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河南大冶铝土矿区晚石炭世早期处于古岛高地之间的滨岸潟湖沉积环境。中奥陶统以后,经历了160Ma风化剥蚀,在碳酸盐岩的侵蚀面上发育了钙红土铁、铝、硅风化壳。晚石炭世本溪期,海侵作用使矿区所在区域变为滨岸潟湖沉积环境,沉积相出现滨湖相、浅滩相、浅湖相、浅海相、滨岸沼泽相等5种;晚石炭世晚期形成海陆交互相的复理石沉积建造,将早期形成的铝土矿完整保存下来。今后铝土矿的找矿工作应重点放在浅滩-浅湖岩相带、含铝岩系相序发育相对完全的地段、含铝岩系厚度大且稳定的区段,并注意含铝岩系的表生富集作用。  相似文献   
论羌塘盆地沉积演化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王剑  付修根 《中国地质》2018,45(2):237-259
羌塘盆地位于可可西里—金沙江缝合带与班公湖—怒江缝合带之间,其沉积演化对于正确认识古、中特提斯洋盆构造演化具有重要意义。本文通过沉积序列、岩相古地理、沉积盆地分析,结合年代地层学等最新研究成果,建立了羌塘中生代盆地(T3—K1)的沉积演化模式,讨论了羌塘盆地演化与古特提斯洋盆关闭、中特提斯洋盆形成的关系。羌塘中生代盆地(T3—K1)是由冲洪积相沉积超覆开始的,总体上为一个向上变深的海侵序列,表现为冲洪积相、河湖相逐渐演化为滨海相及浅海相,可划分出3种典型的沉积超覆类型及5个主要阶段的沉积演化序列。羌塘中生代盆地整体上为一个由前陆盆地演化为裂谷盆地、被动大陆边缘盆地、最终转化为活动大陆边缘盆地并萎缩消亡的叠合盆地。羌塘早—中三叠世前陆盆地的关闭,与古特提斯洋盆的关闭有关,羌塘中生代盆地(T3—K1)的演化受中特提斯洋的快速开启及关闭的制约。  相似文献   
根据第30届国际地质大会上专家发言及提供大会交流的部分论文摘要,从沉积环境,海相沉积,旋回地层和层序地层,古地理和盆地分析四个方面,窥视自第29届国际地质大会以后沉积地质学的进展概况。  相似文献   
冀东地区中元古界长城系高于庄组可划分为7个自然岩性段,硫等赋矿层位为其2~5段,由含锰页岩 含锰白云岩 含锰页岩 含锰白云岩组成二个正旋回。高于庄组沉积早期(即下旋回第2段),在遵化 北汤道河水下高地的阻隔下,形成了蓟县 迁西泻湖,属封闭的还原环境,控制了“蓟县式”锰方硼石矿床。高于庄组沉积晚期(即上旋回第4段和第5段)沉积时期,高板河泻湖形成,由于泻湖南侧受北东东向同生断裂控制,北侧又受生物礁制约,在生物作用及滞流的还原环境下,形成了“高板河式”黄铁(铅锌)矿床。上旋回生物礁相和泻湖相区是寻找黄铁(铅锌)矿的靶区。  相似文献   
During the Middle Triassic a great turn took place in thedevelopment of sedim entary basin of South China.Followingthe final suture of Cathaysia block with Yangtze block (in-cluding the L ower Yangtze region) ,Yangtze block matchedcompletely the North China block (Yin et al.,1999) ,whilethe extensive Indosinian m ovementwreaked havoc in the east-ern Tethys.Then the sediments in the main part of SouthChina transformed gradually from marine to terrestrial.As aresult the most remarkable cha…  相似文献   
运用T.Kohonen自组织人工神经网络,根据滇东24个剖面的渔户村组中谊村段的各种单元素(包括岩段厚度、组成岩段的岩石薄片单因素-白云质、硅质、泥质、磷质、陆屑及盆屑,和岩段的24种光谱元素)的统计资料,建立了该地区震旦系-寒武系分界线的岩相古地理相区识别的计算机智能专家系统,其识别成功率达100%。结果表明,该方法性能良好,可望成为岩相古地理定量研究的一种有效的辅助手段。  相似文献   
The continent of China developed through the coalescence of three major cratons(North China, Tarim and Yangtze) and continental micro-blocks through the processes of oceanic crust disappearance and acceretionary-collision of continental crusts. The strata of the Chinese continental landmass are subdivided into 12 tectonic-strata regions. Based on the composition of geological features among the three main cratons, continental micro-blocks and other major global cratons, their affinities can be p...  相似文献   
辽西地区长城纪常州沟期-团山子期由陆源碎屑岩沉积底垫始,至形成稳定的碳酸盐岩台地止,构成了一个完整的海侵-海退旋回.根据其岩石组合、沉积构造、指相微量元素、古盐度及稀土元素比值等测试成果分析,这一时期沉积相做有规律的变化,早期发育河控三角洲相,中期发育无障壁海岸相、浅海陆棚相,晚期为有障壁海岸相、开阔台地相、局限台地相.  相似文献   
The Siberian–Icelandic hotspot track is the only preserved continental hotspot track. Although the track and its associated age progression between 160 Ma and 60 Ma are not yet well understood, this section of the track is closely linked to the tectonic evolution of Amerasian Basin, the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge and Baffin Bay. Using paleomagnetic data, volcanic structures and marine geophysical data, the paleogeography of Arctic plates (Eurasian plate, North American Plate, Greenland Plate and Alaska Microplate) was reconstructed and the Siberian–Icelandic hotspot track was interlinked between 160 Ma and 60 Ma. Our results suggested that the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge could be a part of the hotspot track that formed between 160 Ma and 120 Ma. During this period, the hotspot controlled the tectonic evolution of Baffin Bay and the distribution of mafic rock in Greenland. Throughout the Mesozoic Era, the aforementioned Arctic plates experienced clockwise rotation and migrated northeast towards the North Pacific. The vertical influence from the ancient Icelandic mantle plume broke this balance, slowing down some plates and resulting in the opening of several ocean basins. This process controlled the tectonic evolution of the Arctic.  相似文献   
The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) analysis reveals the instantaneous variability of the foraminiferal δ18O and δ13C of Site 1143 for the past 5 Ma at the eccentricity, obliquity and precession bands. The cross CWT analysis further demonstrates nonstationary phases of the benthic -δ18O relative to ETP at the three primary Milankovitch bands in the last 5 Ma. The instantaneous phases between benthic -δ18O and δ13C at the precession band display a prominent 128 ka period, probably the cyclicity of the nonstationary climate close to the eccentricity. To explain these nonstationary phases, it is desirable to introduce a nonlinear response model to the global climate system, in which the output has a prominent cycle around 100 ka to match the 128 ka cycle of the instantaneous phase of the δ13C and -δ18O on the precession band.  相似文献   
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