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垮落带破碎煤岩体空隙结构演变直接影响垮落带气体渗透特性,进而影响废弃矿井采空区煤层气运移富集规律。利用自主设计研发的第二代破碎煤岩体压实−渗流−CT扫描试验系统,开展5种粒径破碎无烟煤在不同气体压力、轴向应力及空隙率条件下162组渗透实验。结果表明:(1) 气体在破碎无烟煤中运移时气体压力、流量随时间一直处于动态变化直至达到吸附平衡,流量、压力恒定。(2) 低雷诺数下气体在破碎无烟煤中流动需要拟启动压力梯度,其值处于158.89~1 408.64 Pa/m,并随着轴压增大、空隙率减小而增大。(3) 破碎无烟煤渗透率处于10−12~10−10 m2,且渗透率随气体压力、空隙率增加分别呈现对数、指数函数式增长趋势。(4) 颗粒粒径越大则相同装料空间内破碎煤样初始空隙越大,更易于气体流动,因此相同空隙率时破碎无烟煤渗透率随粒径的增大而增大;不同粒径颗粒渗透率平均变化幅度均随空隙率减小而减小;然而颗粒粒径越大,减小相同空隙率时破碎无烟煤渗透率变化幅度减小越明显。废弃矿井采空区煤层气地面抽采时,地面钻井应优先布设在垮落带破碎煤岩体连同纵向“高位环形裂隙体”共同构成的“U”型高渗煤层气富集区内。

本文选取库车坳陷侏罗系阿合组—齐古组的碎屑岩样品,利用Stokes原理,通过同步跟进与离心分析相结合的多粒级提取的方式提取不同粒径的黏土矿物,包括〉20μm;20μm~5μm;5μm~2μm;2μm~0.2μm和〈0.2μm。不同粒径组分的黏土矿物呈现出不同的型貌特征,在20~2μm范围内的样品中,自生黏土矿物少见,大量可见碎屑来源的黏土矿物,由于经过了长期的机械搬运,难见完整的晶型。在〈2μm的样品中大量存在自生黏土矿物,大量成集合体,同时也存在碎屑蚀变成因的黏土矿物。通过XRD方法定量分析了所分离出的不同粒径黏土矿物的相对含量,黏土粒径范围内的黏土矿物相对含量呈现些规律变化。碎屑伊利石含量有随着粒级的减小而减少的趋势,而自生伊利石和伊蒙混层只在2~0.2μm及0,2μm以下粒级才出现,并且集中在0.2μm以下粒级范围内;在古气候,沉积环境和母岩特性及分布基本一致的情况下,高岭石的分布有随着岩性的变粗呈现升高的趋势,而伊利石呈负相关关系。碎屑岩中黏土矿物的形貌特征表明,黏土矿物有陆源碎屑来源与自生两种成因,应用Decoform软件对0.2μm以下黏土矿物中不同成因的伊利石进行了计算,并就存在的比例与粒径的关系进行了讨论。黏土矿物组合揭示侏罗纪沉积环境由酸性环境向微碱性环境过渡,早侏罗世和中侏罗世早期为气候潮湿时期,高岭石的含量明显高于侏罗世晚期地层,恰克马克期到齐古期高岭石含量开始出现减小的趋势。从恰克马克期开始,气候缓慢向干旱变化,高龄石含量降低,而伊利石的平均含量明显增加,反映黏土矿物组合主要受沉积环境和成岩作用共同影响。  相似文献   
孙晨  朱秉启 《地质学报》2024,98(6):1880-1892
长期化学风化速率(LCWR)和化学风化剥蚀率(CDF)是表征区域化学风化程度和揭示地貌和气候系统演变的重要依据。全球尺度上,中纬度地区的长期化学风化研究远比低纬地区争议更多,原因之一是其风化机制在理论认识上仍存在不确定性,特别是造山带地区的长期化学风化与物理侵蚀、构造、气候之间的关系等。本文利用地球化学质量平衡方法,针对北半球中纬度典型造山带(中亚黑河流域和北美内华达山脉)开展了相关数据和资料的系统整理与再分析,估算了黑河流域的LCWR值和物理侵蚀速率(E)值并与内华达山脉进行了对比研究。分析结果表明,黑河流域、内华达山脉的LCWR分别为17. 4~895 t/km2/a、1~173 t/km2/a,CDF分别为0. 17~0. 81、0. 02~0. 61,LCWR与E均显著正相关,与海拔高度、年均温度、年均降水量等仅局部相关。研究区的长期化学风化主要表现为“供应受限型”风化,但黑河流域局部地区已处于“供应受限”与“动力学受限”过渡的风化阶段。结合回归分析结果和已有成果的综合分析,中纬度造山带地区的长期化学风化速率受到地质、气候等因素的协同影响,但主控因素为地质因素,而化学风化剥蚀率则主要受控于其他因素。  相似文献   
不同浓度的Na2SO4水溶液的拉曼光谱显示了SO42-的四个拉曼活性带:980 cm-1处的SO42-的对称伸缩振动模式v1带,1 106 cm-1处的反对称伸缩振动模式v3带,448 cm-1处的变形振动模式v2带和617 cm-1处的变形振动模式v4带。482 cm-1处的肩膀峰是由于NaSO4-离子对的形成对448 cm-1的v2带的影响而形成的SO42-的一个新的振动峰。浓Na2SO4水溶液中,水共享离子对[Na+.H2O.SO42-]-是主要的离子对物种。随着Na2SO4水溶液浓度的增加,Na+和SO42-的相互作用增强,NaSO4-离子对所占的摩尔分数增加。  相似文献   
A trachytic tephra, discovered in the ancient lake of Sarliève, ‘Grande Limagne’, has been dated using the thermoluminescence technique. The obtained age, 16±4 ka (2σ), is older than that of the trachytic volcanoes of the Cha??ne des Puys, the ashes of which have already been locally recognised in the region. Its analysis confirms its originality. In the course of the comparisons made to search for its spring, it appears that the wide-dispersion tephra CF7, beforehand correlated by hypothesis to the Puy de Clierzou, probably originates from the Kilian crater or the Puy de Vasset. To cite this article: D. Miallier et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The Grid-point Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG version 1.0 (GAMIL1.0) is used to investigate the impacts of different convective schemes on the radiative energy budget.The two convective schemes are Zhang and McFarlance (1995)/Hack (1994) (ZM) and Tiedtke (1989)/Nordeng (1994) (TN).Two simulations are performed:one with the ZM scheme (EX_ZM) and the other with the TN scheme (EX_TN).The results indicate that during the convective process,more water vapor consumption and temperature increment are found in the EX_ZM,especially in the lower model layer,its environment is therefore very dry.In contrast,there is a moister atmosphere in the EX_TN,which favors low cloud formation and large-scale condensation,and hence more low cloud fraction,higher cloud water mixing ratio,and deeper cloud extinction optical depth are simulated,reflecting more solar radiative flux in the EX_TN.This explains why the TN scheme underestimates the net shortwave radiative flux at the top of the atmosphere and at surface.In addition,convection influences longwave radiation,surface sensible and latent heat fluxes through changes in cloud emissivity and precipitation.  相似文献   
以珠江三角洲平原为研究区域,对其7个区县102件水稻根系土样品进行土壤理化参数及Pb形态分析,探讨在第四系分布区土壤Pb全量及Pb活动态含量的特征及影响因素。结果表明:全部供试土壤样品中Pb元素平均含量为46.47mg/kg,略高于广东省土壤Pb含量背景值(36mg/kg),表现出一定的累积趋势。研究区自西北陆相沉积区至南部海陆交互相沉积区,元素含量增高。Pb元素主要以残渣态和铁锰氧化物形态赋存在土壤中,迁移能力弱。影响土壤Pb全量的因素主要有Al2O3、K2O、Tl、Mo;影响土壤Pb活动态的因素有Pb全量、pH、有机质、CEC、P、TFe2O3、Mn;其中,p H是控制Pb元素活动性的最主要因素。  相似文献   
南半球中高纬度区域不同类型云的辐射特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CloudSat的2B-CLDCLASS-LIDAR云分类产品和2B-FLXHR-LIDAR辐射产品4 a(2007-2010年)的数据,定量分析了单层云(高云、中云、低云)和3种双层云(如:高云与中云共存、高云与低云共存以及中云与低云共存)在南半球中高纬度(40°-65°S)的云量、云辐射强迫和云辐射加热率。其中云辐射加热率定义为有云时的大气加热率廓线与晴空大气加热率廓线的差值。结果表明:研究区域盛行单层低云和单层中云,其云量分别为44.1%和10.3%。并且,中云重叠低云在双层云中云量也是最大(8.7%)。不同类型云的云量也显著影响着其云辐射强迫。单层低云在大气层顶、地表以及大气中的净云辐射强迫分别是-64.8、-56.5和-8.4 W/m2,其绝对值大于其他类型云。虽然单层的中云在大气层顶和地表的净辐射强迫也为负值,但其在大气中的净云辐射强迫为正值(2.3 W/m2)。最后,讨论了不同类型云对大气中辐射能量垂直分布的影响。所有类型云的短波(或长波)云辐射加热率都随高度升高表现为由负值转为正值(或由正值转为负值)。对于大部分云,其净云辐射加热率主要由长波云辐射加热率决定。这些研究结果旨在为模式中云重叠参数化方案在区域的适用性评估及改进提供观测依据。   相似文献   
Absolute chronologies in paleoceanographic records are often constructed using the 14C dating of coarse fraction foraminifera (>150 μm). However, due to processes such as changes in sediment sources or abundances, sedimentation rates, bioturbation, reworking, the adsorption of modern carbon, etc., several studies conducted in different environmental settings have shown time-lags between records obtained from various granulometric fractions. In this study, we examined temporal phasing between the coarse foraminifera and fine fractions by studying changes in the abundances of δ18O, the 14C ages of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (G. ruber, 250–350 μm), and the sediment fine fraction (<63 μm) over the last 45 ka in a core obtained from the northern Caribbean Sea. All of the records were found to be in phase during part of the Holocene (at least for the last ≈6 ka). As determined from δ18O records and 14C ages, the fine fraction was younger than G. ruber during the Last Deglaciation (of 1.89 ka). The coupling between bioturbation and changes in the fine fraction, and G. ruber abundances, as tested using a numerical model of the bioturbation record within a mixed-layer depth of 8 cm, was sufficient to explain the results. 14C age discrepancies increased from 5.64 to 8.5 ka during Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 2 and 3, respectively. These chronological discrepancies could not be explained by only one process and seemed to result from the interplay between mechanisms: size-differentiated bioturbation (for 1.5 to 2.5 ka), the adsorption of modern atmospheric CO2 (for 3.04 to 5.92 ka), and variations in sedimentological processes that influenced the fine carbonate fraction. However, even if variations in the mineralogical composition of the fine carbonate fraction were identified using scanning-electron microscopy observations, X-ray diffraction measurements, and geochemical analyses (the mol % MgCO3 of magnesian calcite and the Sr/Ca ratio of the bulk fine fraction), they can not account for the observed age differences. The results presented for core MD03-2628 extend beyond this case study because they illustrate the need for a detailed characterization of the various size fractions prior to paleoclimate signal interpretations, especially for chronological studies.  相似文献   
利用卫星轨道资料获取降水云团尺度的新方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘奇  傅云飞  王雨 《遥感学报》2010,14(4):781-796
提出一种新的统计方案,以目标面积比为核心度量指标,并参照连续圆形目标定义目标面积比意义上的等效半径,实现对目标宏观尺度大小的量化估计。此方法能有效减轻轨道截断效应所造成的目标尺度低估,可对通过计数类方法得到的目标空间尺度做出有效修正。  相似文献   
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