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The role of clinopyroxene in producing grandite garnet is evaluatedusing data from an ultrahigh-temperature metamorphosed calc-silicategranulite occurrence in the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. ‘Peak’pressure–temperature conditions of metamorphism were previouslyconstrained from associated high Mg–Al granulites as c.0·9 GPa, >950°C, and the rocks were near-isobaricallycooled to c. 750°C. Grandite garnet of variable compositionwas produced by a number of reactions involving phases suchas clinopyroxene, scapolite, plagioclase, wollastonite and calcite,in closely spaced domains. Compositional heterogeneity is preservedeven on a microscale. This precludes pervasive fluid fluxingduring either the peak or the retrograde stage of metamorphism,and is further corroborated by computation of fluid–rockratios. With the help of detailed textural and mineral compositionalstudies leading to formulation of balanced reactions, and usingan internally consistent thermodynamic dataset and relevantactivity–composition relationships, new petrogenetic gridsare developed involving clinopyroxene in the system CaO–Al2O3–FeO–SiO2–CO2–O2in TaCO2fO2 space to demonstrate the importanceof these factors in the formation of grandite garnet. Two singularcompositions in garnet-producing reactions in this system arededuced, which explain apparently anomalous textural relations.The possible role of an esseneite component in clinopyroxenein the production of grandite garnet is evaluated. It is concludedthat temperature and fO2 are the most crucial variables controllinggarnet composition in calc-silicate granulites. fO2, however,behaves as a dependent variable of CO2 in the fluid phase. Externalfluid fluxing of any composition is not necessary to producechemical heterogeneity of garnet solid solution. KEY WORDS: grandite garnet; role of clinopyroxene; internal buffering; oxidation–decarbonation equilibria  相似文献   
Post-collisional magmatism in the southern Iberian and northwesternAfrican continental margins contains important clues for theunderstanding of a possible causal connection between movementsin the Earth's upper mantle, the uplift of continental lithosphereand the origin of circum-Mediterranean igneous activity. Systematicgeochemical and geochronological studies (major and trace element,Sr–Nd–Pb-isotope analysis and laser 40Ar/39Ar-agedating) on igneous rocks provide constraints for understandingthe post-collisional history of the southern Iberian and northwesternAfrican continental margins. Two groups of magmatic rocks canbe distinguished: (1) an Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene (8·2–4·8Ma), Si–K-rich group including high-K (calc-alkaline)and shoshonitic series rocks; (2) an Upper Miocene to Pleistocene(6·3–0·65 Ma), Si-poor, Na-rich group includingbasanites and alkali basalts to hawaiites and tephrites. Maficsamples from the Si–K-rich group generally show geochemicalaffinities with volcanic rocks from active subduction zones(e.g. Izu–Bonin and Aeolian island arcs), whereas maficsamples from the Si-poor, Na-rich group are geochemically similarto lavas found in intraplate volcanic settings derived fromsub-lithospheric mantle sources (e.g. Canary Islands). The transitionfrom Si-rich (subduction-related) to Si-poor (intraplate-type)magmatism between 6·3 Ma (first alkali basalt) and 4·8Ma (latest shoshonite) can be observed both on a regional scaleand in individual volcanic systems. Si–K-rich and Si-poorigneous rocks from the continental margins of southern Iberiaand northwestern Africa are, respectively, proposed to havebeen derived from metasomatized subcontinental lithosphere andsub-lithospheric mantle that was contaminated with plume material.A three-dimensional geodynamic model for the westernmost Mediterraneanis presented in which subduction of oceanic lithosphere is inferredto have caused continental-edge delamination of subcontinentallithosphere associated with upwelling of plume-contaminatedsub-lithospheric mantle and lithospheric uplift. This processmay operate worldwide in areas where subduction-related andintraplate-type magmatism are spatially and temporally associated. KEY WORDS: post-collisional magmatism; Mediterranean-style back-arc basins; subduction; delamination; uplift of marine gateways  相似文献   
Snow load on mesh systems is complicated by many factors. This paper presents field instrumentation data on snow load variation with temperature, snowfall and snow depth on a mesh system. It was found that snow load pattern on mesh systems changed with temperature even without variation in snow depth. It reached its maximum value when the temperature rose just above freezing to melt the interface. The field data was used to formulate appropriate snow load models for the various conditions of temperature in the field. The snow load models were used to study the performance of a number of mesh systems in North America and estimate the interface friction that was prevalent for the different surface conditions.  相似文献   
三江并流世界自然遗产地丰富独特的旅游地质景观是多种地质作用与不同成景岩组交互叠加作用的结果。其发育的地层基础主要为碳酸盐成景岩组、变质岩成景岩组、碎屑岩成景岩组以及岩浆岩成景岩组等,典型内力成景地质作用为板块缝合作用、断裂成景作用、变质成景作用,外力作用则主要有河流、冰川、丹霞、地热、喀斯特作用等。  相似文献   
基于不同人口需要而进行的人类活动对“三江并流”区的地理环境产生了巨大影响,形成了独具特色的人地作用机制。这一作用机制一方面对“三江并流”世界遗产的保护构成了威胁,但另一方面,通过人口生态生产,实现人口数量、质量、结构和分布的生态化,改进人类活动,也可优化“三江并流”区的地理环境,保护“三江并流”世界遗产,实现该地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   
小城镇土地定级是小城镇土地管理的基础性工作,以福建省天宝镇区土地定级为例,就地理信息系统技术在城镇土地定级中的应用进行了探讨。着重论述了GIS环境下土地定级基础图件库和基础属性数据库的建立、评价单元的生成、单元分值和单元总分值的计算及成果图的生成等属性数据和空间数据的处理过程。  相似文献   
兰州市2001年沙尘气溶胶质量浓度的特征分析   总被引:11,自引:14,他引:11  
 分析了2001年沙尘暴期间兰州与靠近沙尘源区的武威的沙尘浓度和粒径分布特征,并运用对数正态分布规律拟合了沙尘粒径的分布。通过对比武威、皋兰和兰州沙尘暴期间沙尘浓度的变化以及武威与兰州的沙尘粒径分布特征,揭示了河西走廊沙漠对兰州市沙尘暴的影响。  相似文献   
秦末以来秦都咸阳地貌演变   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
桑广书 《地理科学》2005,25(6):709-715
秦都咸阳地貌演变研究是秦咸阳考古和关中地区历史环境演变研究不容忽视的问题。秦末以来,秦都咸阳地貌演变包括渭河河道北移和咸阳原边坡地貌变化两个方面。通过文献考证与实地考察恢复了秦末、唐、明、清各代渭河的河道位置,秦末以来秦都咸阳段渭河河道北移4100m,平均北移速度1.8764m/a,明代以前北移较慢,以后北移速度显著加快,清顺治至现代北移速度达到5.9701m/a。咸阳原南侧边坡上的中小切沟主要是秦以后形成的。原坡上的村庄平台是历史上人为斩齐原坡,挖掘窑洞,引起原边逐步后退的结果,是咸阳原边坡人为地貌演变的体现。  相似文献   
黄土区人类活动影响下的 产汇流模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
日益频繁的人类活动改变了流域下垫面条件,对流域产汇流产生很大的影响。本文以黄河中游典型支流岔巴沟为研究区域,提出利用基于DEM的分布式水文模拟技术,探讨流域人类活动过程中的产汇流模拟,避免了经验公式的概化和由此引起的局限。模拟的结果证实了该方法的可行性。采用网格滞蓄的方法可以在子网格上体现人类活动引起的下垫面的变化及其对产汇流的影响,反映各个时期的产汇流条件,对降雨做出合理响应。  相似文献   
在剖析生态足迹分析法的理论基础上,进一步考虑不同消费水平对生态足迹时空变异的影响,划分农村居民和城镇居民两类不同的消费群体,分别计算各自的生态足迹,其次进一步细化模型中人均水资源足迹,从而构建生态足迹与生态容量平衡模型。根据平衡模型计算出生态盈亏,得出区域生态持续性评价结果。并以1999年北京西部山区门头沟区为例,进行模型计算和生态可持续评价,结果表明1999年门头沟区处于生态赤字状态,说明该区生态系统处于不可持续状态。在对门头沟区的初步研究基础上,指出生态足迹作为山区生态可持续评价指标的优点及当前存在的缺点。  相似文献   
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