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中国乡镇企业外向型经济发展的基本态势及省际差异 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
乡镇企业在中国外向型经济的发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,1993年,乡镇企业在出口交货额同全国外贸出口总额之比已达到44.5%,本文以口乡镇企业的增长态势,行业结构的变化以及地域分布特征等为研究主线,结合最近几年“三年一补”这种特殊的外向型企业形式的空间积聚过程,外商在乡村企业投资以及乡镇“三资”企业的省际分布差异和最新变化趋势的研究,利用因子分析和聚类分析等统计方法,综合探讨了中国乡镇企业外 相似文献
A growing area of empirical literature in sociology investigates the social and environmental impacts of foreign direct investment. Building on macrosociological theorization of foreign capital dependence and prior research, I test the hypothesis that less-developed countries with higher levels of foreign capital penetration in the primary sector use a greater amount of pesticides per hectare of arable and permanent cropland. Findings for the ordinary least squares regression (OLS) and robust regression analyses of 40 less-developed countries confirm the hypothesis, and underscore the need for social scientists to assess the effects of foreign capital penetration in different sectors. 相似文献
When Madagascar's former president announced at the 5th World Parks Congress his intention to triple the country's protected areas, he underscored that the new parks would engage local communities. Donors and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have since touted the program's commitment to community involvement. However, research in Madagascar's eastern rainforest revealed how a series of political decisions at multiple scales impeded village consultation. While the high-profile announcement successfully mobilized biodiversity conservation funds, it also drew attention toward meeting the demands of capital city-based politicians, foreign donors, and international NGOs and away from effectively engaging rural communities, thereby reinforcing nonlocal decision-making power. By revealing how conservation projects are embedded in and productive of politics in and among sponsoring organizations, the article responds to calls for greater analysis of the political, economic, and social contexts of conservation projects and specifically the politics among the donors, governents, and NGOs behind international conservation and development. 相似文献
中国外商直接投资的地域结构研究 总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19
改革开放以来,我国引进外资工作取得了较大进展。然而,外资地域分布的不平衡,成为导致区域经济发展水平差距拉大的一个重要原因。如何改善外资地域分布结构,成为各界关注的焦点之一。文中采用定量和定性相结合的方法,研究了中国外资地球分布的现状及特点,分析了外资地域分布的动态变化趋势,并在此基础上提出若干改善外资地域分布结构的举措。 相似文献
Institutions,Location, and Networks of Multinational Enterprises in China: A Case Study of Hangzhou 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Urban geography》2013,34(7):639-661
Based on interviews with local government officials and a survey of 44 foreigninvested enterprises (FIEs), this article examines the significance of local formal institutions for intramunicipal location decisions of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and for network properties of their investments in Hangzhou, China. This study finds that local formal institutions, in terms of municipal district governments and development zone authorities, are a significant force influencing the location decisions of MNEs within Hangzhou. These local entities shape the intramunicipal location decisions of MNEs through three primary vehicles including financial incentives, industrial infrastructures, and attitudes toward foreign investors. The start-up fiscal capability of local formal institutions is therefore central to the foreign investment development efforts. Local formal institutions, however, are a less significant force influencing the network properties of FIEs in Hangzhou. District governments and zone authorities are largely confined to measures for co-locating allied foreign supplier investments to promote FIE local linkages. 相似文献
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):103-104
Abstract “Friends in High Places” is a group activity designed to integrate geography with other social studies disciplines such as government, political science, American history, and world issues. It is necessary to consider geography when shaping foreign policy because the formulation of foreign policy requires of its very nature reaching out from our borders like a worldwide network of nerve fibers. As chief diplomat, the President conducts foreign affairs including 1) the initiation of foreign policy, 2) the recognition of new foreign governments, and 3) the making of treaties. 相似文献
应用型外语人才的定位、定向以及培养模式研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前高校在本科外语教育方面存在的主要问题之一是与社会经济发展脱节。新时期高校本科外语人才培养要满足社会经济发展对应用型人才的需求,必须对培养目标进行重新定位、定向,并对现行的教育模式、教学管理监督机制等进行系统化构建,创建适应社会经济发展需求的应用型人才培养模式。 相似文献
本研究从企业所有制角度探讨了在华外资对于合资企业的溢出效应。基于大样本企业数据的计量结果表明:(1)没有明显的证据表明外资企业效率高于内资企业,但是私人控股企业效率强于外资企业,也强于国有企业;从产业的角度,一些内资企业低于外资企业生产效率的产业通常也是国有资本比重较高的产业;(2)外资比重的上升可能提高国有控股企业生产率,却不利于提高私人控股的合资企业生产率,确证了企业生产效率存在明显的所有制差异,私营资本的生产效率不弱于外资企业和国有企业,与目前私营企业在获取种种资源上的弱势地位形成对比。因此,要提高中国企业的竞争力,需要改变民营企业在发展中的弱势地位,改变地方政府在引资过程中过于迷信外资的状况,积极为民营企业的建立、融资、发展创造有利条件。 相似文献
近年来,我国ICT产业频频出现了核心技术被西方国家“卡脖子”的现象,由此有必要对我国ICT产品对外贸易的时空格局和演变进行研究。选取联合国商品贸易数据库中2000—2018年的ICT产品贸易数据,从ICT总产品和分产品的进出口两个方面分析中国ICT产品国际贸易的空间格局及其演变特征。研究结果表明:①从时间格局看,我国ICT的进出口贸易均为快速发展,但出口贸易发展快于进口;进口结构中以电子元件为主,出口结构中逐渐以通信设备为主。②从空间格局看,中国ICT贸易伙伴逐年增加,进出口贸易主要集中在少数国家或地区,且近20年变化不大,ICT进口来源国(地区)更为集中,我国与20个贸易伙伴交往较为密切;与进口相比,我国ICT出口国(地区)较为分散,主要集中在30个国家或地区。基于研究结果,提出了促进我国ICT贸易以及数字经济贸易发展的对策建议。 相似文献
Further utilization of global agricultural resources and the expansion of potential international cooperation space are necessary measures to promote a new level of China’s national food security and optimize the structure of domestic food consumption. This study measured the global potential cultivated land area and national grain self-sufficiency. Based on the two-above measures, the authors made a classification of China’s foreign agricultural cooperation countries and depicted the spatial pattern of cooperation based on the grain trades of those countries with China. The grain exporters include Australia, North America, South America, Eastern Europe and Central Asia; and the target countries for “going abroad” of Chinese grain enterprises are mainly located in Sub-Saharan Africa and northern Latin America. This study proposes that China’s policy of cooperation on grain should be shifted to non-traditional partners alongside the “Belt and Road Initiative” region. Specifically, China could expand grain imports from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other East European and Central Asian countries, and the direction for China’s agricultural enterprises “going abroad” should shift to Sub-Sahara Africa. 相似文献