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论文分别以分省和分区(东、中、西部)1992~2004年的面板数据,利用我们修正过的De Mello模型和更为稳健的模型检验方法,研究了我国利用外商直接投资对经济增长的影响作用。研究结果发现,利用分省数据的模型证明了FDI对我国经济增长的正向积极作用,这一点与其他研究结果相同,但是利用分区数据的研究表明,虽然我国西部仍然是FDI作用最弱的区域,但是东部与中部比较,GDP增长率变动对FDI增长率变动的敏感性不明显,有别于中部,这在一定程度上可以说明东部地区存在FDI过密和外商投资产业的过度竞争问题。  相似文献   
全球化语境对中国外语教学带来了新的挑战和压力,外语教学中存在着"母语文化"教育失衡的现象。分析了"母语文化"教育失衡的原因及重视"母语文化"导入的意义,并在教学大纲制定、教材编写、教学方法、第二课堂、教师自身文化素质等方面,对如何导入"母语文化"教学,实现"母语文化"与"目的语文化"的融合提出了建议。  相似文献   
通过对山东省贸易结构与FDI流入间的关系进行的定性分析和以山东省1993-2004年为样本空间进行的实证检验模型表明,山东省外资流入与对外贸易结构优化间存在长期均衡的互动影响并存在相互作用机理.FDI流入会通过提升产业结构优化进程、改善产业分工地位和加快要素积累速度等促进贸易结构优化,贸易结构优化会引致外资产生利润空间追求效应、边际产业扩张效应和空间偏好效应而带来FDI增长,两者间的作用机理对山东省外资引导政策的制定具有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   
提高外资利用效率是实现中国外资利用模式从数量型向质量型战略转变的关键途径,具有重要的现实和理论意义。基于此理,本文引入DEA模型,选取劳动、资本、资金3 项投入指标和技术溢出、经济和社会产出3 项产出指标构建评价体系,对中国FDI利用效率的时空变化特征进行了实证分析。结果显示:①近10 年全国外资利用效率普遍偏低且变动幅度不大,外资利用技术效率>规模效率>综合效率。②中国外资利用效率空间分异的变化显著,由2000 年“大集中-小分散”与“大分散-小集中”并存空间分布特征转变为2009 年“大集中-小分散”的空间分布格局,且西部外资利用效率长期大于东部和中部地区,在全国规模收益递减和不变地区长期占主导地位;③外资利用技术效率和规模效率共同决定着综合效率,而技术效率的决定作用稍微较强。对于外资利用效率有待优化的地区应重视外资管理和引导外资从冗余地区逐步迁移,对外资流向和流量进行监控。  相似文献   
俄罗斯利用外资的轨迹与中国不同,本文通过对外资增长速度与资本,部门及空间结构变化趋势,分析了俄罗斯利用外资的基本特点。  相似文献   
An examination of the locational characteristics of intended foreign equity joint venture (EJV) investment in China during the period 1979 to 1985 indicates that foreign EJV investment was highly concentrated in the coastal region, in the more developed areas of the provinces, and in large cities. The locational characteristics, however, differed between economic sectors and between countries of origin of investment. Although foreign EJV investment became spatially more dispersed through time, the impacts on the development of inland regions and backward areas in China remained limited.  相似文献   
Izhak Schnell 《GeoJournal》2001,53(3):221-234
The transition to globalization, socio-cultural fragmentation and an era of peace all constrain Zionism to a restructuring in its territorial perspectives. In the nation-building era, Zionism made the territory the focus of Zionist activity, which necessitated seizing territory, controlling it, and creating an affinity and attachment and a bond of identity between the nation and the territory. Pure colonization as a central strategy for realizing these national goals originated mainly from the unique historical circumstances of Zionism and from the adoption of an ethno-national ideology. This also led to the Palestinian-Jewish conflict that concentrated on the control of territory. The national economy regime that influenced Israel in different ways also served the territorial ideology to a great degree. Peace borders will require Israel to cooperate closely with Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon in managing resources, external influences and additional common interests. The peace economy will integrate with the multi-national economy. Furthermore, in the reality of peace, Israel will have to abandon the internal colonization of areas populated by Israeli Arab citizens and give greater legitimation to their more prominent inclusion the Israeli identity. It will also become difficult for any elite group to dictate the national agenda to other marginal groups, such as Israeli Arabs, and Sephardic or Orthodox Jews, each group creates for itself considerable degree of autonomy in its own territory. In the main, the national periphery divides into an Israeli Arab periphery beside the periphery of the traditionally religious Sephardic Jews. The ultra-Orthodox Jews take control of increasingly larger Israeli space and expanding the horizons of their public involvement beyond their traditional ghettos. Each group creates for itself a different symbolic space with differing views concerning the limits of Israeli sovereignty.  相似文献   
中国东北三省对外贸易空间格局研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
刘志高  张薇  刘卫东 《地理科学》2016,36(9):1349-1358
分析了东北三省整体的对外贸易规模及贸易伙伴,在此基础上,分别从省级和地市级尺度比较研究了东北三省内部对外贸易空间格局,以及东北三省在不同贸易空间方向上的商品结构。研究结果表明:东北三省与东南亚、中东等地区贸易规模有所增长,但日韩、德国、美国和俄罗斯等依然是其主要的贸易伙伴;东北三省对外贸易的商品多为原材料、初级加工品和劳动密集型产品等,且商品结构趋同明显,不利于发挥地区的比较优势;大城市和沿海港口城市是东北三省对外贸易重要的空间载体。根据东北三省及各自的对外贸易现状和面临的挑战,提出了差异化的进出口贸易空间格局优化策略。  相似文献   
土壤微形态学从20世纪30年代发展至今,取得了很大的进步,并广泛应用于土壤学各个领域,解决了很多土壤学问题.越来越多的学者应用土壤微形态学方法进行其他学科领域的研究,并取得了很好的结果.与国内比较,国外土壤微形态学各方面的发展都更早、更为成熟.从国外土壤微形态学的发展简况以及土壤微形态学在其他学科领域的应用研究最新进展进行报道,如土壤发生与分类、土壤肥力与土壤环境、考古与第四纪等,以期对国外土壤微形态学的研究成果做一初步的小结和为国内土壤微形态学的发展提供一定的参考借鉴.  相似文献   
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