区农业现代化水平呈现出“沿东北-西南轴线地区较高,轴线东西两侧地区较低”的空间格局,三江平原、松嫩平原及环渤海地区为高值集聚区;② 从发展速度看,东北地区各地市农业现代化水平整体有所提高,北部地区发展速度整体大于南部;③ 从所处阶段看,2018年处在农业现代化“初步实现”的地市占比达86%,东北地区农业现代化水平总体处在由“初步实现”向“基本实现”的转变阶段;④ 农业现代化发展水平3个分维度指标在地理空间上也表现出一定的地域分异格局;⑤ 不同地区应针对发展优势及资源禀赋,走符合自身特点的农业现代化路径。  相似文献   
随着互联网地图的迅速发展,国内外涌现出许多优秀的地图API(Application Programming Interface,应用程序接口),运用API进行地图服务开发能够为开发者提供强大的数据支撑和技术服务。本文针对这些地图API各有优劣点,并且侧重面不尽相同,开发者难以迅速从中选取到最适合于自身应用的接口问题,对目前主流的地图API进行分析比较,国外选取谷歌和ESRI,国内选取百度、高德和天地图,比较这几种地图API的地图质量、服务类型和侧重方向,以期能够为广大开发者利用地图API进行开发时提供选择依据。  相似文献   
地质旅游资源是以地质遗迹为依托的旅游资源 ,开发地质旅游资源可以提高人们的生活质量 ,促进经济发展。必须实行“在保护中开发 ,在开发中保护”的总原则 ,实现地质旅游资源的可持续发展  相似文献   
利津县城区的地热资源主要赋存于新生代新近纪和古近纪碎屑沉积岩中,热储类型为层状孔隙-裂隙型热储,地热资源类型属热传导型。新近纪馆陶组热储层组与古近纪东营组热储层组是主要的热储层。该文在论述利津县地热地质条件的基础上,对地热开发的经济、社会、环境效益及开发利用前景进行了分析,对地热开发中的尾水排放和回灌问题进行了探讨,最后提出了地热资源开发与管理方面的建议。  相似文献   
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