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We report high-resolution macroscopic charcoal, pollen and sedimentological data for Agua Caliente, a freshwater lagoon located in southern Belize, and infer a late Holocene record of human land-use/climate interactions for the nearby prehistoric Maya center of Uxbenká. Land-use activities spanning the initial clearance of forests for agriculture through the drought-linked Maya collapse and continuing into the historic recolonization of the region are all reflected in the record. Human land alteration in association with swidden agriculture is evident early in the record during the Middle Preclassic starting ca. 2600 cal yr BP. Fire slowly tapered off during the Late and Terminal Classic, consistent with the gradual political demise and depopulation of the Uxbenká polity sometime between ca. 1150 and 950 cal yr BP, during a period of multiple droughts evident in a nearby speleothem record. Fire activity was at its lowest during the Maya Postclassic ca. 950–430 cal yr BP, but rose consistent with increasing recolonization of the region between ca. 430 cal yr BP and present. These data suggest that this environmental record provides both a proxy for 2800 years of cultural change, including colonization, growth, decline, and reorganization of regional populations, and an independent confirmation of recent paleoclimate reconstructions from the same region.  相似文献   
Based on the theories and methods of cartography on spatial pattern and temporal evolution in Geo-information Tupu (Carto-methodology in Geo-information, CMGI) and the quantitative measurements of pattern and process in landscape ecology, the methodology of landscape information Tupu in studying the swing process of the Yellow River (YR) over the Yellow River Delta (YRD) during 1855―2000 has been demonstrated. The main content includes (1) methodology of landscape information Tupu; (2) evolution process Tupu of YR rump channels; (3) evolution process Tupu of the 7 pieces of subdeltas in YRD during 1855―2000; (4) landscape information Tupu of the modern YRD and the current YRD; (5) landscape information Tupu of YR rump channels on the 7 pieces of subdeltas during 1855―2000; and (6) corridor-matrix landscape information Tupu by YR swings. The methodology of landscape information Tupu here is still primary but we hope that it could provide a new tool for exploring an integrated research on spatiotemporal approaches for landscape "pattern and process".  相似文献   
Soil-covered upland landscapes comprise a critical part of the habitable world and our understanding of their evolution as a function of different climatic, tectonic, and geologic regimes is important across a wide range of disciplines. Soil production and transport play essential roles in controlling the spatial variation of soil depth and therefore hillslope hydrological processes, distribution of vegetation, and soil biological activity. Field-based confirmation of the hypothesized relationship between soil thickness and soil production is relatively recent, however, and here we quantify a direct, material strength-based influence on variable soil production across landscapes. We report clear empirical linkages between the shear strength of the parent material (its erodibility) and the overlying soil thickness. Specifically, we use a cone penetrometer and a shear vane to determine saprolite resistance to shear. We find that saprolite shear strength increases systematically with overlying soil thickness across three very different field sites where we previously quantified soil production rates. At these sites, soil production rates, determined from in situ produced beryllium-10 (10Be) and aluminum-26 (26Al), decrease with overlying soil thickness and we therefore infer that the efficiency of soil production must decrease with increasing parent material shear strength. We use our field-based data to help explain the linkages between biogenic processes, chemical weathering, hillslope hydrology, and the evolution of the Earth's surface. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国南方传统聚落景观区划及其利用价值   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
聚落文化景观是文化景观研究的最有效的切入点。由于中国南方地区较为多样化的地理环境和文化背景,传统聚落景观的多样化特点比北方地区表现得更为鲜明。不同地方环境与文化背景下的南方传统聚落景观,表现出较为明显的地域分异和景观意象差异,从而划分出识别性较强的8个聚落景观区和40个景观亚区。8个聚落景观区为:Ⅰ.江浙水乡聚落景观区;Ⅱ.皖赣徽商聚落景观区;Ⅲ.闽粤赣边客家聚落景观区;Ⅳ.浙南闽台沿海丘陵聚落景观区;Ⅴ.岭南广府聚落景观区;Ⅵ.湘鄂赣平原山地聚落景观区;Ⅶ.云贵高原及桂西北多民族聚落景观区;Ⅷ.四川盆地及周边巴蜀聚落景观区。南方传统聚落景观区的保护与利用价值主要表现在其独特的遗产价值、科学价值、美学价值及旅游价值。  相似文献   
城市景观对住宅价格的影响——以杭州市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
温海珍  李旭宁  张凌 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1806-1814
优美的城市景观是人们日常生活休闲、娱乐的场所, 给人们带来心理上的愉悦和舒适感, 对城市的品质内涵也有重要影响。由于大多数景观效益是隐性的, 其舒适性价值难以用货币价格直接测量, 国内外学者广泛采用特征价格法进行实证研究。本文以杭州市为例, 从建筑、邻里、区位、景观四个维度选择25个解释变量构建特征价格模型, 定量评估了城市内部各类景观对住宅价格的影响。实证结果表明:住宅价格与到西湖和公园的距离呈负相关关系, 而与公园的面积呈正相关关系:其中, 到西湖和最近公园的距离每增加1%,住宅价格将分别下降0.240%和0.036%;公园的面积每增大1%,附近的住宅价格则提高0.012%;广场、山景、钱塘江等景观也对周边一定范围内房价具有显着的提升作用。  相似文献   
以内蒙古额济纳旗为例,对当地土尔扈特蒙古族自18世纪初定牧于此开始,至20世纪之前形成的水域、植被和沙丘3大类蒙古族民间自然景观类型进行了研究.水域景观格局特征表明,相对于现代生态环境状况,在20世纪之前,额济纳冲积平原水环境较为优越,整个地区水域景观广布,地下水埋藏较浅.在植被景观格局方面,两河地区主要以胡杨-沙枣河岸林和河岸湿地为主;两湖地区主要以芦苇沼泽-芨芨草草甸和湖岸梭梭林为主;整个地区植被景观处于早期演替阶段.绿洲内部荒漠沙丘景观分布格局体现了干旱荒漠地区的景观基质特征.  相似文献   
长春高新技术产业开发区绿地景观生态规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付瑶  汤洁  梁喜波 《地理科学》2008,28(2):200-204
开发区作为中国工业化和城市化快速推进的主要增长极和载体,承受着城市经济和城市建设带来的巨大环境压力。结合长春高新技术产业开发区绿地建设现状,指出绿地数量少且分布不均,城市建设大量挤占绿化用地,绿地布局结构和网络体系不够完善,绿地建设特色不突出是开发区绿地系统存在的问题。在此基础上,确定了到2020年开发区绿地率为45%,人均绿地面积为35.97m2,人均公共绿地面积为29.24 m2等绿地规划总体控制指标;提出了点、线、面相结合的"一环、两带、流绿、线网、多园"的环网式的绿地系统空间模式;从基质、廊道、斑块等景观生态要素规划了不同尺度绿地系统建设思路。  相似文献   
快速城镇化进程带来城市地表覆盖类型及其空间组合关系的剧烈变化,由此造成资源短缺、环境污染、生态恶化等诸多问题。景观格局分析与优化方法对合理利用和优化配置土地资源至关重要,而地理国情普查为此提供基础数据支撑。本文选取景观斑块水平和景观类型水平指数,基于地理国情普查数据,对佛山市三水区地表覆盖景观类型特征和景观格局特征进行量化分析。研究结果表明:三水区水域和林地构成景观基质,山水城市特征明显;城乡人文景观优势度相对较高,城市开发对生态景观破碎化作用显著;三水区土地综合整治工作有待加强。  相似文献   
Dunhuang Yardang National Geo-park,situated in the Gansu Province of northwestern China(40o25'36 "N–40o33'10" N,93o00'00 "E–93o13'30" E),was chosen as a research locality of aesthetics evaluation of yardang landforms landscape.The yardang landforms landscape is a composite structural system of patch-corridor-matrix,with four landscape unit elements as dense group,sparse group,single body and remnant.The study of the landscape aesthetics spatial pattern of Dunhuang Yardang National Geo-park shows that yardang dense group,sparse group and single body provide the greatest contribution to the aesthetic value of yardang landforms landscape.Yardang bodies are scarce,unique,irreplaceable,and priceless resources in yardang landforms areas.However,they are easily destroyed under the influence of the natural and artificial factors.Therefore,when the tourism potential of yardang landforms landscape is exploited,the protection should be fully improved.  相似文献   
高原湿地若尔盖国家级自然保护区景观变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以1990年和2000年及2007年landsat5 TM影像解译出的景观格局图为主要数据源,应用FRAGSTATS软件对景观斑块数、斑块面积百分比、Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均匀度等7个景观格局指数及景观类型转移矩阵定量,分析近20年来若尔盖保护区景观格局动态变化及其驱动因子.结果表明:17年来,若尔盖国家级自然保护区的斑块数、斑块面积百分比、聚合度、Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均匀度都发生了较大变化,景观尺度下退化沼泽为景观基底占优势的景观类型,2007年占全区总面积比例48.05%,该区在人类活动影响下,景观破碎度和异质性先降低后期增加,优势度增加后降低.1990~2000年,湖沼和河流水面积减少,沙地治理,退化沼泽、草甸和灌木面积分别增加了1 978.60 hm2、2 559.09 hm2和824.27 hm2,2000~2007年,湖沼水面积仍在退缩,退化沼泽、草甸类的草场面积持续增加,沙地显著增加1 945.90 hm2.气候变暖叠加人为排水疏干、过度放牧、无序旅游、管理局的保护管理及基础建设等是保护区湿地景观格局变化的主要驱动因素.  相似文献   
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